• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sensory-motor coordination

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Sensory Motor Coordination System for Robotic Grasping (로봇 손의 힘 조절을 위한 생물학적 감각-운동 협응)

  • 김태형;김태선;수동성;이종호
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, human motor behaving model based sensory motor coordination(SMC) algorithm is implemented on robotic grasping task. Compare to conventional SMC models which connect sensor to motor directly, the proposed method used biologically inspired human behaving system in conjunction with SMC algorithm for fast grasping force control of robot arm. To characterize various grasping objects, pressure sensors on hand gripper were used. Measured sensory data are simultaneously transferred to perceptual mechanism(PM) and long term memory(LTM), and then the sensory information is forwarded to the fastest channel among several information-processing flows in human motor system. In this model, two motor learning routes are proposed. One of the route uses PM and the other uses short term memory(STM) and LTM structure. Through motor learning procedure, successful information is transferred from STM to LTM. Also, LTM data are used for next moor plan as reference information. STM is designed to single layered perception neural network to generate fast motor plan and receive required data which comes from LTM. Experimental results showed that proposed method can control of the grasping force adaptable to various shapes and types of greasing objects, and also it showed quicker grasping-behavior lumining time compare to simple feedback system.

A Study on the Sensory Motor Coordination to Visual and Sound Stimulation (빛과 소리 자극에 대한 지각 운동의 협력에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Nam-Gyun;Ko, Yong-Ho;Ifukube, T.
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 1994
  • We investigated the characteristic of the sensory motor coordination by measuring the hand point ins and the gaze movement to the visual and sound stimulation. Our results showed that the gaze vol ocity to sound stimulation did not depend on stimulation direction, but lagged behind 0.2 sec toward the pheriperal direction to the visual stimulation. Our data showed that to both visual and sound stimulation, the error of hand pointing value increased with an increasement of eccentricity.

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The Effect of Vestibular-Proprioceptive Based Sensory Integration Intervention on Spatial Relations and Visual-Motor Coordination in Children with Developmental Disabilities (전정감각, 고유감각 중심의 감각통합중재가 발달장애 아동의 공간 지각력과 시-운동 협응력에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Set-Byul;Kim, Su-Kyoung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.24-34
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    • 2023
  • Objective : This study sought to investigate the effects of a sensory integration intervention focusing on vestibular and proprioceptive on the spatial relations and visual-motor coordination of children with developmental disorders. Methods : Three children with developmental disabilities aged 5 to 6 years were the subjects of this study, and the ABA' design, which is one of the single subject research designs. A total of 18 sessions were conducted over a six-week period-that is, three 30-minute sessions per week. During the three baseline sessions, the children's spatial relations and visual-motor coordination were evaluated prior to the intervention. During the 12 sessions conducted in the intervention period, a vestibular and proprioception sensory integration intervention was performed, while in the final three sessions, the children's spatial relations and visual-motor coordination were again evaluated (without any further intervention Children were measured and evaluated every session after intervention using a computer cognitive rehabilitation program (CoTras-C). Moreover, the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children and the Korean-Development Test of Visual Perception-2 were used as evaluation tools to verify the effectiveness of the intervention. Results : There were significant differences in the spatial relations and visual-motor coordination scores of the children with developmental disorders before and after the vestibular and proprioceptive sensory integration intervention. More specifically, after the intervention, all three children showed statistically significant improvements. Conclusion : The applied vestibular and proprioceptive sensory integration therapy had a significant impact on the spatial relations and visual-motor coordination of the three children with developmental disorders.

Task-Oriented Intervention for Improvement of Visuomotor Coordination and Fine Motor Coordination Functions in Developmental Delayed Child : A Single-Subject Design (발달지연 아동의 시-운동 협응 및 소운동 협응 기능 향상을 위한 과제지향의 중재(task-oriented intervention) 적용: 단일대상연구)

