• Title/Summary/Keyword: Seasonal Difference

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Seasonal Onset and Duration in South Korea (우리나라 사계절 개시일과 지속기간)

  • Choi, Gwang-Yong;Kwon, Won-Tae;Robinson David A.
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.4 s.115
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    • pp.435-456
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    • 2006
  • This study examines the long-term spatial patterns and recent trends of seasonal onsets and durations defined by daily temperatures in South Korea for the period 1973-2004. Spatially, spring and winter onset dates show approximately 44 day and 63 day maximum difference respectively between south and north (Seongsanpo to Daegwallryeong) attributable to the impacts of latitudes and altitudes. In contrast, summer onset, which is more affected by proximity to oceans and altitudes than by latitudes, begins earlier in interior low elevated areas than in the coastal areas but earliest at higher latitudes than Jeiu Island. Five climatic types regarding the seasonal cycles in South Korea are spatially clustered according to the combination of longer seasonal durations. As a reflection of recent climate changes on seasonal cycles in South Korea, winter duration was shortened by 10 days during the post-1988 period due to a late winter onset of 4 days and an early spring onset of 6 days. The winter reduction began in the southern regions of the Korean Peninsula in the mid-1980s and spread northward during the 1990s period, ultimately appearing everywhere. In urbanized cities, where much of the surface is covered with asphalt or concrete, the winter reduction was intensified and summer duration was locally incremented. The reduced winter duration in recent decades shows significant teleconnections with variations of geopotential height (925hPa) in the eastern Arctic region ($0-90^{\circ}E$, $65-85^{\circ}N$) during the cold season. The reduction in winter duration in South Korea agrees with results in overall global warming trends as a climate change signal.

Characteristics of air pollution concentration on Dongsamdong, Pusan (부산 동삼동 지역의 대기오염농도 특성)

  • 전병일
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.281-286
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    • 1999
  • This study was conduced to examine the monthly and seasonal variation of $SO_2$, TSP, $O_3$ concentration in Dongsamdong, Pusan coastal area. And the characteristics of air pollution of this area was compared to Kwangbokdong in Pusan and Taehadong in Ullungdo. Monthly mean concentration of $SO_2$ and TSP showed lower than Kwangbokdong, $O_3$ was higher than Kwangbokdong. In case of $SO_2$, seasonal variation of Dongsamdong was remarkabler thn Kwangbokdong and the concentration difference of early morning and daytime was higher than Kwangbokdong. Taehadong showed very lower concentration as background area. In case of TSP, Dongsamdong was lower concentration and smaller diurnal change than Kwangbokdong, Taehadong showed very lower concentration as backgound area. In case of $O_3$, Dongsamdong was 10ppb higher than Kwangbokdong at daytime maximum concentration, diurnal change of concentration was higher, too. In case of frequency distribution of concentration, $SO_2$, and TSP at Dongsamdong showed higher frequency in low concentration class and $O_3$ showed in high concentration class as compared with Kwangbokdong.

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Classification with Seasonal Variability using Harmonic Components: Application for Remotely-sensed Images of Korean Peninsula

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon;Hong, Hyun-Ki
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1483-1485
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    • 2003
  • Multitemporal approaches using sequential data acquired over multiple years are essential for satisfactory discrimination between many land cover classes whose signatures exhibit seasonal trends. At any particular time, the response of several classes may be indistinguishable. Using the estimates of periodogram which are obtained from sequential images, the periodicity of the process have been incorporates into multitemporal classification. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was computed for seven-day composites of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) imagery over the Korean peninsula for 1996 - 2000 using a dynamic technique.

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Studies on the Classification and the Living Conditions of Drosophilidae in Korea(3)-Seasonal Changes and Difference in Distribution by Altitude in Drosophila Population- (한국산초파리의 분류와 생태(3)-고도 및 계절에 따른 초파리 집단의 변동-)

  • 강영선;정옥기;이혜영
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.5-8
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    • 1960
  • The seasonal and altitudinal changes in distribtuion of three selected species of wild Drosophila populations ; D.(S.) auraria , D.(D,) transversa and D.(D.) lacertosa growing at Mt. Sori in Kwang-nung (Kyung-ki province, Korea) were surveyed from April to November in 1959. The field of observations ranged in altitude from 150 to 450 meters. Each of selected species were found in different altitudes with no significant level. D.(S.) auraria were found with numerically dominance in April and were found in June with less superiority. D.(D.) transversa showed their highest peak in numerically in May and after soon they decreased, in August they made the lower peak again. Author could drow in June the highest peak shown D.(D.) lacertosa's distribution and then the line was down to November smoothly.

