The Study of Community-oriented Welfare Service for the Rural Elderly - Focused on ′Villages Supported by Special Programs for the Rural Elderly′ -

농촌노인의 지역사회 복지서비스 이용실태 - ‘노인생활지도마을’을 대상으로 -

  • 이정화 (농촌진흥청 농촌자원개발연구소) ;
  • 송미영 (경기대학교 대학원 사회복지학과)
  • Published : 2004.09.01


In Korea, as the elderly population is growing, the quality of life of the rural elderly is becoming a major concern. By the way, social welfare services is less available and accessible to the rural elderly. And we have very limited information about community -oriented welfare services for the elderly. The lack of social welfare services in rural area resulted from mainly geographic isolation and economic deprivation. So, the present research aimed at; 1) to explore what the social welfare service is benefited from governmental or local assembly. 2) to explore what kind of community services is provided for the rural village and elderly. 3) to appear the political propose for the rural elderly. In South Korea, The Rural Development Administration currently operate 'villages which is supported special programs for the improvement of QOL of rural elderly' in 110 villages. It is a model governmental welfare service for rural area. For the purpose, the survey data is gathered from community level data per village (107 villages), individual survey data(881people) who live in the village and qualitative data. Two kinds of quantitative data is combined to form a data. The statistical methods used for data analysis are descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA. The major findings of this study were as follows : It was founded that the majority family type of the rural elderly is elderly-only households(75%). In case of poor elderly, they have very limited social insurance benefit and they can not get medical services with satisfaction. The result show that the welfare facilities per village and welfare service for the elderly is extremely low while the needs of welfare service is greate high. A distinctive characteristics in rural villages is that they receive a lot of services from private sectors, like as Women Farmers Union, Adult Union. They operate voluntary welfare services related to food supporting, education for the elderly, free haircut services and so on. In conclusion, the community care services from private sector has specialty in rural area. We conclude it is a distinguishing characteristic of rural community.
