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An Estimation of Concentration of Asian Dust (PM10) Using WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ (MADRID) During Springtime in the Korean Peninsula (WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ(MADRID)을 이용한 한반도 봄철 황사(PM10)의 농도 추정)

  • Moon, Yun-Seob;Lim, Yun-Kyu;Lee, Kang-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.276-293
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    • 2011
  • In this study a modeling system consisting of Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF), Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE), the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model, and the CMAQ-Model of Aerosol Dynamics, Reaction, Ionization, and Dissolution (MADRID) model has been applied to estimate enhancements of $PM_{10}$ during Asian dust events in Korea. In particular, 5 experimental formulas were applied to the WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ (MADRID) model to estimate Asian dust emissions from source locations for major Asian dust events in China and Mongolia: the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) model, the Goddard Global Ozone Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (GOCART) model, and the Dust Entrainment and Deposition (DEAD) model, as well as formulas by Park and In (2003), and Wang et al. (2000). According to the weather map, backward trajectory and satellite image analyses, Asian dust is generated by a strong downwind associated with the upper trough from a stagnation wave due to development of the upper jet stream, and transport of Asian dust to Korea shows up behind a surface front related to the cut-off low (known as comma type cloud) in satellite images. In the WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ modeling to estimate the PM10 concentration, Wang et al.'s experimental formula was depicted well in the temporal and spatial distribution of Asian dusts, and the GOCART model was low in mean bias errors and root mean square errors. Also, in the vertical profile analysis of Asian dusts using Wang et al's experimental formula, strong Asian dust with a concentration of more than $800\;{\mu}g/m^3$ for the period of March 31 to April 1, 2007 was transported under the boundary layer (about 1 km high), and weak Asian dust with a concentration of less than $400\;{\mu}g/m^3$ for the period of 16-17 March 2009 was transported above the boundary layer (about 1-3 km high). Furthermore, the difference between the CMAQ model and the CMAQ-MADRID model for the period of March 31 to April 1, 2007, in terms of PM10 concentration, was seen to be large in the East Asia area: the CMAQ-MADRID model showed the concentration to be about $25\;{\mu}g/m^3$ higher than the CMAQ model. In addition, the $PM_{10}$ concentration removed by the cloud liquid phase mechanism within the CMAQ-MADRID model was shown in the maximum $15\;{\mu}g/m^3$ in the Eastern Asia area.

Comparison of Perception Differences About Nuclear Energy in 4 East Asian Country Students: Aiming at $10^{th}$ Grade Students who Participated in Scientific Camps, from Four East Asian Countries: Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore (동아시아 4개국 학생들의 핵에너지에 대한 인식 비교: 과학캠프에 참가한 한국, 일본, 대만, 싱가포르 10학년 학생들을 대상으로)

  • Lee, Hyeong-Jae;Park, Sang-Tae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.775-788
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    • 2012
  • This study was done at a scientific camp sponsored by Nara Women's University Secondary School, Japan. In this school, $10^{th}$ grade students from 4 East Asian countries: Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore, participated. We made a research on students' perceptions about nuclear energy. Sample populations include 77 students in total, with 12 Korean, 46 Japanese, 9 Taiwanese and 10 Singaporean students. Overall perceptions comparison about nuclear energy shows average values from the order of highest Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and to lowest, Japan. We implemented a T-test to identify perception differences about nuclear energy, with one group that include 3 countries (Korea, Taiwan and Singapore) and another group that includes all the Japanese students. T-test results of perceptions about nuclear energy shows students from the 3 countries of Korea, Taiwan and Singapore having higher average than Japanese students. (p<.05). Korean average scores regarding overall perceptions about nuclear energy show as the highest in all 4 East Asian countries and also highest in all subcategories. On the contrary in Japan, they have lower and negative perceptions of nuclear energy. In spite of these facts, perceptions of Japanese students about nuclear energy seem lowest and negative mainly because of the recent Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, caused by the tsunami and its subsequent damages and fears of radiation leaks, etc. This shows that negative information about future disasters and its resulting damages like the Chernobyl nuclear accident could influence more on people's risk perception than general information like nuclear energy-related technologies or the news that the plant is operating normally, etc. Even if the possibility of this kind of accident is very low, just one accident could bring abnormal risks to technology itself. This strong signal makes negative image and strengthens its perceptions to the people. This could bring a stigma about nuclear energy. This study shows that Government's policy about the highest priority for nuclear energy safety is most important. As long as such perception and decision are fixed, we found that it might not be easy to get changed again because they were already fortified and maintained.

