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Zooplankton Grazing on Bacteria and Factors Affecting Bacterial C-flux in Lake Paldang Ecosystem (팔당호 생태계에서 동물플랑크톤의 박테리아 섭식 및 영향인자)

  • Uhm, Seong-Hwa;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.39 no.4 s.118
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    • pp.424-434
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    • 2006
  • This study investigates bacteria-zooplankton grazing link and factors affecting their grazing relationship at trophically different two sites (Paldang Dam and Kyungan Stream) of Lake Paldang Ecosystem from April to December, 2005. Zooplankton were divided into two size groups; microzooplankton (MICZ) : 60-200 μm and macrozooplankton (MACZ): >200 μm), and their grazing rates on bacteria were conducted for each size group separately. Bacterial abundance and seasonal change pattern were similar between two sites. MICZ, mostly rotifers (e.g., Brachionus, Keratella, Polyathra) were numerically dominant at both sites, while carbon biomass was highest in cladocerans. Zooplankton biomass was higher at the Kyungan Steam site compared to Paldang Dam site, and their high biomass during spring decreased as they were passing through the storm events in summer season at both sites. Zooplankton clearance rate (CR) was high in spring and autumn while low in summer at Paldang Dam site. However, zooplankton CR was high during the summer at Kyungan Stream site. Bacterial C-flux was high in spring and autumn when MACZ (esp. cladecerans) developed at a high biomass level at both sites. Overall, MACZ community CR and carbon flux (C-flux) were higher than those of MICZ, and the degree of difference between them was higher at Kyungan Stream site. Short hydraulic residence time and physical disturbance caused by summer storm event appeared to affect the zooplankton grazing on bacteria at both sites. The results of this study indicate that bacteria are potentially important carbon source of zooplankton, and that both biotic (e.g,, prey and predator taxa composition and abundance) and physical parameters appear to alter energy transfer in the planktonic food web of this river-reservoir hybrid system.

Variations of Calcium, Bicarbonate, and Cation in the Lacustrine Zone by Interannual Differences in Up-River Discharge

  • An, Kwang-Guk;Lee, Jae-Hoon;Han, Jeong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.471-476
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    • 2010
  • Monthly up-river discharge in the riverine zone analysis resulted in large interannual variations and differences in calcium (Ca2+), bicarbonate (HCO3), and cations in the lacustrine zone (Lz) of Daecheong Reservoir during the wet year (Wy, 1993) vs. dry year (Dy, 1994). Total up-river discharge in the Wy was four times that of the Dy, and the up-river discharge in July~August of the Wy was eight times greater than that of same period of Dy. Annual water retention time in the Lz showed large difference between the two years. Water residence time (WRT) was minimum when the up-river discharge peaked, whereas the WRT was maximum when the up-river discharge was at minimal condition. This peak discharge from the up-river on early July reduced residence time in the Lz on mid-July~late July. Monthly pattern, based on data of May~November, was similar between the two years, but, but mean retention time in the Wy was 50 days shorter than in the Dy. Such hydrology, up-river discharge, and WRT reduced Ca2+, HCO3, and cations in the Lz. At low up-river discharge in Wy during April~May, the cation content of Ca+Mg+Na+K averaged 1.17meq L1 (range=1.09-1.26meq L1), but as the up-river discharge increased suddenly, the values decreased. Seasonal fluctuations of Ca2+ showed exactly same pattern with bicarbonate ion of HCO3. The minimum Ca2+ (0.03meq L1) was occurred in the early August of wet year and coincided with the minimum HCO3. These results suggest that the magnitude of variation in Ca2+, bicarbonate, and cations in the lacustrine zone is directly determined by the peak magnitude of up-river discharge. The magnitude of up-river discharge determined water retention time and the magnitude of ionic dilution in the lacustrine zone, resulting in functional changes of the ecosystem.