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Seasonal Occurrence of the Tobacco Moth, Ephestia elutella Hubner (Lepidoptera : Pyralididae). (다색알락명나방의 발생소장에 관한 연구)

  • 오명희;김상석;부경생
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 1983
  • The tobacco moth, Ephestia elutella Hubner (Lepidoptera: Pyralididae), was first reported one of the serious of stored tobacco in Korea in 1939 (8). In recent years, tobacco moth lavae were observed infesting in all of the tobacco storage warehouses in this Country. Adults of the tobacco moth for the seasonal occurrence were studied in the three and four regions in 1981 and 1982, respectively. This species was caught from early May to late October in all regions for both years. In 1981, the first emergence peak was in late May to late at Andong, early June at Suweon and the second one in middle August in both regions. In 1982, on the other hand, there were three peak times, late May and July, and middle September. But the relate size of the peaks was different in two years; the second peak showed about 66% of the total number of tobacco moths captured in the whole year in 1981 at Suweon and 59% of those at Andong, while the first peak had 32% at Suweon and 57% at Shintanjin in 1982. This difference in relative peak sizes was discussed.

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The Demersal Fishes of Asan Bay -III. Spatial Variation In Abundance and Species Composition- (아산만 저어류 -III. 정점간 양적 변동과 종조성-)

  • LEE Tae Won
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.438-445
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    • 1993
  • Spatial and seasonal variations of community structure of demersal fishes in Asan Bay were studied using seasonal samples collected by an otter trawl from autumn 1991 to summer 1992. For each sampling station, three trawl hauls were completed to obtain a reliable sample. Of 34 species identified, Cynoglossus joyneri, Johnius belengeri, Zoraces gillii and Thrissa koreana accounted for $93\%$ of the individuals collected. The former three dominant species were more abundant on the finer sediment of the inner bay than on the sandy bottom of the outer bay. Spatial variation of community structure of demersal fishes was analysed by principal component analysis using rank correlation. The community structure did not show a spatial difference, but a clear seasonal trend. This distribution pattern seems to be related significantly to the seasonal temperature fluctuation and to the active mixing of the water by strong tidal current of the bay.

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Seasonal Variations in Nutrients and Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in the Northern East China Sea

  • Kim, Dong-Seon;Shim, Jeong-Hee;Yoo, Sin-Jae
    • Ocean Science Journal
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 2006
  • Nutrients, chlorophyll-a, particulate organic carbon (POC), and environmental conditions were extensively investigated in the northern East China Sea (ECS) near Cheju Island during three seasonal cruises from 2003 to 2005. In spring and autumn, relatively high concentrations of nitrate ($2.6{\sim}12.4\;{\mu}mol\;kg^{-1}$) and phosphate ($0.17{\sim}0.61\;{\mu}mol\;kg^{-1}$) were observed in the surface waters in the western part of the study area because of the large supply of nutrients from deep waters by vertical mixing. The surface concentrations of nitrate and phosphate in summer were much lower than those in spring and autumn, which is ascribed to a reduced nutrient supply from the deep waters in summer because of surface layer stratification. While previous studies indicate that upwellings of the Kuroshio Current and the Changjiang (Yangtze River) are main sources of nutrients in the ECS, these two inputs seem not to have contributed significantly to the build-up of nutrients in the northern ECS during the time of this study. The lower nitrate:phosphate (N:P) ratio in the surface waters and the positive correlation between the surface N:P ratio and nitrate concentration indicate that nitrate acts as a main nutrient limiting phytoplankton growth in the northern ECS, contrary to previous reports of phosphate-limited phytoplankton growth in the ECS. This difference arises because most surface water nutrients are supplied by vertical mixing from deep waters with low N:P ratios and are not directly influenced by the Changjiang, which has a high N:P ratio. Surface chlorophyll-a levels showed large seasonal variation, with high concentrations ($0.38{\sim}4.14\;mg\;m^{-3}$) in spring and autumn and low concentrations ($0.22{\sim}1.05\;mg\;m^{-3}$) in summer. The surface distribution of chlorophyll-a coincided fairly well with that of nitrate in the northern ECS, implying that nitrate is an important nutrient controlling phytoplankton biomass. The POC:chlorophyll-a ratio was $4{\sim}6$ times higher in summer than in spring and autumn, presumably because of the high summer phytoplankton death rate caused by nutrient depletion in the surface waters.

