• Title/Summary/Keyword: SST (Solid State Transformer)

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Practical Design Methodology of Dual Active Bridge Converter as Isolated Bi-directional DC-DC Converter for Solid State Transformer (Solid State Transformer를 위한 양방향 Dual Active Bridge DC-DC 컨버터의 설계 기법)

  • Choi, Hyun-Jun;Lee, Won-Bin;Jung, Jee-Hoon
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.102-108
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    • 2017
  • Proper design guides are proposed for a practical dual-active bridge (DAB) converter based on the mathematical model on the steady state. The DAB converter is popular in bidirectional application due to its zero-voltage capability and easy bidirectional operation for seamless control, high efficiency, and performance. Some design considerations are taken to overcome the limitation of the DAB converter. The practical design methodology of power stage is discussed to minimize the conduction and switching losses of the DAB converter. Small-signal model and frequency response are derived and analyzed based on the generalized average method, which considers equivalent series resistance, to improve the dynamics, stability, and reliability with voltage regulation of the practical DAB converter. The design of closed-loop control is discussed by the derived small-signal model to obtain the pertinent gain and phase margin in steady-state operation. Experimental results of a 3.3 kW prototype of DAB converter demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed methods.

Thermal analysis of the active-front-end rectifier for solid-state-transformer applications (반도체 변압기용 AFE 정류기의 열해석 연구)

  • WANG, SHANSHAN;Kang, Kyoung Pil;Baek, Ju Won;Kim, juyong;Cho, Younghoon
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2017.07a
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    • pp.435-436
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    • 2017
  • This papaer is study on thermal analysis of the active-front-end(AFE) rectifier for solid-state-transformer(SST) applications. finite element analysis simulation model is combined by switching component model, power diode and heat-sink model. thermal model is calculated by computer program and feedback the result. using simulation result analysis switching loss and compare to thermal diffusion of the heat in the model for steady-state operation.

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Voltage Balance Control of Cascaded H-Bridge Rectifier-Based Solid-State Transformer with Vector Refactoring Technology in αβ Frame

  • Wong, Hui;Huang, Wendong;Yin, Li
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.487-496
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    • 2019
  • For a solid-state transformer (SST), some factors, such as signal delay, switching loss and differences in the system parameters, lead to unbalanced DC-link voltages among the cascaded H-bridges (CHB). With a control method implemented in the ${\alpha}{\beta}$ frame, the DC-link voltages are balanced, and the reactive power is equally distributed among all of the H-bridges. Based on the ${\alpha}{\beta}$ frame control, the system can achieve independent active current and reactive current control. In addition, the control method of the high-voltage stage is easy to implement without decoupling or a phase-locked loop. Furthermore, the method can eliminate additional current delays during transients and get the dynamic response rapidly without an imaginary current component. In order to carry out the controller design, the vector refactoring relations that are used to balance DC-link voltages are derived. Different strategies are discussed and simulated under the unbalanced load condition. Finally, a three-cell CHB rectifier is constructed to conduct further research, and the steady and transient experimental results verify the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed method.

A Study on Bipolar DC-DC Converter for Low Voltage Direct Current Distribution (저압 직류 배전용 양극성 DC-DC 컨버터에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Yong;Kim, Ho-Sung;Cho, Jin-Tae;Kim, Ju-Yong;Cho, Younghoon
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2019
  • This study proposes a DC-DC converter topology of solid-state transformer for low-voltage DC distribution. The proposed topology consists of a voltage balancer and bipolar DC-DC converter. The voltage and current equations are obtained on the basis of switching states to design the controller. The open-loop gain of the controller is achieved using the derived voltage and current equations. The controller gain is selected through the frequency analysis of the loop gain. The inductance and capacitance are calculated considering the voltage and current ripples. The prototype is fabricated in accordance with the designed system parameters. The proposed topology and designed controller are verified through simulation and experiment.

1MW EV Fast Charging System based on SST Technologies (SST 기술 기반 1MW 전기차 급속충전 시스템)

  • Cho, Hyoung Yeon;Seo, Haewon;Byen, Byeng Joo;Kim, Jae Hyuk;Kim, Sung Joo;Jeong, Byung Hwang;Kim, Ho-Sung;Baek, Ju-Won
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2020.08a
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    • pp.278-279
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    • 2020
  • 최근 전기차 배터리는 일 주행거리 증대를 위해서 50~100 kWh 급으로 대용량화 되고 있다. 그와 동시에 충전시간 단축을 위해서 배터리 전압은 400V에서 800V로 높아지고 급속충전기 용량은 50kW에서 350kW 급으로 대용량화 되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 전기차 증가 추세에 따라 기존 주유소를 대체하는 MW급 전기차 급속충전소를 위한 에너지 저장 장치(Energy Storage System, ESS) 연계 지능형 반도체 변압기(Solid State Transformer, SST) 기술 기반의 전력변환 시스템 모델을 제안하고자 한다. 이 모델은 배전계통에 직접 연계가 가능하기 때문에 대용량 전기차 급속충전소뿐만 아니라 DC Grid 구축에 응용 가능하다.