A Study on the UIC(University & Industry Collaboration) Model for Global New Business (글로벌 사업 진출을 위한 산학협력 협업촉진모델: 경남 G대학 GTEP 사업 실험사례연구)

  • Baek, Jong-ok;Park, Sang-hyeok;Seol, Byung-moon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2015
  • This can be promoted collaboration environment for the system and the system is very important for competitiveness, it is equipped. If so, could work in collaboration with members of the organization to promote collaboration what factors? Organizational collaboration and cooperation of many people working, or worth pursuing common goals by sharing information and processes to improve labor productivity, defined as collaboration. Factors that promote collaboration are shared visions, the organization's principles and rules that reflect the visions, on-line system developments, and communication methods. First, it embodies the vision shared by the more sympathetic members are active and voluntary participation in the activities of the organization can be achieved. Second, the members are aware of all the rules and principles of a united whole is accepted and leads to good performance. In addition, the ability to share sensitive business activities for self-development and also lead to work to make this a regular activity to create a team that can collaborate to help the environment and the atmosphere. Third, a systematic construction of the online collaboration system is made efficient and rapid task. According to Student team and A corporation we knew that Cloud services and social media, low-cost, high-efficiency services could achieve. The introduction of the latest information technology changes, the members of the organization's systems and active participation can take advantage of continuing education must be made. Fourth, the company to inform people both inside and outside of the organization to communicate actively to change the image of the company activities, the creation of corporate performance is very important to figure. Reflects the latest trend to actively use social media to communicate the effort is needed. For development of systematic collaboration promoting model steps to meet the organizational role. First, the Chief Executive Officer to make a firm and clear vision of the organization members to propagate the faith, empathy gives a sense of belonging should be able to have. Second, middle managers, CEO's vision is to systematically propagate the organizers rules and principles to establish a system would create. Third, general operatives internalize the vision of the company stating that the role of outside companies must adhere. The purpose of this study was well done in collaboration organizations promoting factors for strategic alignment model based on the golden circle and collaboration to understand and reflect the latest trends in information technology tools to take advantage of smart work and business know how student teams through case analysis will derive the success factors. This is the foundation for future empirical studies are expected to be present.

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The Acceptance Testing of 5 Mega Pixels Primary Electronic Display Devices and the Study of Quality Control Guideline Suitable for Domestic Circumstance (5 Mega 화소 진단용 전자표시장치 인수검사 및 국내 실정에 적합한 정도관리 가이드라인 연구)

  • Jung, Hai-Jo;Kim, Hee-Joung;Kim, Sung-Kyu
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2007
  • In June 2005, Yonsei University Medical Center, Severance Hospital upgraded a full-PACS system by adding twenty (5 mega pixels) Totoku ME511L flat panel LCD display devices for diagnostic interpretation purposes. Here we report upon the quantitative (or visual) acceptance testing of the twenty Totoku ME511L display devices for reflection, luminance response, luminance spatial dependency, resolution, noise, veiling glare, and display chromaticity based on AAPM TG 18 report. The tools used in the tests included a telescopic photometer, which was used as a colorimeter, illuminance meter, light sources for reflection assessment, light-blocking devices, and digital TG18 test patterns. For selected 8 flat panel displays, mean diffuse reflection coefficient ($R_d$) was $0.019{\pm}0.02sr^{-1}$. In the luminance response test, luminance ratio (LR), maximum luminance difference ($L_{max}$), and deviation of contrast response were $550{\pm}100,\;2.0{\pm}1.9%\;and\;5.8{\pm}1.8%$, respectively. In the luminance uniformity test, maximum luminance deviation was $14.3{\pm}5.5%$ for the 10% luminance of the TG18-UNL10 test pattern. In the resolution test with luminance measurement method, percent luminance (${\Dalta}L$) at the center was $0.94{\pm}0.64%$. In all cases of noise testing, rectangular target In every square in the three quadrants was visible and all 15 targets except the smallest one in the every corner pattern and the center pattern. The glare ratio (GR) was $12,346{\pm}1,995$. The color uniformity, (u',v'), was $0.0025{\pm}0.0008$. Also, the research results of qualify control guideline of primary disply devices suitable for domestic circumstance are presented All test results are in-line with the criteria recommended by AAPM TG18 report and are thus fully acceptable for diagnostic image interpretation. As a result, the acceptance testing schedule described provides not only an acceptance standard but also guidelines for quality control, optimized viewing conditions, and a means for determining the upgrading time of LCD display devices for diagnostic interpretation.

