• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satisfaction of population education

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Awareness of Agro-Healing for Increased Utilization of Abandoned School Facilities in Rural Areas and Recognition Characteristics of Demand for Institutionalization - For Users of Uootdari Culture Village, Ezere and Woori Nuri Culture Center - (농촌 폐교 시설의 활용 증대를 위한 치유농업 인식과 제도화 수요에 대한 인식 특성 - 웃다리문화촌, 에제르와 우리누리문화관 이용자를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Sun-Mi;Kim, Jeong-Eun;Kim, Dae-Sik;Park, Sin-Ae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2023
  • Although Due to industrial development and urbanization, the number of schools closing due to a decrease in the school-age population is increasing due to the phenomenon of relocation from farming and fishing villages. Closing schools are used as social and cultural facilities, or they are used to generate income by providing education and experiences. Agro-healing is an activity that promotes psychological, social, and physical health by using rural resources. By reflecting the Agro-healing in the services operated by the closed school, the perception of the provision of the Agro-healing service was investigated as a way to provide a therapeutic service to visitors and to increase the utilization of the closed school. The questionnaire consisted of 10 questions, a total of 5 questions related to demographic information, a total of 5 questions related to the perception of agro-healing activities in closed school facilities. As a result, 347 people participated in the survey. The higher the awareness of agro-healing, the need for a agro-healing expert, the satisfaction with the use of rural closed school facilities, and the willingness to participate in agro-healing activities, the higher the awareness that the provision of agro-healing services was necessary by the state. Theses results are expected to be useful as basic to data to solve the diverse limitation in rural closed school and agro-healing activities.

Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives of Five Laws of Libraries and its Influence on the Library Profession: Issues and Challenges

  • Krishnamurthy, M.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.271-286
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    • 2011
  • The role of information in knowledge society has changed. Library refers to information centre, which is actively involved information collection and promoting use of for the development of individual and society. Modern libraries are the centres of interaction for all interested in accessing information and in participating in the marathon of the present competitive age. Information and a conducive environment of its free flow is a vital tool in all forms of human endeavour. It is the link pin of national development. For a nation to develop it needs to have and provide relevant, updated and adequate information on food security, health, democracy, population, education, family planning, youth empowerment, gender quality, environment etc. The information intermediaries are the persons to modulate these complexities and find match between the information sources and users needs to satisfaction of Ranganathan's law: Books are for use; Every reader his/her book; Every book its reader; Save the time of the reader; Library is a growing organism. The relative importance of these norms in modern context has been evident from experience, study, observations, discussions, etc., and only by scientists and technologists, but also by managers, planners, and policy makers. They recognize the usefulness of information in the performance of their needs information needs. Libraries are therefore proper management, provision and dissemination of such information. It is clearly visible in the contemporary context, that the libraries in the knowledge society are much more than the book depositories This article looks at the theory/practice divide in library and information science and particularly Ranganathan's contributions, basic statements remain as valid in substance if not in expression as -to-day as when they were promulgated, concisely representing the ideal service and organizational philosophy of libraries today.

A Study on Use of Alternative Therapy in Chronic Ill Patients (만성 질환자의 대체요법 이용 실태 조사연구)

  • Lee You-Chin;Park Hyoung-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.96-113
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    • 1999
  • This retrospective descriptive study was conducted to survey the use of alternative therapy by chronicly ill patients. The subject of this study were 205 chronicly ill patients at Pusan National University Hospital. The data for this study were patient record. The data were gathered from August, 1 to September, 30 1998 and analyzed through SPSSWIN program for frequency, percentile and $x^2-test$. The important results of this study are as followings. Of population-sociological characteristics on studied objects, sexual distribution showed a similar percentage male 47.8% and the female 52.2%. Age distribution showed that the 60-69 year old group made up 31.5%, and was the highest. Of religion Buddism was the most frequest. The diagnosis distribution showed cancer at 28.8% and coronary artery disease at 16.1%. According to the results of the study, 51.2% of subjects had used alternative therapy. The most common type of alternative therapy was dietary and nutritional therapy, 40.2%, the place of use, home, 44.0%, duration, less than 3 months, 51.5%. The most common motive was a recommendation by friends or family. The degree of satisfaction after the use of alternative therapy was high for 21.0%, and slight for 53.3%. The reaction after the use of alternative therapy was increasing power for patients with coronary artery disease and cancer, sugar control for those with DM, and pain control for those with chronic arthrits. The study showed that for chronicly ill patients, age, religion, diagnosis name have an important effect on the use of alternative therapy. In conclusion, chronicly ill patients showed high-use of alternative therapy but they did not used alternative therapy as a healing method. Therefore we must provide an education program nurses and physicians. And we must provide more information or healing method's and support chronicly ill patients.

