• 제목/요약/키워드: Seasonal Difference

검색결과 696건 처리시간 0.022초

The Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Volume Transport through the Western Channel of the Korea Strait

  • Kim, Young-Ju;Takikawa, Tetsutaro;An, Hui-Soo;Yoon, Jong-Hwan
    • Journal of the korean society of oceanography
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    • 제39권3호
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 2004
  • The variation of volume transport during the period from 1965 to 2000 through the western channel of the Korea Strait was estimated by obtaining an relation function between the ADCP volume transport and the geostrophic volume transport estimated by the sea level difference between Pusan and Izuhara. The estimated climatological mean volume transport during past 36 years has seasonal variation with a minimum of 1.15 Sv in February and a maximum of 1.88 Sv in October. The mean volume transport for 36 years is 1.51 Sv. The annual mean volume transport has an interannual variation with a minimum of 1.26 Sv in 1968 and maximum of 1.90 Sv in 1973, with three dominant periods of variations of 14.96 years, 4.96 years and 2.99 years.

Period3 유전자다형성과 기분 및 행동 계절성 변동의 연관성 (Association of the Period3 Gene Polymorphism and Seasonal Variations in Mood and Behavior)

  • 이헌정;강승걸;김린
    • 수면정신생리
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.22-26
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    • 2006
  • Circadian rhythms have been observed to be disturbed in mood disorders, especially seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Clock related gene variants also have been suggested to be associated with seasonality (seasonal variations in mood and behavior). This study tested the potential association between a length polymorphism of Period3 gene and seasonal variations in mood and behavior. 297 Korean college students were genotyped for the Period3 polymorphism and were for evaluated the seasonal variation by Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ). The genotype frequencies were 0.76 for 4R/4R, 0.22 for 4R/5R and 0.013 for 5R/5R. The global seasonality score was not different among Period3 gene variants (4R/4R, 4R/5R and 5R/5R) except for 'sleep length' subscore. The 5R/5R genotype showed the higher 'sleep length' subscore than others (p=0.024). The comparison between seasonals (syndromal plus subsyndromal SAD determined by SPAQ) and non-seasonals did not show any significant difference in frequencies of genotypes. These findings suggest that there is a possibility that the investigated Period3 polymorphism may play a partial role in the susceptibility of seasonal variations in a Korean population.

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관측과 모델에서 얻어진 열대 대서양에서의 계절별 염분 분포 및 담수 효과 (Observed and Simulated Seasonal Salinity in The Tropical Atlantic ocean, and its Relationship with Freshwater)

  • 유정문
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.290-302
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    • 1992
  • 기후학적인 관측자료와 담수 효과를 고려한 수치실험에서 얻어진 두가지의 계절별 염분 분포를 열대 대서양 500 m 상층부에 대하여 조사하였다. 해표면 염분의 계절 변 화는 담수의 초과를 가져오는 열대수렴대(ITCZ)의 이동 및 강물 방출 시기에 밀접한 관계가 있었다. 본 연구에서 얻어진 계절별 염분 분포는 Defant (1981)와 Levitus (1982) 등의 이미 존재하는 기후 자료와 대체로 비슷하나, 본 연구의 자료가 온도 분 포에 더 잘 일치하였다. 밀도에 대한 온도 효과와 비교할 때 염분 효과는 100 m 이심 에서는 무시할 만하나 혼합층에서 염분 효과는 상당히 중요하였다. 관측된 염분 분포 와 모델에서 계산된 염분 분포사이에 뚜렷한 차이가 염분값의 위도에 따른 기울기에서 나타났다. 모델에서 유도된 염분은 관측값보다 적도부근의 해양에서 대체로 높게 나타 났으나, 아열대 해역에서는 낮게 나타났다. 남동 대서양 해역과 같은 관측자료가 매우 적은 곳에서 염분 차이는 크게 나타났고, 이런 해역에서 정교한 모델값이 좀 더 정확 한 듯 보인다. 또한 관측값과 모델에서 얻어진 값과의 불일치에 대한 가능한 원인들도 분석하였다.

