Leaf damage by apple leafminer, Lyonetia prunifoliella, was surveyed on Fuji apple orchards with seedling rootstock from 1992 to 2001 and with M.9 rootstock from 1999 to 2001. The damage was negligible in apple orchards with seedling rootstock as 0.15% in 1992 and 0.06% in 1993. However it sharply increased to more than 3.39% since 1994, reaching at peak damage of 6.28% to 7.78% in 1996 to 1998. Damages on apple orchards with M.9 rootstock from 1999 to 2001 were higher as 6.09% to 15.3%, compared with those with seedling rootstock in the same years. In seedling rootstock apple, the damage was highest on september but in M.9 rootstock apple, the difference was not significant. Leaf damage showed no differences between cultivars including 4 Korean cultivars and Fuji. These results may explain that increase of M.9 rootstock apple orchards is responsible for the recent outbreak of the leafminer in Korea.
Ji, Hyun-A;Yoo, Ju-Hee;Kim, Ga-Hyun;Won, Soo Ran;Kim, Seonhong;Lee, Jeongsub
Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
Objectives: Modern people spend most of their day indoors. As the health impact of radon becomes an issue, public interest also has been growing. The primary route of potential human exposure to radon is inhalation. Long-term exposure to high levels of radon increases the risk of developing lung cancer. Radon exposure is known to be the second-leading cause of lung cancer, following tobacco smoke. This study measures the indoor radon concentrations in detached houses in area A of Chungcheongbuk-do Province considering the construction year, cracks in the houses, the location of installed detectors, and seasonal effects. Methods: The survey was conducted from September 2017 to April 2018 on 1,872 private households located in selected areas in northern Chungcheongbuk-do Province to figure out the year of building construction and the location of detector installed and identify the factors which affect radon concentrations in the air within the building. Radon was measured using a manual alpha track detector (Raduet, Hungary) with a sampling period of longer than 90 days. Results: Indoor radon concentrations in winter within area A was surveyed to be 168.3±193.3 Bq/㎥. There was more than a 2.3 times difference between buildings built before 1979 and those built after 2010. The concentration reached 195.4±221.9 Bq/㎥ for buildings with fractures and 167.2±192.4 Bq/㎥ for buildings without fractures. It was found that detectors installed in household areas with windows exhibited a lower concentration than those installed in concealed spaces. Conclusion: High concentrations of indoor radon were shown when there was a crack in the house. Also, ventilation seems to significantly affect radon concentrations because when the location of the detector in the installed site was near windows compared to an enclosed area, radon concentration variation increased. Therefore, it is considered that radon concentration is lower in summer because natural ventilation occurs more often than in winter.
Background: For various reasons such as agricultural and economical purposes, land-use changes are rapidly increasing not only in Korea but also in the world, leading to shifts in the characteristics of local carbon cycle. Therefore, in order to understand the large-scale ecosystem carbon cycle, it is necessary first to understand vegetation on this local scale. As a result, it is essential to comprehend change of the carbon balance attributed by the land-use changes. In this study, we attempt to understand accumulated soil carbon (ASC) and soil respiration (Rs) related to carbon cycle in two ecosystems, artificially turned forest into pastureland from forest and a native deciduous temperate forest, resulted from different land-use in the same area. Results: Rs were shown typical seasonal changes in the alpine pastureland (AP) and temperate deciduous forest (TDF). The annual average Rs was 160.5mgCO2m−2h−1 in the AP, but it was 405.1mgCO2m−2h−1 in the TDF, indicating that the Rs in the AP was lower about 54% than that in the TDF. Also, ASC in the AP was 124.49MgCha−1 from litter layer to 30-cm soil depth. The ASC was about 88.9MgCha−1, and it was 71.5% of that of the AP. The temperature factors in the AP was high about 4∘C on average compared to the TDF. In AP, it was observed high amount of sunlight entering near the soil surface which is related to high soil temperature is due to low canopy structure. This tendency is due to the smaller emission of organic carbon that is accumulated in the soil, which means a higher ASC in the AP compared to the TDF. Conclusions: The artificial transformation of natural ecosystems into different ecosystems is proceeding widely in the world as well as Korea. The change in land-use type is caused to make the different characteristics of carbon cycle and storage in same region. For evaluating and predicting the carbon cycle in the vegetation modified by the human activity, it is necessary to understand the carbon cycle and storage characteristics of natural ecosystems and converted ecosystems. In this study, we studied the characteristics of ecosystem carbon cycle using different forms in the same region. The land-use changes from a TDF to AP leads to changes in dominant vegetation. Removal of canopy increased light and temperature conditions and slightly decreased SMC during the growing season. Also, land-use change led to an increase of ASC and decrease of Rs in AP. In terms of ecosystem carbon sequestration, AP showed a greater amount of carbon stored in the soil due to sustained supply of above-ground liters and lower degradation rate (soil respiration) than TDF in the high mountains. This shows that TDF and AP do not have much difference in terms of storage and circulation of carbon because the amount of carbon in the forest biomass is stored in the soil in the AP.
