• Title/Summary/Keyword: SNS 정보 특성

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Analysis on User Behavior of Social Game (소셜 게임의 사용자 특성 분석)

  • Han, Hye-Won;Shim, Se-Ra
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.12
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2010
  • Humans are social existences who connect with others and live together. Communication between human has evolved into diverse formats and contents beyond time and space. Social Network Service builds social relationship based on web and its users increase rapidly in a global environment due to the user-friendly web circumstances, easy access and wide-spread supply of the smart phones. One of the aspect that is taking the center of Social Network Service is a Social Game. Social Games are based on web that has simple rules to play in fictional time and space background. This research is to analyze the relationship between social game, Social Network and user behavior through the Social Games Farm Villand Cafe World.This paper, firstly, is going to observe the characteristics of people who participate in the two social games 'Farm Ville' and 'Cafe World'. It, then, attempts to analyze individual and social human desires depicted in the games. In the social games, personal perception is revealed through an image of "possession", while one's social activity is displayed by an image of "consumption."

Self-Disclosure and Cyberbullying on SNS (SNS상에서 자기노출과 사이버불링)

  • Jooyeon Won;DongBack Seo
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2017
  • Since the development of information communication technologies, social networking sites (SNSs) have been diffused to the world with benefits such as building and maintaining relationships among people. SNSs have become more popular with the development of mobile devices. Despite this advantage, SNSs also present unexpected effects on people, such as cyberbullying and identity theft. Cyberbullying has emerged as one of the most serious issues among people who use SNSs. In fact, almost 20% of teenagers confessed that they have been cyberbullied on SNSs. In consideration of this serious social issue, this study investigates the influences of self-disclosure and self-control on the cyberbullying victimization experience from the perspective of Social Exchange Theory. Self-disclosure is a basic characteristic of SNSs. It is classified into self-disclosure for access to SNS and self-disclosure for relationship building and maintaining on SNSs. The cyberbullying victimization experience is classified into being cyber-excluded and being cyber-attacked. We examine how two types of self-disclosure and self-control affect two types of cyberbullying victimization experience based on the survey data of people who are in their 20s and are greatly familiar with SNSs.

SNS에 나타나는 이미지 표현에 대한 연구 : 미투데이(me2day)와 페이스북(facebook)을 중심으로

  • Ham, Jae-Min
    • 한국만화애니메이션학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2011
  • 지금, 세계는 바야흐로 'Social Network Service(이하 SNS)의 시대' 이다. SNS란 '일련의 관계에 의해 모인 사람들 간의 관계망을 특정 체계를 통해 대중에게 제공하는 것' 이라고 할 수 있다. 과거 향우회, 동문회처럼 오프라인에서 존재했던 이러한 관계망이 온라인으로 도입된 것이 현재 SNS라고 일컫는 서비스이다. SNS가 큰 인기를 끌고 정보 사회가 발전함에 따라 SNS의 서비스와 형태도 점차 다양해져 왔다. 특히나 그림 영상 등의 시각적인 요소를 사용한 의사소통과 정보의 공유가 과거 그 어떤 매체보다도 손쉽고 빠르게 이루어지고 있다. 인간의 거의 모든 문화 사회적 활동에 컴퓨터가 기반이 됨으로써, 우리는 점차 텍스트, 사진, 영화, 음악, 가상환경 등과 같은 문화 데이터와 더욱 밀접한 관계에 놓이게 되었으며 이것은 SNS에서도 예외가 아니다. 우리는 더 이상 컴퓨터를 마주하는 것이 아니라 디지털 형식으로 기호화된 문화와 마주하고 있으며, 그 중심에는 시각적인 요소들, 즉 '이미지'가 있다. 이러한 점에 착안하여 본 연구는 'SNS'와 그 이미지들의 특성에 대한 이해를 선행한 뒤, 최근 국내에서 가장 활발한 성장세를 나타내고 있는 SNS인 미투데이 페이스북 이상의 두 서비스의 사례를 분석할 것이다. SNS의 이미지의 정체성, 이미지 표현의 특징과 양상이 어떠한지를 분석하고 SNS에서 사용되는 이미지와 그 의미를 보다 심층적인 관점에서 이해해 보는 것은 SNS를 중심으로 형성되어 있는 관련 업계와 학계에 유의미한 내용을 제공할 것으로 기대된다.

