• Title/Summary/Keyword: Runner

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Development of Contact System in 460[V]/225[A]/50[kA] Molded Case Circuit Breaker (460[V]/225[A]/50[kA] 한류형 배선용 차단기 소호부 개발)

  • 최영길;구태근;이광식
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2002
  • Low voltage circuit breakers which interrupt rapidly and raise the reliability of power supply are widely used in power distribution systems. In the paper, it has been investigated how much interrupting capability is improved by correcting the shape of the contact system in molded case circuit breaker(below MCCB), especially arc runner. Prior to the interrupting testing, it is necessary for the optimum design to analyze electromagnetic forces on the contact system generated by current and flux density. This paper presents both our computational analysis and test results on contact system in MCCB.

Process Development of Gas Injection Molding Using Computer Aided Engineering (컴퓨터지원 공학(CAE)을 이용한 기체 사출 성형의 공정 개선)

  • 장우진;조정환;심상은;김건중;정성택;최순자
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.263-272
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    • 2004
  • Using computer simulation, the processibility and properties of the inst겨ment panel of automobile produced by gas injection molding were predicted and evaluated. The P-V-T data of ABS, resin were used in the gas injection molding process in order to estimate the mold filling phenomena. The optimum process conditions were found by adjusting the process parameters including pressure, filling time, the positions of gas channel and runner. The process was simplified and the final instrument panel produced by the gas injection molding was found to have improved dimension stability compared to the one produced by conventional injection molding.

A Study on the Inner Temperature Behaviors in the Casting Process for the Development of the Automatic Parts (자동차 부품 소재 개발에 따른 캐스팅 과정의 부품 내부온도 거동에 관한 연구)

  • Cha Young-Hoon;Sung Back-Sub;Jang Hoon;Kim Mi-Ai;Kim Jung-Dae;Kim Sun-Jun;Kim Duck-Joong;Lee Youn-Sin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.279-284
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    • 2005
  • The casting defects that are caused by molten metal were cold shut formation, entrapment of air, gas, and inclusion. But the control of casting defects has been based on the experience of the foundry engineers. In this thesis, the computer simulation analyzed the flow of molten metal. The quantitative analyses which proposed the effective mold design was executed Flow patterns of 0.15-0.16m/s molten metal in 15 mm thin plate casting were investigated in order to optimize die-casting process. As increasing ingate velocity in thin plate casting, cold shot was decreased. The parameters of runner shape that affected on the optimized conditions that was calculated with simple equation were investigated. These die casting process control techniques of automobile valve body mid-plate have achieved good agreement with the experimental data of tensile strength, hardness test, and material structure photographies satisfactory results.

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Performance Test of a Catapillar Track-Hydroturbine (무한궤도 수차의 성능시험)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Gu;Kim, Hyeon-Jin;Kim, Hyeon-Su
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.237-243
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    • 1996
  • Current low head and small scale hydroturbines have limitations in the minimum required head and flow rate for efficient operation. This study attempts to develop a new concept hydroturbine which is expected to run efficiently even in very low head and small flow rate, so that the limitations on the conventional small scale hydropower could be alleviated and competition with other alternative energy sources in the economic respect could be attained. A small scale catapillar track- hydroturbine was fabricated and the performance test was carried out in a water tunnel over the head range of H = 0.8 m ~ 1.26 m. The peak turbine efficiency was 41.3% at the speed ratio of 0.6, and the turbine loss was mostly due to the friction at the chain drive used for power transmission from the runner to the shafts. This type of turbine is expected to become competitive when some improvement in the power transmission mechanism is made.

