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VLSI Implementation of Adaptive Shading Correction System Supporting Multi-Resolution for Mobile Camera

  • Ha, Joo-Young;Lee, Sung-Mok;Jang, Won-Woo;Yang, Hoon-Gee;Kang, Bong-Soon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.12C
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    • pp.1201-1207
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we say the adaptive shading correction system supporting multi-resolution for mobile camera. The shading effect is caused by non-uniform illumination, non-uniform camera sensitivity, or even dirt and dust on glass (lens) surfaces. In general this shading effect is undesirable [1-3]. Eliminating it is frequently necessary for subsequent processing and especially when quantitative microscopy is the fine goal. The proposed system is available on thirty nine kinds of image resolutions scanned by interlaced and progressive type. Moreover, the system is using forty kinds of continuous quadratic equations instead of using the piece-wise linear curve which is composed of multiple line segments. Finally, the system could correct the shading effect without discontinuity in any image resolution. The proposed system is implemented in VLSI with cell library based on Hynix 0.25μm CMOS technology.

Analysis of Passive Cooling Effect of Membrane Shading Structure and the Tree by Field Observations in the Summer (하절기 복사환경 관측을 통한 수목과 일사차폐 막 구조물의 자연냉각효과)

  • Choi, Dong-Ho;Lee, Bu-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2007
  • This study is about the passive cooling effects of three outdoor solar shading facilities as trees, pergola with wistaria vine and membrane shading structure, which are expected to provide cool spots in the summer. Field observations of measuring thermal environment of selected facilities is executed. Thermal environment measuring was categorized as short wave radiation, long wave radiation, net radiation, globe temperature, surface temperature measured by infrared camera. Heat transfer mechanism is analyzed with overall data from field measurement. Results from this study are as below; 1) Radiation balance measured on shaded surface under membrane shading structure was 17%(86W/m2) of the unshaded surface radiation balance(511W/m2). 2) Surface temperature comparison between vegetation and membrane of the shading structure is performed at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Surface temperature of vegetation was same as air temperature and that of membrane was 5C higher than air temperature. Vegetation transpiration is considered as the causing factor which make those differences. 3) Results from this study could be used as fundamental data for reducing heat island phenomena and continuos research on this subject would be needed.

Changes of Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Photosynthesis under Different Shade Materials in Korean Ginseng(Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) (해가림자재에 따른 인삼의 엽록소 형광 반응 및 광합성 변화)

  • Won, Jun-Yeon;Lee, Chung-Yeol;Oh, Dong-Joo;Kim, Sung-Man
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.416-420
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to investigate the influence of shading material on the chlorophyll fluorescence, photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal conductance and its any correlations in Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer. Fo was higher in polyethylene shade net than in silver-coated shading plate, but this treatment caused a lower Fm in comparison with silver-coated shading plate. Also, Fv/Fm and PhiPS2 showed higher in silver-coated shading plate than in polyethylene shade net. The relationship between net photosynthetic rate and transpiration, stomatal conductance were increased as the PAR (Photosynthetic active radiation) was increased and reached maximum at the 200400μmol/m2/s of PAR in all of leaves, and the higher in silver-coated shading plate than in polyethylene shade net. A linear equation was obtained between net photosynthetic rate and transpiration, net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance. SPAD was higher in silver-coated shading plate than in polyethylene shade net.

Effect of Fertilizer and Shading on Emergence of Echinochloa glabrescens, Monochoria vaginalis and Cyperus difformis (Echinochloa glabrescens, Monochoria vaginalis 및 Cyperus difformis 발아(發芽)에 미치는 비료시용(肥料施用)과 차광(遮光)의 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Jong-Seog
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.33-36
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    • 1988
  • The emergences of Echinochloa glabrescens, Monochoria vaginalis, and Cyperus difformis seeds were little affected by fertilizer application. All shading treaments resulted in decrease in emergence of E. glabrescens, while shading up to 67% slightly stimulated emergence of M. vaginalis and C. difformis. The peak emergence of E. glabrescens was at two week after sowing in the full sunlight, 31, and 52% shading, but no peak emergence at the 67% shading. Emergence peaks of C. difformis were observed during 6 to 8 weeks after sowing for all shading levels employed.