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Related Term Extraction with Proximity Matrix for Query Related Issue Detection using Twitter (트위터를 이용한 질의어 관련 이슈 탐지를 위한 인접도 행렬 기반 연관 어휘 추출)

  • Kim, Je-Sang;Jo, Hyo-Geun;Kim, Dong-Sung;Kim, Byeong Man;Lee, Hyun Ah
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2014
  • Social network services(SNS) including Twitter and Facebook are good resources to extract various issues like public interest, trend and topic. This paper proposes a method to extract query-related issues by calculating relatedness between terms in Twitter. As a term that frequently appears near query terms should be semantically related to a query, we calculate term relatedness in retrieved documents by summing proximity that is proportional to term frequency and inversely proportional to distance between words. Then terms, relatedness of which is bigger than threshold, are extracted as query-related issues, and our system shows those issues with a connected network. By analyzing single transitions in a connected network, compound words are easily obtained.

SNS상의 온라인 구전정보의 특성이 가정용 안면피부미용기기 구매의도에 미치는 영향

  • Kim, Do-Hui;Hwang, Bo-Yun
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.46-46
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    • 2017
  • 최근 경기 침체에 불구하고 피부관리에 아낌없이 투자하는 소비자들이 늘어나면서 가정용 안면피부미용기기 (뷰티디바이스) 열기가 거세다. 시간과 장소에 제약이 없이 가성비가 뛰어난 가정용 안면피부미용기기 시장은 지난해 약 1000억으로 전년 대비 약 25%의 성장을 보이고 있으며 당분간 이 열기는 지속될 것이다. 본 연구는 이런 가정용 안면피부미용기기 시장이 이제 막 주목받고 있는 분야임에도 불구하고 연구된 바가 거의 없다. 라서 본 연구는 기업의 중요한 마케팅수단인 SNS의 구전 정보의 특성이 가정용 안면피부미용기기 (뷰티디바이스) 구매의도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 분석하고 구매의도에 중요한 역할하는 소비자의 태도가 어떤 매개역할을 하지는 분석하여 성장해가고 있는 가정용 안면피부미용기기(뷰티디바이스) 창업기업의 마케팅 전략에 기여할 것으로 판단된다. 연구모형에 있어서 SNS의 구전정보의 특성으로는 구전정보의 방향성, 구전정보의 수량, 구전정보의 내용 품질, 구전정보의 유형 들로 독립변수를 설정하였고, 종속변수인 구매의도사이에 매개변수로서 소비자태도를 선정하였다. 서울지역 여성 소비자들 중에서 가정용 안면 피부 미용기기를 사용해 본 경험이 있는 조건부 불특정 다수를 대상으로 150개의 표본을 추출하였다. 분석 방법은 확인적 요인분석과 크론바하 알파 계수로 변수의 타당성, 신뢰성 분석을 하고 경로분석을 통하여 변수간 가설 검정을 분석중에 있다.

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Exploring News Sharers' Characteristics and Factors Affecting News Sharing Behavior (온라인 뉴스 공유자의 특성 및 뉴스 공유에 미치는 요인 탐색)

  • Hwang, HaSung;Jiang, XueJin;Zhu, LiuCun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2020
  • The present study aims to explore news sharers' characteristic. Specifically, it aims to look at news sharers' demographic characteristics, old media news usage and new media news usage. Besides, it also explores factors affecting news sharing behavior. The study used the second data of Korea Press Foundation. Findings from surveys suggest that first, news sharers are younger and have higher education than not news sharers. Second, news sharers use less news through old media while more news through new media. Third, political orientation, portal, SNS and online video platform new usage, messenger news reliability have positive effects on news sharing, while age and portal news reliability have negative effects on it. Based on these findings, implication, limitations, and topics for future research are discussed.