Seasonal Changes in Physiology of the abalone Haliotis discus hannai reared from Nohwa Island on the South Coast of Korea (북방전복 Haliotis discus hannai의 계절별 생리적 변화)

  • Shin, Yun Kyung;Lee, Won Chan;Kim, Dong Wook;Son, Myung Hyun;Kim, Eung Oh;Jun, Je Cheon;Kim, Seong Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 2012
  • Growth, oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion, feeding and assimilation rate were examined from May 2010 to February 2011 in order to assess the physiological changes of Haliotis discus hannai in accordance with changes in season. The water temperature was in the range of 823.2C and the salinity in the range of 31.9-34.1psu during the examination period. The length of shell of Haliotis discus hannai grew from 36.3 mm to 66.1 mm in the 1 year old entities and from 60.6 mm to 66.1 mm for the 2 year old entities, while the weight of the meat increased from 3.16 g to 12.04 g and from 15.8 g to 21.5 g, respectively. The oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rate displayed trend of increase in accordance with the increase in water temperature, while the feeding rate was high during the period from July to October. The assimilation rate was in the range of 68%-71% without significant difference between the age of the entities and seasons. SFG displayed +value throughout the year for the 1 year old entities of Haliotis discus hannai as well as for the 2 year old entities with the exception of the period of July, thereby showing that they are growing throughout the year. Therefore, there was no environmental effect including water temperature and salinity during the examination period.

Studies on the Uptake of Mineral Nutrients by Ginseng Plant (인삼의 무기 영양 흡수에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Joon-Ho;Moon, Hyung-Tae;Chae, Myung-In
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.35-57
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    • 1977
  • Seasenal absorption of inorganic nutrients and dry matter Production were studied with four-year-old ginseng plant. The residuary amounts of the nutrients supplied to ginseng Plantation were decreased with lime elapsed. The decreasing rate was greater in chemical plots than in Yacto Plots. The amounts of manure applied in this current year and growth in dry matter production of ginseng showed no signficant difference. The amounts of mineral nutrients per unit dry matter were proportional to the amounts of supplied with chemical fertilizer in the early period of growing season but with Yacto in the late season of growing. Seasonal changes of nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium contents per unit dry weight in each organ were high in the middle of May. They decreased sharply in the middle of June and then slowly decreased in both leaves and stems but gradually increased in roots. The absorption ratio of nitrogen to Phosphorus (N/P) was high, and that of nitrogen to Potassium (N/K) was few. The amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and Potassium in leaves became lower with increasing the relative light intensity, but in stems, the concentrations were different with the kind of mineral nutrients. The requisite amounts of mineral nutrient of ginseng plant were 8.3∼9.9 kg of nitrogen, 1.2∼1.5 kg of phosphorus, 6.4∼7.9 kg of potassium Per 10 a for five years.

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Factors affecting Crop Damage by the Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) : A case study in Geochang County, Gyeongnam Province, Korea (멧돼지(Sus scrofa)에 의한 농작물 피해 요인 분석 -경남 거창군 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Seong-Min;Lee, Eun-Jae;Park, Hee-Bok;Seo, Chang-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.140-146
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    • 2018
  • Wild boars have expanded their habitats in Korea in recent years and caused serious social problems such as crop damage and appearance in urban areas. This study was carried out from May to October 2012 to investigate the environmental factors that affect crop damage based on actual cases reported in Geochang County of Gyeongnam Province, Korea. The analysis showed that the damages by wild boars occurred mainly between August and September, and rice was damaged most often while sweet potatoes were damaged most intensely. The results indicated that the damages were related to the wild boars' preference of crop and the seasonal availability of crops. Other factors that affected the crop damage included the slope, the topographic relief, and the distances from forest, stream, road, and residential area. There was no significant difference of environmental factor according to damage intensity, suggesting that the wild boars tended to attack the same cropland repeatedly and thus accumulating the damage. Our study suggests that reducing crop damages by wild boars will require cultivating crops less preferred by wild boars, installing electric fences, and controlling wild boar population with hunting and trapping.

