• Title/Summary/Keyword: Science technology authority data

검색결과 62건 처리시간 0.022초

한국형기동헬기 임무컴퓨터 비행필수기능 설계 (Design on Flight-Critical Function of Mission Computer for KUH)

  • 유연운;김태열;장원홍;김성우;임종봉
    • 한국군사과학기술학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.213-221
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    • 2011
  • Avionics system tends to be designed to have the integrated architecture, and it is getting difficult and complex to verify the flight-critical function because of sophisticated structure. In Korean Utility Helicopter, mission computer acts as the MUX Bus Controller to handle the data from both communication, identification, mission/display and survivability equipment inside Mission Equipment Package and aircraft subsystems such as fuel system and electrical system while it is interfacing with Automatic Flight Control System and Full-Authority Digital Engine Control via ARINC-429 bus. The Flight Displays which is classified as flight-critical function in aircraft is implemented on Primary Flight Display after mission computer processes data from AFCS in order to generate graphics. This paper defines the flight-critical function implemented in mission computer for KUH, and presents the static and dynamic test procedures which is performed on System Integration Laboratory along with Playback Recorder prior to flight test.

The Role of Technological Progress in the Distribution sector: Evidence from Saudi Arabia Wholesale and Retail Trade Sector

  • ALZYADAT, Jumah Ahmad;ALMUSLAMANI, Monira Saleh
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study aims to identify the role of technological progress in the distribution sector in Saudi Arabia. Research design, data, and methodology: The study applies the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach to estimate the Cobb Douglas production function of the wholesale and retail trade sector in Saudi Arabia, relied on annual data from the General Authority for Statistics from 2005 to 2019. Results: The results show that there is a long run relationship between the production of the wholesale and retail trade sector in KSA and the factors of production labour, capital and technology progress. The elasticity of the wholesale and retail trade production with respect to capital and labour are 0.26 and 0.78 respectively; the coefficients are positive and statistically significant. The wholesale and retail trade sector is operating under increasing returns to scale. The main result indicates that the elasticity of the wholesale and retail production with respect to the technology progress is 4.62%, which is positive and statistically significant. Conclusions: The study concluded that technological progress has a positive contribution to the growth of the distribution sector in KSA. Therefore, the technological progress can improve the productivity and efficiency of the resources allocated to the dis.

An Efficient Anonymous Authentication Scheme with Secure Communication in Intelligent Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks

  • Zhang, Xiaojun;Mu, Liming;Zhao, Jie;Xu, Chunxiang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제13권6호
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    • pp.3280-3298
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    • 2019
  • Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) have become increasingly significant in intelligent transportation systems, they play a great role in improving traffic safety and efficiency. In the deployment of intelligent VANETs, intelligent vehicles can efficiently exchange important or urgent traffic information and make driving decisions. Meanwhile, secure data communication and vehicle's identity privacy have been highlighted. To cope with these security issues, in this paper, we construct an efficient anonymous authentication scheme with secure communication in intelligent VANETs. Combing the ElGamal encryption technique with a modified Schnorr signature technique, the proposed scheme provides secure anonymous authentication process for encrypted message in the vehicle-to-infrastructure communication model, and achieves identity privacy, forward security, and reply attack resistance simultaneously. Moreover, except the trusted authority (TA), any outside entity cannot trace the real identity of an intelligent vehicle. The proposed scheme is designed on an identity-based system, which can remove the costs of establishing public key infrastructure (PKI) and certificates management. Compared with existing authentication schemes, the proposed scheme is much more practical in intelligent VANETs.

바이오 연료 적용에 따른 차량 증발가스 및 성능특성 연구 (The Characteristics Study of Vehicle Evaporative Emission and Performance according to the Bio-Fuel Application)

  • 노경하;이민호;김기호;김신;박천규
    • 한국응용과학기술학회지
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.874-882
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    • 2017
  • 국내 외에서 대기오염에 대한 관심이 점점 증가함에 따라 자동차 및 연료관련 분야의 연구자들은 새로운 엔진설계, 향상된 후처리장치, 청정연료 그리고 연료품질향상을 통해 자동차의 배출가스 감소를 위하여 지속적으로 노력해 왔다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 자동차의 증발가스와 성능, 환경성에 대해 살펴보고자 하였으며, 연료의 옥탄가 향상제로 쓰이는 바이오 에탄올, 바이오 부탄올, 바이오 ETBE (Ethyl Tertia ry Butyl Ether), MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether)가 환경에 미치는 문제점에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 주로 휘발유의 옥탄가 향상제로 쓰이는 바이오 에탄올, 바이오 부탄올, 바이오 ETBE, MTBE가 휘발유 연료 특성 중 증발가스에 미치는 영향에 대해 살펴보았으며, 바이오 연료 특성에 대한 가솔린 자동차의 가속 및 동력 성능을 살펴보았다. 실험결과 증발가스는 최대 1.04g/test로 모든 시험 연료가 국내 배출가스 기준에 부합함을 알 수 있었으며, 원료에 대한 증기압 측정 결과 바이오에탄올 15kPa, 바이오 부탄올 1.6k Pa로 E3급 연료 제조 시 바이오 부탄올 함유량을 늘리면 증기압과 증발가스 또한 낮게 나타났다. 또한, 바이오 연료의 종류에 따라 유사한 가속 및 동력 성능을 나타내었으며, 바이오 부탄올과 바이오 에탄올 비교시 가속 성능이 약 3.9%, 출력은 0.8% 개선되었다.