Anomie Social Environment and Juvenile Delinquency (아노미(Anomie)적 사회환경과 청소년 범죄: 소셜 미디어를 중심으로)

  • Gong, Bae Wan
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.15 no.6_2
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2015
  • There appears a variety forms of crime type and age in accordance with the change of social structure. In this paper it is described for combining the Anomie theory of Emile Durkheim. Anomie refers to the absence of dual standards or norms. In other words, while weakening the existing norms prevailing when the new rules has not been established. That situation would cause social chaos. Rules on the dissemination and utilization of SNS due to the development of information and communication technology undermine the social norms while online regulations are being a weak state not established. In the confusion of these norms it has been shown to increase in juvenile delinquency. Social media has characteristics such as openness, accessibility, relationships, and content diversity. The social media itself is not subject to the general mechanisms of consumption and production due to growing as a kind of organism. It has characteristic to make the most content by utilizing the users to voluntarily share information. Social media using as communication, contact and information in the youth, thus the possibility of crime is high. Social media is also direct and indirect influence on youth crime but no apparent systemic regulation of this situation.

A Study on the Effect of Service Quality and Product Characteristics on the Adoption Intention of New Brands in Taiwan's Influencer Live Streaming Platforms

  • Chiang, Hsin-Chieh;Lee, Hyoung-Ju;Yoon, Sung-Joon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.169-181
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    • 2022
  • Currently, due to the activation of SNS live broadcasting, online services based on influencer live broadcasting are becoming a major consumption trend around the world. This study aims to verify the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, product characteristics, and acceptance intention for influencer broadcasting based on nfluencer broadcasting experiences in an Internet environment. This study conducted a survey of users who experienced live broadcasting on social media in Taiwan from June 29 to August 30, 2020, and a total of 253 copies were used for empirical analysis. The collected data were analyzed through SPSS 25.0. The results of the empirical analysis are summarized as follows. First, it was found that the service quality factors (reliability, tangibility, responsiveness, certainty, and empathy) of Taiwan's influencer live broadcast had a significant effect on live broadcast satisfaction. Second, it was found that the product characteristics of Taiwan's influencer live broadcasting had a significant effect on product satisfaction. Third, it was found that live broadcasting satisfaction and product satisfaction had a significant effect on the acceptance intention of new brands in Taiwan's influencer live broadcasting. This study will provide useful data for establishing efficient marketing strategies to improve live and product satisfaction and increase acceptance of new brands by identifying service quality factors and product characteristics of Taiwan's influencer Live Broadcasting.

The Strategies for the Development of the Security Industry Utilzing Social Network Services (경호경비산업의 발전을 위한 사회연결망서비스 활용전략)

  • Kim, Doo-Han;Kim, Eun-Jung
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.46
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    • pp.7-30
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    • 2016
  • This study found the strategies for activating the security industry to utilize social network services based on the platform business model. This research was utilized for in-depth interview and IPA analysis. And use it was to check the contents and strategic improvement projects that can actually materialize and direction of the strategy. First, run a priority need area is a private center of community policing related portal development and operation, universal social networking service(SNS) utilizing expanded, professional training, IT-based security content management and operation of IT infrastructure security guards and security professionals up educational content development, online security guards and security professionals-up refresher training program development. Second, the area over the inventory capabilities increase the effectiveness of the security guards was constructed open-type comprehensive public information system. Third, the area needed to be reviewed are the individual security industry experts workers operating information channels, dedicated customer service and expanding the event of a private security guard & security service providers up. Fourth, the effectiveness of the insufficient area are discuss system improvements, the sharing of community policing closed Cameras for proposals for the expanded utilization of social networking services, private development organizations Social Network Service(SNS).

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A Study on Establishment of Mid- to Long-Term Comprehensive Development Plan for the Bank of Korea Library (시대적 변화에 따른 경제·금융전문도서관 발전 방향 모색에 관한 연구 - 한국은행 도서관을 중심으로 -)

  • Noh, Younghee;Ko, Jae-Min;Chang, Inho;Ro, Ji-Yoon
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.65-84
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to analyze the overall operation status of the Bank of Korea library representing the economic library in Korea, investigate user satisfaction and demand, and to propose a direction for the development of the economic library in the future. To this end, a case study was conducted on changes in the external environment of major libraries at home and abroad, and a user survey was conducted. As a result, the future tasks include introducing smart systems, robotics some library services, non-face-to-face service response spaces that reflect the times, introducing big data analysis services, strengthening user-tailored systems, and activating SNS communication. It proposed developing specialized libraries, online reference and research support services, and providing original DBs for publications to strengthen expertise, maintaining and expanding cloud services, maintaining and expanding cooperative projects, and collecting national knowledge and information.