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Implementation of a Switched PV Technique for Rooftop 2 kW Solar PV to Enhance Power during Unavoidable Partial Shading Conditions

  • Kumar, B. Praveen;Winston, D. Prince;Christabel, S. Cynthia;Venkatanarayanan, S.
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.1600-1610
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    • 2017
  • We propose maximum power extraction from a rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) array during partial shading conditions. Partial shading is unavoidable during power extraction from rooftop PV systems due to nearby tall buildings (construction of additional floors) and trees (growth of trees). Many reconfiguration techniques can be used to extract maximum power in partial shading conditions, but in several cases, the real maximum power output is not achieved. In this study, a new switched PV technique is proposed to enhance the power output. The proposed technique is simple to use and more cost effective than other reconfiguration techniques. Therefore, it is suitable for rooftop applications. The power output of the proposed technique is compared with that of existing techniques with similar shading patterns. Eight panels with ratings of 250 watts (2 kW) each are used for testing. MATLAB simulation and hardware verification are done for the proposed and existing techniques. The proposed technique is implemented on a 4×2 PV array, although it can be extended to a number of arrays.

Effects on Dry Matter Production and Growth of Zoysia japonica under the Light Environment I . Effect of Shade on Growth in Zoysia japonica (광환경이 잔디(Zoysia japonica)의 물질생산과 생장에 미치는 영향 I.차광율이 Zoysia japonica 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • 도봉현
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.95-114
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    • 1991
  • This paper was designed to estimate the interaction of the first productivity, light conditions and to analyze the ecophysiological productivity, growth characteristics grown under various shading conditions in Zoysia japonica . The results summarized this experiment were as follows; 1.After transplanting the grass, increasing rate of leaf number and total leaf length was remarkahly high at the early growth stage in the control and the 30% shading plot. 2.The increasing rate of leaf area ratio (LA R) in all the experimental plot was remarkable high at the early growth stage after transplanting the grass. Especially, the control and 30% shading plot in compared with another plots, were remarkably high at rate of leaf area. 3.The length and the node number of rhizome in the control and 30% shading plot were also high and the difference was significantly large by the growth stage. 4.Chlorophyll content was very high at 36days after transplanting and then decreased. Increasing rate of shade resulted in its low content. The rate of chlorophyll a to b was decreased by in-creasing rate of shade. 5.The content of soluble sugar in the control and 30% shading plot was low at the early growth after transplanting and high at the late growth stage. Its content in the plot of 70% shading was remarkably low throughout the growth stage. 6.The increasing rate of standing plant in all the experimental plots was high at the early growth stage after transplanting. Increasing rate of shade was typically low through all the growth stage.

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Wind Pressure Analysis of Movable Shading Using CFD (CFD 해석을 이용한 가변 차양 장치의 풍압력 분석)

  • Kim, Gee-Chul;Lee, Joon-Ho;Baik, Yong-Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2019
  • Most of the variable shading devices are installed outdoors, so they are greatly affected by structural safety due to external climate change, wind, rain, and snow. Especially, due to strong wind such as typhoons, safety problems may occur due to the dropout of the device. Therefore, it is necessary to secure the structural safety against the wind. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the structural behavior of the windshield to evaluate the structural safety of the variable sunshade device. In this study, we analyze the wind pressure applied to the shading material according to the change of the length of the variable shading device, and apply it to the calculation of the wind load for the structural design of the variable shading device. The CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) analysis of the structure of the sample was used to analyze wind pressure magnitude and distribution. In order to estimate the wind pressure, the maximum wind loads of the static and negative pressures acting on the structure were analyzed from numerical simulation results.

