• 제목/요약/키워드: Sexual education program, Middle school students, Sexual knowledge, Sexual attitude

검색결과 11건 처리시간 0.025초

성교육을 통한 청소년들의 성지식 및 성태도 효과 연구 (The Effects of Sexual Knowledge & Sexual Attitude through Adolescents' Sex Education)

  • 최혜영;송정아
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제44권1호
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2006
  • The purposes of this research were to evaluate the effects of the sex education program on sexual knowledge and sexual attitude, and to provide fundamental information on sex education for middle school students. The research design was comparison and experimental groups including pre-test and post-test. The study subjects were 160 male middle school students in Pusan: 80 students of the experimental group and 80 students of the comparison group. The experimental group showed the significant differences from the comparison group in terms of sexual knowledge and sexual attitude. Through formative evaluation, students recognized human sexuality, especially in the areas of physical change, psychological change, dating, sexual drives and sexual violence. This sexual education program was designed with literature review and participated students' requests.

성교육프로그램이 여중생의 성 지식과 성 태도에 미치는 효과 (Effect of the Sexual Knowledge and Sexual Attitude of the Middle School Women Students through Sexua l Education Program)

  • 정금희;김신정;양순옥
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.420-431
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: This study aims at not only suggesting some ideas useful in planning and doing the sexual education in the middle schools in the near future putting into test the sexual education program which has been developed by researchers in accordance with the national education courses but also improve sexual health of the adolecents through taking right sexual knowledge and sound sexual attitude. Method: Non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. The number of experimental group students was 37 and the number of controll group students was 37. A total of 74 first grade 'H'middle school girls at H district in KangWon-Do were selected for a convenience sampling method and have been taught the sexual education program during 6weeks, 12times. Result: The findings of the study are as follows: After the sexual education program, the sexual knowledge of experimental group show to be significantly different from that they had before(t=-5.861, p=.000). So, this finding indicating that the adolescent sexual education program helps the ado have and expand the correct sexual knowledge accordingly. In order to look into any change of the sexaul attitudes of experimental group after the sexual education program, there were not significant difference(t=-1.083, p=.286). But some items were significant. It is discovered that the adolescence come to have more affirmative and sound sexual attitude after sexual education program. Conclusion: As the findings of the study indicate, it may be concluded as follows: Since the sexual education program can affirmative influence on the sexual knowledge and sexual attitudes of the adolescence, it is recommendable to perform the sexual education program suitable for every stage of growth and development should be developed, qualified teachers and the educational materials should be reinforced and added enough and institutional device should be made to execute the sexual education program systematically.

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중학교 남학생의 스마트폰 사용이 성행동에 미치는 영향 (The influence of smartphone use on the sexual behaviors in middle school male students)

  • 정경숙;김연하;이수진
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: This study is to investigate the sexual behaviors among smartphone users of middle school male students. Methods: Data was collected on all students in one middle school of seoul city using a structured questionnaire that is consisted of the detailed fifty-one questions for the five variables, the general characteristics, the features of smartphone obscenity use, sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes and sexual behaviors from Sep. 24 to Oct. 25 in 2015. The responded 480 questionnaires were analyzed by using the SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Science) WIN 21.0 Program. Results: The results from this study showed that the variables which affected sexual behaviors were school record(high), watching frequency(2-8 times/month, more than 9 times/month), watching reason(solving sexual desire), sexual attitudes, of which sexual attitude was a most influential variable. Therefore, to establish healthy sexual behaviors, it is required to raise correct sexual attitudes. and means that school sex education should make a way of establishing correct sexual attitudes. Conclusions: Professional and systematical sexual education is needed to increase responsible sexual attitude on sexual behaviors.

