• Title/Summary/Keyword: Satellites data

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Satellite Imagery and AI-based Disaster Monitoring and Establishing a Feasible Integrated Near Real-Time Disaster Monitoring System (위성영상-AI 기반 재난모니터링과 실현 가능한 준실시간 통합 재난모니터링 시스템)

  • KIM, Junwoo;KIM, Duk-jin
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.236-251
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    • 2020
  • As remote sensing technologies are evolving, and more satellites are orbited, the demand for using satellite data for disaster monitoring is rapidly increasing. Although natural and social disasters have been monitored using satellite data, constraints on establishing an integrated satellite-based near real-time disaster monitoring system have not been identified yet, and thus a novel framework for establishing such system remains to be presented. This research identifies constraints on establishing satellite data-based near real-time disaster monitoring systems by devising and testing a new conceptual framework of disaster monitoring, and then presents a feasible disaster monitoring system that relies mainly on acquirable satellite data. Implementing near real-time disaster monitoring by satellite remote sensing is constrained by technological and economic factors, and more significantly, it is also limited by interactions between organisations and policy that hamper timely acquiring appropriate satellite data for the purpose, and institutional factors that are related to satellite data analyses. Such constraints could be eased by employing an integrated computing platform, such as Amazon Web Services(AWS), which enables obtaining, storing and analysing satellite data, and by developing a toolkit by which appropriate satellites'sensors that are required for monitoring specific types of disaster, and their orbits, can be analysed. It is anticipated that the findings of this research could be used as meaningful reference when trying to establishing a satellite-based near real-time disaster monitoring system in any country.

A Case Study of a Navigator Optimization Process

  • Cho, Doosan
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.26-31
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    • 2017
  • When mobile navigator device accesses data randomly, the cache memory performance is rapidly deteriorated due to low memory access locality. For instance, GPS (General Positioning System) of navigator program for automobiles or drones, that are currently in common use, uses data from 32 satellites and computes current position of a receiver. This computation of positioning is the major part of GPS which accounts more than 50% computation in the program. In this computation task, the satellite signals are received in real time and stored in buffer memories. At this task, since necessary data cannot be sequentially stored, the data is read and used at random. This data accessing patterns are generated randomly, thus, memory system performance is worse by low data locality. As a result, it is difficult to process data in real time due to low data localization. Improving the low memory access locality inherited on the algorithms of conventional communication applications requires a certain optimization technique to solve this problem. In this study, we try to do optimizations with data and memory to improve the locality problem. In experiment, we show that our case study can improve processing speed of core computation and improve our overall system performance by 14%.

Deriving the Determining Factor for the Management of Oceanographic Data (해양관측데이터 관리를 위한 결정요소 도출)

  • Kim, Sun-Tae;Lee, Tae-Young;Kim, Yong
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.97-115
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    • 2012
  • This paper derives determining factor for the management of oceanographic data in two ways. 1) The type of oceanographic observation and the raw data which were collected from marine physics, marine chemistry, marine biology, marine geology area were analyzed. 2) The services of the KODC(Korea Oceangraphic Data Center), NFRDI(National Fisheries Research & Development Institute), KHOA(Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration) were analyzed to derive metadata elements for retrieval. After analyze, the 42 deciding factor were derived in the 9 areas (general, Observer, satellites, observation instruments, observatories, space, information, projects, and observational data, data processing).


  • Park, Hyung-Min;Moon, Yong-Jae;Cho, Kyung-Seok;Park, So-Young;Lee, Sang-Woo;Lee, Woo-Kyoung;Park, Young-Deuk;Kim, Yeon-Han
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.429-440
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    • 2004
  • Recently, real time data acquisition become important for space weather forecast and research. In this work, we have developed the data acquisition tools and their applications for space weather monitoring. We have developed programs to download the space weather data using IDL as well as programs to interactively display the image and data using ION (IDL on the Net). By using these tools, we have constructed the mirror site of Active Region Monitor (ARM) which summarizes several different solar activities, and developed ION programs to display TEC(Total Electron Contents) maps from GPS data at the passage of Korean satellites. At present, the KAO ARM mirror site (http://sun.kao.re.kr/arm) is successfully updated in every thirty minutes. The TEC maps from GPS data are expected to be used for monitoring the space environment of Korean satellites.

Integration of ERS-2 SAR and IRS-1 D LISS-III Image Data for Improved Coastal Wetland Mapping of southern India

  • Shanmugam, P.;Ahn, Yu-Hwan;Sanjeevi, S.;Manjunath, A.S.
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.351-361
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    • 2003
  • As the launches of a series of remote sensing satellites, there are various multiresolution and multi-spectral images available nowadays. This diversity in remotely sensed image data has created a need to be able to integrate data from different sources. The C-band imaging radar of ERS-2 due to its high sensitivity to coastal wetlands holds tremendous potential in mapping and monitoring coastal wetland features. This paper investigates the advantages of using ERS-2 SAR data combined with IRS-ID LISS-3 data for mapping complex coastal wetland features of Tamil Nadu, southern India. We present a methodology in this paper that highlights the mapping potential of different combinations of filtering and integration techniques. The methodology adopted here consists of three major steps as following: (i) speckle noise reduction by comparative performance of different filtering algorithms, (ii) geometric rectification and coregistration, and (iii) application of different integration techniques. The results obtained from the analysis of optical and microwave image data have proved their potential use in improving interpretability of different coastal wetland features of southern India. Based visual and statistical analyzes, this study suggests that brovey transform will perform well in terms of preserving spatial and spectral content of the original image data. It was also realized that speckle filtering is very important before fusing optical and microwave data for mapping coastal mangrove wetland ecosystem.

