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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Seasonal Difference

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Recent Trends in Blooming Dates of Spring Flowers and the Observed Disturbance in 2014 (최근의 봄꽃 개화 추이와 2014년 개화시기의 혼란)

  • Lee, Ho-Seung;Kim, Jin-Hee;Yun, Jin I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.396-402
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    • 2014
  • The spring season in Korea features a dynamic landscape with a variety of flowers such as magnolias, azaleas, forsythias, cherry blossoms and royal azaleas flowering sequentially one after another. However, the narrowing of south-north differences in flowering dates and those among the flower species was observed in 2014, taking a toll on economic and shared communal values of seasonal landscape. This study was carried out to determine whether the 2014 incidence is an outlier or a mega trend in spring phenology. Data on flowering dates of forsythias and cherry blossoms, two typical spring flower species, as observed for the recent 60 years in 6 weather stations of Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) indicate that the difference spanning the flowering date of forsythias, the flower blooming earlier in spring, and that of cherry blossoms that flower later than forsythias was 30 days at the longest and 14 days on an average in the climatological normal year for the period 1951-1980, comparing with the period 1981-2010 when the difference narrowed to 21 days at the longest and 11 days on an average. The year 2014 in particular saw the gap further narrowing down to 7 days, making it possible to see forsythias and cherry blossoms blooming at the same time in the same location. 'Cherry blossom front' took 20 days in traveling from Busan, the earliest flowering station, to Incheon, the latest flowering station, in the case of the 1951-1980 normal year, while 16 days for the 1981-2010 and 6 days for 2014 were observed. The delay in flowering date of forsythias for each time period was 20, 17, and 12 days, respectively. It is presumed that the recent climate change pattern in the Korean Peninsula as indicated by rapid temperature hikes in late spring contrastive to slow temperature rise in early spring immediately after dormancy release brought forward the flowering date of cherry blossoms which comes later than forsythias which flowers early in spring. Thermal time based heating requirements for flowering of 2 species were estimated by analyzing the 60 year data at the 6 locations and used to predict flowering date in 2014. The root mean square error for the prediction was within 2 days from the observed flowering dates in both species at all 6 locations, showing a feasibility of thermal time as a prognostic tool.

Estimation and evaluation of irrigation water need using net water consumption concept in Jeju Island (순물소모량 개념에 의한 제주도 농업용수 수요량 산정 및 평가)

  • Kim, Chul Gyum;Kim, Nam Won
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.50 no.7
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    • pp.503-511
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    • 2017
  • In order to estimate the demand for water resources planning and operation, methodology for determining the size of water supply facilities has been mainly applied to agricultural water, unlike living and industrial water, which reflects actual usage trends. This inevitably leads to an overestimation of agricultural water and can lead to an imbalance in the supply and demand of each use in terms of the total water resources plan. In this study, the difference of approaches of concept of net consumption was examined in comparison with the existing methodology and the characteristics of agricultural water demand were analyzed by applying it to whole Jeju Island. SWAT model was applied to estimate the amount of evapotranspiration, which is a key factor in estimating demand, and watershed modeling was performed to reflect geographical features, weather, runoff and water use characteristics of Jeju Island. For the past period (1992~2013), demand of Jeju Island as a whole was analyzed as 427 mm per year, and it showed a relatively high demand around the eastern and western coastal regions. Annual demand and seasonal variation characteristics of 10 river basins with watershed area of 30km2 or more were also analyzed. In addition, by applying the cultivated area of each crop in 2020 in the future, it is estimated that the demand corresponding to the 10-year frequency drought is 54% of the amount demanded in the previous research. This is due to the difference in approach depending on the purpose of the demand calculation. From the viewpoint of water resource management and operation, additional demand is expected as much as the net consumption. However, from the actual supply perspective, it can be judged that a facility plan that meets the existing demand amount is necessary. In order to utilize the methodologies and results presented in this study in practice, it is necessary to make a reasonable discussion in terms of policy and institutional as well as engineering verification.