The pine mushroom fruit body have a harvest only from natural pine forest instead of artificial culture like other edible mushrooms until now on. We investigated the interrelationship between pine mushroom colonies and insect/invertebrates fauna, and changes of their seasonal populations. Two famous pine mushroom producing district were selected on Bong-wha and Gan-sung Eup, and were surveyed on the ground and in the soil with/without pine mushroom hyphae per month from June to November, 2005. There was some difference in collected Insects and invertebrates between two producing districts. Total number of collected species and individuals were 73 and 22, and 63 individuals with 19 species in Bon-wha and Gan-sung area, respectively. Otherwise, there were many mites and nematodes were living in soil with mushroom hyphae. The population densities of mites were Increased to November from June, however, the population of nematodes were fluctuated with low in hot weather and high in cool.
This study is to evaluate the areal precipitation from the basic data groups of monthly, seasonal, and annual rainfalls over all ma in stations in Korea. The evaluating pocesses are performed through the point and regional frequency analysis from the basic data. The basic data groups are divided into two periods-the first(1916-1944) and the second (1960-1979)-which are compared with each other. In the point frequecny analysis, the variable transformation method is applied to the best fitting distribution, and the normal fittings are established by using the Chisquare test method. In the regional frequency analysis, the geomorphologic factors and hydrometeorological factors are taken into consideration when dividing into five zones and Thiessen method and the Isohyetal method are applied. The results of this study are as follows: 1)The areal precipitation values of the first period are about 70-80mm less than that of the second period for the whole of Korea. Therefore, a new precipitation value of 1180mm is considered more suitable than the value of 1159mm, which has been up till now. 2)As the annual areal precipitiation values areevaluated over the five divide zones, it tis noticed that the difference between the values of the first period and the second is the largest in spring (to the extent of 5 times that in the other seasonas). Thereform it is considered that this result is necessary for the establishment of a timely insurance plan for the water resources. 3)The application of the Isohyetal method through the division of Korea into five zones is considered to be a reasonable procedure in the analysis of areal precipitation.
Characteristics of hydrography and tidal currents were investigated in Hampyung Bay through in situ CTD data, tidal currents and elevations. According to the seasonal weather variability, hydrography showed the lower density with high temperature and low salinity in summer and the higher density with low temperature and high salinity in winter. In particular, the thermal structure like a tidal front was formed along the central channel at the neap tide of summer. The critical value of the parameter SH(=log10(H/U3) where H is depth and U is M2 tidal current amplitude) representing the formation position of tidal front was estimated from 2.4 to 3.5. In addition, the potential energy anomaly (ϕ) was ranged between 0.985 and 6.998 Joule/m3, which gradually increased from the mouth into the inner bay. This front may be caused by the unique topography with wide tidal flat and the local difference of tidal current strength. The observed tidal currents at the mouth of bay showed that the ebb time was shorter than the flood time with the increase of depth. This asymmetric ebb-tide dominance is interpreted as a result of tidal distortion by the development of a shallow-water-constituent in Hampyung Bay with a wide macro-tidal flat.