Corrosivity of Atmospheres in the Korean Peninsula

  • Kim, Y.S.;Lim, H.K.;Kim, J.J.;Park, Y.S.
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2011
  • The Korean Peninsula is located in the middle latitude of the northern hemisphere and has a clear 4-seasons and shows the typical temperate climate. Because of seasonal winds, it is cold and dry by a northwestern wind in the winter and it is hot and humid by a southeast wind in the summer. Also, temperature difference between the winter and the summer is large and it shows a rainy season from June to July but recently this regular trend may be greatly changed by an unusual weather phenomena. Since the Peninsula is east high west low type, the climate is complicated too. Because these geographical and climate characteristics can affect the properties of corrosion of metals and alloys, a systematic research on atmospheric corrosion in the Peninsula is required to understand and control the corrosion behavior of the industrial facilities. This paper analyzed the atmospheric corrosion factors for several environments in the Korean Peninsula and categorized the corrosivity of atmospheric corrosion of metals and alloys on the base of the related ISO standards. Annual pH values of rain showed the range of 4.5~5.5 in Korean Peninsula from 1999 to 2009 and coastal area showed relatively the low pH's rain. Annual SO2 concentrations is reduced with time and its concentrations of every major cities were below the air quality standard, but NO2concentration revealed a steady state and its concentration of Seoul has been over air quality standard. In 2007, SO2classes of each sites were in P0P1, and chloride classes were in S0S1, and TOW classes were in τ3τ4.That is, SO2 and chloride classes were low but TOW class was high in Korean Peninsula. On the base of these environmental classes, corrosivity of carbon steel, zinc, copper, aluminium can be calculated that carbon steel was in C2-C3 classes and it was classified as low-medium, and zinc, copper, and aluminium showed C3 class and it was classified as medium.

The Effects of Milking Time on Melatonin and Cortisol Concentrations in Raw Milk and Milk Powder during the Summer and Winter Solstice (계절 및 착유시기에 따른 원유와 분유 내 멜라토닌, 코티솔 농도 변화)

  • Lim, Yeseo;Hong, Shik;Shin, Yong Kook;Kang, Shin Ho
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.37-41
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    • 2016
  • Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in dark conditions. It plays a major role in the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin synthesis is known to be suppressed by environmental light. Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is a major indicator of physiological alterations due to stressful stimuli. It also displays a circadian rhythm, like melatonin. The highest levels are encountered during early morning and the lowest levels are observed at around midnight. In the present study, the effects of milking time on the melatonin and cortisol concentrations of raw milk and milk powder at the summer and winter solstices were examined. The melatonin concentration in milk increased significantly if cows were milked in the dark at night (p<0.05). The melatonin concentration in milk powder showed the same pattern with respect to the milking time (p<0.05). However, no significant difference in the cortisol concentration was observed between day- and night-time milk. Although the time of day did not affect the level of milk cortisol, seasonal factors affected the release of cortisol in milk (p<0.05). In conclusion, night-time milk is rich in endogenous melatonin. In this respect, it has potential applications for the development of melatonin rich-dairy products, which serve as natural sources of melatonin.


  • CHOI Woo-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 1970
  • This paper deals with the proximate composition of the cultured sea mussel (Mytilus edulis) which are distributed along the whole coastline of Korea, particularly abundant in the southern coast Studies on seasonal variation in chemical constituents of the mussel at Northern Bay of Choongmu were carried out from March to December 1968 and the results obtained are as follows: 1. Moisture content in mussel meat was 78.5% on the average; the maximum amounted to 81.3% during May-June, while the minimum was 77.8% in September. 2. Crude protein was in the range of 10.913.7%; the maximum was In September-October, the minimum appeared in March, and the average value was 12.8%. 3. Lipids on the average was 2.5% and there was no markable difference .between the high and low contents. 4. Total sugar was 5% during September-October in its highest, while there appeared minor contents during winter season. 5. Crude ash on the average was 1.5% the and maximum was in November-December. As for minerals in the ash, 963mg% of phosphate, 82mg% of calcium, and 188mg% of iron were found respectively. 6. pH was in the range of 6.02-6.55, but it generally declined to acidity in the summer season. 7. In amino acid contents, there found 16 kinds; 710mg% of glutamic acid, 696mg% of aspartic acid, 383mg% of Iysine, 225.4mg% of valine, 225.1mg% of proline, etc. 8. The amounts of Protein, lipids and total sugar are tend to increase from August to October, particularly in September.

