• Title/Summary/Keyword: Self management

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Management of asymptomatic to mild COVID-19 patients with Cheongpebaedok-tang on the telemedical basis: A retrospective observational case series

  • Sung-Woo Kang;Kwan-Il Kim;Mideok Song;Jinhwan Roh;Namhun Cho;Heung Ko;Sung-Se Son;Minjeong Jeong;Jun-Yong Choi;Ojin Kwon;Seojung Ha;Hee-Jae Jung;Beom-Joon Lee
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.41-58
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This retrospective observational study aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of Cheongpebaedok-tang, a traditional Korean herbal medicine, provided via telemedicine to patients with asymptomatic to mild COVID-19 in Korea. Methods: From February to April 2020, a retrospective analysis investigated COVID-19 patients treated via Korean telemedicine. The study involved asymptomatic to mild cases receiving Cheongpebaedok-tang more than three times, along with continuous Korean medicine care in convalescence. Diagnoses and treatment adhered to the telemedicine guidelines of the Association of Korean Medicine, with varied Cheongpebaedok-tang prescriptions based on symptom severity. Symptom evaluation involved a detailed assessment using a 15-item tool at initial and final sessions. Results: The study included 27 patients, with a mean age of 48.7 ± 2.3 years (mean ± standard error). Patients began self-administering oral Cheongpebaedok-tang for an average of 19.4 ± 1.8 days after the date of COVID-19 diagnosis confirmation and continued the medication for 15.8 ± 1.2 days. The reported side effects of the Cheongpebaedok-tang included palpitations (11.1%), insomnia (7.4%), dizziness (3.7%), and diarrhea (3.7%). All side effects disappeared after adjusting the prescription according to standard treatment guidelines. The occurrence of all COVID-19-related adverse symptoms, except fatigue and myalgia, decreased. Fatigue was the most common chronic symptom persisting after 6 months (51.9%), followed by ocular symptoms (37.0%) and sore throat (22.2%). Conclusions: This study implies Cheongpebaedok-tang may offer a potentially safe, symptom-alleviating approach for managing mild COVID-19 cases via telemedicine, although further comprehensive research is warranted.

Study on Adult College Students' School Life Satisfaction (성인 대학 재학생 학교생활 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Bog Im Jeong
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.185-190
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the extent to which adult learners are satisfied with their school life while in college and to find ways to improve education in the future through the analysis of educational needs. Suggestions for the results are as follows: First, in line with the 5th Basic Plan for the Promotion of Lifelong Education, universities are required to make a major transformation in lifelong learning that meets the needs of the times. Second, satisfaction with the university's infrastructure, such as lecture halls, libraries, laboratory/practice rooms, and welfare and amenities, was 49 percent positive and 40 percent moderate. Third, to the question, "Our university is appropriately operating a field-oriented curriculum based on adult learners," 73 percent answered positively and 25 percent answered moderately. Fourth, in terms of curriculum management, more than half of the respondents answered positively to the question, "Students' opinions are appropriately reflected when opening liberal arts courses," with 58 percent answering. Fifth, experiments and practical training in major courses are useful for learning and acquiring practical skills in the field (reinforcement of practicality)," the response rate was 69 percent, which is more than half of the total. For the development of the country, it is necessary to continuously promote the self-development of the people. Therefore, universities are required to develop adult-tailored curricula and strengthen job competencies that can be applied directly in the field, as well as skill-centered education.

A Study on the Deactivating Factors of System for Compulsory Treatment and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers in Korea (한국 마약류 중독자 치료보호제도 활성화 저해요인에 관한 연구)

