• Title/Summary/Keyword: S-N line

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A Study on the Comparison of Apparel Size among Korean, Chinese and Chosunjok College Women (한국(韓國), 중국(中國), 중국(中國) 조선족(朝鮮族) 의류치수(衣類値數) 비교(比較) 연구(硏究))

  • Sohn, Hee-Soon;Lim, Soon;Kim, Hyo-Sook;Son, Hee-Jeong;Kim, Young-Sook;Jang, Hee-Kyung;Jung, Ryung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to measure Korean, Chinese and Chosunjok college women's body part sizes, and then, classify their body shapes according to the drop value(hip circumference-chest circumference) as well as their statures, and thereupon, comparatively analyze the statistical distribution of their major body part measurements and thereby, provide for some basic data useful to the development of quality fitting apparels exportable to China. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; Most of Korean and Chinese college women were found to belong to the body type of "N" body shape, while many of Chosunjok college women belonged to "H" body shape body type characterized by normal stature but small difference between hip and chest circumferences. The most prevailing body type of Korean and Chinese college women next to "N" type(65%, 51%) was "H" (23%, 35%), followed by "A" type(12%, 14%), while that of Chosunjok college women was "H" type (54%), followed by "N" (40%) and "A" type (6%). On the other hand, in terms of distribution of major body part sizes, there was found a wide difference between Chinese and Korean college women. Chosunjok college women had similar body part sizes to Korean college women's in such measurements as waist back length, shoulder-to-shoulder length, front interscye length, back interscye length, under-chest circumference and weight, while having simliar body part sizes to Chinese college women's in such measures as stature, arm length, waist front length, waist side-hip line length, crotch length, head circumference, neck-root circumference and waist circumference.

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Selection of a Triploid Poplar by Flow Cytometric Analysis and Growth Characteristics of its in vitro Grown Plants (유세포 분석을 통한 현사시나무 3배체 선발 및 계통별 기내생장 특성)

  • Bae, Eun-Kyung;Lee, Hyoshin;Lee, Jae-Soon;Noh, Eun-Woon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.101 no.2
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    • pp.291-296
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    • 2012
  • Triploids are a useful tool for biomass production and molecular breeding of trees with a long life span. Triploids of the poplar 'Hyunsasi' (Populus alba ${\times}$ P. glandulosa) have been developed by crossing between female diploids and a male tetraploid. The tetraploid was developed around the 1970s at Korea Forest Research Institute by colchicine-induced chromosome doubling. Seedlings of the $F_1$ generation were analyzed using flow cytometry to verify their ploidy status. The mean relative fluorescence index of 3 F1 poplars, labeled as Line- 1, Line-17, Line-18, were approximately 1.5 times higher than those of diploid poplars, and the results clearly indicated that they were triploids. The phenotype of the F1 poplars included larger leaves and thicker stem than diploids, and abnormal leaf morphology, especially in the triploid 'Line-18'. Three triploid lines developed roots more slowly and had less roots than diploid. However, 3 poplar cytotypes (2x, Line-1, Line-17) rooted within 10 days on MS medium. In contrast, compared with the 3 cytotypes, the Line-18 showed about 80% and 70% in the rooting rate and the number of roots. The triploid poplars could be directly utilized for biomass production and with their sterility, they could serve as basic material for genetic transformation. In addition, flow cytometric analysis proved to be an effective and reliable method for screening forest trees for their ploidy level.

The Design of Technique Based on Partition for Acceleration of ATPG (ATPG 가속화를 위한 분할 기법의 설계)

  • 허덕행
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 1998
  • To test all internal faults in the case that the number of Primary Input is N, we need patterns that are composed of PI's of maximum 2N. In this paper, we proposed the method to reduce a search space by dividing the multiple output circuit into subcircuit that is related with output. And this method, called PBM(Partition-Based Method), can generate a set of test pattern. The method can effectively generate a test pattern for evaluating all fault of circuit, because the length of input pattern is smaller than that of full circuit and PBM doesn't search any signal line that is not concerned with detecting fault.

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1 Selector + 1 Resistance Behavior Observed in Pt/SiN/Ti/Si Structure Resistive Switching Memory Cells