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An Analytical Study on Health-Promoting Lifestyle Patterns and Associated Variables of Korean Immigrant Elderly in Seattle

  • Sohng, Kyeong-Yae;Yeom, Hye-A
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.1058-1071
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    • 1999
  • Although healthy lifestyles have been proved as an effective way of improving higher well-beings for individuals. researches on health-promoting behaviors of minority elderly with a specific ethnic heritage have been sparsely tried. This study was designed to explore health-promoting lifestyle patterns of Korean immigrant elderly living in Seattle, USA and its relationships with two associated perceptual variables, self-esteem and perceived health status. One hundred ten Korean immigrant elderly were recruited from two senior centers and interviewed with a structured questionnaire. Data were collected from October 1998 to January 1999, and analyzed using SPSS program through which t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation Coefficients were tested. As the results, the mean HPLP score of the Korean immigrant elderly was 2.54 (SD = .36), showing significant differences by education (F = 3.61, P = .016), economic status (F = 3.01, P = .034), and current health status (F = 3.69, p = .008). In self-esteem, two socioeconomic variables showed statistical association with self-esteem : marital status (t = 2.47, P = .015) and living situation (F = 4.03, p = .021). The HPLP subscales that showed higher mean scores were nutrition (M = 3.01, SD = .52) and interpersonal support (M = 2.65, SD = .47) while lower mean scores were detected in the domain of exercise (M = 1.92, SD = .74) and stress management (M = 2.26, SD = .47). Perceived health status revealed significant positive correlation with health-promoting lifestyle patterns (r = .19, P = .043) and self-esteem (r = .32, P = .001) in the present study. It is concluded that engagement in health-promoting lifestyle patterns should be actively encouraged to enhance personal health of Korean immigrant elderly. Developing health promotion programs focused on exercise and stress management is also imperatively suggested not only for better health practices of Korean immigrant elderly population but also for enhancing their level of well-beings and life satisfaction.

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The Study of Community-oriented Welfare Service for the Rural Elderly - Focused on ′Villages Supported by Special Programs for the Rural Elderly′ - (농촌노인의 지역사회 복지서비스 이용실태 - ‘노인생활지도마을’을 대상으로 -)

  • 이정화;송미영
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.149-165
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    • 2004
  • In Korea, as the elderly population is growing, the quality of life of the rural elderly is becoming a major concern. By the way, social welfare services is less available and accessible to the rural elderly. And we have very limited information about community -oriented welfare services for the elderly. The lack of social welfare services in rural area resulted from mainly geographic isolation and economic deprivation. So, the present research aimed at; 1) to explore what the social welfare service is benefited from governmental or local assembly. 2) to explore what kind of community services is provided for the rural village and elderly. 3) to appear the political propose for the rural elderly. In South Korea, The Rural Development Administration currently operate 'villages which is supported special programs for the improvement of QOL of rural elderly' in 110 villages. It is a model governmental welfare service for rural area. For the purpose, the survey data is gathered from community level data per village (107 villages), individual survey data(881people) who live in the village and qualitative data. Two kinds of quantitative data is combined to form a data. The statistical methods used for data analysis are descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA. The major findings of this study were as follows : It was founded that the majority family type of the rural elderly is elderly-only households(75%). In case of poor elderly, they have very limited social insurance benefit and they can not get medical services with satisfaction. The result show that the welfare facilities per village and welfare service for the elderly is extremely low while the needs of welfare service is greate high. A distinctive characteristics in rural villages is that they receive a lot of services from private sectors, like as Women Farmers Union, Adult Union. They operate voluntary welfare services related to food supporting, education for the elderly, free haircut services and so on. In conclusion, the community care services from private sector has specialty in rural area. We conclude it is a distinguishing characteristic of rural community.

