• 제목/요약/키워드: Short Circuit Frequency

검색결과 175건 처리시간 0.023초

박판 GMA 용접에서 단락 주파수를 이용한 이면비드의 제어에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Back Bead control by Using Short Circuit Frequency in GMA Welding of Sheet Metal)

  • 안재현;김재웅
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 1995
  • In GMA welding of sheet metal, the short circuit metal transfer mdoe is preferred because of its low heat input and capability of bridging the root gap. The molten electrode is transferred to the workpiece during repectitive short circuit in the model. The waveform of welding current or voltage and the frequency of short circuiting are affected by a number of factors including: magnitude of welding current and voltage, root gap, electrode extension, power supply characteristics, and so on. In this study experimental models were proposed, which are able to determine the relationship between the root gap and short circuit frequency and the relationship between the root gap and appropriate welding speed that produces the good quality of back bead without burn through. Using the experimental models, the root gap can be obtained from measuring the short circuit frequency, and then the appropriate weldig speed to the root gap can be determined. Thus a back bead control system was constructed by controlling the welding speed for maintaining the quality of back bead. The developed system has shown the successful capability of back bead control.

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$CO_2$ 용접의 단락이행 조건에서 스패터 발생과 파형인자와의 관계 (Relation between Spatter Generation and Waveform factor of $CO_2$ Welding in Short-Circuit Condition)

  • 김희진;강봉용;이강희;유중돈
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 1998
  • Waveforms of $CO_2$ gas shielded arc welding in short circuit transfer mode was studied with the waveform analysis program, which can calculate various waveform factors such as number of short circuit event, mean and standard deviation of short circuit time and arc time. The calculated values of these factors were correlated independently or in combination with the spatter generation rate to figure out the most reliable index for evaluating spatter generation and further for arc stability. As a result this study, it was confirmed that the spatter generation tends to decrease with the increase of short circuit frequency. Further to this, it was also found that as the short circuit frequency increases the short circuit event becomes more uniform resulting in the decrease of standard deviations ($\sigma$values) of short circuit time and arc time. This result demonstrated that these factors are strongly correlated with each other and thus any one of these factors can be used for the evaluation index. In the discussion, however, short circuit frequency was proposed for the most practical index in evaluating the arc stability of short circuit transfer mode since it is the one which could be monitored in-process condition without any complex caculation process.

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단락시간비를 이용한 GMAW의 비드 높이 제어에 관한 연구 (A Study on Bead Height Control of GMAW by Short Circuit Time Ratio)

  • 감병오;조상명;김상봉
    • 한국해양공학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2002
  • This paper shows the experimental results controlling the height of surface and back bead in GMAW by analyzing the unexpected gaps between base metals produced in welding and by controlling welding velocity due to the variation of the gap between base metals in thin-plate welding. The back bead behavior and burn-through in I-type butt joint $CO_2$ welding of thin mild steel are analyzed in the views of short circuit time ratio and short circuit frequency. It is shown through experimental consideration that the short circuit time ratio method is more reasonable than the short circuit frequency method in analyzing the formulation of back bead under changing the gap between base metals. Based on the these results, welding manipulator is designed so as to satisfy the bead height control in real time by measuring the short circuit time ratio. To show the effectiveness of the developed bead formulation control system, the experiment is implemented under two welding conditions such as increasing gap from 0mm to 0.8mm and gradually increasing gap from 0mm to 1.2mm. The experimental results show that the bead formulation can be controlled uniformly in spite of the variation of the gap between base metals.

Prediction of Change in Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Transformer Winding Due to Axial Deformation using Sweep Frequency Response Analysis

  • Sathya, M. Arul;Usa, S.
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.983-989
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    • 2015
  • Power transformer is one of the major and key apparatus in electric power system. Monitoring and diagnosis of transformer fault is necessary for improving the life period of transformer. The failures caused by short circuits are one of the causes of transformer outages. The short circuit currents induce excessive forces in the transformer windings which result in winding deformation affecting the mechanical and electrical characteristics of the winding. In the present work, a transformer producing only the radial flux under short circuit is considered. The corresponding axial displacement profile of the windings is computed using Finite Element Method based transient structural analysis and thus obtained displacements are compared with the experimental result. The change in inter disc capacitance and mutual inductance of the deformed windings due to different short circuit currents are computed using Finite Element Method based field analyses and the corresponding Sweep Frequency Responses are computed using the modified electrical equivalent circuit. From the change in the first resonant frequency, the winding movement can be quantified which will be useful for estimating the mechanical withstand capability of the winding for different short circuit currents in the design stage itself.