  • Park, Ju-Hyeon;Kim, Hui-Dong;Kim, Tae-Geun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2014.02a
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    • pp.307-307
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    • 2014
  • 정보화 시대로 접어들면서 동일한 공간에 더 많은 정보를 저장할 수 있고, 보다 빠른 동작이 가능한 비휘발성 메모리 소자에 대한 요구가 증가하고 있다. 하지만, 최근 비휘발성 메모리 소자 관련 연구보고에 따르면, 메모리 소자의 소형화 및 직접화 측면에서, 전하 저장을 기반으로 하는 기존의 Floating-Gate(FG) Flash 메모리는 20 nm 이하 공정에서 한계가 예측 되고 있다. 따라서, 이러한 FG Flash 메모리의 한계를 해결하기 위해, 기존에 FET 기반의 FG Flash 구조와 같은 3 terminal이 아닌, Diode와 같은 2 terminal로 동작이 가능한 ReRAM, PRAM, STT-MRAM, PoRAM 등 저항변화를 기반으로 하는 다양한 종류의 차세대 메모리 소자가 연구되고 있다. 그 중, 저항 변화 메모리(ReRAM)는 CMOS 공정 호환성, 3D 직접도, 낮은 소비전력과 빠른 동작 속도 등의 우수한 동작 특성을 가져 차세대 비휘발성 메모리로 주목을 받고 있다. 또한, 상하부 전극의 2 terminal 만으로 소자 구동이 가능하기 때문에 Passive Crossbar-Array(CBA)로 적용하여 플래시 메모리를 대체할 수 있는 유력한 차세대 메모리 소자이다. 하지만, 이를 현실화하기 위해서는 Passive CBA 구조에서 발생할 수 있는 Read Disturb 현상, 즉 Word-Line과 Bit-Line을 통해 선택된 소자를 제외하고 주변의 다른 소자를 통해 흐르는 Sneak Leakage Current(SLC)를 차단하여 소자의 메모리 State를 정확히 sensing하기 위한 연구가 선행 되어야 한다. 따라서, 현재 이러한 이슈를 해결하기 위해서, 많은 연구 그룹에서 Diodes, Threshold Switches와 같은 ReRAM에 Selector 소자를 추가하는 방법, 또는 Self-Rectifying 특성 및 CRS 특성을 보이는 ReRAM 구조를 제안 하여 SLC를 차단하고자 하는 연구가 시도 되고 있지만, 아직까지 기초연구 단계로서 아이디어에 대한 가능성 정도만 보고되고 있는 현실 이다. 이에 본 논문은 Passive CBA구조에서 발생하는 SLC를 해결하기 위한 새로운 아이디어로써, 본 연구 그룹에서 선행 연구로 확보된 안정적인 저항변화 물질인 SiN를 정류 특성을 가지는 n-Si/Ti 기반의 Schottky Diode와 결합함으로써 기존의 CBA 메모리의 Read 동작에서 발생하는 SLC를 차단 할 수 있는 1SD-1R 구조의 메모리 구조를 제작 하였으며, 본 연구 결과 기존에 문제가 되었던 SLC를 차단 할 수 있었다.

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A Design on Informal Big Data Topic Extraction System Based on Spark Framework (Spark 프레임워크 기반 비정형 빅데이터 토픽 추출 시스템 설계)

  • Park, Kiejin
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.5 no.11
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    • pp.521-526
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    • 2016
  • As on-line informal text data have massive in its volume and have unstructured characteristics in nature, there are limitations in applying traditional relational data model technologies for data storage and data analysis jobs. Moreover, using dynamically generating massive social data, social user's real-time reaction analysis tasks is hard to accomplish. In the paper, to capture easily the semantics of massive and informal on-line documents with unsupervised learning mechanism, we design and implement automatic topic extraction systems according to the mass of the words that consists a document. The input data set to the proposed system are generated first, using N-gram algorithm to build multiple words to capture the meaning of the sentences precisely, and Hadoop and Spark (In-memory distributed computing framework) are adopted to run topic model. In the experiment phases, TB level input data are processed for data preprocessing and proposed topic extraction steps are applied. We conclude that the proposed system shows good performance in extracting meaningful topics in time as the intermediate results come from main memories directly instead of an HDD reading.

Cell-cell contacts via N-cadherin induce a regulatory renin secretory phenotype in As4.1 cells

  • Chang, Jai Won;Kim, Soohyun;Lee, Eun Young;Leem, Chae Hun;Kim, Suhn Hee;Park, Chun Sik
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.479-499
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    • 2022
  • The lack of a clonal renin-secreting cell line has greatly hindered the investigation of the regulatory mechanisms of renin secretion at the cellular, biochemical, and molecular levels. In the present study, we investigated whether it was possible to induce phenotypic switching of the renin-expressing clonal cell line As4.1 from constitutive inactive renin secretion to regulated active renin secretion. When grown to postconfluence for at least two days in media containing fetal bovine serum or insulin-like growth factor-1, the formation of cell-cell contacts via N-cadherin triggered downstream cellular signaling cascades and activated smooth muscle-specific genes, culminating in phenotypic switching to a regulated active renin secretion phenotype, including responding to the key stimuli of active renin secretion. With the use of phenotype-switched As4.1 cells, we provide the first evidence that active renin secretion via exocytosis is regulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of the 20 kDa myosin light chain. The molecular mechanism of phenotypic switching in As4.1 cells described here could serve as a working model for full phenotypic modulation of other secretory cell lines with incomplete phenotypes.

