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A Study on the Effect of Service Quality and Product Characteristics on the Adoption Intention of New Brands in Taiwan's Influencer Live Streaming Platforms  

Chiang, Hsin-Chieh (Dept. of e-Business, Kyonggi University)
Lee, Hyoung-Ju (Korea Institute of Industrial Economics, Kyonggi University)
Yoon, Sung-Joon (Dept. of Business Admin., Kyonggi University)
Currently, due to the activation of SNS live broadcasting, online services based on influencer live broadcasting are becoming a major consumption trend around the world. This study aims to verify the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, product characteristics, and acceptance intention for influencer broadcasting based on nfluencer broadcasting experiences in an Internet environment. This study conducted a survey of users who experienced live broadcasting on social media in Taiwan from June 29 to August 30, 2020, and a total of 253 copies were used for empirical analysis. The collected data were analyzed through SPSS 25.0. The results of the empirical analysis are summarized as follows. First, it was found that the service quality factors (reliability, tangibility, responsiveness, certainty, and empathy) of Taiwan's influencer live broadcast had a significant effect on live broadcast satisfaction. Second, it was found that the product characteristics of Taiwan's influencer live broadcasting had a significant effect on product satisfaction. Third, it was found that live broadcasting satisfaction and product satisfaction had a significant effect on the acceptance intention of new brands in Taiwan's influencer live broadcasting. This study will provide useful data for establishing efficient marketing strategies to improve live and product satisfaction and increase acceptance of new brands by identifying service quality factors and product characteristics of Taiwan's influencer Live Broadcasting.
Influencer Live Streaming; Service Quality; Product Characteristics; Adoption Intention;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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