A Hybrid Forecasting Framework based on Case-based Reasoning and Artificial Neural Network (사례기반 추론기법과 인공신경망을 이용한 서비스 수요예측 프레임워크)

  • Hwang, Yousub
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.43-57
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    • 2012
  • To enhance the competitive advantage in a constantly changing business environment, an enterprise management must make the right decision in many business activities based on both internal and external information. Thus, providing accurate information plays a prominent role in management's decision making. Intuitively, historical data can provide a feasible estimate through the forecasting models. Therefore, if the service department can estimate the service quantity for the next period, the service department can then effectively control the inventory of service related resources such as human, parts, and other facilities. In addition, the production department can make load map for improving its product quality. Therefore, obtaining an accurate service forecast most likely appears to be critical to manufacturing companies. Numerous investigations addressing this problem have generally employed statistical methods, such as regression or autoregressive and moving average simulation. However, these methods are only efficient for data with are seasonal or cyclical. If the data are influenced by the special characteristics of product, they are not feasible. In our research, we propose a forecasting framework that predicts service demand of manufacturing organization by combining Case-based reasoning (CBR) and leveraging an unsupervised artificial neural network based clustering analysis (i.e., Self-Organizing Maps; SOM). We believe that this is one of the first attempts at applying unsupervised artificial neural network-based machine-learning techniques in the service forecasting domain. Our proposed approach has several appealing features : (1) We applied CBR and SOM in a new forecasting domain such as service demand forecasting. (2) We proposed our combined approach between CBR and SOM in order to overcome limitations of traditional statistical forecasting methods and We have developed a service forecasting tool based on the proposed approach using an unsupervised artificial neural network and Case-based reasoning. In this research, we conducted an empirical study on a real digital TV manufacturer (i.e., Company A). In addition, we have empirically evaluated the proposed approach and tool using real sales and service related data from digital TV manufacturer. In our empirical experiments, we intend to explore the performance of our proposed service forecasting framework when compared to the performances predicted by other two service forecasting methods; one is traditional CBR based forecasting model and the other is the existing service forecasting model used by Company A. We ran each service forecasting 144 times; each time, input data were randomly sampled for each service forecasting framework. To evaluate accuracy of forecasting results, we used Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) as primary performance measure in our experiments. We conducted one-way ANOVA test with the 144 measurements of MAPE for three different service forecasting approaches. For example, the F-ratio of MAPE for three different service forecasting approaches is 67.25 and the p-value is 0.000. This means that the difference between the MAPE of the three different service forecasting approaches is significant at the level of 0.000. Since there is a significant difference among the different service forecasting approaches, we conducted Tukey's HSD post hoc test to determine exactly which means of MAPE are significantly different from which other ones. In terms of MAPE, Tukey's HSD post hoc test grouped the three different service forecasting approaches into three different subsets in the following order: our proposed approach > traditional CBR-based service forecasting approach > the existing forecasting approach used by Company A. Consequently, our empirical experiments show that our proposed approach outperformed the traditional CBR based forecasting model and the existing service forecasting model used by Company A. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides some research background information such as summary of CBR and SOM. Section 3 presents a hybrid service forecasting framework based on Case-based Reasoning and Self-Organizing Maps, while the empirical evaluation results are summarized in Section 4. Conclusion and future research directions are finally discussed in Section 5.

