• 제목/요약/키워드: Safety Management System

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A study on cargo shipment management system for coastal ships (항만시설 안전관리시스템 연계 운영 방안에 대한 연구)

  • Hoon Lee;Sung-Jin Choi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2022.11a
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    • pp.305-306
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    • 2022
  • In accordance with the Act on Punishment of Serious Disasters, terminal operators are required to establish and operate a safety and health management system such as manpower and budget necessary for disaster prevention, and establish and implement measures to prevent recurrence in the event of a disaster. This is a study on how to use the port facility safety management system linkage to prevent safety accidents in port facilities due to the introduction of autonomous driving port equipment and to support decision-making promptly in case of safety accidents.

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The Establishing of the Self-regulation System for Quality and Safety Management (현장(現場) 자율(自律) 품질안전관리(品質安全管理) 시스템 구축(構築))

  • Baik, In-Whee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2007
  • PMIS (Project Management Information System) has been applied in the R4-PROJECT This construction project has been controlled and managed by PMIS for the whole process of project. Moreover, this PMIS is updated to the Self-regulation System for Quality and Safety Management which is integrated and developed from PMIS in R4-PROJECT. So, The Self-regulation System for Quality and Safety Management has been delivering effective communication and information distribution with various stakeholders related to project and also brought the achievement of efficient construction management. As the system is successfully utilize, the satisfaction of costumer request and the performance of no accident for 550 million hours could be attained.

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A Study on Aviation Oversight System Quality Management Improvement (국내 항공안전감독 품질 향상을 위한 개선방안 연구)

  • Nam, Seungju;Hwang, Yushin;Byeon, HaeYoon;Song, Woon-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2022
  • This paper analyzes quality management of aviation safety services in Korea and proposes practical implications for improvement. We look into how quality management is conducted in the Korean aviation industry and confirm aviation authority's efforts for a quality management system. We also compare and analyze international standard ISO 9001 and aviation safety oversight system quality management cases of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) with a Korean case. Results find the difference in defining the scope of ISO 9001 management between ICAO/FAA and the Korean authority which causes unnecessary misunderstanding in oversight perception. The Korean aviation authority strives to provide a high level of safety oversight services by educating aviation safety inspectors as well as establishing a quality management system. We believe that our proposals can help Korean aviation safety oversight system secure objective credibility and seek a safe growth and development of the aviation industry.

Development of a CCTV Based Smart Safety Management System in Thermal Power Plants (석탄발전산업을 위한 지능형 CCTV 기반 스마트안전관리시스템 개발 연구)

  • Song, Ho Jun;Gao, Jianxi;Shin, Wan Seon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.50-63
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    • 2021
  • There has been a steady rate of accident in Coal Thermal Power Plants which have relatively higher chance of mortality. However, neither the systematic view of safety management nor the methodology such as safety factors or system requirements are yet to be studied in detail. Therefore, this study aims to propose a methodology to preemptively deal with safety issues and to secure fact focused responsibility in safety. It consists of two main parts. First, the Safety Measurement Index(SMI) with total 50 factors is proposed by analyzing the key factors that contribute to safety accidents based on failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) and quality function deployment (QFD). To analyze the safety requirements, index presented by major countries and organizations are discussed. Second, main features of intelligent CCTV are studied to determine their relative importance for the framework of Smart Safety Management System (SSMS). Main features are discussed with four technological steps. Also, QFD was held to analyze to analyze how key technologies deal with Quality Measurement Index(QMI). The research results of this study reveal that scientific approaches could be utilized in integrating CCTV technologies into a smart safety management system in the era of Industry 4.0. Moreover, this reasearch provides an specific approach or methodology for dealing with safety management in Coal Thermal Power Plant.

Development of U-Building Fire Safety Management System (U-건물 화재안전관리 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Jong-Hoon
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.74-80
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    • 2016
  • Ubiquitous computer technology (U technology) is continually, and the trend is moving towards the miniaturization of devices, cost reduction, performance enhancement, and intelligence. It is important to improve fire safety system by the application of advanced IT technologies. In this study, a vulnerable point in fire safety was selected for improvement by U technology. The structure of the whole system and a unit system was were designed. This system is divided into 5 parts: the U-fire protection facility management system, the U-fire safety information system, the U-fire safety education system, the U-fire response system, and the U-wide area fire safety management system. The prototype system was constructed in a real building to confirm the applicability of the system.