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  • 박영호
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 1969
  • The present investigations were carried out with the purpose of making clear the fundamental features of the seasonal variations in chemical composition of the brown algae. Three species of samples, Ecklonia cava, Sargassum sagamianum and Hizikia fusiforme have been analyzed monthly for their contents of total ash, crude protein, alginic acid, mannitol, and laminarin over a year period. Three kinds of samples were collected from the same locality, situated on the southern coast of the Che-ju Island, from September 1966 to August 1967. In addition, the comparative analysis was made on fronds and stipes of the plant for their chemical composition. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1, In general, the three species examined underwent a similar mode of seasonal variation, and no essential difference was detected among them. 2. The chemical composition of the plant exhibited a considerable difference between the species. The content of total ash in H. fusiforme was remarkably higher than those in the two other species respectively. The alginic acid content was relatively high in S. sagamianum and low in H. fusiforme. The contents of crude protein, mannitol and laminarin were appreciably high in E. cava and low in H. fusiforme in general. 3. The most outstanding feature in the seasonal variation was that, in general, the total ash, crude protein, and alginic acid contents were at a maximum in the winter months while laminarin and mannitol contents were at a minimum. The converse was true in summer. Total ash-Maximum values were observed from December to February and minimum from August till October. Crude Protein-All species exhibited maxima in January and February, and minima from August to October. Alginic acid-Maximum contents occured from January to March and minimum from September to November. Mannitol-The maximum content of mannitol was In May and lune and minimum in January, February and March. Leminerin-Maximum content was in September and October, and minimum in January and February. 4. The wide seasonal variation in chemical constitution occured in the fronds, but the stipes showed a slight seasonal variation. In the chemical composition, the stipe was high in alginic acid, low in mannitol and laminarin. The reverse was in the frond.

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계절별 착의량이 안정시 에너지 대사량에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Seasonal Clothing Weight on Resting Metabolic Rate)

  • 황수정;최정화;성화경
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.483-494
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    • 1999
  • This study investigated the relation between seasonal variation of clothing weight and its resting metabolic rate to determine the relation between proper living temperature and cold/heat tolerance. Thirty six subjects(18 males and females twenties) were composed to obtain the clothing weight(Total clothing weight) and resting metabolic rate for a year and grouped four seasons : spring (Mar-May) Summer(Jun-Aug) Fall(Sep-Nov) and Winter(Dec-Feb). The data of males and females were respectively divided into three groups by cluster analysis with clothing weight. 1. The resting metabolic rate of male(41.1kcal/m2/hr) was higher than that of female(33.2kcal/m2/hr). It is suggested there is gender difference in the resting metabolic rate(p<.001) 2. The resting metabolic rate of male and female was the highest in Winter. It is suggested there is seasonal variation in the resting metabolic rate(p<.001) 3. It was found that there was relation between clothing weight and resting metabolic rate. The difference of resting metabolic rate between Summer and Winter which is profitable to adaptation to living temperature was significant in light clothing weight in male as well as in female. 4. In comfortable sensation most subjects responded that he/she felt 'comfortable' except Winter. However the heavy clothing weight group felt 'a little uncomfortable' throughout all seasons. l In thermal sensation most subjects responded that he/she felt 'neutral' And then the heavy clothing weight group responded warmer in summer and cooler in winter than light clothing weight group. From the results it was confirmed that male and female showed seasonal variations in clothing weight and resting metabolic rate. Also the resting metabolic rate of male and female was influenced by the clothing weight. In short seasonal variation of resting metabolic rate was larger in light clothing weight group than in heavy clothing weight group. Therefore light clothing weight group is advantgeous in living temperature to improve cold/heat tolerance and it also shows that living with the light clothing weight may enhance the degree of adaptation to change of living environment

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한국성우(韓國成牛)의 혈액학치(血液學値) 및 혈액화학치(血液化學値)에 관한 연구(硏究) 제1보(第一報) 한국성우(韓國成牛)의 혈액학치(血液學値)에 관한 연구(硏究) (Studies on the Hematology and Blood Chemistry of Korean Cattle Part I. Studies on the Hematology of Korean Cattle)