A Study on the Concentration of Nanoparticles and Heavy Metals in Indoor/Outdoor Air in a University Administrative Public Office (대학교 행정실 실내 외 공기 중 나노입자와 중금속 농도에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Su-Hyeon;Im, Ji-Young;Park, Hee-Jin;Chung, Eun-Kyung;Kim, Jong-Oh;Son, Bu-Soon
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.493-502
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the mass concentration of nanoparticles and understand the characteristics of elements of heavy metal concentrations within nanoparticles in the air using Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor Model-110 (MOUDI-110), based on indoor and outdoor air. Methods: This Study sampled nanoparticles using MOUDI-110 indoors (office) and outdoors at S University in Asan, Korea in order to reveal the concentration of nanoparticles in the air. Sampling continued for nine months (10 times indoors and 14 times outdoors) from March to November 2010. Mass concentrations of nanoparticle and concentrations of heavy metals (Al, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu, Cr, Pb) were analyzed. Results: Indoors, geometric mean concentration of nanoparticles ranged in size from 0.056 μm to 0.10 μm and those of 0.056 μm or less recorded 0.929 μg/m3 and 1.002 μg/m3, respectively. On the other hand, the levels were lower outdoors with 0.819 μg/m3 and 0.597 μg/m3. Mann-Whitney U tests showed that the difference between the indoors and the outdoors was statistically meaningful in terms of particles of 0.056 μm or less (p<0.05) in size. These results are possibly influenced by the use of printers and duplicators as the factor that increased the concentration of nanoparticles. In seasonal concentration distribution, the level was higher during the summer compared to in the autumn. Those of 0.056 μm or less in size presented a statistically meaningful difference during the summer (p<0.05). These results may be influenced by photochemical event as the factor that makes the levels high. Regarding zinc, among the other heavy metals, the fine particles ranged in size from 0.056 μm to 0.10 μm and those of 0.056 μm or less recorded 1.699 ng/m3 and 1.189 ng/m3 in the outdoors. In the indoors, the levels were lower, with 0.745 ng/m3 and 0.617 ng/m3. Cr and Ni at the size of 0.056 μm or less, both of which have been known to pose severe health effects, recorded higher concentrations indoors with 0.736 ng/m3 and 0.177 ng/m3, compared to 0.444 ng/m3 and 0.091 ng/m3 outdoors. By season, Zn, Ni, Cu and Pb posted a high level of indoor concentration during the fall. As for Cr, the level of concentration indoors was higher than outdoors both during the summer and the autumn. Conclusion: This study indicates the result of an examination of nano-sized particles and heavy metal concentrations. It will provide useful data for the determination of basic nanoparticle standards in the future.

Correlationship between Artificial Maturation Season and Reproduction Coefficient in the Cultured Eel Anguilla japonica (양식산 뱀장어 Anguilla japonica에 있어서 인공성성숙시기와 번식률과의 상관관계)

  • Bae, Jun-Young;Kim, Dae-Jung;Lee, Jung-Uie;Son, Sang-Gyu;Lee, Jong-Kwan
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.219-225
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    • 2007
  • This study investigated the correlationship between artificial maturation season and reproduction coefficient of cultured eel Anguilla japonica from May (spring) to next January (winter). The brood stock, female eels (400600g) were artificially matured by weekly intramuscular injections of salmon pituitary extracts (SPE, 20 mg/fish) to induce a completion of vitellogenesis. After completion of vitellogenesis, final oocyte maturation and ovulation was induced by injection of 17α, 20βdihydroxyprogesterone (DHP) at about 2μg/g body weight. Most fish ovulated 1518h following the DHP injection. The ovulated fish were induced to natural spawning or artificial fertilization by the dry method. Males (200350g) were received weekly intramuscular injections of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) at a dosage of 1 IU/g body weight to induce testicular maturation and spermiation. Seasonal reproduction coefficient which includes the rate of ovulation, buoyancy, fertilization and hatching of eggs in the artificially matured eel during spring to summer (MayJuly) were significantly higher than the other season, while there were no significant difference among spring and summer (P<0.05). Furthermore, the number of eggs spawned and larvae hatched in the artificially maturated eel during spring to summer (MayJuly) were significantly higher than the other season, while there were no significant difference in spring and summer (P<0.05). These results indicate that artificial maturation by hormone treatment of A. japonica was successful only during spring to summer, which is the maturation period in the wild stock in nature. Consequently, it is possible to determine the period of artificially induced sexual maturity by the reproduction coefficient which includes the rate of ovulation, buoyancy, fertilization and hatching of eggs in the cultured eel A. japonica.

Habitats Environmental and Population Characteristics of Cypripedium japonicum Thunb., a Rare Species in Korea (희귀식물 광릉요강꽃 자생지 환경 및 개체군 특성)