성교육 프로그램개발을 위한 남자중학생의 성 지식, 태도, 경험에 관한 조사연구 (A study on Knowledge, Attitude and Experience of Middle School Boys Toward Sexual Behavior)

  • 문영희;임미영
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.223-231
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the knowledge, attitude and experience of middle school boys toward Sexual Behavior. Data were collected by questionnaires from 246 middle school students in Korea, from June 4 to 30, 2000. The reliabilities of instruments were adequate(Cronbach's alpha= .56-.70). Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, and ANOVA test using SAS V8 program. The results are as follows; 1. The mean score of knowledge of sexual behavior was $12.89{\pm}2.48$ and showed significant differences by the grade(f=5.0l. p=.0074). 2. The mean score of attitude of sexual behavior was $3.69{\pm}0.37$ and showed significant differences by the grade(f=3.06, p=.0386). 3. The correlation between knowledge and attitude is significant(r=.2290, p=0003). 4. The subjects experienced sexual behaviors such as. pornography(80%), night pollution (37.9%), masturbation(32.2%), Kiss(19.1%), Pet(8.7%), Coitus(3.2%). 5. The subjects being received sexual education were 94.7%, these former sexual educations is unsatisfied(40.7%). 6. The subjects who need sexual educations was 55.1%. The needs of sexual educations was high in the connection on with the other sex(51.9%), coitus(12.3%), sexual impulse (7.5%), sex organs(7.1%), sexual physiology (5.2%), masturbation(4.7%). In conclusion, subjects necessary to give sexual educations are suitable to the subjects's needs, grades and teaching methods such as multimedia program.

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중학생의 성에 대한 지식, 태도, 행위에 관한 조사연구 (A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior to Sexuality in Middle School Students)

  • 차은석
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.357-375
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to find out methods to control, regulate and prevent sexual violence and provide guidelines for sex education in middle school. This study was conducted to examine factors in relation to sexuality, attitudes toward women, experience of sexual contact, frequencies and kinds of pornography with which they had contact, and sex education. For the data collection, a survey was conducted from September 25 to October 1, 1997 by using prepared questionnaires. Questionnaires were given to 503 students from three different kinds of middle schools in Seoul, Boys, Girls, and Coeducation schools. The data analyses used a PC-SAS. Each item was examined by frequencies and percentage. To compare Boys with Girls, I applied a T-test. In addition, with the kinds of school type, I applied anANOVA, ${\chi}^2$. Moreover, For investigating and analyzing each category, I categorized knowledge and attitude of sexuality, with precautionary measures of sexual violence. After that I applied T-test, ANOVA, and a Pearson's correlation for each category. The instruments of this study consisted of 9 domains. (1) General characteristics of the respondents (2) 9 questions about the interaction between he/she and his/her parent. (3) 12 questions, concerning A Scale for Attitudes of Adolescents Toward women(AWSA). (4) 26 questions related to sexual knowledge. (5) 25 questions about sexual attitude (6) strategies for prevention of sexual violence-33 questions (7) 5 questions related to sexual behavior (8) the experience of contact with pronography. (9) the experience of sex-education. The major results were summarized as follows; 1. Like many researches, This study shows that the girls are more eqalitarian than boys. The girls mean ($40.90{\pm}3.67$) is significantly higher than boys ($34.72{\pm}3.77$). Most Koreans have believed that there are many differences between men's roles and women's ones, because of confucianism which had been implied in most thought and ideas since the Lee dynasty. Therefore, the result is not surprising at all. 2. Most students answered correctly the questions of sexual knowledge. The girl's score was higher ($Mean{\pm}SD$ : $48.88{\pm}2.39$) than the boys' ($Mean{\pm}SD$ : $46.95{\pm}3.90$)(p 0.001). Nevertheless, the hypothesis that sexual knowledge influences sexual attitude and its behavior was rejected. 3. When twenty-five questions were asked about sexual attitude, the girl students investigated were found to have a more propre sexual attitude than that of the boys. A significant difference was found between boys and girls(p=0.001). The result shows that a person who has more experience in viewing pornography and who smokes will have a more distorted view of sexuality. 4. There are many students who have experienced of sexual contact. They need to take a sex education program about contraception and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Systematic and concrete sex education is one way to lead them to proper sexual behavior. 5. Most respondents rejected stereotyped attitudes towards women. Boys, however, were more likely to accept stereotypes of Women. The girl's mean($Mean{\pm}SD$ : $40.90{\pm}3.67$) is higher than the boys($Mean{\pm}SD$ : $34.72{\pm}3.77$)(p=0.0001). 6. Many boys ignored the rules for prevention of sexual violence. A boy or a girl who has more experience of sexual contact over kiss and sex-typed neglected the rules, too(p=0.001). Today, there is increasing juvenile delinquency related to sexuality. This study provided the basic material for a preventive education system. I believe that a systematic and concrete sex education system can be helpful for adolescents and promote their responsibility as well as cultivate morality about sexuality. As a result, juvenile delinquency can be decreased. This study is basically aimed to provide information for a prevenative education system of sexual violence. Further research is recommended to evaluate programs in schools.