MAG용접의 Arc안정성에 미치는 Si의 영향 (Effect of Si on Arc Stability of MAG Welding)

  • 안영호;이종봉;엄동석
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.52-58
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    • 1998
  • The effect of Si content in welding wires on th arc stability was investigate, in the region of short circuit transfer and spray transfer. In the region of short circuit transfer, with increasing Si content, average arcing time and average short circuit time were increased. Therefore, droplet transfer frequency was decreased, due to the increase of arcing time and peak current at the moment of arc-reiginition was increased, due to the increase of short circuit time. In the region of spray transfer, the fluctuations of arc current and arc voltage was the most stable in wire with Si content of about 00.60 wt.%.

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MAG용접의 Arc안정성에 미치는 S의 영향 (Effect of S on Arc Stability of MAG Welding)

  • 안영호;이종봉;엄동석
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 1999
  • The effect of S content in welding wires on the arc stability was investigated, in the region of short circuit transfer and spray transfer. In the region of short circuit transfer, with increasing S content, average arcing time and average short circuit time were decreased. Therefore, droplet transfer frequency was increased, due to the reduction of arcing time and peak current at the moment of arc-reiginition was decreased, due to the decrease of short circuit time. In the region of spray transfer, the fluctuation degree of arc current and arc voltage became more stable, with increasing S content.

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  • Parnklang, Jirawath;Manasaprom, Ampaul;Laowanichpong, Nut
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 2003년도 ICCAS
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    • pp.970-973
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    • 2003
  • Abstract An idea to redce the direct-path short circuit current of the CMOS digital integrated circuit is present. The sample circuit model of the CMOS digital circuit is the CMOS current-control digital output driver circuit, which are also suitable for the low voltage supply integrated circuits as the simple digital inverter, are present in this title. The circuit consists of active MOS load as the current control source, which construct from the saturated n-channel and p-channel MOSFET and the general CMOS inverter circuits. The saturated MOSFET bias can control the output current and the frequency response of the circuit. The experimental results show that lower short circuit current control can make the lower frequency response of the circuit.

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Weld Quality Assessment Method for Short-Circuit Mode in GMAW

  • Kim, J.M.;Yoo, C.D.
    • International Journal of Korean Welding Society
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2001
  • A weld quality assessment method is proposed in this work, which can be applied to the short-circuit mode in GMAW. Information about the welding signal trajectory, distribution of the signal duration at each sub-regions and short-circuit frequency is used to evaluate the weld quality. The weighted penalty, which is determined experimentally, is imposed for each abnormal signal. Performance of the proposed method is compared with the Simpson's method under the conditions of shielding gas reduction, workpiece surface contamination and joint gap in the butt and fillet welds. Although the proposed method predicts the weld quality with reasonable accuracy, further modification and extension to other metal transfer modes are needed as a further study.

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$CO_2$박판 고속용접에서 용접현상 분석과 전류상승기울기의 영향 (Analysis of Welding Phenomena and Effect of Short Circuit Current Rise Slope in the High Speed $CO_2$ Welding of Steel Sheets)

  • 김영삼;유회수;김희진
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제23권5호
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    • pp.14-19
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    • 2005
  • In high speed $CO_2$ welding, it has been blown to produce no sound bead with undercut or humping bead. In this study welding phenomena through synchronized high speed camera and output welding voltage and current waveform has been analyzed. For the purpose to improve a welding bead, effect of short circuit current rise slope has been examined. With commercial power source it was produced no sound bead by instantaneous short circuit, long arc period and stubbing at welding speed 2.5mm/min Humping bead or undercut were showed by instantaneous short circuit and long arc period. Also, the weld bead was not formed during the long short circuit period after stubbing start and long arc extinguishment period after wire sticking by failure of arc regeneration, because the droplet was not transferred to weld pool. With increasing short circuit current rise slope the frequency of stubbing was decreased and the normal short circuit rate was increased. A control of short circuit current rise slope was effective factor in high speed welding.

고휘도 Short-Arc 램프용 전자식 안정기 설계 및 제작 (The Design and Fabrication of an Electronic Ballast for High Intensity Short-Arc Lamps)

  • 김일권;박대원;이성근;길경석
    • 한국마린엔지니어링학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2005년도 전기학술대회논문집
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    • pp.304-309
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents an electronic ballast using a step down converter, a low frequency inverter for high intensity short-arc discharge lamp. The proposed ballast is composed of a full-wave rectifier, a step down converter operated as a current source with power regulation and a low frequency inverter with external ignition circuit. The ignition circuit generates high voltage pulse of $3{\sim}5[kV]$ peak, 130[Hz] periodically. Moreover, it is able to reignite at regular intervals by protective circuit. As experimental results on the test, acoustic resonance phenomenon is eliminated by operating the low frequency square wave voltage and current. Lamp voltage, current and consumption power are measured 123.8[V], 8.1[A] and 1,002[W], respectively. It was confirmed that the designed ballast operate the lamp with a constant power.

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