  • Pi, Jung-Hun;Jung, Ji-Young;Park, Jeong-Geun;Yang, Hyung-Ho;Kim, Eun-Hye;Suh, Gang-Uk;Lee, Cheul-Ho;Son, Sung-Won
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.253-262
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    • 2015
  • The sustainability of Cypripedium japonicum, a rare plant designated by the Korea Forest Service, is threatened due to artificial factors such as habitat loss and climate change etc. and internal factors such as changes in biological properties of the habitat etc. but conservation research has not been performed in South Korea. The objective of this study is to establish the species conservation strategies by analyzing the characteristics of their habitats, including: 1) Population characteristics, and 2) habitat analysis of the vegetation and abiotic environments. From April to September, 2014, population characteristics [density (stems m2), flowering rate (%), and leaf area (cm2)] in Cypripedium japonicum habitats such as Chuncheon (CC), Hwacheon (HC), Muju (MJ), and Gwangyang (GY) and vegetation characteristics (plant sociological research and ordination analysis), and abiotic environments [temperature (C), relative humidity (%), transmitted light ($mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}d^{-1}$) and canopy openness (%)] were measured. Cypripedium japonicum was mainly distributed at elevation 450 to 990 m and 5 to 30 slope. Slope direction was shown as 0 to 110. Habitats temperature (mean 18.94C) was well matched to seasonal changes. Differences among sites showed greater level according to latitude difference. It showed the highest in habitat, GY located in the South. On the other hand, relative humidity (77.38%) didn't show much difference among sites. The average degree of canopy openness was 18.17%. It showed the highest at HC (22.1%) and the lowest at MJ (16.1%). The average degree of transmitted light was 9.1molm2d1. It showed the highest at CC (10.6molm2d1) and the lowest at GY (6.87molm2d1). Chlorophyll content showed average 26.12 SPAD. It showed the highest at MJ (30.64 SPAD value) and the lowest at HC (23.69 SPAD value). Leaf area was average 253.35cm2. It showed the highest at CC (281.51cm2) and the lowest at HC (238.23cm2).

Effect of Non Breeding Season on Oocyte Recovery from Superovulated Korean Native Goats (재래산양의 비번식기에 과배란 처리에 의한 난자 회수와 단위발생란의 체외발달)

  • Yun, Yun Jin;Park, Hee Sung
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2013
  • This study assesses of efficiency of oocyte recovery and in vitro development for during the non breeding season in goat. Thirty-four matured goats, maintained in a pen under natural day length and fed hay ad libitum, were pretreated with progestagen implanted CIDR for 10 days. Superovulation treatment of the goats received twice daily intramuscular injections of a total of 70 mg FSH for 3 days from Day 8 of CIDR. All the gonadotropin treated goats were injected with 10 mg PGF2α on Day 8 and 400~600 IU hCG in the afternoon on Day 10. Oocytes were recovered by follicle aspiration or oviduct flushing at 35 to 40 h after hCG injection through mid-ventral incision. The in vivo matured oocytes were activated by ionomycin (5 min) and 6-DMAP (3.5~4 h). The activated oocytes were cultured in mSOF medium containing 0.8% BSA at 38.5C in an atmosphere of 5% CO2, 5% O2, 90% N2 for 7~8 days. There was no significant difference in the mean number of CL and in vivo matured and follicular oocytes recovered. But, quality of I+II grade follicular oocytes was lower (p<0.05) in the prepubertal goat (25.0%) than the adults (52.4%). The same results were also observed in the cleavage and blastocyst rate of activated oocytes. The clavage and blastocyst rate from prepubertal derived oocytes were lower (p<0.05) in the prepubertal goat (54.5%, 23.3%) than the adult goat (86.8%, 46.6%). Considering overall these results, we suggest that maturation of donor goats is a major factor affecting recovered oocytes quality and in vitro development of activated goat oocytes. There was no significant difference in oocyte quality between seasonal treatments.

Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome in Children : Comparison of the Clinical Features of That Isolated Methicillin-resistant and Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (포도상 구균성 열상 피부 증후군의 임상적 고찰 : Methicillin 내성과 감수성 Staphylococcus aureus 예의 비교)

  • Lee, Seong Hun;Choi, Wu Kyung;Jung, Chang Hyn;Chung, Cheol Ju;Lee, Dong Jean
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.183-191
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    • 2004
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical features of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome(SSSS) isolated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcal aureus(MRSA) with those of SSSS isolated methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcal aureus(MSSA) in children. Methods : We retrospectively reviewed the medical records and microbiological results of 36 cases of SSSS who were admitted to the Pediatric Department of Ulsan Dong-Kang General Hospital from Jan. 1999 to Dec. 2003. Results : Among 36 cases, there were 7 generalized types, 1 abortive type in MRSA group and 5 generalized types, 6 abortive types in MSSA group. The peak incidence of age was between 2 and 5 years in both groups. SSSS were diagnosed with increasing frequency. Most of MRSA group were diagnosed in 2003(6/8). The peak seasonal incidence was fall and winter in both groups. Facial lesion was observed in all cases followed by flexural lesion in both groups. Staphylococci were isolated from the skin and throat most frequently in both groups. Upper respiratory illness and conjunctivitis were most common preceding infections in both groups. Among 8 cases of MRSA group, 4 cases were treated completely with ampicillin-sulbactam. There was no significant difference of mean duration of admission between MRSA group and MSSA group. Conclusion : There was no significant difference of clinical features between MRSA group and MSSA group although generalized types of SSSS were more common in MRSA group than in MSSA group.