Analysis on the Reduction of Cooling Load and Improvement of Visual Environment by applying a Kinetic Shading Device in Summer (가변형 차양장치 적용에 따른 하절기 냉방부하 저감 및 빛환경 개선효과 분석)

  • Cha, Gi-Wook;Moon, Hyeun Jun;Kim, Ho-Jeong;Hong, Won-Hwa;Baik, Yong-Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Living Environment System
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.810-823
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    • 2017
  • The envelope is important for sustainable building. Recent commercial buildings are causing thermal degradation and cooling load due to the increase of the area of the windows. Therefore, this research studied kinetic shading system which can improve energy saving and visual environment in summer. For that, this study proposed new shading system and shape considering the orientation of the building and the location of the sun. Based on this, this study analyzed the effectiveness on energy reduction and improvement of visual environment by applying the kinetic shading system proposed in this study. As the results of this study, energy reduction rate was 35% in the east, 22.9% in the south, and 30.7% in the west depending on the application location. Also, as the result of the illuminance analysis, it was found that the effect of achieving uniformity ratio of illumination was considerable.

Growth Responses of Red and Blue Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) under Different Levels of Shading for Indoor Cultivation (실내재배를 위한 적상추와 청상추의 차광에 따른 생육 반응)

  • Ju, Jin-Hee;Kim, Tae-Yeon;Yoon, Yong-Han
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.405-411
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    • 2022
  • Production of lettuce under indoor cultivation is highly affected by light intensity. In this study, we used shade cloth (commercial black net) to examine the effect of these condition on growth without an associated yield penalty of container-grown lettuce. Four levels of shading treatments (0%, 35%, 55%, and 75% referred to as Cont., S35, S55, and S75 with respect to Cont.) and two lettuce varieties (red and blue) were evaluated. Variety-specific growth responses were observed with respect to different levels of shading treatments. High growth of red lettuce was occurred in Cont. treatment despite plant height and leaf length being higher than Cont. However, under 35% shading treatment blue lettuce was higher than in control plants. The highest root length was observed 0% shading (Cont.) of both varieties. These results reinforce the idea that blue lettuce is the better leafy vegetable rather than red lettuce for indoor cultivation related to lower light intensity environment conditions.

Influence of Shading and Irrigation on the Growth and Development of Leaves Tissue in Hot Pepper (고추 고온기 재배 시 차광과 관수가 생육 및 엽육조직 발달에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang Gyu;Choi, Chang Sun;Lee, Jun Gu;Jang, Yoon Ah;Lee, Hee Ju;Chae, Won Byoung;Do, Kyung Ran
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.448-453
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    • 2014
  • Influences of shading and irrigation in summer hot pepper cultivation on the plant growth and mesophyll tissue were investigated. Hot pepper plants were exposed to three shade levels (0, 30±5 and 80±5) and irrigated or non-irrigated in greenhouse condition. Plant height and leaf area were highest in 30% shading and stem diameter and fresh and dry weights were highest in no shading. Plant growth was better in rain shelters with irrigation than in those without irrigation. The numbers of hot pepper fruits in the beginning of harvest were 49 in rain shelters without irrigation and shading, 22 in those with irrigation and without shading, 5 in those without irrigation with 30% shading, and 1 in those with irrigation and 30% shading. However, 80% shading showed lowest flower number and flower abscission, resulting in no fruit set, regardless of irritation. This is because carbohydrate translocation from leaves to reproductive organs may be not enough for developing fruits due to the lack of sunlight. The yield of hot pepper tended to be higher in rain shelter with irrigation than in those without irrigation. In optical microscopy observation, the thickness and development of mesophyll tissues decreased as increasing the degree of shading but no effect of irrigation on mesophyll tissues was observed. When stomata were observed with scanning electron microscope (SEM), the shape of stomata was normal but tissues surrounding stomata were slightly wrinkled in plants grown under 30% shading. The large number of abnormal stomata and wrinkled leaves was observed among plants grown in rain shelters with 80% shading. In plants grown in rain shelters without irrigation, tissues surrounding stomata were wrinkled and 10-20% decrease in the number of stomata was observed. Therefore, in hot pepper cultivation in summer with high temperature, shading was not effective for fruit yield and mesophyll tissue development; if shading is unavoidable, high degree of shading is not advisable. Further studies are needed for appropriate cultivar selection and environment-control techniques in hot pepper cultivation in summer with high temperature.