  • Jun Hyeok Kang;Seong Jun Maeng;Young Ho Kim
    • Studies on Life and Culture
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    • v.52
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    • pp.129-152
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to identify hinderance factors impeding a invigoration of treatment and protection system for drug abusers and provide an alternative plan to solve it from a viewpoint of alcoholism treatment experts. To achieve the goal, a research and service report on treatment and protection work was secondarily obtained and 58 cases of alcoholism treatment experts were extracted and analysed. The collected data were analysed with deducted content analysis proposed by Elo and Kynga(2008), and hinderance factors impeding a invigoration of treatment and protection system for drug abusers were discovered by 8 categories including 'cognition of a patient problem', 'condition of a patient problem', 'worker problem', 'agency problem', 'treatment program problem', 'budget problem', 'selection of test object problem', 'system problem'. According to the result, alternatives including plenty information and prior education for a recipient, a management on a patient's supportive system, an operation of independent hospital ward for drug, a provision of an incentive pay on treatment experts and agencies, an establishment of rehabilitation institute, a development of systematic program offering treatment, rehabilitation and self support, a budget increase and effective ways to utilize, strengthening a communication between the prosecution and treatment ad protection institutions, an assurance of enough treatment and protection period, an introduction of mandatory treatment system and a development of integrated manual for workers were suggested.

Opposition to and Acceptance of Siting Solar Power Facilities from the Place Attachment Viewpoint (장소애착 맥락으로 본 태양광 발전시설 입지 갈등과 수용성)

  • Seona Park;Yun, Sun-Jin
    • The Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction (JLCCI)
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.267-317
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    • 2018
  • Local opposition against the construction of solar power facilities is a growing social issue in the context of renewable energy expansion in Korea. Local opposition, despite solar power generation being an environmentally-friendly and safe energy source, is an issue that requires diagnosis. This study examined the features of opposition against the location of small scale solar power panels developed in rural areas and draws policy suggestions to increase local acceptance. Four cases representing local conflicts have been selected from the period starting in December 2017 to March 2018 in Okcheongun, Chungbuk Province. In order to analyze those cases, a total of 38 local residents and stakeholders were interviewed. This study analyzes the reason of opposition against renewable energy development in their neighborhood based on the place attachment theory. As a result, the grounds of opposition are specifically found in three place attachment dimensions: place identity and place dependence in personal contexts; shared history, self-governing and membership, economic concerns and political concerns in community contexts; identity from nature, experiences of management on nature, environmental consequences in natural contexts. This study suggests policy implications for increasing local acceptance such as the resolution of technological concerns, a local participation system, adequate compensation measures and harmony with the surrounding landscape.

A study on the relationship between senior healthcare facility worker's relationship conflicts and turnover intention (노인의료복지시설 요양보호사의 관계갈등과 이직의도의 관계연구)

  • Sun-hwa Lim;Ri-a Lee;Won-Sun Lim
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.333-340
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to identify the turnover intention of caregivers working in long-term care welfare facilities for the elderly due to relationship conflicts and to identify ways to reduce turnover intention. For this purpose, a self-reporting survey was conducted, and 345 copies of data collected from January 1, 2024 to February 10, 2024 from nursing caregivers of elderly care welfare facilities belonging to the Korean Federation of Regional Associations of Long-Term Care Institutions in Gyeonggi Province were analyzed. The analysis method was SPSS 25. 0 program to calculate the internal consistency, frequency analysis to identify the general characteristics of the research subjects, descriptive statistical analysis to identify the level of the research variables, and one-way ANOVA and Scheffe's post hoc test to identify differences in the research variables according to the characteristics of the research subjects, Correlation analysis (pearson's correlation) was conducted to identify the correlation between the research variables, multiple regression analysis was conducted to verify the mediating effect, and it was revalidated by bootstrapping method using SPSS Process Macro. The results of the analysis showed that relationship conflict and turnover intention of caregivers were positively correlated, and it is significant that it provides a basis for human resource management of elderly care welfare facility organizations and practical measures to increase the accessibility and utilization of long-term care worker centers.

Implementation of High Efficiency Generators Applicable to Climbing Sticks (등산스틱에 적용 가능한 고효율 발전기 구현)

  • Gul-Won Bang
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2024
  • A hiking stick is generally one of the walking aids that allow hikers to walk while relying on their own bodies when walking. A rechargeable battery must be built into the hiking stick, which is an auxiliary device, in order to perform various functions. A separate power supply is required to charge the rechargeable battery. This study is about a self-generated power supply and develops a power generation device using a screw with higher power generation efficiency than the existing method. It is differentiated from the method suggested in this study by comparing and analyzing it with the existing power generation method, and identifying problems therewith. The screw-type power generation device generates power when the climbing stick comes into contact with the ground and when it is separated from the ground. The built-in power generation device does not require a separate power supply, and it can be used by attaching the role of a mobile phone auxiliary battery and a lighting lamp, and it has the effect of being able to find it through location tracking by embedding a GPS sensor, etc., and using lighting to keep the user safe in emergency situations such as distress. The existing generator with built-in mountain climbing stick is difficult to charge due to very weak current and low practicality, but the generator developed in this research could achieve high efficiency to obtain a sufficient current, so it is possible to charge a battery and practicality.