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Usefulness of Dynamic $^{18}F-FDG$ PET Scan in Lung Cancer and Inflammation Disease (폐암과 폐 염증성질환의 동적양전자방출단층검사 (Dynamic $^{18}F-FDG$ PET)의 유용성)

  • Park, Hoon-Hee;Roh, Dong-Wook;Kim, Sei-Young;Rae, Dong-Kyeong;Lee, Min-Hye;Kang, Chun-Goo;Lim, Han-Sang;Oh, Ki-Back;Kim, Jae-Sam;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.249-255
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The diagnostic utility of fluorine-18 2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomograhpy ($^{18}F-FDG $PET) for the non-invasive differentiation of focal lung lesions originated from cancer or inflammation disease by combined visual image interpretation and semi-quantitative uptake value analysis has been documented. In general, Standardized Uptake Value(SUV) is used to diagnose lung disease. But SUV does not contain dynamic information of lung tissue for the glucose. Therefore, this study was undertaken to hypothesis that analysis of dynamic kinetics of focal lung lesions base on $^{18}F-FDG$ PET may more accurately determine the lung disease. So we compared Time Activity Curve(TAC), Standardized Uptake Value-Dynamic Curve(SUV-DC) graph pattern with Glucose Metabolic Rate(MRGlu) from Patlak analysis. Methods: With lung disease, 17 patients were examined. They were injected with $^{18}F-FDG$ over 30-s into peripheral vein while acquisition of the serial transaxial tomographic images were started. For acquisition protocol, we used twelve 10-s, four 30-s, sixteen 60-s, five 300-s and one 900-s frame for 60 mins. Its images were analyzed by visual interpretation TAC, SUV-DC and a kinetic analysis(Patlak analysis). The latter was based on region of interest(ROIs) which were drawn with the lung disease shape. Each optimized patterns were compared with itself. Results: In TAC patterns, it hard to observe cancer type with inflammation disease in early pool blood area but over the time cancer type slope more remarkably increased than inflammation disease. SUV-DC was similar to TAC pattern. In the result of Patlak analysis, In time activity curve of aorta, even though inflammation disease showed higher blood activity than cancer, at first as time went by, blood activity of inflammation disease became the lowest. However, in time activity curve of tissue, cancer had the highest uptake and inflammation disease was in the middle. Conclusion: Through the examination, TAC and SUV-DC could approached the results that lung cancer type and inflammation disease type has it's own difference shape patterns. Also, it has outstanding differentiation between cancer type and inflammation in Patlak and MRGlu analysis. Through these analysis methods, it will helpful to separation lung disease.

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A Study on the Efficiency of Hand-Knee Position in GB Stone Ultrasonography (담낭결석 초음파검사에서 Hand-Knee position의 효율성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Soung-Ock;Do, Yun-Su
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2006
  • The evaluation of GB stones with ultrasound has proved to be useful procedure in patient with symptoms of cholelithiasis. GB is evaluated for size, wall thickness, presence of internal reflections within the lumen and posterior acoustic shadowing or enhancement in Ultrsonography. The patient position should be shifted during procedure to demonstrate further the presence of stone within the GB. Patient scanned at the Rt. subcostal region in supine, right lateral, Lt. down decubitus, and upright sitting position. So GB stone should shift to dependent area of GB. Often, GB is not markedly distended in the presence of cholethiasis, and so the diagnosis becomes more difficult. One of the more difficult areas for detection of a GB stones are embeded in the cystic duct region. And since the GB is adjacent to the duodenum and hepatic flexure, its may be difficult to visualizing a GB stone. When patient study position changes frome supine to other position, stones displaced the site. But if its are polyps, not changes the site whatever patient positions. It is very important to what make different GB stones or polyps. We have studied about mobility of GB stones according to the patients position(supine, Lt. down decubitus, $30^{\circ} LAO. sitting and hand-knee). So we have a result, stones wherever localized within the GB, changed 100% its position in the hand-knee position and the others appeared at least 90%. In this study, when a large stones are located through fundus-body and body-neck, does not changing the stones position in spite of varied patient's positions. But hand-knee positions can identified GB stones, because its make changed the position of stons from posterior wall to anterior wall within the GB. We recommend the hand-knee position for differentiation GB stones from polyps.