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Solution of Voltage Unbalance in Multi-level H-bridge Converter for Solid State Transformer (반도체 변압기용 멀티레벨 H-bridge 컨버터의 전압 불평형 해결 방법)

  • Jeong, Dong-Keun;Kim, Ho-Sung;Kim, Jong-Hyun;Baek, Joo-Won;Cho, Jin-Tae;Kim, Hee-Je
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2017.07a
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    • pp.433-434
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    • 2017
  • 기존의 전력 시스템에서 큰 부피를 차지하는 계통 주파수(50/60Hz) 변압기를 대체하기 위해서, 최근 전력용 반도체 변압기 SST(Solid State Transformer)에 대한 연구가 많이 수행되고 있다. AC/DC 컨버터는 높은 시스템 입력 전압에 대응 가능한 기존의 다양한 멀티레벨 컨버터 중 CHB (Cascaded H-bridge) 컨버터는 시스템 모듈화의 용이성과 상용 소자의 정격전압을 고려했을 때 반도체 변압기 시스템에 가장 많이 적용되고 있는 토폴로지이지만 각각의 H-bridge 컨버터 DC-link 전압의 불평형 문제가 발생한다. 본 논문에서는 CHB 컨버터의 전압 불평형을 해결하기 위하여 추가적인 센서가 필요없는 간단하고 실용적인 전압 불평형 보상 제어기를 제안한다.

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Self power equipment on battery for initial starting of 13.2kV SST(Solid State Transformer) (13.2kV급 반도체 변압기의 초기 기동을 위한 배터리 기반 셀프 전원 장치)

  • Lim, J.W;Cho, Y.H.
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2016.07a
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    • pp.255-256
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    • 2016
  • This paper is presents a initial starting of SST with high voltage level source. Rush current flowing as difference between capacitor level and grid level can crush the whole system. Thus, industries have used initial constituted by resistance and relay. However the initial circuit used in industries can't apply high voltage application due to isolation and economic feasible problems. Therefore many countries study method can charge capacitor with another voltage sources. Also this paper introduce method charging primary side capacitor efficiently.

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A Research on Small Signal Modeling and Controller Design of a Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter for a SST (반도체 변압기용 단상 계통 연계형 인버터의 소신호 모델링 및 제어기 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Bogyeong;Choi, Hyunjun;Jung, Jeehoon
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2015.07a
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    • pp.231-232
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    • 2015
  • 본 논문에서는 반도체 변압기(Solid State Transformer; SST)를 구성하는 단상 계통 연계형 인버터의 소신호 모델링과 이를 통한 효과적인 제어기 설계 방법을 제안한다. 평균화, 선형화 및 주파수 영역으로의 변환 단계를 거쳐 소신호 모델링을 수행하여 인버터 시스템의 전달함수를 얻을 수 있다. 이를 이용해 다양한 변동에 대한 인버터의 안정도와 동작 특성을 파악하고, 전압 제어기 및 전류 제어기를 설계하여 동작 영역에서 인버터의 안정적인 동작과 적절한 동특성이 확보되도록 한다. 본 논문에서 제안된 모델링과 제어 방법은 시뮬레이션을 통해 유효성을 검증하였다.

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High-voltage and High-frequency Transformer design for Solid-state Transformer (지능형 반도체 변압기용 고압 절연 내력을 갖는 고주파 변압기 설계)

  • Park, Siho;Jo, Youngpyo;Cha, Honnyong
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2017.07a
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    • pp.248-249
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    • 2017
  • 본 논문은 지능형 반도체 변압기용 고압 절연 내력을 갖는 고주파 변압기의 설계 순서와 방안을 제안하고 시제품을 제작하여 동작 검증 및 절연 시험을 완료한 결과를 서술한다.제작된 변압기는 10 kHz의 스위칭 주파수 하에 정격은 15 kW이며, 3권선 방식을 이용하였다. SST의 입력 전압인 $13.2kV_{rms}$및 출력단의 전압 플로팅 현상을 고려하여, polycarbonate를 이용한 내부 보빈과 teflon PTFE를 이용한 외부 보빈 및 가드를 제작해, 30 kV의 절연이 가능하도록 설계되었다. 또한, 정전 유도 현상으로 인해 고려해야 하는 코어와 권선 간의 고압 절연을 최소화하는 방안을 적용하였으며, 근접 효과와 표피 효과를 최소화하는 구조로 설계되었다. 시제품 제작 후 15 kW의 정격 하에 동작 검증을 완료하였고, 내전압 시험을 이용하여 30 kV의 절연 내력을 검증하였다.

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Operating Frequency Design for Stable Initial Operation of Loosely Coupled Resonant DAB Converter (Loosely Coupled Resonant DAB 컨버터의 안정적인 초기 구동을 위한 동작 주파수 설계)

  • Baek, Seung-Hyuk;Kim, Sungmin;Lee, Jaehong;Lee, Seung-Hwan
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.437-445
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    • 2021
  • This paper proposes an operating frequency design method that limits the voltage applied to aload-side converter during the initial operation of a loosely coupled resonant dual-active bridge (LCR-DAB) converter and an initial operating strategy that applies it. The LCR-DAB converter uses two wireless power transfer coils instead of the high-frequency transformer of the general DAB converter. The wireless power coil has a physical distance of several tens of millimeter or more between the two coils; thus, the LCR-DAB converter is a bidirectional isolated power conversion system that can easily achieve high insulation performance. However, for the initial operation of the LCR-DAB, if the power-side converter is operated at the resonance frequency while the load-side converter is not operating, then a very high voltage due to resonance is applied to the load-side converter, thereby causing damage to the converter. Therefore, a method that can stably charge the DC link voltage of the secondary-side converter during the initial operation is needed. This paper proposes a method to initially charge the secondary-side DC link by operating the primary-side converter at a frequency with limited voltage gain rather than at a steady-state operating frequency. The validity of the proposed frequency design method and initial operating sequence is verified through simulation and experimentation of the 1 KW LCR-DAB converter.