The Influence of Sense of Humor and Stress Coping Styles on Adaptation to Clinical Practice among Nursing Students (간호대학생의 유머감각과 스트레스 대처 방식이 임상실습 적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Sook Kang
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2024
  • This study attempted to explore the impact of sense of humor and stress coping styles among nursing students on adaptation to clinical practice. The study included 180 nursing students as participants, and data collection was conducted using self-administered questionnaires from April 15 to 26, 2024. The collected data underwent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and multiple regression analysis. The research findings revealed that the sense of humor scored 3.52, stress coping styles scored 3.40, and adaptation to clinical practice scored 3.46. Adaptation to clinical practice according to general characteristics showed statistically significant differences based on major satisfaction (F=29.80, p<.001), clinical practice satisfaction (F=40.46, p<.001), relationships with peers in clinical practice (F=5.05, p<.001), and personality (t=-3.41, p<.05). Adaptation to clinical practice showed statistically significant positive correlations with sense of humor (r=.31, p<.001) and stress coping styles (r=.43, p<.001). The factors influencing adaptation to clinical practice were clinical practice satisfaction(β=.34, p<.001), stress coping styles (β=.29, p<.001), and major satisfaction (β=.23, p<.05), explaining 42% of the total variance.

Case Study of Resource-Oriented Music Listening for Stress Management in Employees on International Deployment (해외 파견 근로자의 스트레스 관리를 위한 자원중심 음악감상 중재 연구)

  • Wei, Yaming;Kim, Kyoung Suk
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.31-49
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    • 2024
  • The stress experienced by employees on international deployment has serious implications for their physical and mental health as well as their work performance. This study aimed to investigate the impact of resource-oriented music listening on work-related stress among employees on international deployment. The study recruited 10 participants of varying ages and occupations who had worked abroad for at least three years and conducted five personalized resource-oriented music listening sessions along with interviews. The Global Assessment of Recent Stress Scale (GARS) and Job Stress Scale (JSS) were used to measure stress levels before and after the intervention. Results showed that participants' work-related stress and perceived stress were significantly reduced following the music therapy intervention. The study also found that "awareness of own's life situation" and "self-acceptance of here and now emotional challenges" were factors that reduced regulatory stress among employees on international deployment. This study highlights the potential of resource-oriented music listening as a useful tool for managing workplace stress and promoting the well-being of expatriate employees.

Exploring the Impacts of Bridging and Bonding Social Capital on Travel Experience Sharing Behavior on SNS (사회적 자본이 SNS에서 여행 경험 공유 행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Ju Hyoung Han;Chang-Sup Shim
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.60-78
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    • 2024
  • Social Network Service(SNS) has fundamentally changed the scope, boundaries, and dynamics of social interactions, becoming an integral part of everyday social communication for individuals and significantly altering the decision-making processes of individuals and organizations. Although prior studies have agreed that individual motivations significantly affect travel experience sharing behavior on SNS, different motivations need to be further examined. Also, there is little empirical study that examines the relationships between social capital and motivations. To address these gaps, this study developed a research model to investigate how two types of social capital (i.e., bridging and bonding) influence individual motivations (i.e., self-enhancement and altruism motivations), which in turn contributes to travel experience sharing behavior on SNS. The online survey was conducted from March 3 to March 17, 2021, and 516 responses were included in the data analysis. Structural Equation Modeling was applied to test the hypotheses in a research model. This research provided a comprehensive exploration of the relationship between motivations and social capital, contributing to a better understanding of why tourists share their travel experiences on SNS.