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Item Goodness-of-fit and Difficulty of Childhood Autism Rating Scale(CARS) - Application of Rasch Model - (아동기 자폐증 평정척도(CARS)의 문항 적합도 및 난이도 -Rasch 모형의 적용-)

  • Kim, Tae Hyung;Seo, Eunchul
    • 재활복지
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.135-156
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate item goodness-of-fit of Childhood Autism Rating Scale(CARS), Rasch rating scale model was applied to 15 items of the CARS in a sample of pervasive development disorder(n=238). An assumption to test Rasch Model, which is satisfaction of unidimensionality, is regarded through PCAR analysis, and jMetrik 4.03 program is used to test the goodness-of-fit of items. The results of this study were: First, 5-point rating scale was appropriate for the CARS rather than 7-point original rating scale. Second, the result of examining the CARS questions goodness-of-fit, there was a overfitting or misfitting items according to the classified groups. Only in particular Q11 item in diagnosis subject of integration population of autism has become inappropriate. Therefore, it is necessary to provide education for the CARS more systematically. Thirdly, the result of comparing the personal attributes score and difficulty of a CARS question, Q2, Q3, Q10, Q11 items are necessary to distinguish conceptually defined in more detail. Fourth, the results of investigating the difficulty of CARS question, it was found to exhibit a verbal communication is most serious problem for the population of autism.

Analysis of factors affecting the employment of people with developmental disabilities (발달장애인 취업의 성공 및 저해 요인 연구)

  • Jinhyeok Choi;Byeolhae Shin
    • Journal of Intellectual Disabilities
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.67-90
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to provide base data and suggestions to develop a system which considers both improvement of personal competency and national and societal dimensions for employment of people with developmental disabilities. The raw data of '1st Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled from 2nd wave' was analyzed by cross analysis and logistic regression in order to examine factors which have potential to affect employment of people with developmental disabilities. The results are as follows: 'Gender', 'Level of education', health status', 'communication skills', 'possess a license or certification', 'actual skills and qualification of area of expertise', 'family support level for employment', 'satisfaction level of daily life', 'job hunting through public agency' and 'job hunting through acquaintance' showed positive effect on employment of developmental disabilities population. On the other hand, 'need level of assistance in daily life' and 'national basic livelihood security' showed negative effect on employment of developmental disabilities population. The improvement of personal competency should be focus on the lacking skills such as communication skills and health. In addition, educational and occupational support need to be diversified. A need of solution for low-income issue and modification of national basic livelihood security policy was suggested to increase motivation to do job-hunting and maintenance of employment.

Characteristics of Patients' Self-Perceived Health in Traditional Korean Medical Facilities - Based on the Ministry of Health and Welfares Report on Usage and Consumption of Korean Medicine in 2011 - (주관적 건강인식수준에 따른 한방의료기관 이용환자의 특성 비교 - 2011년 한방의료이용 및 한약소비실태조사(보건복지부)를 중심으로 -)