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Effects of Use of the Iodine Contrast Medium on Gamma Camera Imaging (요오드 조영제 사용이 감마카메라 영상에 미치는 영향)

  • Pyo, Sung-Jae;Cho, Yun-Ho;Choi, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.557-564
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    • 2016
  • Effects of Gamma camera imaging on gamma ray counting rates as a function of use and density of the iodine contrast medium currently in primary use for clinics, and changes in gamma ray counting rates as a function of the contrast medium status upon attenuation correction using a CT absorption coefficient in an SPECT/CT attenuation correction will be considered herein. For experimental materials used $^{99m}TcO_4$ 370 MBq and Pamiray 370 mg, Iomeron 350 mg, Visipaque 320 mg, Bonorex 300 mg of iodine contrast medium. For image acquisition, planar imaging was consecutively filmed for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 min, respectively, 30 min after administration of $^{99m}TcO_4$. while 60 views were filmed per frame for 20 min at 55 min for the SPECT/CT imaging. In planar imaging, the gamma ray counting rates as a function of filming time were reduced showing a statistically significant difference when mixed according to the type of contrast medium density rather than when the radioactive isotope $^{99m}TcO_4$ and the saline solution were mixed. In the tomography for mixing of the radioactive isotope $^{99m}TcO_4$ and saline solution, the mean counting rate without correction by the CT absorption coefficient is $182{\pm}26counts$, while the counting rate with correction by the CT absorption coefficient is $531.3{\pm}34counts$. In the tomography for mixing of the radioactive isotope $^{99m}TcO_4$ and the saline solution with the contrast medium, the mean values before attenuation correction by CT absorption coefficient were $166{\pm}29$, $158.3{\pm}17$, $154{\pm}36$, and $150{\pm}33counts$ depending on the densities of the contrast medium, while the mean values after attenuation correction were $515{\pm}03$, $503{\pm}10$, $496{\pm}31$, and $488.7{\pm}33counts$, showing significant differences in both cases when comparatively evaluated with the imaging for no mixing of the contrast medium. Iodine contrast medium affects the rate of gamma ray. Therefore, You should always be preceded before another test on the day of dignosis.

Analysis of the Effect of Heat Island on the Administrative District Unit in Seoul Using LANDSAT Image (LANDSAT영상을 이용한 서울시 행정구역 단위의 열섬효과 분석)

  • Lee, Kyung Il;Ryu, Jieun;Jeon, Seong Woo;Jung, Hui Cheul;Kang, Jin Young
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.5_3
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    • pp.821-834
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    • 2017
  • The increase in the rate of industrialization due to urbanization has caused the Urban Heat Island phenomenon where the temperature of the city is higher than the surrounding area, and its intensity is increasing with climate change. Among the cities where heat island phenomenon occurs, Seoul city has different degree of urbanization, green area ratio, energy consumption, and population density in each administrative district, and as a result, the strength of heat island is also different. So It is necessary to analyze the difference of Urban Heat Island Intensity by administrative district and the cause. In this study, the UHI intensity of the administrative gu and the administrative dong were extracted from the Seoul metropolitan area and the differences among the administrative districts were examined. and linear regression analysis were conducted with The variables included in the three categories(weather condition, anthropogenic heat generation, and land use characteristics) to investigate the cause of the difference in heat UHI intensity in each administrative district. As a result of analysis, UHI Intensity was found to be different according to the characteristics of administrative gu, administrative dong, and surrounding environment. The difference in administrative dong was larger than gu unit, and the UHI Intensity of gu and the UHI Intensity distribution of dongs belonging to the gu were also different. Linear regression analysis showed that there was a difference in heat island development intensity according to the average wind speed, development degree, Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI) value. Among them, the SAVI and NDBI showed a difference in value up to the dong unit and The creation of a wind route environment for the mitigation of the heat island phenomenon is necessary for the administrative dong unit level. Therefore, it is considered that projects for mitigating heat island phenomenon such as land cover improvement plan, wind route improvement plan, and green wall surface plan for development area need to consider administrative dongs belonging to the gu rather than just considering the difference of administrative gu units. The results of this study are expected to provide the directions for urban thermal environment design and policy development in the future by deriving the necessity of analysis unit and the factors to be considered for the administrative city unit to mitigate the urban heat island phenomenon.