Geant 4 Monte Carlo simulation for I-125 brachytherapy

  • Jie Liu;M.E. Medhat;A.M.M. Elsayed
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제56권7호
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    • pp.2516-2523
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to validate the dosimetric characteristics of Low Dose Rate (LDR) I-125 source Geant4-based Monte Carlo code. According to the recommendation of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) task group report (TG-43), the dosimetric parameters of a new brachytherapy source should be verified either experimentally or theoretically before clinical procedures. The simulation studies are very important since this procedure delivers a high dose of radiation to the tumor with only a minimal dose affecting the surrounding tissues. GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit associated brachytherapy example was modified, adapted and several updated techniques have been developed to facilitate and smooth radiotherapy techniques. The great concordance of the current study results with the consensus data and with the results of other MC based studies is promising. It implies that Geant4-based Monte Carlo simulation has the potential to be used as a reliable and standard simulation code in the field of brachytherapy for verification and treatment planning purposes.

The Effectiveness of Macroprudential Policy on Credit Growth at Bank-Level Data in Vietnam

  • NGUYEN, Hau Trung;PHAM, Anh Thi Hoang;DANG, Thuy T.
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • 제8권8호
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    • pp.325-334
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    • 2021
  • The study investigates the effectiveness of the macroprudential policy on credit growth in Vietnam. The authors use the logic of the transmission mechanism of macroprudential policy on credit growth. Research variables include economic growth, inflation, interest rate, and quarterly bank-level data from 28 commercial banks in Vietnam during 2011-2018. The results reveal that: (i) GDP growth had a positive impact on credit growth of small banks but had no impact on large banks, (ii) Domestic Systemically Important Banks (D-SIBs) and small banks respond differently to macroprudential measures of imposing different credit growth targets for different bank groups, (iii) Restrictions on foreign currency loans are found to be effective in curbing credit growth for the full sample and small banks, (iv) Inflation and economic cycle have significantly impacted credit growth at bank-level in Vietnam and (v) Interestingly, a significant positive relationship between interest rates and credit growth is found for the full sample and D-SIBs in Vietnam. The findings suggest that a stable macroeconomic environment should be good conditions for financial stability, and monetary authority should pay more attention to small banks' behaviors than D-SIBs behavior, toward such "administration" tools since small banks tend to prefer "breaking the rules" to make profits.

KRISTAL기반의 FSTA 구축을 위한 효율적인 관리 시스템 구현 (Efficient Management System Implementation for FSTA Database based on KRISTAL)

  • 윤희준;이석형;윤화묵;김한기
    • 한국콘텐츠학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘텐츠학회 2006년도 춘계 종합학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.495-498
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    • 2006
  • 국내의 정보서비스 업체나 기관들은 세계적인 과학기술정보의 최신 동향과 연구 정보를 제공하기 위해 해외에서 발행된 데이터베이스를 도입, 구축한 정보를 서비스로 제공하고 있다. 여러 데이터베이스 중에서 FSTA(Food Science and Technology Abstracts)는 전 세계의 식품과학, 식품공학, 식품기술 및 음식과 관련된 식품 영양학에 관한 광범위한 초록 정보를 제공하는 데이터베이스이다. 식품과학에 관련된 정보를 유일하게 제공하는 FSTA 데이터베이스를 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI)에서 개발한 정보검색관리 시스템인 KRISTAL를 기반으로 데이터베이스를 구축하여 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 데이터베이스 도입, 구축, 검색, 수정, 재구축, 통계 등의 여러 과정이 필요하다. 본 논문은 국내 이용자들에게 FSTA 데이터베이스의 정보를 서비스하기 위해 FSTA 데이터베이스를 입수하는 단계부터 KRISTAL 정보검색관리 시스템에 구축하는 단계까지의 과정을 체계적으로 구축하여 효율적으로 관리할 수 있도록 하는 시스템을 구현하는데 있다. 보다 빠르고 정확한 FSTA 데이터베이스 구축을 통해 사용자들은 최신의 FSTA 데이터베이스를 검색하여 원하는 정보를 얻을 수 있다.