  • Sung, Angela Dongmin;Choi, Sungyong;Park, Haemo;Kim, Hyundo;Lee, Sungdong
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.29-43
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    • 2015
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to identify characteristics of patients' self-perceived health in traditional Korean medical facilities. Method : This research was conducted based on the survey on patients whom have visited traditional Korean medical facilities in 2011 by the Ministry of Health and Welfares and Korean Institute for Health and Social Affairs. Using a sample of 3,931 (1,180 male and 2,751 female) outpatients' self-perceived health based on the data from usage and consumption of Korean Medicine. 'Healthy', 'Fair', and 'Poor Health' were used to measure patients' self-perceived health status. The data was analyzed by frequency, t-test, cross correlation analysis and multiple logistics regression analysis using the SPSS program package. Results : Sex(P<0.001), age(P<0.001), marital status(P<0.001), education(P<0.001), employment status(P<0.001), occupation(P<0.001), health insurance(P<0.001) and income level(P<0.0001) showed statistical significance. Main Treatment Facilities(P<0.001), experience of taking Korean medicine(P=0.032), experience of receiving acupuncture treatment(P<0.001), number of visits(P<0.001), medical expense (P=0.005), and subjective health status after the treatments showed statistical significance for Korean herbal medicine(P=0.038), acupuncture (P=0.001), cupping therapy(P=0.006), oriental physiotherapy(P=0.003), and treatment satisfaction(P<0.001). For subjective health status based on suffering disorders in the past three months, the response of poor health was higher in the group suffering recent illnesses. Statistical significance was seen in hypertension (P=0.002), arthritis(P<0.001), lumbar pain(P<0.001), diabetes mellitus(P=0.001), stroke(P<0.001), hwa-byung (P=0.001), gastric disorders(P=0.021), common cold(P<0.001), ankle sprain(P<0.001), muscular injury(P<0.001), lumbar sprain(p=0.009) and fracture(P=0.03). Also the number of diseases during the past three months showed statistical significance(P<0.001). Statistical significance was also seen in Level of knowledge(P<0.001), route of information(P<0.001), reliability of Korean medicine(P=0.003), insurance coverage(P=0.005), medical costs(P<0.001), and future willingness to use Korean medicine(P<0.001). As a result of the multiple logistics regression analysis, risks of subjective poor health statistically increased in female population, elderlies, medicaid beneficiaries, less educated, higher medical expense, and more disorders during the past three months. Conclusion : Patients' self-perceived health status has significant differences with each variables such as sex, age, marital status, education, health insurance, medical expense, number of diseases.

Factors Influencing Stress Coping Behaviors of Elementary Students in Korea (한국 초등학생들의 스트레스 대응 행동에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Lee, Chung-Yul;Lee, Gyu-Young;Jeon, Kyoung-Mi;Park, So-Hyun;Hong, Yoon-Mi;Lee, Hyeon-Kyeong
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine factors influencing stress coping behaviors of elementary students in Korea. Methods: This study used a descriptive comparative survey design. A total of 1,161 elementary students voluntarily participated in the study from 10 schools at three regional levels (large and medium-sized cities, and rural towns). Coping behaviors were measured by the modified Ways of Coping Checklist. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression. Results: The most commonly used stress coping behavior reported by the participants was mystic coping, followed by positive coping, and negative coping. Students living in the large city and female students tended to use more coping behaviors than students living in the medium-sized city or rural towns and male students, respectively. Positive coping behaviors were associated with high school performance while myotic coping behaviors were associated high life satisfaction. Conclusion: Elementary students who are males, dissatisfied with their lives, or living in large cities or rural towns tended to be at risk for poor coping. There were differences in factors influencing coping behaviors by type of coping behaviors. An approach to building a successful coping behavior that is specifically tailored to the gender subsets of population and region-specific social and physical environment is recommended.

Socio-Economic Factors Affecting the Health and Nutritional Status of the Aged (노인의 건강과 영양상태에 영향을 미치는 사회경제적 요인분석)

  • 김숙희;강혜경;김주현
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.86-101
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    • 2000
  • Various kinds of living circumstances are making population structure of Korean changed. That is, number of the children is decreased and that of the aged is increased. It is predicted that population of the children and the aged will be almost same until 2020. With above, as the expectation of the aged on healthy living might be increased, some special programs for the aged will be needed strongly. At this point, Korean aged population might be economically poor, comparing with other generation. In general, economic factor affects the subjective living-satisfaction and health status of them. Moreover, educational status, household shape and family tieing also affect their health status. According to the foreign articles, health status of the aged might be related to income, educational status, job, employed or/not, marital status, family structure, sex, and childhood condition. decrease of the income or unemployment could make the death rate of the aged higher. During childhood, discordance among the family might affect their health status after. IGUR is also important factor to affect the adulthood health. Positive life style of the aged would lessen their unequality of the health among them. Nutritional status of the Korean aged population might be indicated under the nutritional recommendation. It is affected by their income, education level, social class, and residing place. (Korean J Nutrition 33(1) : 86-101, 2000)

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