  • Song, Jiwon;Hong, Eunkyoung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.36-45
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    • 2021
  • Purpose : This study aims to identify changes in the visuomotor coordination and fine motor coordination functions caused by the use of a task-oriented intervention in a child with developmental delay. Methods : The participant, who was a 6-year-old girl, was not diagnosed but showed a developmental delay in overall function. The study period was February 5, 2021, to June 4, 2021, and a single-subject A-B study design was used. The baseline (A) was initially evaluated in the first three sessions to identify the child's functions. In the intervention period, 12 session (B), task-oriented intervention was applied; the child engaged in many of the activities in kindergarten, such as painting, writing, making, and cutting with scissors. Visuomotor coordination and fine motor coordination were equally measured during the baseline and intervention periods. Visuomotor coordination was measured via drawing of an oval according to the Korean Developmental Test of Visual Perception 3 (K-DTVP-3), and fine motor coordination was assessed using the finger-nose touching item of the Clinical Observation of Motor and Postural Skills (COMPS). Results : The mean of the baseline of the K-DTVP-3 oval drawing was 23, and the mean of the intervention period was 39.66. The mean of the baseline of the COMPS finger-nose touching was 0, and the mean of the intervention period was 5.08. Conclusion : Task-oriented intervention seems to have a positive effect on the visuomotor coordination and fine motor coordination abilities of children with developmental delay.

Development of muscle sensory neurons and monosynaptic stretch reflex circuit (근육 감각 신경과 단일연접 신전반사 회로의 발달)

  • Kim, Sik-Hyun
    • PNF and Movement
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2007
  • This review discusses the development of muscle receptors, in particular, that of muscle sensory neurons and monosynaptic stretch reflex circuit. The development of muscle sensory neurons and monosynaptic stretch reflex requires a series of steps including expression of neurotrophic transcriptional factors and their receptor. The monosynaptic stretch reflex circuit is unique neuronal circuit system, and highly precise synaptic connection systems. Thus, coordination of sensory-motor function in muscle receptors depend on the expression of distinct classes of molecular cues, and on the formation of selective synaptic connections between sensory-motor neurons and their target muscle. Recent neurotrophic and transcription factor expression studies have expanded our knowledge on how muscle sensory neuron is formed, and how sensory-motor system is developed.

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The Effect of Group Sensory Integration Therapy on Motor Skill and Social Function of Children With Developmental Disorder (그룹 감각통합치료가 발달장애 아동의 운동기능 및 사회성 증진에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Mi-Yea;Chang, Ki-Yeon;Kim, Ji-Youn;Han, Su-Yeon
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2009
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to understand whether group Sensory Integration(SI) therapy has the effect on improvement of motor skill and social function for children with developmental disorder. Method : The subjects were recruited among children received sensory integration therapy at a Children's Development Institute in Dae-Jeon, experimental group is total 5 participating in group sensory integration therapy and control group is also 5 participating in individual sensory integration therapy. The program was constructed for 90 minutes and all children either in the experimental or in the control group went through intervention for 20 weeks. Bruininks-Oseretsky test of Motor Proficiency II, Korean-Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised and Social Maturity Scale were used in order to evaluate the degree of improvement in motor skill and social function. Results : Most children in the experimental group showed improvement in overall aspects of motor skill and the social function comparing pre-intervention with post-intervention, but they did not show any statistically significant differences. However, comparing experimental group with control group, children in the experimental group showed improvement in motor skill and social function. Furthermore, there is statistically significant improvement especially in manual coordination, manual dexterity, and social age and social quotient in Behavior-Revised and Social Maturity Scale. Conclusions : It is found that a group Sensory Integration therapy program has effect on motor skill and social function for children with developmental disorder in this study. In the future study, group SI therapy should be applied for children with diverse diagnosis in order to generalize the effectiveness of therapy.

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Effect of Visual and Somatosensory Information Inputs on Postural Sway in Patients With Stroke Using Tri-Axial Accelerometer Measurement