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The Cognition of Design Concepts for Urban Parks - The Cases of Seoul Forest, Yeouido Park, and Seonyudo Park - (도시공원 이용자의 설계개념 인식정도 - 서울숲공원, 여의도공원, 선유도공원을 사례로 -)

  • Joo, Shin-Ha;Kim, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2010
  • The purposes of this study are to classify the characteristics of parks by park use patterns and the understanding of design concepts and to analyze the difference of cognition of design concept between designers and park users. The literature studies and surveys were performed to analyze park use patterns and understanding of design concepts for Seoul Forest Park, Yeouido Park and Seonyudo Park. Several statistical methods have been used such as descriptive analysis and importance-performance analysis. The results of this research are as follows. As the results of an analysis of park use patterns, Seonyudo Park may he qualified as an urban landmark park, while Yeouido Park can he classified as a neighborhood park. Seoul Forest Park bas characteristics of both. Second, the higher frequency of visits generally leads higher preference. Third, the overall cognition of the design concepts of parks shows 3.51 on average, which is comparatively high. The functional concepts are better transmitted to the users compared to abstract concepts. The cognition of the design concepts of each park are evaluated in the higher order of Seonyudo Park, Seoul Forest Park and Yeouido Park. Fourth, the cognition levels of detailed design concepts for each place are lower than the overall design concepts. On the other hand, levels of satisfaction are increased after the design concepts are noticed. It would he necessary make the effort to give information about the design concept of each space. The results of this study are limited in that it covers only three parks in Seoul, and did not consider seasonal variables. Nevertheless, this study may he significant in that it dealt with the cognition of design concepts for urban parks, focusing on the difference between designers and visitors.

Characteristics of the Differences between Significant Wave Height at Ieodo Ocean Research Station and Satellite Altimeter-measured Data over a Decade (2004~2016) (이어도 해양과학기지 관측 파고와 인공위성 관측 유의파고 차이의 특성 연구 (2004~2016))

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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2018
  • In order to compare significant wave height (SWH) data from multi-satellites (GFO, Jason-1, Envisat, Jason-2, Cryosat-2, SARAL) and SWH measurements from Ieodo Ocean Research Station (IORS), we constructed a 12 year matchup database between satellite and IORS measurements from December 2004 to May 2016. The satellite SWH showed a root mean square error (RMSE) of about 0.34 m and a positive bias of 0.17 m with respect to the IORS wave height. The satellite data and IORS wave height data did not show any specific seasonal variations or interannual variability, which confirmed the consistency of satellite data. The effect of the wind field on the difference of the SWH data between satellite and IORS was investigated. As a result, a similar result was observed in which a positive biases of about 0.17 m occurred on all satellites. In order to understand the effects of topography and the influence of the construction structures of IORS on the SWH differences, we investigated the directional dependency of differences of wave height, however, no statistically significant characteristics of the differences were revealed. As a result of analyzing the characteristics of the error as a function of the distance between the satellite and the IORS, the biases are almost constant about 0.14 m regardless of the distance. By contrast, the amplitude of the SWH differences, the maximum value minus the minimum value at a given distance range, was found to increase linearly as the distance was increased. On the other hand, as a result of the accuracy evaluation of the satellite SWH from the Donghae marine meteorological buoy of Korea Meteorological Administration, the satellite SWH presented a relatively small RMSE of about 0.27 m and no specific characteristics of bias such as the validation results at IORS. In this paper, we propose a conversion formula to correct the significant wave data of IORS with the satellite SWH data. In addition, this study emphasizes that the reliability of data should be prioritized to be extensively utilized and presents specific methods and strategies in order to upgrade the IORS as an international world-wide marine observation site.