Development of Safety Assessment Indicators and Facility Management System for Crime Prevention - A Case Study of Park -

  • Lee, Su-Ji;Lee, Seung-Su;Song, Ki-Sung;Hwang, Jung-Rae
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2019
  • In this study, a GIS-based park safety assessment index was developed to enable objective park vulnerability assessment through data-based GIS analysis, a safety assessment was conducted by selecting a target site where various parks are operated and applying the park safety assessment index. In addition, a facility management system was developed for efficient management of the park safety assessment to update the park safety and provide a foothold for indirect PPGIS. In the case of the assessment index of the safety rating of the park, it was possible to conclude that the accurate quantitative performance was given to the calculation of the safety grade of the park based on the fact that the facilities are different depending on the environment and the size of the park. In addition, the marking the safety grade of parks, as well as the function to show the safety facilities of parks, a common living area for citizens, the management system is expected to have an impact on promoting the use of parks. In the future, in functions such as reporting of facility failures and verifying civil information are implemented by applying civic group participation programs and crowd-sourcing technologies, it is believed that all facilities as well as parks managed by the local government can be managed more efficiently.

A Model for Efficient Construction Safety System (건설업 안전경영시스템모델 개발)

  • 채준석;갈원모;손기상
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.73-89
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    • 2001
  • Safety management cost, US$ one thousand billion has been input to the construction area from 1995 to 2000 but the management quality is still in the developing country level. The above mentioned increase of accident rate are attributed to the generous code regulation, net fit to the sense, varying with time change, but the more fundamental reason of this is no practical construction safety management system, up to now. Hardware-orienting operation for the system could be a main reason of this problem. In this paper, we developed a model for efficent construction safety system. It was found from the case study that the model result in high efficient with low cost.

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A Study on the Effect of the Application of Safety Patrol Management System(SPMS) upon the Worker's Way of Thinking & Disasters in Construction Site (전문 안전 순찰 관리시스템(SPMS)이 건설 현장의 재해 및 근로자의 의식구조 변화에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Yeo-Chan;Chung, Kwang-Seop;Kim, Young Il;Kim, Ji-Hoon;Kim, Sung-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2014
  • While Korea had achieved radical growth of construction industry, it also had accumulated problems in material, human and economical loss due to its low quality of safety level. Therefore, not only enterprises but also the nation is putting in a great deal of efforts for construction safety. However, its effect is not satisfiable. This research aims for change of construction cite by introduction of professional Safety Patrol Management System(SPMS) and consideration of its necessity. To consideration of its necessity, we compared and anaylzed average numbers of indicated dangers and safety accident incidences in each construction cites and we researched changes in worker's safety sense. It will establish the suitable design standards and suggest the basic database for estimating disaster and accident ratio.

The Development of a Risk Management System in the Field of Industrial Safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Kudryavtsev, Sergey S.;Yemelin, Pavel V.;Yemelina, Natalya K.
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.30-41
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    • 2018
  • Background: The purpose of the work is to develop a system that allows processing of information for analysis and industrial risk management, to monitor the level of industrial safety and to perform necessary measures aimed at the prevention of accidents, casualties, and development of professional diseases for effective management of industrial safety at hazardous industrial sites. Methods: Risk assessment of accidents and incidents is based on expert evaluations. Based on the lists of criteria parameters and their possible values, provided by the experts, a unified information and analytical database is compiled, which is included in the final interrogation questionnaires. Risk assessment of industrial injuries and occupational diseases is based on statistical methods. Results: The result of the research is the creation of Guidelines for risk management on hazardous industrial sites of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Guidelines determine the directions and methods of complex assessment of the state of industrial safety and labor protection and they could be applied as methodological basis at the development of preventive measures for emergencies, casualties, and incidents at hazardous industrial sites. Conclusion: Implementation of the information-analytical system of risk level assessment allows to analyze the state of risk of a possible accident at industrial sites, make valid management decisions aimed at the prevention of emergencies, and monitor the effectiveness of accident prevention measures.