The Demersal Fishes of Asan Bay -II. Diurnal and Seasonal Variation in Abundance and Species Composition- (아산만 저어류 -II. 종조성의 주야 및 계절변동-)

  • LEE Tae-Won;KIM Gwang-Cheon
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 1992
  • Diurnal and seasonal variation of demersal fishes of Asan Bay were studied using seasonal samples collected by an otter trawl from autumn 1989 to summer 1990. For each sampling period, three to five trawl hauls were completed to obtain day and night samples. Of 32 species identified, Chaturichthys stigmatias, Cynoglossus joyneri, Thrissa koreana, Repomuenus lunatus and Hexagrammos otakii accounted for $79.5\%$ of the individuals collected, and C. joyneri, T koreana, H. otakii, Raja kenojei and Kareius bicoloratus constituted $67.1\%$ of the biomass obtained. Apparently, larger number of individuals and greater biomass were collected in night hauls. However, there is no significant difference between day and night samples in community structure, mean abundance and body length of the dominant demersal species. The greatest numbers and biomass of fishes were collected in summer and the lowest in winter. The abundance of fishes in the study area were dependent upon seasonal effects such as temperature.

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Seasonal Variation in Species Composition of Fish in the Estuary of Saemangeum Waters during the Construction of a Dike in 2001-2002 (방조제 건설 중인 2001-2002년 새만금 하구역 어류 종조성의 계절 변동)

  • LEE Tae Won;MOON Hyung Tae;KIM Gwang Cheon
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.298-305
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    • 2003
  • Seasonal variation in species composition of fish in the estuary of Saemangeum water in the western coast of Korea was determined using seasonal samples collected by an otter trawl from April 2001 to February 2002. Species compositions did not differ significantly among the 4 stations (p>0.05, Wilcoxon signed-rank test). The cumulative number of species and species diversity (H') approached asymptote after four 30-min trawl hauls. Therefore 30-min trawl samples from each of the four stations were pooled to represent each season. A total of 45 species 2758 individuals and 30,346.8 g of fish were collected during the study period. Of the fish collected Leiognathus nuchalis, Synechogobius hasta, Neosalanx jordani, Konosirus punctatus and Chaeturichthys stigmatias predominated in abundance accounting for $68\%$ of the total number of individuals. Seasonal variation of fish abundance showed a similar trend to those of the other western coastal waters of Korea. The resident species were collected only in spring and autumn. Number of species and biomass were highest in summer due to the catch of many migrating species. In winter catch amount was low, and only 7 species were collected.. Brackish water fishes were more abundant in the study area, and Johnius grypotus and Cynoglossus joyneri were not premominated compared to the other coastal waters. This difference in species compositions may be related to the lower salinity in this estuarine habitat than in the other western coastal waters of Korea.

Seasonal Variation of Water Temperature Before and After Weir Construction Using Satellite Image in the Nakdong River (낙동강유역에서 위성영상을 이용한 보 건설 전후 수온의 계절변화)

  • Kim, Sang-Woo;Kim, Hae-Dong;Lim, Jin-Wook;Ahn, Ji-Suk
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.24 no.11
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    • pp.1417-1430
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    • 2015
  • In this study we were to explore the seasonal variation of water temperature distributions before and after weir construction at Gumi, Chilgok, Gangjung(Goryung), Dalsung in the Nakdong River using Landsat satellite images. Relationship between in-situ water temperature and radiance values of Landsat-5, 7, 8 satellite images showed high correlation. Seasonal variation of water temperature in Nakdong River showed that the fluctuation ranges of water temperature before weir construction were larger than those after weir construction. This indicated that the variation of water temperature is due to the difference of heat storage volume by weir construction and dredging work. In particular, the water temperature after weirs construction in autumn was 4-8 times lower than that before weirs construction. Water temperature after weir construction decreased in spring and summer at the downstream of Gumi weir and Gangjung(Goryung) weir, and the upstream of Dalsung weir. In autumn and winter, the water temperature after weir construction increased in the upstream and downstream of the whole weirs except upstream of Gumi weir. Relationship between water temperature and meteorological elements (air temperature, wind speed, sunshine, radiation) showed high correlation of above 94% in air temperature, and then radiation was high correlation before and after 65%.