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청소년의 성교육을 위한 기초연구 (Basic Research on Sexuality Education for Adolescents)

  • 문인자;조옥희;김효심
    • 한국가정과교육학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.145-159
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to survey middle school students’s awareness of sexuality and relationships with the opposite sex. The students need to have at their disposal basic resources on sexuality education and an established and systematic curriculum. To achieve this result, questionaires were distributed to 640 students who were chosen randomly in three middle schools in Seung-ju Goon and Goo-rye Goon in Chonnam area, 573 questionaries were used for the final analysis. The results were as follows: In the area of awareness of sexuality, male students regarded sex more positively than female students. It also showed that 19.9% or male students and 17.6% of female students were not aware of their virginity. Male students said they felt sexual impulses most when they saw naked women, and secondly, by sex magazines. This indicates students are motivated mostly by outside influences. There is a considerable gap in the degree of sexual knowledge between male and female according to their school year and father’s family education level. However, little difference is seen according to student’s family circumstance, father’s education level. However, little difference is seen according to student’s family circumstance, father’s job, and student’s religion and vise versa. School restrictions were so severs that 48.2% of boys and 47.1% of girls said that schools paid little attention to their needs. The school restricted rather than permitted relationships with opposite sex. Most of the students revealed a dissatisfaction with the school sexuality education program. Because of confucianism, Korean society has a negative attitude towards sexual activity including sexual education in the schools. 56.8% of male students and 81.4% of females students wanted female teachers to be their sexuality education teachers or advisors rather than male teachers, and 44.8% of male students and 51.2% of females students wanted to receive sexuality education in their Home Economics classes. Materials for sexuality education were considered most effective through videos and audio-visuals. As a result, this survey showed that there appeared to be a great need for a sound, effective, and sensitive sexuality education curriculum in the middle schools for teenagers. It should be conducted in such a way that the teenagers will learn about their sexual needs, their gender differences, and understand and know how to conduct themselves in today’s society sexually.

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청소년의 성교육을 위한 가정통신문 성교육 방법과 성교육 프로그램 적용 방법의 효과 비교 (The Study of the Effectiveness of Sex Educational Programs in the Middle School Students)

  • 임지현;이향련
    • 동서간호학연구지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.118-129
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine how effective the existing sex education programs and letter to parents from school were for their know ledge and attitudes towards sex of the middle school students. Methods: Subjects were selected from first grade students in a middle school from May 30 through July 19, 2005. The subjects were divided into three groups of 70 students each, two experiment groups and one control group. The study was conducted by nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design. The information letter from school to parents was made into four editions on double-sided A4 size paper and was handed out to students during weekly meeting. Both the students and their parents were required to read it and the parents were told to sign the papers. The sex education program applied in this study was recomposed based on the programs which were previously made by Sun Hee Park(2004) and Eun Ja Jung(2000). Content provided in the sex education program is identical to the one's in the information letter to parents. Experimental group 1 was required to read the four information letters to parents for two weeks, together with their parents. Group 2 experienced the sex education program four times in two weeks of time. The above two experimental groups and the control group were assessed on their knowledge and attitude towards sex twice, before and after the experiment. Results: There were significant differences in sexual knowledge about sex between the three subject groups and such data supports the first hypothesis. There was significant difference in attitude towards sex between the three subject groups and such data support the second hypothesis. Conclusion: According to the experiment results, both the information letter to parents and programs about sex education were effective for the middle school students. Yet, teaching students with the program format was more successful than handout formats. However, using information letters to parents to educate students does not waste any school hours, so if school nurses can provide the students more papers, the educational effect will be greater.

