• Title/Summary/Keyword: SEU

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Morphological Characteristics of Peridinium bipes f. occcultatum (Dinophyceae) Isolated from Three Geographically Segregated Aquatic Systems of Korea

  • Ki, Jang-Seu;Cho, Soo-Yeon;Han, Myung-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.38 no.spc
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2005
  • To resolve some of the most pressing uncertainties of Peridinium identity, morphological characteristics of Korean Peridinium were examined using light and scanning electron microscopy. The Peridinium samples were collected from three different regions of Juam, Sang-sa and Togyo Reservoirs, when seasonal blooms occurred. Formula of the epithecal plate was recorded with 7 precingular, 3 intercalary, and 4 apical plates (4', 3a, 7"). An apical pore, 3 ${\sim}$ 5 ${\mu}m$ in size, was apparently present. The cingulum was easily observed under light microscope, and was considerably offset by about 15 ${\mu}m$ (2 ${\sim}$ 3 times per cingulum width). The sulcus was straight longitudinally and widened apparently towards the antapex. None of spine was found on the surface of the thecal plates on scanning electron micrographs. The average body length was 50.4 ${\mu}m$ with a range of 29 ${\sim}$ 63 ${\mu}m$. The geometric dimension, as designated to the body length:width ratio, was found from calculation to be 1.12 with a range of 1.00 ${\sim}$ 1.35, therefore, the cell was shown slightly elongated. Based on their morphology, the causative organisms of red tides in three different Korean waters were identified as P. bipes f. occultatum, which was reported for the first time in Korea.

Clinical Study of Moxibustion on The Complication of Diabetes Mellitus (당뇨 합병증에 대한 구치료의 임상적 연구)

  • Lee Hyun Min;Jo Hoon Seuk;Shin Woo Jin;Seu Sang Ho;Park Dong il;Hong Hoon Sang;Kim Jong Won
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.294-300
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of oxibustion on complications of Diabetes Millitus. We collected 23 patients with glycosurea complications in Songeui Oriental Hospital from April, 2003 to July, 2003, and then expremented Moxibustion, medical examinations and laboratory test for 4 weeks. At the symptons change : Among the symptons which the number over 5 persons of patients is reserved, dysaesthesia of limbs, neuralgic pain, urinary frequent urination, dpontaneous perspiration, thirst, decrease of body weight and malaise showed the improvement over 60%(n=23). Level of FBS was don't have the significant meaning however showed the tendency of the desent, and level of HbA1c significantly decreased after treatment(P&0.001)(n=19).

Molecular Analysis of Complete SSU to LSU rDNA Sequence in the Harmful Dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense (Korean Isolate, HY970328M)

  • Ki, Jang-Seu;Han, Myung-Soo
    • Ocean Science Journal
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2005
  • New PCR primers (N=18) were designed for the isolation of complete SSU to LSU rDNA sequences from the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense. Standard PCR, employing each primer set selected for amplifications of less than 1.5 kb, successfully amplified the expected rDNA regions of A. tamarense (Korean isolate, HY970328M). Complete SSU, LSU rDNAs and ITS sequences, including 5.8S rDNA, were recorded at 1,800 bp, 520 bp and 3,393 bp, respectively. The LSU rDNA sequence was the first report in Alexandrium genus. No intron was found in the LSU rRNA coding region. Twelve D-domains within the LSU rDNA were put together into 1,879 bp (44.4% G+C), and cores into 1514 bp (42.8% G+C). The core sequence was significantly different (0.0867 of genetic distance, 91% sequence similarity) in comparison with Prorocentrum micans (GenBank access. no. X16108). The D2 region was the longest in length (300 bp) and highly variable among the 12 D-domains. In a phylogenetic analysis using complete LSU rDNA sequences of a variety of phytoplankton, A. tamarense was clearly separated with high resolution against other species. The result suggests that the sequence may resolve the taxonomic ambiguities of Alexandrium genus, particularly of the tamarensis complex.

Dihydrotanshinone l is an Inhibitor of Farmesy-Protein Transferase (Farmesy-Protein Transferase의 저해제 Dihydrotanshinone l.)

  • Lee, Dong-Sun;Lee, Sang-Han;Ha, Sang-Chul;Kim, Jong-Guk;Seu, Young-Bae;Hong, Soon-Duck
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.158-161
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    • 1998
  • An inhibitor of farnesy-protein transferae is known to be a fgood candidate for antitumor agent that block the oncogenic activity of Ras protein . We recently isolated and characterized dihydrotanshinone I from Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (Danshen), an oriental herb, which has an inhibitory activity of toposimerase I to some cancer cell lines. In order to examine the molecular mechanism of dihydrotanshinone I, we studied the farmesy-Protein Transferase activity by dihydrotanshinone I. As a result, we found that result, we found that dihydrotanshinone I showed inhibitory effect on farnesyl-protein transferase with $IC_{50}$ value of 15 ug/ml. This result suggest that dihydrotanshinone I may be an useful anticancer agent with the inhibitory activity of farnesyl-protein transferase.

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Quantification of the Sub-lethal Toxicity of Metals and Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals to the Marine Green Microalga Tetraselmis suecica

  • Ebenezer, Vinitha;Ki, Jang-Seu
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2013
  • Microalgae are sensitive indicators of environmental changes, and hence they are widely used in environmental risk assessments and for the development of discharge guidelines. Here we evaluated the toxicity of metals and endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) to the marine green microalga, Tetraselmis suecica. The toxicants investigated included the metals, Cu, Ni, and Pb; and the EDCs, bisphenol A (BPA), endosulfan (ES), and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB). The endpoints were variations in cell counts and chlorophyll a levels. T. suecica displayed a varied pattern of sensitivity to the toxicants. Based on the 72-h median effective concentration ($EC_{50}$), ES (0.045 mg/L) was most toxic to T. suecica, followed by PCB (3.96 mg/L) and Pb (9.62 mg/L). Interestingly, T. suecica was relatively tolerant to Cu (43.03 mg/L). The 72-h $EC_{50}$ values of Ni and BPA were approximately 16 mg/L. Our data suggest that this species may be relatively tolerant to most of the chemicals within their permissible limits in the environment.

