• Title/Summary/Keyword: Security Martial Arts

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Strengthening Safety for National Assembly: Focus on the Public Tour System (국회 안전확보를 위한 보안성 강화방안: 참관제도를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Kwan;Kim, Minchi
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to provide measures for National Assembly safety and control safety issues arise from increased National Assembly public tour services. First, the study provided the definition of National Assembly public tour and types of tour services, tour procedures, and visitor guidelines. Next, risk factors for National Assembly were discussed and environmental security of national major facilities were compared. Furthermore, four measures for strengthening safety for National Assembly were discussed. First, it is important to utilize special security guards in National Assembly since they can use special weapons unlike general security guards. Second, special guards can be flexibly utilized compared to general security guards. Third, based on the Private Security Law, there is no legal issues for utilizing special security guards since National Assembly is categorized as national major facilities. Fourth, educational programs for security guards are focused on National Assembly safety, brief education, martial arts, customer satisfaction, more specialized educational program for public tour programs should be provided.

Analysis the job-ability demanded in the security and secretary (경호비서에게 요구되는 업무능력 분석)

  • Park, Ok-cheol
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.40-50
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the job of the security and secretary, to offer useful basic data throughout human resources management by withdrawing the ability required from the security and secretary based on the analyzed results. In this regard, this study intended to look into the job of the security and secretary, the necessary ability for the job of the security and secretary. To achieve the research goals, the study selected the research participants, composed of 5 secretaries for security with more than 5-year careers after graduating from a security and secretarial service department in a college and conducted an in-depth interview with them concerning their jobs. The in-depth interview data from the 5 participants was applied with a classification analysis used by Spradley (1980). In order to enhance the dependability and validity of the research, the study held an expert meeting composed of 2 persons with a doctoral degree in securities service studies and 1 person with a master's degree in secretarial information studies, twice. Also, the study drew results concerning the job of the security and secretary and the necessary ability of the job. Though the above process, the following conclusions were drawn; the job of the security and secretary includes the areas of job safety, a housing residence job, a health care job, an interpersonal relationships job, an assistant' s job, document and office works, general affairs, and an education job. The necessary ability for the job of the security and secretary involves martial arts abilities, risk management ability, the strict keeping of secrets, decision-making ability, information processing ability, foreign language proficiency, understanding other cultures, communications skills and office work ability.

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Reaction time and EMG pattern analysis of Body guards who have trained martial arts to accidental situations (경호무도를 수련한 경호원의 우발 상황 시 경호자세의 반응시간 및 EMG 패턴 분석)

  • Jung, Sung-Sook
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.19
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    • pp.207-223
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    • 2009
  • The main purpose of this study was to analyze the reaction time of body guards in different stances to provide quantification of data for educational use. There were 4 martial art trained body guards participating in this study. The results of the EMG analysis and reaction time are as follows. The average reaction time of the whole body was $1.38{\pm}0.07$ seconds. In the first phase the reaction to the signal was $0.22{\pm}0.02$ seconds while in the second phase the reaction after checking was $0.62{\pm}0.10$ seconds, which produced the largest impulse. the reaction times of the third and fourth phase were gradually reduced, $0.29{\pm}0.02$ seconds and $0.26{\pm}0.02$ seconds consecutively. In the body guard posture the following muscles had a high activity level; phase one the right and left of the tibialis anterior muscle, phase two the right and left of the tibialis anterior muscle and the right of the gastrocnemius, phase three the right side of the tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius, phase four the left and right of the biceps femoris and the right side of the rectus femoris. In the first and second phase the shank muscles were used a lot, whereas in the third and fourth phase the shank and thigh muscles were used a lot showing the overall muscle activation of the lower limbs.

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The Effects of Screen Baseball Experience Factor on Pleasure, Experience Value and Quality of Life Based on Experience Economy Theory (체험경제이론을 적용한 스크린야구장 체험요인이 즐거움, 체험가치, 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Seung-Sik;Kim, Hyeong-Geun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of screen baseball experience factor on pleasrue, experience value and quality of life based on experience economy theory. To achieve the purpose of the study, 366 questionnaires who had experience visiting screen baseball were surveyed. Frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, Multiple regression analysis using SPSS ver 21.0. Results of this study are as follows, First, Experience factors (entertainment experience, escapist experience) were found to have a significant effect on the pleasure. Second, Experience factors(entertainment experience, escapist experience and aesthetic experience) were found to have a significant effect on the experience value. Third, Experience factors(entertainment experience, educational experience and escapist experience) were found to have a significant effect on the quality of life. Through these study results, this suggests that the experience factors of screen baseball users positively influence the pleasure, experience value and quality of life. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an experience factor reinforcement program and expand facilities in order to increase the pleasure, experience value, and quality of life of screen baseball users in the future.