Inhibitory Effects of Dunning Rat Prostate Tumor Fluid on Proliferation of the Metastatic MAT-LyLu Cell Line

  • Bugan, Ilknur;Altun, Seyhan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.831-836
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    • 2015
  • Tumor fluid accumulation occurs in both human cancer and experimental tumor models. Solid tumors show a tendency to tumor fluid accumulation because of their anatomical and physiological features and this may be influenced by molecular factors. Fluid accumulation in the peri-tumor area also occurs in the Dunning model of rat prostate cancer as the tumor grows. In this study, the effects of tumor fluids that were obtained from Dunning prostate tumor-bearing Copenhagen rats on the strongly metastatic MAT-LyLu cell line were investigatedby examining the cell's migration and tumor fluid's toxicity and the kinetic parameters such as cell proliferation, mitotic index, and labelling index. In this research, tumor fluids were obtained from rats injected with $2{\times}10^5$ MAT-LyLu cells and treated with saline solution, and 200 nM tetrodotoxin (TTX), highly specific sodium channel blocker was used. Sterilized tumor fluids were added to medium of MAT-LyLu cells with the proportion of 20% in vitro. Consequently, it was demonstrated that Dunning rat prostate tumor fluid significantly inhibited proliferation (up to 50%), mitotic index, and labeling index of MAT-LyLu cells (up to 75%) (p<0.05) but stimulated the motility of the cells in vitro.

Study on Mooring System Design of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine in Jeju Offshore Area

  • Kim, Hyungjun;Jeon, Gi-Young;Choung, Joonmo;Yoon, Sung-Won
    • International Journal of Ocean System Engineering
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.209-217
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents a mooring design procedure for a floating offshore wind turbine. Offshore environmental data for Jeju are taken from KHOA (Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Administration) and used for the environmental conditions in numerical analyses. A semi-submersible-type floating wind system with a 5-MW-class wind turbine studied by the DeepCwind Consortium is applied. Catenary mooring with a studless chain is chosen as the mooring system. Design deliverables such as the nominal sizes of chain and length of the mooring line are decided by considering the long-term prediction of the breaking strength of the mooring lines where a 100-year return period is used. The designed mooring system is verified using a fatigue calculation based on rain-flow cycle counting, an S-N curve, and a Miner's damage summation of rule. The mooring tension process is obtained from time-domain motion analyses using ANSYS/AQWA.

A Method of Digital Credit Cards Management in Smart-Phone (스마트폰에서의 디지털 신용카드 관리 방법)

  • Lee, Young Gyo;Ahn, Jeong Hee
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.67-79
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    • 2012
  • As credit cards are more convenient than cash of heavy and volume, they are used widely in on_line (internet) and off_line in nowadays. A head of the economically active population had 4.8 credit cards in the third quarter 2011. The economically active population in their 20's and 30's may have more than 10 credit cards. If the membership card and point card are included, the count rise to 20 cards in a man. Therefore, the their purse become thick by several cards. Nowadays, the smart-phone is widely used. Therefore, a lot of credit cards are come in smarty-phone from analog form to digital form. In this paper, we study a method of digital credit cards management in smart-phone. For the method, the hardware need in small and existing system have a few change. All kinds of credit cards are used in smarty-phone. We compare the method with Moneta card and NFC of smarty-phone. The digital credit cards feature a light, safety and convenience of mobile users in several ways.

Development of an Auto Dilution Unit of Substrate Solutionfor a Flow Injection Type Biosensor (흐름주입식 바이오센서용 기질용액 자동희석 장치 개발)

  • Song, D.B.;Jung, H.S.;Jung, D.H.;Kim, S.T.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.31 no.5 s.118
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    • pp.443-448
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    • 2006
  • For development of an on-line monitoring unit of fermentation process, an auto dilution unit based on traditional chemical and biological analytical method was developed and the performance was evaluated. The dilution unit was constructed with two syringe pumps and flow direction change valves and fully automated. Total delivery volume of two pumps using distilled water was measured to confirm the operating stability And diluted concentrations of three substrate solutions (glucose, lactic acid, ethanol) were compared with a standard method with a high performance liquid chromatograph (glucose, lactic acid) and gas chromatograph (ethanol). Relative error values of total delivery volume of the pumps were below 3% and standard deviation values were 0.003 (n=5). Relative error values of diluted concentration of the dilution unit measurements were below 2% with 1/10 of dilution ratio and 70, $80{\mu}{\ell}$ of sample volume conditions for glucose and lactic acid, 1/30 of dilution ratio and $70{\mu}{\ell}$ of sample volume conditions for ethanol, respectively. In case of the ethanol, cause of the evaporative characteristics, the relative error values showed over 5% whole experimental conditions.