Large-Circular Single-stranded Sense and Antisense DNA for Identification of Cancer-Related Genes (장환형 단일가닥 DNA를 이용한 암세포 성장 억제 유전자 발굴)

  • Bae, Yun-Ui;Moon, Ik-Jae;Seu, Young-Bae;Doh, Kyung-Oh
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.70-76
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    • 2010
  • The single-stranded large circular (LC)-sense DNA were utilized as probes for DNA chip experiments. The microarray experiment using LC-sense DNA probes found differentially expressed genes in A549 cells as compared to WI38VA13 cells, and microarray data were well-correlated with data acquired from quantitative real-time RT-PCR. A 5K LC-sense DNA microarray was prepared, and the repeated experiments and dye swap test showed consistent expression patterns. Subsequent functional analysis using LC-antisense library of overexpressed genes identified several genes involved in A549 cell growth. These experiments demonstrated proper feature of LC-sense molecules as probe DNA for microarray and the potential utility of the combination of LC-sense microarray and antisense libraries for an effective functional validation of genes.

Fungicidal Effect of Resveratrol on Human Infectious Fungi

  • Jung, Hyun-Jun;Hwang, In-Ah;Sung, Woo-Sang;Kang, Hyun-Gu;Kang, Beom-Sik;Seu, Young-Bae;Lee, Dong-Gun
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.557-560
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    • 2005
  • Resveratrol, a phenolic antioxidant found in grapes, has been known to mediate various biological activities on the human body. In the present study, we tested the antifungal a ctivity of resveratrol against human pathogenic fungi before carrying out further studies to elucidate the antifungal mechanism(s) of resveratrol. Resveratrol displayed potent antifungal activity against human pathogenic fungi at concentration levels of 10-20 ${\mu}g$/mL. Furthermore, time-kill curve exhibited fungicidal effect of resveratrol on C. albicans, but the compound had no hemolytic activity against human erythrocytes. The destruction of C. albicans cells by resveratrol was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. These results suggest that resveratrol could be employed as a therapeutic agent to treat fungal infections of humans.

Phytol, SSADH Inhibitory Diterpenoid of Lactuca sativa

  • Bang, Myun-Ho;Choi, Soo-Young;Jang, Tae-O;Kim, Sang-Kook;Kwon, Oh-Shin;Kang, Tae-Cheon;Won, Moo-Ho;Park, Jin-Seu;Baek, Nam-In
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.643-646
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    • 2002
  • The succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) inhibitory component was isolated from the EtOAc fraction of Lactuca sativa through repeated column chromatography; then, it was identified as phytol, a diterpenoid, based on the interpretation of several spectral data. Incubation of SSADH with the phytol results in a time-dependent loss of enzymatic activity, suggesting that enzyme modification is irreversible. The inactivation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics with the second-rate order constant of $6.15{\times}10^{-2}mM^{-1}min^{-1}.$ Complete protection from inactivation was afforded by the coenzyme $NAD^{+}$, whereas substrate succinic semialdehyde failed to prevent the inactivation of the enzyme; therefore, it seems likely that phytol covalently binds at or near the active site of the enzyme. It is postulated that the phytol is able to elevate the neurotransmitter GABA levels in central nervous system through its inhibitory action on one of the GABA degradative enzymes, SSADH.

Chemical Modification of Tryptophan Residue in Bovine Brain succinic Semlaldehyde Reductase

  • Hong, Joung-Woo;Jeon, Seong-Gyu;Bahn, Jae-Hoon;Park, Jin-Seu;Kwon, Hyeok-Yil;Cho, Sung-Woo;Choi, Soo-Young
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.583-587
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    • 1997
  • Incubation of an NADPH-dependent succinic semialdehyde reductase from bovine brain with N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) resulted in a time-dependent loss of enzyme activity. The inactivation followed pseudo-first-order kinetics with the second-order rate constant of $6.8\times{10}^3$ $M^-1$ $min^{-1}$. The inactivation was prevented by preincubation of the enzyme with substrate succinic semialdehyde, but not with coenzyme NADPH. There was a linear relation-ship between oxindole formation and the loss of enzyme activity. Spectro-photometric studies indicated that about one oxindole group per molecule of the enzyme was formed following complete loss of enzymatic activity. It is suggested that the catalytic function of succinic semialdehyde reductase is modulated by binding of NBS to a specific tryptophan residue at or near the substrate binding site of the enzyme.

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Curing Action of Antibiotic Resistant Factor in Bacillus Subtilis (Bacillus subtilis의 항생물질 내성에 대한 Curing작용)

  • Hong, Yong-Ki;Seu, Jung-Hwn
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.103-107
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    • 1985
  • A variety of plasmid curing agents such as sodium dodecyl sulfate, acriflavine, ethidium bromide, and mitomycin-C were used to cure Bacillus subtilis cells of streptomycin resistant factor. The drug susceptibility was increased by 0.1% sodim dodecyl sulfate at stationary growth phase. The curing frequency was obtained highly at 4 $\mu\textrm{g}$/$m\ell$ of acriflavine, 10 $\mu\textrm{g}$/$m\ell$ of ethidium bromide, and 200 $\mu\textrm{g}$/$m\ell$ of mitomycin-C. respectively. Curing action occurred competitively for the streptomycin and terramycin resistant factors in B. subtilis.

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