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  • SONG Sang Ho
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.4 no.3_4
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 1971
  • The annual variation of algal vegetation at two reefs, A and 3, of Odong-do, Yeosu, was observed two times each month during the period from June 1970 to May 1971, and the results obtained are as follows : 1. The total number of the algal species occurred were 69 species, of which 12 species belong to Chlorophyceae, 17 species to Phaeophyceae and 40 species to Rhodophyceae. No significant difference was noticed in the occurrence number of algal species at the reefs observed. 2. Most species of the algal communities in each algal belt did not show seasonal variations, but the following species showed fluctuations iii cover degree : Ulva pertusa, Enteromorpha sp., Sphacelaria sp., Scytosiphon iomentaria, Colpomenia sinuosa, Sargassum thunber gii, Pterocladia tenuis, Amphiroa ephedrea, Carpopeltis affinis, Gigartina tenera, Polysiphonia yendoi, Chondria crassicaulis, Symphyocladia atiuscula. 3. The species occurred in each algal belt at all two reefs did not show much variations and the main species in each belt are as follows: 200\~150cm belt - Gloiopeltis complanata, G. furcata, Enteromorpha sp., etc. : 150\~100cm belt - Ulva pertusa, Chondria crassicaulis, Sargassum thunbergii, etc. ; 100\~50cm belt - Gigartina tenera, Pterocladia tenuis, Scytosiphcn lomentaria, Polysiphonia yendoi, etc ; Below 50cm- Sargassum sagamianum, Cystophyllum sisymbrioides, Gelidium amansii, Acresorium yendoi, Microcladia elegance, etc. 4. The species occurred below 100cm level were almost the same at A and B reefs, but those above 100cm level at the A leef were different from the B reef; th: species of the algal belt of reef A were composed of Gloiopeltis complanata, Corallina pilulifera, Chondria crassicaulis, Sargassum thunbergii, Polysiphonia yendoi, Ulva Pertusa, etc., and those of reef B were composed of Gloiopeltis complanata, G. furcata, Enteromurpha sp. and Ulva pertusa, thus the main composition of reef B was very simple. 5. According to Taniguti's classification of marin: algal com nunity, the reefs observed belong to the Gigartina intermedia-Sargassum sagaminnum association (Sargasseto-Gigartinetum Taniguti) of Myelophycus caespitosus alliance (Myelophycion Taniguti).

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Hazard Analysis of Staphylococcus aureus in Ready-to-Eat Sandwiches (즉석섭취 샌드위치류의 황색포도상구균에 대한 위해분석)

  • Park, Hae-Jung;Bae, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.36 no.7
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    • pp.938-943
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    • 2007
  • This study investigated the hazard analysis of ready-to-eat sandwiches sold in various establishments. Sandwich samples were collected from convenience stores, discount stores, sandwich chain stores, bakery shops, fast-food chain stores, and food service operations located in Daegu and Gyeongbuk. Out of 174 samples, 18 (10.3%) contained coagulase positive staphylococci with counts ranging from 0.30 to 4.08 log CFU/g. There was significant seasonal difference in Staphylococcus aureus isolation; the average count in summer (3.24 log CFU/g) was 3 times higher than that of winter (1.10 log CFU/g) (P<0.001). According to the microbiological guidelines of PHLS for ready-to-eat foods, 95.4% of the samples were acceptable. As a result of enterotoxin producing experimental data (35C, pH 5.8, NaCl 0.5%), enterotoxin was not produced in a sandwich until Staphylococcus aureus increased to a level greater than 4.95 log CFU/g. This microbiological hazard analysis data could be applied to future studies on quantitative risk assessment of ready-to-eat foods.