An extensive set of both in-situ and satellite data regarding oceanic sea surface temperatures in Northeast Asian seas, collected over a 10-year period, was collocated and surveyed to assess the accuracy of satellite-observed sea surface temperatures (SST) and investigate the characteristics of satellite measured SST errors. This was done by subtracting insitu SST measurements from multi-channel SST (MCSST) measurements. 845 pieces of collocated data revealed that MCSST measurements had a root-mean-square error of about 0.89∘C and a bias error of about 0.18∘C. The SST errors revealed a large latitudinal dependency with a range of ±3∘C around 40∘N, which was related to high spatial and temporal variability from smaller eddies, oceanic currents, and thermal fronts at higher latitudes. The MCSST measurements tended to be underestimated in winter and overestimated in summer when compared to in-situ measurements. This seasonal dependency was discovered from shipboard and moored buoy measurements, not satellite-tracked surface drifters, and revealed the existence of a strong vertical temperature gradient within a few meters of the upper ocean. This study emphasizes the need for an effort to consider and correct the significant skin-bulk SST difference which arises when calculating SST from satellite data.
Kim, Ki-Dae;Choi, Hyung-Tae;Lim, Hong-Geun;Park, Jae-Hyeon
Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
This study aimed to investigate orographic precipitation and green dam (water conservation function) characteristics in a deciduous forest watershed in the region of Mt. Ungseok, Sancheong, Gyeongnam, South Korea. The rainfall and runoff of the watershed were monitored for six years (2011~2016) at the weather station and at the weir of the watershed, respectively. During the study period, the rainfall in the watershed (mountainous area) was larger than that of the meteorological station (flat area) nearest to the watershed. Besides, compared to the normal year (1981~2010), the rainfall has increased and the seasonal distribution of rainfall of the mountainous area has changed. These changes might have been caused by climate change. The runoff ratio was highest in spring, followed by winter, summer and fall, whilst the runoff was highest in summer, followed by spring, fall and winter. This difference seems to be due to the melting of snow in dry spring and intensive rainfall in summer. The total runoff in the watershed was calculated as 10,143.8ton⋅ha⋅yr−1.
An active layer distributed on surface of an extreme cold region causes a frost heave by repeating the freezing and thawing according to the seasonal temperature change. Since the height of frost heave is greatly affected by the thickness of active layer, an accurate evaluation of the thickness of active layer is necessary for the safe design and construction of the infrastructure in the extreme cold region. In this study, dynamic cone penetrometer, which is miniaturized in-situ penetration device, is applied for the evaluation of active layer depth distribution. As the application tests, two dynamic cone penetration tests were conducted on the study sites located in Solomon and Alaska. In addition, ground temperature variations were obtained. As the results of the application tests, the depth of interface between the active layer and the permafrost was evaluated from the difference in dynamic cone penetration indexes of the active layer and the permafrost, and a layer was detected around the interface considered as an ice lens layer. Also, the interface depths between the above zero and the below zero temperature determined from the ground temperature variations correspond with the interface depths evaluated from the dynamic cone penetration tests. This study demonstrates that the dynamic cone penetrometer may be a useful tool for the evaluation of the active layer in the extreme cold region.
Groundwater in small islands is used as main water resource but the overuse of groundwater may cause seawater intrusion and temperature decrease in geothermal wells. This study aimed to characterize the hydrogeology of Maeum-ri area in Seokmo Island of Ganghwagun using long-term monitoring at groundwater wells and geothermal wells. In the monitoring period seasonal water level change, consistent drop or increase of water levels are not detected. The groundwater temperature about 10m below ground surface shows year cycle variation having two to five months difference with ambient temperature cycle. The storativity was calculated by tidal method. The storativity estimated by adapting tidal efficiency factor showed some larger values than that by using tidal time lag. The result suggested that the tidal method assuming several assumptions on aquifer condition may produce broad ranges but the calculated ranges at this application are reasonable. The similar shape of groundwater level change and tidal effects was observed at several wells clustered east-south-east direction which may implicate the distribution of vertical fracture system strongly related with groundwater flow channels. The applied methodology and study results will bc valuable to evaluate optimal pumping rate for the preservation of groundwater resources, and to manage geothermal development.
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회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.