Event-based Runner Game Development using Unity 3D (Unity 3D를 활용한 이벤트 기반 러너게임 제작)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Jeong, Hong-Chan;An, Tae-Yoon;Oh, Seong-Hak;Lee, Dong-Ik;Lim, Hankyu
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.977-979
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    • 2015
  • 최근, 에디터 형태의 게임엔진들이 제공되어 게임 제작의 높은 진입장벽이 낮아지고 있다. 본 논문은 에디터 형태의 게임엔진 중 하나인 Unity 3D를 활용하여 일반 사용자의 관점에서 혼자 게임을 제작하기 위한 방법으로 이벤트기반 모듈 기획 방법을 제안하고자 한다. 이는 1인 게임 제작의 관점을 기획에 맞추어 게임의 전체적인 진행과정에서 동작하는 행동과 역할들을 모듈 단위로 기획하는 방법이다. 그리고 각 모듈은 게임성을 표현하는 다양한 이벤트들을 포함한다. 또한 Unity 3D에서 제공하는 스크립트 기능은 제안하는 모듈 구조를 구현하기에 적합하여 Unity 3D를 활용한다. 마지막으로 제안하는 방법을 통해 기획에서 개발까지 효과적인 게임 제작이 가능한지 여부를 확인하기 위해 간단한 모바일 캐주얼 게임을 제작하였다.

Design of Feed System and Process Conditions for Automobile Lamp Garnish Lens with Injection Molding Analysis (사출성형 해석을 이용한 자동차 램프 가니쉬 렌즈의 유동기구 및 공정조건의 설계)

  • Park, Jong-Cheon;Yu, Man-Jun;Park, Ki-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we design the feed system and process conditions for a lamp garnish lens of an automobile. For this purpose, four design alternatives are presented and injection molding simulation analyses are performed. The optimal feed system is selected by considering the formability of the product and the cost of mold manufacture. The product formability is assessed by the weld line, warpage, sink mark and the maximum injection pressure, whereas the mold-making cost is estimated by the number of valve gates in the hot runner system. To improve the product formability, process conditions are optimized using an experimental design approach named one-factor-at-a-time. No weld line is generated as a result of the optimization. In addition, it is found the warpage and sink mark are reduced while the maximum injection pressure is increased, compared with those before the optimization.

Effect of Employer's Justice in Digital Content Company on Their Turn-Over Intention, Through Organizational Commitment (디지털 콘텐츠 제작 기업 조직원의 조직공정성이 조직몰입을 통해 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, SunYean;Hwang, Changyu
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.225-239
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    • 2019
  • Together with the emergence of Information and Communications Technology(ICT) and 4th Industrial Revolution, digital content is arising as a front-runner in the knowledge society. 21 century opened up an era of digital and cultural content, which is the industry to generating added values from future industries. This study aims to empirically examine the casual relation between three factors from Organizational Justice Theory Distributive, Procedural, Interactional Justices, and turnover intention through Organizational Immersion. A sample group for the analysis was employees at small/medium-sized digital content businesses with less than 60 workers. 200 questionnaires were distributed to the group for a week from July 22 to 28, 2019. 154 responses were collected and analyzed in this study, after eliminating 4 poor responses. The result of the study on Organizational Justice at digital content businesses showed that, first, Distributive Justice of the employees showed a positive influence on Organizational Immersion. Second, the employees' Procedural Justice showed a positive influence on Organizational Immersion. Third, the employee' Interactional Justice showed a positive influence on Organizational Immersion. Fourth, the employees' Organizational Immersion showed a positive influence on their turnover intention.

Optimization of feed system of base mold for washing machine using CAE (사출성형 CAE를 이용한 세탁기용 Base 성형용 금형의 유동 시스템 최적화)

  • Yoo, Min-ji;Kim, Kyung-A;Han, Seong-Ryeol
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2021
  • The position of the gate is one of the important factors for optimal injection molding. This is because inappropriate gate positions cannot fill the cavity uniformly, which can lead to defects such as contraction. In this study, CAE was performed on hot runner injection molding of the washing machine base and plasticity was compared by changing gate position from existing gate position. A total of two alternatives have been applied to compare the plasticity of the washing machine base according to its optimal gate position. The gate position of the improved molds and the gate position of the current mold is analyzed by injection molding analysis. The results of the fill time, the pressure at V/P switchover, clamping force, and deflection were compared. In washing machine base injection molding, the deflection was reduced by about 3.76% in the improved mold 2. In improved mold 1, the fill time during injection molding was reduced by 3.32% to enable uniform charging, and the clamping force was reduced by 31.24%. We have confirmed that the position of the gate can change the charging pressure and the clamping force and affect the quality and cost savings of the molded product.