A Study on Modeling Instruction And Training Program for Korean Private Security Guard (한국 민간경호원 교육프로그램 방향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Chul;Shin, Sang-Min
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.9
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    • pp.201-235
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    • 2005
  • This study is designed to contribute for development of Private Security Business by fact-finding in instruction and training of private security guard serviced in this realm and domestic and foreign guard service and modeling effective and rational instruction and training program based on drawn problem. For this study, basically I collected and analyzed documents, theses, and papers of the inside and outside of the country. For practical use of data, I used materials of private security related institutes and police agency. And for private security educating training programs of the inside and outside of the country, I collected materials on internet, and with the help of police agency and interpol. For korean private security company's educating training programs, I made a study with the interview of private security company's businessmen. This study's conclusion is as follows. In a domestic private security enterprise, when set theory instruction minimize instruction and training program and must set up instruction and training program as practical affairs center enemy instruction, and theory instruction must be composed for instruction me that it is connected to practical affairs instruction too. The instruction course of private security guard instruction and training program composed with a security outline, a security plan, an information-gathering, civilian expenses, a security way, terror and terrorism, a related law, security trial, electronic security, a security analysis technique, company introduction, instruction and training program about a professional tube with theory instruction. Practical affairs instruction composed with the selection and a preventive security, close contact attendance security, vehicle security, security driving the security martial arts and self-protection liquor, first aid, security equipment, a gun and shooting, a security protocol, customer satisfaction, facilities security and expenses, a fire fighting instruction, teamwork training, explosive and a dangerous substance, physical strength, a documentation practical affairs, service, instruction and training program about foreigh language instruction.

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Korean Private Security for the Academic Directivity and Security Industry for the Market Directivity (시큐리티의 학문적 지향성과 시큐리티 산업의 시장 지향성 - 한국 시큐리티의 발전현황을 중심으로 -)

  • Gong, Bae-Wan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.17
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    • pp.15-31
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    • 2008
  • This study aims to analysis and measure on the private security for the academic directivity and security industry for the market directivity in Korea. For this study we compare and analysis the curriculum of 15 universities in Korea and the papers which were published on "Korean Security Science Review" that is a report in a professional private security. In conclusion, 269 subjects are used as instructional materials in 15 universities, thus 103 subjects for the private security and 60 for the leisure sports and first-aid treatment, 46 for the social science, 30 for the martial arts and shooting, 16 for the secretary affairs, 14 for the foreign languages. Regarding scientistic papers, 45.7% of papers for the private security of all and 14.6% for the public security, 14.6% for the criminal, and 11.6% for the terror etc. But there are any papers for the facilities guard or security in spite of the facilities guard is pivotal role in this field. The facilities guard or security, or maybe house detective, holds 80.5% of the private security market and it is important role in this industry in Korea. Besides, considering development of private security, the security market makeup the body-guard field hold 12.2%, prevention security system by censor hold 4.1%. So, this statistics show that the facilities guard lead practically the private security industry in this field, but there are any subjects for the education and any research for the paper. Thus some modification on the universities curriculum is required, also needs activity research in the facilities guard field for the development private security.

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Perceptions of the Security Management at Critical Facilities in South Korea: College students' attitudes toward increasing demand for security personnel and the alternatives to police (공공부문 정규직 전환 및 의무경찰제도 폐지에 따른 보안산업 변화에 대한 인식)

  • Wang, Sug-Won;Choi, Yeon-Jun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.61
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    • pp.87-107
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    • 2019
  • With the government policy on converting contract workers to full-time employees, there have been significant changes about the security personnel at the nation's critical facilities, including the National Assembly Building and airports. Moreover, the scheduled disbandment of the conscripted police force in 2023 has raised concerns about security management at different government agencies. To examine the college students' perceptions on the possible alternatives to fill the expected security gap, 234 undergraduate students of security management and protection in the Seoul metropolitan region were surveyed. Particularly, a comparative analysis was conducted on the legal bases and supervision, the employment types and salaries, and the scopes of responsibility and authority of suggested alternatives were compared. The results showed that utilization of private police forces was thought to be the most effective option. Based on the research findings, the university departments should develop and maintain a quality curriculum to educate their students to be prepared security professionals with a focus on emergency response capabilities and martial arts, including the courses on private police law and emergency rescue and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

A Study on a Plan for Adaptation according to the Change of a Bodyguard's Social Cognition (경호직 근무자의 업무능력 증대방안에 관한 고찰)