  • 정창국
    • 대한수의학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.61-96
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    • 1965
  • Observations were made on the blood picture of total 196 heads of healthy Korean cattles, including 98 males and 98 females in the purpose of determination of hematological values and its sex difference, and seasonal variations during one year period from December 1963 to November 1964. The blood sampling were scheduled by random in four different seasons and the sample size of both sex included in each season were designated to be same size. The ranges, averages or mean values of the erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, total white blood cell count and differential count were determined in this studies and their respective standard deviation, standard error of means, sex defferences and seasonal variations were as follows; 1. The erythrocyte count of male showed a range of $5.0{\times}10^6/c.mm$ to $8.75{\times}10^6/c.mm$ with a mean of $6.5{\pm}0.096{\times}10^6/c.mm$. Female showed a range of $5.0{\times}10^6/c.mm$ to $8.30{\times}10^6/c.mm$, with a mean of 6. $131{\pm}0.078{\times}10^6/c.mm$. There was a highly significant sex difference and seasomal variation was not found to be significant. 2. The hemoglobin value of male showed a range of 9.0g/100cc. to 14.5g/100cc. with a mean of $11.074{\pm}0.143g/100cc$. Female showed a range of 9.0g/100cc to 13.0g/100cc. with a mean of $10.745{\pm}0.034g/100cc$. There was a highly significant sex difference and seasonal variation was not found to be significant. 3. The hematocrit value of male showed a range of 28% to 45% and with a mean of $34.867{\pm}0.468%$. Female showed a range of 28% to 42% with a mean of $32.888{\pm}0.322%$. There was a highly significant sex difference and seasonal variation was not found to be significant. 4. The mean corpuscular hemoglobin of male showed a range of 14.4rr. to 19.6rr. with a mean of $17.1{\pm}0.112rr$. Female showed a range of 14.7rr. to 19.5rr. with a mean of $17.6{\pm}0.113rr$. 5. The mean corpusular volume of male showed a range of $42.5{\mu}^3$ to $62.2{\mu}^3$ with a mean of $53.9{\pm}0.419{\mu}^3$, Female showed a range of $44.2{\mu}^3$ to $60.0{\mu}^3$ with a mean of $53.8{\pm}0.375{\mu}^3$. 6. The mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration of male showed a range of 28.1 % to 34.9% with a mean of $31.4{\pm}0.161%$. Female showed a range of 28.0% to 34.9% with a mean of $30.9{\pm}0.169%$. 7. The total leucocyte count of male showed a range of 4,000/c.mm to 13,100/c.mm. with a mean of $9,338{\pm}218.23/c.mm$. Female showed a range of 4,000/c.mm. to 14,000/c.mm. with a mean of $9,338{\pm}235.90/c.mm$. Six difference was not found to be significant and there was a highly significant seasonal variation. 8. The differential count of male, the means of neutrophil, stab, segmented cell, Iymphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil and basophil were $31.173{\pm}0.570%$, 0.3%. $30.867{\pm}0.564%$, $55.112{\pm}0.603%$, $3.745{\pm}0.082%$, $9.867{\pm}0.422%$ and 0.14% rspectively. Female showed means of $31.010{\pm}0.572%$, 0.2%, $30.806{\pm}0.569%$, $53.929{\pm}0.634%$, $4.082{\pm}0.109%$, $10.908{\pm}0.503%$ and 0.12% respectively. There were significant sex differences in monocyte and highly significant sex difference in eosinophil, and seasonal variation were found to be highly significant in neutrophil, monocyte and eosinophil. 9. Hematological comparison made between cattles infested with so called "small type piroplasma" and non-infested group. The result of investigation showed no significant difference upon the red blood cell, hemoglobin and hematocrit values between lighty infested group and non-infested group. 10. Age distribution of test group in this study ranged from 2 years to 6 years in both sex and their average age were $4.45{\pm}0.114$(male) and $4.50{\pm}0.116$(female). There found to be no significant sex difference and seasonal variations in the age of test group.

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미세입자 ($PM_{2.5}$) 에 포함된 탄소농도계절 특성 (Seasonal characteristics of Elemental and Orgainc Carbon)

  • 강병욱
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2000
  • Elemental carbon(EC) and organic carbon(OC) in fine particles (PM2.5) were collected from October 1995 through August 1996 in the Chongju area. The annual mean concentrations of EC and OC were 4.44 and 4.99 $\mu\textrm{g}$/m3 respectively. EC showed seasonal variation (p<0.01) The magnitude of the seasonal mean EC concen-tration progresses in the following manner : fall>winter>spring>summer. However OC was not statistically seasonal difference(p=0.20) The annual average OC/EC ratio was 1.12 suggesting that organic carbon measured may by emitted directly in particulate form(primary aerosol) The contribution of EC to PM2.5 mass follows a general pattern in which fall(14.6%) > winter (9.8%) >spring(7.8%) =summer(7.8%) and the contribution of OC to the PM2.5 mass varies in order fall(13.8%) >winter(11.3%) >spring(10.5%) >summer (9.4%) Total carbona-ceous particles(EC and OC) accounted for 17-28% of the PM2.5 mass.