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The radioactivity levels and beta dose rate assessment from dental ceramic materials in Egypt

  • Mohamed Hasabelnaby;Mohamed Y. Hanfi;Hany El-Gamal;Ahmed H. El Gindy;Mayeen Uddin Khandakerf;Ghada Salaheldin
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제56권9호
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    • pp.3898-3903
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    • 2024
  • There is a lack of available data on the radioactivity levels of these materials, despite the potential risks they may pose to patients, dental technicians, and dentists. A total of forty samples were collected from different dental markets in Egypt. Using an NaI(Tl) detector, the gamma-ray spectrometer measured the activity levels of uranium-238, radium-226, thorium-232, and potassium-40. The findings revealed that the mean concentration of 238U (below the minimum detectable activity, MDA), 226Ra (135 ± 5 and 132 ± 5 Bq/kg), 232Th (187 ± 4 and 243 ± 8 Bq/kg), and 40K (1560 ± 52 and 2501 ± 89 Bq/kg) in feldspar and zirconia (ZrO2) dental ceramic samples, respectively, were all within the limits established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the European Commission (EC). The use of feldspar and zirconia dental ceramics to restore all teeth would result in an estimated maximum beta dose of 1.5 mGy/year to the oral tissue. The results suggest that there is no cause for concern regarding any additional beta dose to the oral cavity from the use of feldspar and zirconia dental ceramics.

A novel analytical approach for advection diffusion equation for radionuclide release from an area source

  • Esmail, S.;Agrawal, P.;Aly, Shaban
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제52권4호
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    • pp.819-826
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    • 2020
  • The method of the Laplace transform has been used to obtain an analytical solution of the three-dimensional steady state advection diffusion equation for the airborne radionuclide release from any nuclear installation such as the power reactor in an area source. The present treatment takes into account the removal of the pollutants through the nuclear reaction. We assume that the pollutants are emitted as a constant rate from the area source. This physical consideration is achieved by assuming that the vertical eddy diffusivity coefficient should be a constant. The prevailing wind speed is a constant in 𝑥- direction and a linear function of the vertical height z. The present model calculations are compared with the other models and the available data of the atmospheric dispersion experiments that were carried out in the nuclear power plant of Angra dos Reis (Brazil). The results show that the present treatment performs well as the analytical dispersion model and there is a good agreement between the values computed by our model and the observed data.

Radiological, environmental, and structural investigations of Wadi El Markh granitic rocks, southeastern desert, Egypt

  • Mahmoud R. Khattab;Waheed H. Mohamed;Said A. Shetaia;Mohamed S. Ahmed;Sherif A. Taalab;Diaa A. Saadawi;Ahmed K. Sakr;Mayeen Uddin Khandaker;A.Sh.M. Elshoukrofy;Mohamed Y. Hanfi
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제56권11호
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    • pp.4522-4530
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    • 2024
  • The radiological and environmental hazards of Wadi El Markh granitic rocks were investigated, and magnetic data were used to delineate the structural framework and determine the bedrock depth in the area. The result displayed that geological structures influence the occurrence of uranium mineralization in this area and are mainly associated with altered granitic formations. The activity concentrations of radioisotopes in the regions studied showed a range of values: 238U varied between 345 and 1729 Bq.kg-1, averaging 980 Bq.kg-1; 232Th ranged from 73 to 162 Bq.kg-1, with an average of 120 Bq.kg-1; and 40K varied from 829 to 1790 Bq.kg-1, average 1245 Bq.kg-1. The measured concentrations of 238U, 232Th, and 40K in the analyzed granitic rocks samples exceeded the worldwide average of 35, 45, and 412 Bq.kg-1, respectively. The primary radiological risks related to these granitic rocks were associated with the gamma radiation emitted by the radioactive elements. The statistical assessment confirmed that the main contributors to the radiological risks were uranium, potassium, and associated minerals in the granitic rocks. The entire investigation region has been determined to exceed the permissible safe radiation dose rate limit of 1 mSv/year. As a result, the study determined that the granitic rocks in the surveyed area were deemed unsuitable for construction because of their elevated levels of radioactivity. The effects of pollution on the ecological system were evaluated using several ecological indices, including the Geoaccumulation index (Igeo), Contamination factor (CF), Degree of Contamination (Cd), Pollution Load Index (PLI), Potential ecological risk factor (Eri), and Potential Ecological Risk Index (RI). Based on Cd and PLI, 100 % of the samples were found to be very highly polluted to the ecological system and suggest deterioration if used. Regarding RI, the metals were arranged as Cd > As > Co > Cu > Pb > Cr > V > Zn, with considerable risk in all samples.