  • Chung, Jae-yeop
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.87-93
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    • 2016
  • Background: Posture balance control is the ability to maintain the body's center of gravity in the minimal postural sway state on a supportive surface. This ability is obtained through a complicated process of sensing the movements of the human body through sensory organs and then integrating the information into the central nervous system and reacting to the musculoskeletal system and the support action of the musculoskeletal system. Motor function, including coordination, motor, and vision, vestibular sense, and sensory function, including proprioception, should act in an integrated way. However, more than half of stroke patients have motor, sensory, cognitive, and emotional disorders for a long time. Motor and sensory disorders cause the greatest difficulty in postural control among stroke patients. Objects: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of visual and somatosensory information on postural sway in stroke patients and carrying out a kinematic analysis using a tri-axial accelerometer and a quantitative assessment. Methods: Thirty-four subjects posed four stance condition was accepted various sensory information for counterbalance. This experiment referred to the computerized dynamic posturography assessments and was redesigned four condition blocking visual and somatosensory information. To measure the postural sway of the subjects' trunk, a wireless tri-axial accelerometer was used by signal vector magnitude value. Ony-way measure analysis of variance was performed among four condition. Results: There were significant differences when somatosensory information input blocked (p<.05). Conclusion: The sensory significantly affecting the balance ability of stroke patients is somatosensory, and the amount of actual movement of the trunk could be objectively compared and analyzed through quantitative figures using a tri-axial accelerometer for balance ability.

A Correlation between the Visual Perception Ability and Activities of Daily Living for Children with Spastic Diplegia (경직형 양하지 뇌성마비아동의 시지각 능력과 일상생활동작과의 관련성 연구)

  • Yu, Byong-Kyu;Jung, Kum-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2006
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correlation between visual perception ability and activities of daily living(ADL) in the children with spastic diplegia who were treated at developmental disabilities children salutary institute. Method : The subject were consisted of 8 children with spastic diplegia(mean age, 10). The visual perception ability was measured by the Developmental Test of Visual Perception(DTVP) and by the Functional Independence Measure for Children(WeeFIM) to evaluate activities of daily living. Collected data analysis were completed by using correlation analysis. Results : Visual perception ability of children with spastic diplegia is the highest in Position in Space(PS) score, and is the lowest in Visual-Motor coordination(VM) score. Average visual perception performance of children with spastic diplegia is the highest in SR(Spatial relationship) score, and is the lowest in VM score. In activities of daily living, eating component were significantly correlated with Visual-Motor coordination. Conclusions : Therefore, accurate evaluation of visual perception ability and visual perception training for children with spastic diplegia will be important to improve patient's activities of daily living skill.

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The Performance of the Clinical Observations of Motor and Postural Skills(COMPS) in School-Aged Normal Children (학령기 정상아동의 운동 기술 및 자세 조절에 관한 임상관찰)

  • Kim, Mi-Hye;NamGung, Eun-Yeong;Bu, Keong-Hui;Sim, Hyun-Ah;Lee, Eun-Suk
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2003
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to identify the developmental characteristics of sensory integration according to age and sex distinction using COMPS for school-aged children and to provide the preparatory data for standardization appropriate for our social and cultural environment. Methods : The COMPS was administered to 40 normal children in the first grade of elementary school by 4 occupational therapists. Results : By comparison between age groups, 6 and 7 year olds performed similarly and statistically in all items. Between males and females, there was no significant difference in performance of all items Conclusion : Findings from the study suggested that the performance of the COMPS by children followed developmental trends. The COMPS is easy to administer to groups and beneficial to discriminate children with motor problems, and it should be standardized.

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A Study on Factors Influencing Handwriting of Preschool Children (학령전기 아동의 글씨 쓰기에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Won-Jin;Wang, Gun-Chu;Kim, Du-Ri;Choi, In-Young;Heo, Jin-A;Choi, Yu-Jeong;Chang, Moon-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.21-31
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    • 2011
  • Objective : This study investigated the relationships of handwriting legibility and perceptual-motor skills, and handwriting speed and perceptual-motor skills. And identified the predictors that most affect the handwriting of preschool children. Methods : Twenty-three typically developing preschool aged children (mean age: 68.61 months, SD=2.04) were selected through the Korean-Denver Developmental Screening Test-2(K-DDST-2). The children were tested with regard to handwriting legibility, visual perception, visual-motor integration and fine-motor coordination. Results : First, a significant relationship was not found among handwriting legibility, visual perception, visualmotor integration and fine-motor coordination. Second, a significant relationship was found among handwriting speed, visual perception and fine-motor coordination. Third, stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that general visual perception were significant predictors for handwriting speed. Conclusion : Occupational therapists should evaluate children's visual perception levels utilizing a standardized test, and focus on general visual perception in order to improve handwriting skill(speed). Also, occupational therapists are expected to play an important role in the management and treatment of children's handwriting skills.

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