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포장에서 복숭아혹진딧물(Myzus persicae Sulzer)의 계절적 변동에 따른 약제 감수성 (Seasonal fluctuation of susceptibility of the green peach aphid to insecticides in Chinese cabbage field)

  • 송승석
    • 한국응용곤충학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.218-221
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    • 1993
  • 복숭아혹진딧물 방제용약제를 공시하여 1983년부터 4년에 걸쳐 포장에서의 약효와 실내에서 약제감수성을 조사하였다. 마라치온을 포함한 7종의 살충제의 방제가가 현저히 낮았다. 또한 포장에서 계절별로 발생한 개체군에 대한 각 약제의 감수성시험을 실시한 결과 약제에 따라 1~167배의 약제 감수성 차이를 보였다.

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북서태평양 중기해양예측모형(OMIDAS) 해면수온 예측성능: 계절적인 차이 (Predictability of Sea Surface Temperature in the Northwestern Pacific simulated by an Ocean Mid-range Prediction System (OMIDAS): Seasonal Difference)

  • 정희석;김용선;신호정;장찬주
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제43권2호
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2021
  • Changes in a marine environment have a broad socioeconomic implication on fisheries and their relevant industries so that there has been a growing demand for the medium-range (months to years) prediction of the marine environment Using a medium-range ocean prediction model (Ocean Mid-range prediction System, OMIDAS) for the northwest Pacific, this study attempted to assess seasonal difference in the mid-range predictability of the sea surface temperature (SST), focusing on the Korea seas characterized as a complex marine system. A three-month re-forecast experiment was conducted for each of the four seasons in 2016 starting from January, forced with Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) forecast data. The assessment using relative root-mean-square-error was taken for the last month SST of each experiment. Compared to the CFSv2, the OMIDAS revealed a better prediction skill for the Korea seas SST, particularly in the Yellow sea mainly due to a more realistic representation of the topography and current systems. Seasonally, the OMIDAS showed better predictability in the warm seasons (spring and summer) than in the cold seasons (fall and winter), suggesting seasonal dependency in predictability of the Korea seas. In addition, the mid-range predictability for the Korea seas significantly varies depending on regions: the predictability was higher in the East Sea than in the Yellow Sea. The improvement in the seasonal predictability for the Korea seas by OMIDAS highlights the importance of a regional ocean modeling system for a medium-range marine prediction.

Seasonal Dynamics of Fish Fauna and Compositions in the Gap Stream Along With Conventional Water Quality

  • Lee, Jae-Hoon;An, Kwang-Guk
    • 생태와환경
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    • 제40권4호
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    • pp.503-510
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    • 2007
  • The purposes of the study were to analyze the seasonal effects on the fish fauna and compositions including trophic guilds and tolerance guilds. For the study, we collected fish samples twice in June as premonsoon period and early September 2007 as monsoon periods in five sampling sites of the Gap Stream, and then biological oxygen demand (BOD), nutrients (TN, TP) and suspended solids (SS) were compared with the guild data along the gradient of upstream-to-downstream. Chemical water quality, based on BOD, TP, and TN degraded gradually from the upstream to downstream reach and there were about 3 fold difference between S1 and S5. Water quality was worse in the premonsoon than the monsoon, and the heavy monsoon resulted in a dilution of the polluted river by rain water, especially, in the downstream reach. Total number of fish species, based on the catch per unit effort (CPUE), showed a distinct difference between the two seasons; 30 species were sampled in premonsoon, but 23 species were sampled in the monsoon, indicating a seasonal difference in the fish fauna. Tolerant species dominated the fish community (48.3%) in the stream, and the proportions prior to physical disturbance by the monsoon rain were evidently greater in the downstream reach than the upstream. This reflected the characteristics of urban stream polluted by nutrient enrichment as shown in the BOD and TP values. Sensitive species in the premonsoon decreased from the gradient of upstream-to-downstream reach. Such seasonal modifications in the trophic and tolerance guilds were evident. In the analysis of trophic guild and habitat guild, during the premonsoon the proportion of insectivore and riffle-benthic species were largely greater in the upstream reach than the downstream, whereas the proportions were opposite along the gradient of the stream in monsoon. Thus, the patterns of chemical water quality along the longitudinal gradients reflected the premonsoon conditions of insectivores and tolerant species, indicating that summer monsoon data of fish may not match with water quality due to large physical disturbance by flow regime. Seasonal monsoon in this region as well as the chemical pollution may act as a key role influencing the fish compositions of trophic and tolerance guilds and fauna. The data collected during the premonsoon rather than the monsoon, thus, may be better predictor for a diagnosis of stream health conditions.