A Study on the Job Performance of Dental Coordinators and Their Perception (치과코디네이터의 업무수행 및 인식도에 관한 조사연구)

  • Kwon, Soon-Bok;Kim, Young-Nam;Moon, Hee-Jung;Shin, Myung-Suk;Han, Gyeong-Soon;Han, Su-Jin
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the job performance of dental coordinators and their perception of their job to lay the groundwork for utilizing dental personnels more efficiently. The subjects in this study were dental coordinators who worked at selected dental hospitals and clinics in Seoul, Gyeonggi province and Incheon. A survey was conducted to gather data from May 1 to August 8, 2005 and answer sheets from 108 respondents were analyzed. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. As for the length of service, 43.5 percent of the dental coordinators investigated had worked at dental institutes for five years or more, which was followed by less than two years(19.5%) and three years to less than five years(19.4%). Concerning the length of service as dental coordinators, 39.8 percent had served for less than two years, and 19.4 percent had worked for two years to less than three years and for five years or more respectively. Regarding the name of position, 38 percent were called team leaders, and 30.6 percent were called coordinators. As to duties, the largest group of them that stood at 30.6 percent were in charge of receiving, and in regard to department, the largest group, 57.4 percent, belonged to the treatment backup department. 2. Concerning education, the greatest number of them, 45.4 percent, had received education at private institutes, and 73.1 percent found it necessary for dental coordinators to take an authorized qualification test. 43.5 percent, the largest group, looked upon the central government as the best organization to authorize their qualifications and 70.8 percent believed that what they learned enabled them to perform their job successfully. As to the necessity of follow-up education as a means to improve job performance, 96.3 percent consented to it. As for the reason, 63.9 percent considered that necessary to enhance their own ability and 22.2 percent were in want of systematic education. Regarding educational expenses, 29.6 percent were subsidized by the dental institutes where they had worked and 25.9 percent had totally been responsible for that. Regarding a required course, medical service and marketing was most widely pointed out(66.7%), followed by theory and practice(65.7%) and introduction to dentistry(57.4%). As to what sort of education they wanted to receive more, dental service and marketing was selected the most, followed by practical health insurance(35.2%). 3. In regard to what type of job they performed as dental coordinators, 88.9 percent were in charge of appointment in the field of customer service, and 87.9 percent paid attention to having good manners as service providers in the area of self-management. In the field of hospital affairs, 81.3 percent were in charge of receiving. 4. As to their awareness of dental coordinator job, the largest group took pride in the job they performed ($3.99{\pm}0.76$), and the second largest group believed that dental coordinators made a great contribution to hospital management ($3.92{\pm}0.70$). The third largest group gave a great weight to their own job ($3.91{\pm}0.84$) in light of overall dental duties and the fourth largest group found themselves to get along with other employees regardless of position ($3.86{\pm}0.74$). The fifth largest group believed their job was of great use for promoting the oral health of patients ($3.76{\pm}0.75$), and the sixth largest group thought the future of dental coordinators was promising($3.74{\pm}0.86$). 5. In regard to their perception by age group, those who were older had a better opinion on every item of their job in general. Their age made a statistically significant difference to their view of the weight of dental coordinator job(P < 0.001) in light of overall dental duties, of being approved and trusted by managers(P < 0.01), of social awareness of dental coordinator, and of being understood and approved by other employees and dentists. Their pride in current job and their satisfaction with the name of their position were statistically significantly different according to their age as well. Besides, their age made a statistically significant difference to their opinion about whether or not there was an age limit to their occupation and about their contribution to hospital management (P < 0.05). 6. As for their perception by type of job, the dental hygienists were generally most satisfied with their job, followed by nursing aids and others. There was a statistically significant gap among their opinions about whether to make a job-related decision on their own(P < 0.001). the weight of their job in terms of overall dental duties, whether their job improved their ability, whether their job made a great contribution to enhancing the oral health of patients, whether their job was understood and approved by other employees(P < 0.01), social awareness of their job, whether they conflicted with other employees during job performance, and whether dental hospitals or clinics offered a self-development opportunity for them to take their ability to another level(P < 0.05). And their satisfaction with current pay was statistically significantly different as well.

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