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중학생을 위한 성교육 및 성폭력 예방 프로그램 효과성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Efficiency of Sex Education & Prevention of Sexual Violence Program for Middle School Students)

  • 윤인경;박정윤;이수정
    • 한국가정과교육학회지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.127-144
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구는 중학생의 성교육을 효과적으로 수행하기 위해서 성교육 및 성폭력 프로그램을 개발하고 그 효과성을 검증하고자 하는 것이었다. 총 10회기의 성교육 프로그램을 개발하였고 연구대상은 중학교 2학년으로 선정하였으며, 사전사후 분석을 통해서 효과성을 검증하였다. 그 결과는 첫째, 성교육 영역은 인간과 성심리, 신체발달과 성건강, 사회적 환경과 양성평등, 결혼과 건강한 가족 4가지였으며, 10회기로 내용을 편성하였다. 구체적인 내용은 우정과 사랑, 부모됨, 성욕조절, 성병, 피임, 성 지식, 양성평등, 가정폭력, 의사소통 등을 포함하고 있다. 둘째, 프로그램 실시 결과 각 해당 영역에서 성지식 습득정도가 교육실시 전보다 정확해졌으며 새로운 습득한 성지식이 많았다. 성태도의 변화는 교육 전에 비해 양성평등적 태도로 달라졌으며, 성에 대한 책임의식이나 적극적인 태도로 변화가 나타나서 성교육의 효과를 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 성교육운영에 대해서 응답자들은 도움이 되었으며 비교적 만족한다고 응답하였으며, 현재 학교에서 이루어지는 성교육운영 전반의 개선이 필요하다고 인식하고 있었다.

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교사의 성 지식.태도.실태 연구 -50세 이상 교사를 중심으로- (Knowledge, Attitude & Practice for Sexuality of Teachers -Based on over 50 year old teachers-)

  • 이은정;박영수;최인숙
    • 한국학교ㆍ지역보건교육학회지
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    • 제5권
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    • pp.107-122
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    • 2004
  • To correctly plant the value of sex to the juvenile, we cannot overemphasize the importance of the sexual education in schools. Therefore, the study for teachers' consciousness and view of sex is also necessary, because they are subjects of education and role-models of sex of their students. Especially, if teachers are over fifty in age, it is more important, because it is obvious, as they are in positions of managers and directors of education, that their view of sexual value and consciousness are influencing the aim of education and the course of education. Hereby this study was conducted to check their sexual consciousness, attitude, and condition and to prepare for the basic data needed for the development of a sexual education program suitable to them. The methods of the survey of this study are applied by modifying or supplementing those of precedented studies. They are used after analyzing reliance of items according to Cronbach's $\alpha$ figure calculating law, and modifying or supplementing items lower in reliance. The questionnaire survey was conducted among 1,000 randomly selected from teachers working in middle and high schools in Korea from June 14th in 2004 to June 30th. The survey analyzed 632 questionnaires suitable to it. The outcomes of the survey of this study are like the following: First, the objects of the survey consist of 64.6% men and 35.4% women. Among them, 41.1% are under fifty and the rest are over fifty. As for the periods of marriage, 15.5% are unmarried, 16.3% are under ten years, 18.0% are between ten and twenty, and 50.2% are over twenty. Second, with reagard to sex, 25.6% admit the necessity of a heterosexual friend. 32.0% say that they are conservative to sex. 54.1% are taught sexual education. 67.1% attribute sexual education to nursing teachers. Third, among those who answer that they enoughly know the concept of sex, seenig by age, 25.0% are under fifty and 58.1% are over fifty. Seening by the periods of marriage, 9.2% are unmarried, 28.2% are under ten, 49.1% are between ten and twenty, and 59.0% are over twenty. Among those who answer that they enoughly know the concepts of sexual harassment and sexual violence, seenig by age, in the turns by above-mentioned order, each 47.7% and 76.3%. Seening by the periods of marriage, each 9.2%, 28.2%, 49.1%, and 59.0%. Fourth, among those who answer that "teachers also need sexual education and sexual counsel," by age, each92.7% and 91.4%. By the periods of marriage, each 89.8%, 95.2%, 89.4%, and 92.4%. As a matter of course, we can infer the necessity of the sexual education and sexual counsel for teachers. Fifth, among those who answer that they are satisfied with their sexuality, by age, each 41.1% and 61.3%. By the period of marriage, each 4.1%, 63.1%, 64.1%, and 61.5%. As for the sexual desire like spiritual intercourse, physical intercourse containing sexuality, by age, each 71.9% and 93.5%. By the periods of marriage, each 54.0%, 81.5%, 90.3%, and 93.0%. The survey shows that those over fifty and having long marriage are feeling the stronger desire towards sexuality. Through the outcomes of this survey, a few suggestions are possible: First, it is necessary to check of the teachers' view of sexual value and to study deep about the sexual tendency of them in twenties, thirties, and forties. It is to make them teach their students on the firm basis, and also to develop suitable sexual education and counsel program.