Effects of Cooling Flow Rate on Gas Foil Thrust Bearing Performance (냉각 유량이 가스 포일 스러스트 베어링의 성능에 미치는 영향)

  • Sung Ho Hwnag;Dae Yeon Kim;Tae Ho Kim
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.76-80
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    • 2023
  • This paper describes an experimental investigation of the effect of cooling flow rate on gas foil thrust bearing (GFTB) performance. In a newly developed GFTB test rig, a non-contact type pneumatic cylinder provides static loads to the test GFTB and a high-speed motor rotates a thrust runner up to the maximum speed of 80 krpm. Force sensor, torque arm connected to another force sensor, and thermocouples measures the applied static load, drag torque, and bearing temperature, respectively, for cooling flow rates of 0, 25, and 50 LPM at static loads of 50, 100, and 150 N. The test GFTB with the outer radius of 31.5 mm has six top foils supported on bump foil structures. During the series of tests, the transient responses of the bearing drag torque and bearing temperature are recorded until the bearing temperature converges with time for each cooling flow rate and static load. The test data show that the converged temperature decreases with increasing cooling flow rate and increases with increasing static load. The drag torque and friction coefficient decrease with increasing cooling flow rate, which may be attributed to the decrease in viscosity and lubricant (air) temperature. These test results suggest that an increase in cooling flow rate improves GFTB performance.

Feasibility for Horticultural Use of Korean Native Water Plants (한국산 수생식물의 원예적 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Suk;Kim, Soo-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2003
  • The feasibility as floricultural crops and water garden plant materials of Korean native water plants was investigated. Propagation type, growing and flowering time were observed for development as water garden, interior aquarium plant and water purification materials. Flowering time of the water plant was 7 species in May, 28 species in June, 49 species in July, 55 species in August, 47 species in September, and 17 species in October. Beautiful flowering water plants were Nymphaeaceae, Nymphoides peltata, Nymphoides indica, Monochoria korsakowii, Iris pseudacorus, Iris laevigata, and etc. Ornamental leafy water plants were Ceratopteris thalictroides, Ludwigia ovalis, Myriophyllum verticillatim, Limnophila sessiliflora, Blyxa aubertii, Blyxa echinosperma, Vallisneria asiatica, Hydrilla verticillata and Eleocharis acicularis etc. Isoetes japonica, Isoetes coreana and Isoetes sinensis were propagated by spore. Blyxa aubertii, Blyxa echinosperma, Myriophyllum verticillatim, Nuphar japonicum, Nelumbo nucifera, Ottelia alismoides, Sagittaria aginashi, Trapa japonica, and Trapa natans were propagated by seed. Persicaria amphibia, Ceratophyllum demersum (hornwort), Myriophyllum verticillatim, Myriophyllum spicatum, Oenanthe javanica, Potamogeton crispus, Hydrilla verticillata and Acorus calamus were propagated by division. And Vallisneria asiatica, Hydrilla verticillata and Phragmites japonica were propagated by runner. Ceratophyllum demersum (hornwort), Myriophyllum verticillatim, Myriophyllum spicatum, Limnophila sessilifera were propagated by adventitious bud. Ceratopteris thalictroides was propagated by leaf cutting. The 35 genera, 68 species of water plants were available for horticultural use. The 45 species such as Iris laevigata, Eleocharis acicularis, Menyanthes trifoliata, Nymphaea minima, Nuphar pumilum, Nymphoides coreana, Nymphoides peltata, Nymphoides indica, Nymphaea tetragona (water lily), and Typha latifolia could be use for water garden plant. The 21 species such as Limnophila sessilifera, Vallisneria asiatica, Ceratophyllum demersum and Hydrilla verticillata available for indoor aquarium. The 19 species such as Ottelia alismoides, Oenanthe javanica, Limnophila sessilifera and Blyxa echinosperma could be culture in container. The 27 species such as Trapa japonica, Trapa incisa, Phramites commuris (reed), Phragmites japonica, and Zizania latifolia were usable for water purification plant materials.