Analysis of $^{99m}Tc-ECD$ Brain SPECT images in Boys and Girls ADHD using Statistical Parametric Mapping(SPM) (통계적 파라미터지도 작성법(SPM)을 이용한 남여별 ADHD환자의 뇌 SPECT 영상비교분석)

  • Park, Soung-Ock;Kwon, Soo-Il
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2004
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in childhood, especially school age children and persisting into adult. ADHD is affected 7.6% in our children, Korea. and persisting into $15{\sim}20%$ in adult. And it is characterized by hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity. Brain imaging is one of way to diagnosis for ADHD. Brain imaging studies may be provide information two types - structural and functional imaging. Structural and functional images of the brain play an important role in management of neurologic and psyciatric disorders. Brain SPECT, with perfusion imaging radiopharmaceuticals is one of the appropriate test to diagnosis of neurologic and psychiatric diseases. Ther are a few studies about separated analysis between boys and girls ADHD SPECT brain images. Selection of Probability level(P-value) is very important to determind the abnormalities when analysis a data by SPM. SPM is a statistical method used for image analysis and determine statistical different between two groups-normal and ADHD. Commonly used P-value is P<0.05 in statistical analysis. The purpose of this study is to evaluation of blood flow clusters distribution, between boys and girls ADHD. The number of normal boys are 8(6-7y, average : $9.6{\pm}3.9y$) and 51(4-11y, average : $9.0{\pm}2.4$) ADHD patients, and normal girls are 4(6-12y, average : $9{\pm}2.4y$) and 13(2-13y, average $10{\pm}3.5y$) ADHD patiens. Blood flow tracer $^{99m}Tc-ethylcysteinate$ dimer(ECD) injected as rCBF agent and take blood flow images after 30 min. during sleeping by SPECT camera. The anatomical region of hyperperfusion of rCBF in boys ADHD group is posterior cingulate gyrus and hyperperfusion rate is 15.39-15.77% according to p-value. And girls ADHD group appears at posterior cerebellum, Lt. cerbral limbic lobe and Lt. Rt. cerebral temporal lobe. These areas hyperperfusion rate are 24.68-31.25%. Hypoperfusion areas in boys ADHD,s brain are Lt. cerebral insular gyrus, Lt. Rt. frontal lobe and mid-prefrontal lobe, these areas decresed blood flow as 15.21-15.64%. Girls ADHD decreased blood flow regions are Lt. cerebral insular gyrus, Lt. cerebral frontal and temporal lobe, Lt. Rt. lentiform nucleus and Lt. parietal lobe. And hypoperfusion rate is 30.57-30.85% in girls ADHD. The girls ADHD group's perfusion rate is more variable than boys. The studies about rCBF in ADHD, should be separate with boys and girls.

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Interaction of oxygen with the ordered Ni3Al(111) alloy surface: adsorption and oxide islands formation at 800 K and 1000 K (Ordered Ni3Al(111) 합금표면과 산소와의 상호작용 : 800 K와 1000 K에서의 흡착과 oxide islands 형성연구)

  • Kang, B.C.;Boo, J.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.322-329
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    • 2007
  • The interaction of oxygen with the ordered $Ni_3Al(111)$ alloy surface at 800 K and 1000 K has been investigated using LEED, STM, HREELS, UPS, and PAX. The clean $Ni_3Al(111)$ surface exhibits a "$2{\times}2$" LEED pattern corresponding to the ordered bulk-like terminated surface structure. For an adsorption of oxygen at 800 K, LEED shows an unrelated oxygen induced superstructure with a lattice spacing of $2.93\;{\AA}$ in addition to the ($1{\times}1$) substrate spots. The combined HREELS and the UPS data point to an oxygen chemisorption on threefold aluminum sites while PAX confirms an islands growth of the overlayer. Since such sites are not available on the $Ni_3Al(111)$ surface, we conclude the buildup of an oxygen covered aluminum overlayer. During oxygen exposure at 1000 K, however, we observe the growth of ${\gamma}'-Al_2O_3$ structure on the reordered $Ni_3Al(111)$ substrate surface. This structure has been identified by means of HREELS and STM. The HREELS data will show that at 800 K the oxidation shows a very characteristic behavior that cannot be described by the formation of an $Al_2O_3$ overlayer. Moreover, the STM image shows a "Strawberry" structure due to the oxide islands formation at 1000 K. Conclusively, from the oxygen interaction with $Ni_3Al(111)$ alloy surface at 800 K and 1000 K an islands growth of the aluminum oxide overlayer has been found.