  • Kim, Chang-Ho
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.8
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    • pp.65-83
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    • 2004
  • In modern society, the enterprises or the public organization have devised consistent means and methods with keen competition in high intelligence, high specialization and high competition for surviving in the struggle for existence. In the rapidly changing modern society like that, guard services are not free any more in the simple business. It will be survived only with consistent self-development and various abilities. Recently, it is on a trend that the enterprise including venture business requires the man of ability having many-sided thought, knowledge and capacity. That is, the era of a man with multi-function has come. The guards engaged in their present posts have to make efforts self-development consistently. And they have to work for self-development with theoretical knowledge acquirement about the expert knowledge escaping from simple function and business. The constitution including universities that train the guard should not adjust to the demand of quantitative manpower required in the enterprise organization with the training of the guard with simple functions only. It needs settlement as a curriculum with technology like ideology and knowledge breaking from short curriculum centered on function only in order to come to stay the recognition about guard services as expert services that the industrial society requires. The education centered on simple function should be replaced in the use of a high school, private academy and special guard institution. In addition, it requires a quality as the auxiliary, division, decision-making and spokesman according to the business role. Also, it requires the martial arts capacity, the communicative capacity, the sports or reports capacity, the guard driving capacity, the policy and assistant capacity and the information and analysis capacity, etc in individual. Lastly, it need each guard's change of cognition most of all. As part of the guard's adaptive plan according to the social change, it was enumerated like the mentioned above. It is important for the guard to prepare for the change of era and to build up quality and capacity before anything else.

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Development of Success Attribution Scale for Body Guard in Korea (한국 경호원의 성공귀인 측정도구 개발)

  • Kim, Sang Jin
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.173-183
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    • 2017
  • This study is for presenting the factors about success attribution that fit the korean security service conditions and developing the actual analysis of measurement tools by investigating the success factors of the security service agents. To this end, conducted a meeting from the fully open questionnaire at first, and then formed the semi-structured questionnaire, finally carried out the survey from the closed questionnaire and analyzed data from SPSS 21.0, AMOS 21.0 and developed the measurements. It was conducted from December, 2014 to June, 2015. This survey was conducted of 170 security guards after the verification of the content validity though the pilot survey and presented the success attribution factors and standards on the basis of the result form this survey. At the first and second analysis process, the success attribution factors of the guards consisted of inner qualities, external qualities, induction factors for inner qualities, and induction factor for external qualities. On analysis of the final data and documents, however, at the third analysis, the success attribution factors of the guards consisted of 'martial arts and physical ability'(4 questions), 'attitudes to work'(3 questions), 'support for the working environment'(3 questions), 'organized business skills'(3 questions), 'attitudes to the duty'(3 questions), and 'coping with crises(2 questions).

The Kinematic Analysis of Jumeok Jireugi in Taekwondo of Security Martial Arts (경호무도의 태권도 주먹 지르기 동작 운동학적 분석)

  • Lee, See-Hwan;Yang, Young-Mo
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.31
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    • pp.187-207
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the punching movement at the horseback riding stance, one of the basic movements in Taekwondo, with 3D images and further the kinetic variables such as time, velocity, angle, angular velocity, and angular acceleration according to the types. It also aimed to examine the characteristics of each type and suggest instructional methods for the right punching movement. For those purposes, three members from the College Taekwondo Poomse Demonstration Squad were put to the test. The research findings led to the following conclusions: 1. Performance Time of the Punching Movement : In Section 1, Type 1 and 2 recorded $0.24{\pm}0.07s$ and $0.42{\pm}0.08s$, respectively, for the punching movement at the horseback riding stance. While Type 1 took less performance time in the punching movement, Type 2 took less time for take back according to each section's percentage in the total performance time. 2. Variables of Linear Velocity and Linear Acceleration : Each type recorded different linear velocity for each aspect, but the highest linear velocity represented the moment of impact for each type. Type 2 recorded the highest linear velocity in Aspect 4, which was the moment of impact. 3. Variable of Joint Angle : There were no big outer differences in the joint angle during the punching movement between Type 1 in the aspect of impact and Type 2, but the individuals assumed dynamic positions in the punching movement of Type 2 with more diverse changes to the joint angle. 4. Variables of Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration During the punching movement of Type 1, the Aspect 3 in the moment of impact recorded angular velocity of $0.79{\pm}0.02deg/s$, $0.91{\pm}0.04deg/s$, and $5.24{\pm}0.09deg/s$ at the pelvis, shoulder, and wrist respectively. During the punching movement of Type 2, the Aspect 3 in the moment of impact recorded angular velocity of $1.32{\pm}0.03deg/s$, $0.21{\pm}0.03deg/s$, and $4.98{\pm}0.08deg/$ at the shoulder, wrist, and pelvis, respectively. In the Aspect 3 in the moment of impact in Type 2, the angular acceleration at the right wrist joint was $176.24{\pm}1.11deg/s^2$, which was bigger than that in the moment of impact in Type 1.

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