Accuracy Assessment of Mobile Mapping System

  • Manandhar, Dinesh;Shibasaki, Ryosuke
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1152-1154
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    • 2003
  • The needs of 3-D data have been increasing for various applications like visualization, 3-D modeling, planning and management as well as entertainment. Mobile mapping has become a quick and practical means for acquiring necessary 3-D data for above-mentioned applications. A mobile mapping system mainly consists of two main components, viz. data acquisition devices and positioning devices. The data acquisition devices consist of CCD cameras or/and laser scanners. The positioning devices consist of GPS, INS, Odometer (shaft encoder) and some other referencing devices. The overall accuracy of mobile mapping system depends on the accuracy of positioning devices and their integrated output. Though, GPS is the main input device for the position information, the signal is not available for the computation of position all the times in urban area. The GPS satellites are normally obstructed by high-rise buildings. Thus it is very important to understand the accuracy of such a system in different environments and means to solve such problems. We have developed a mobile mapping system called VLMS (Vehicle-borne Laser Mapping System), which consists of CCD Cameras, Laser scanners, GPS, INS and Odometer. In this paper, we will present and discuss the accuracy of this system with data acquired in different environments (open area, urban area, tunnel, express way etc) by analyzing the data with respect to other existing digital data.

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Telemetry Data Processing in Flight Software of Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-2 (다목적실용위성 2호 탑재소프트웨어에서 Telemetry 데이터 처리)

  • 이재승;강수연;이종인;윤정오;박영호
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Industrial Systems Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.70-74
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    • 2003
  • Recently, many kinds of satellites are developed in many countries. The satellite contains various data, such as hardware status data attitude date an information, etc. And the ground station must check these data for successful operation These data is called as telemetry. Flight software is responsible for the telemetry processing. In KOMPSAT(Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite)-2, the telemetry processing logic takes the table-driven method to make satellite data flow efficient In this paper, the telemetry processing in KOMPSAT-2 is described Verification test and integration test are being carried out for the FSW of KOMPSAT-2.

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Matching Method for Ship Identification Using Satellite-Based Radio Frequency Sensing Data

  • Chan-Su Yang;Jaehoon Cho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2024
  • Vessels can operate with their Automatic Identification System (AIS) turned off, prompting the development of strategies to identify them. Among these, utilizing satellites to collect radio frequency (RF) data in the absence of AIS has emerged as the most effective and practical approach. The purpose of this study is to develop a matching algorithm for RF with AIS data and find the RF's applicability to classify a suspected ship. Thus, a matching procedure utilizing three RF datasets and AIS data was employed to identify ships in the Yellow Sea and the Korea Strait. The matching procedure was conducted based on the proximity to AIS points, ensuring accuracy through various distance-based sections, including 2 km, 3 km, and 6 km from the AIS-based estimated points. Within the RF coverage, the matching results from the first RF dataset and AIS data identified a total of 798 ships, with an overall matching rate of 78%. In the cases of the second and third RF datasets, 803 and 825 ships were matched, resulting in an overall matching rate of 84.3% and 74.5%, respectively. The observed results were partially influenced by differences in RF and AIS coverage. Within the overlapped region of RF and AIS data, the matching rate ranged from 80.2% to 98.7%, with an average of 89.3%, with no duplicate matches to the same ship.

Design of Software GPS L2 Civil Signal Generator (ICCAS 2003)

  • Seo, Sam-Suk;Cho, Deuk-Jae;Lee, Sang-Jeong
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.2632-2635
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    • 2003
  • This paper designs a software signal generator for the new GPS L2 civil signal. The CM/CL code and the message structure of L2CS described in GPS ICD PPIRN-200C-007 are used in designing the signal generator. The output of the GPS signal generator is designed as the sampled IF data with the sampling frequency 5.7MHz and stored in the binary data format. By analyzing both the spectrum characteristics of the output signal and the correlation properties of the CM/CL code, the validation of the designed GPS signal generator is shown. It should be mentioned that the modeling of the GPS satellite constellation and the error sources remains for implementing the software space segment of GPS.

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A study on GEO satellite signals in L - to Ka-band affected by Asian Sand Dust

  • Hong Wan-Pyo
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.146-151
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    • 2005
  • This paper represents an attempt to bring together and analyses the measurement data measured by the Satellite Signal Monitoring Center in Korea and the Korea Meteorological Administration/Korea Meteorological Research Institute in close cooperation with this study team. This paper presents the signal characteristic of GEO satellite operating in frequency range 1 to 20GHz associated with Asian Sand Dust (the so-called Yellow Sand Dust). The downlink signal power (dBm) for L-, S-, C-, Ku-, and Ka-band frequencies from GEO satellites were measured in a clear weather and in Asian Sand Dust weather by the Satellite Signal Monitoring Center. The measured signal power(dBm) were compared to the total number concentration and size distribution of Sand Dust that were measured by the Korea Meteorological Administration/Korea Meteorological Research Institute and the possible correlation between these sets data were analyzed. The results demonstrate that the downlink signal level (dBm) of GEO satellite is attenuated by Asian Sand Dust. Hitherto, merger information has been reported as to the influence of sand dust on satellite communications operating in regions affected by sand dust.