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성교육이 여자 중학생의 성지식과 성태도에 미치는 효과 (Effects of Sex Education on Sex-Related Knowledge and Attitudes of Middle School Girls)

  • 하숙영;김정남
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.227-238
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    • 1999
  • The goal of this study is to discover the effect of sex education on sex-related knowledge and attitudes of middle school girls. Non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. The number of experimental group students was 134 and the number of control group students was 134. A total of 268 second grade middle school girls were selected for a convenience sampling method. This study was carried out in a middle school located in Taegu City, Korea, from February 5 to February 18, 1998. To des cover the needs of sex education, the researcher sent a predesigned questionnaire to 1464 girls in 19 different middle schools. The sex education curriculum was designed on the basis of this survey's results. 'The Sex Education Teaching Plan' (published by the Research Institution of Korean School Health Education) and 'Sex and Happiness' (published by the Seoul City Education Ministry) were used to redesign the sex education curriculum and content. Fifty minute long sex education classes were taught to the experimental group every other day and the total number of classes was five. The contents of the teaching -learning plan for sex education were: 'The Characteristics of Adolescence', 'Pregnancy and Contraception', 'Friendship with the Opposite Sex and Prevention of Sexual Violence', 'Prevention of Venereal Disease', and 'Sex and Society'. To measure the degree of sex knowledge of the subjects, the researcher used the modified sex knowledge tools of Kim(l995) and Han(1997). The reliability values of these sex knowledge tools range from 0.71 to 0.74, using Cronbach's alpha. To measure the degree of sex attitude in the subjects, the researcher used the modified sex attitudes tools of Han(l997). The reliability values of these sex attitude tools range from 0.73 to 0.78 using Cronbach's alpha. The PC-SAS package program was used to analyse the data along with Frequency, Percentage, XLtest, t -test, and a paired t -test The results of this study were as follows; 1. The first hypothesis was accepted. The experimental group showed more change in sex - related knowledge than the control group(t =22. 76, p=0.0001). 2. The second hypothesis was accepted. The experimental group showed more change in sex-related attitudes than the control group (t=11.91, p=0.0001). In conclusion, the level of sex-related knowledge and sex-related attitudes of middle school girls who received sex education was higher than that of the girls who did not receive sex education. According to this research, planned sex education was effective in forming accurate knowlege and appropriate attitudes related to sex. Clearly, we must carry out a well-designed step by step sex education program that is well-suited to the sex education needs and the developmental level of the students.

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