• Title/Summary/Keyword: Root space

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The Study Characteristics of Korean Traditional Space from an Ecological and Aesthetic (생태미학적 관점에서 본 한국 전통공간의 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Eun-Jee;Kim, Kai-Chun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2010
  • Currently, the nature and ecosystem's destruction by human beings and science is appearing as a serious problem. The possibility of ecological aesthetics is being sought as one of operations for new society in the contemporary society that the nature and ecosystem are getting attention, The present research aims to examine the characteristics and its expression method by setting the ecological aesthetics as an alternative of the future design. The history, meaning, mental image and image of Korean traditional Space forming the balance and harmony with the Nature, etc., which are important design concepts, were deduced as the beauty of emptiness, the beauty of a gap, the beauty of harmony and the beauty of changing and the beauty of simplicity as characteristics of experiencing space. If the deduced expression is examined through a case analysis of traditional housing, the characteristics trying to unite with the Nature while seeing ecology and aesthetics as one root, which the ecological aesthetics regarding as a root. The ecological arts based on the ecological aesthetics enters inside the universal life of human beings by examining the ecological and aesthetic characteristics appearing in Korean traditional Space, and the arts will move forward in a direction that its function and role link with maintenance of total ecosystem. The space application possibility and expression characteristics of ecological aesthetics should be continuously researched.

Detection and Location of Open Circuit Fault by Space Search (Space Search에 의한 회로의 단선 결함을 발견 및 위치 검색법)

  • Han, Kyong-Ho;Kang, Sang-Won;Lee, In-Sung
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.2E
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 1995
  • In this paper a space search technique is used to detect and locate the faults of the circuit interconnections. The circuit interconnections are represented by the tree structure and the tree space is searched to detect and locate the open faults of the circuit interconnections. The breadth search is used to detect the open faults and reduce the space size. The depth search is used to locate the open faults.

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Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma of the Sacral Nerve Root; Presenting as a Polyradiculoneuropathy

  • Oh, Sung-Han;Noh, Jae-Sub;Chung, Bong-Sub;Paik, So-Ya
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.70-72
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    • 2005
  • Primary spinal cord lymphomas are rare, and are either extra-/intradural masses with leptomeningeal infiltration or intramedullary in nature. The authors present a patient with a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma involving the sacral nerve root, extension to extradural space, and the cranial nerve.


    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.213-221
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    • 2024
  • A family of sixth-order multiple-root solver have been developed and the special case of weight function is investigated. The dynamical analysis of selected iterative schemes with uniparametric polynomial weight function are studied using Möbius conjugacy map applied to the form ((z - A)(z - B))m and the stability surfaces of the strange fixed points for the conjugacy map are displayed. The numerical results are shown through various parameter spaces.

Root metabolic cost analysis for root plasticity expression under mild drought stress

  • Kano-Nakata, Mana;Mitsuya, Shiro;Inukai, Yoshiaki;Yamauchi, Akira
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2017.06a
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    • pp.328-328
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    • 2017
  • Drought is a major limiting factor that reduces rice production and occurs often especially under recent climate change. Plants have the ability to alter their developmental morphology in response to changing environment, which is known as phenotypic plasticity. In our previous studies, we found that one chromosome segment substitution line (CSSL50 derived from Nipponbare and Kasalath crosses) showed no differences in shoot and root growth as compared with the recurrent genotype, Nipponbare under non-stress condition but showed greater growth responses compared with Nipponbare under mild drought stress condition. We hypothesized that reducing root respiration as metabolic cost, which may be largely a consequence of aerenchyma formation would be one of the key mechanisms for root plasticity expression. This study aimed to evaluate the root respiration and aerenchyma formation under various soil moisture conditions among genotypes with different root plasticity. CSSL50 together with Nipponbare and Kasalath were grown under waterlogged conditions (Control) and mild drought stress conditions (20% of soil moisture content) in a plastic pot ($11cm{\times}14cm$, ${\varphi}{\times}H$) and PVC tube ($3cm{\times}30cm$, ${\varphi}{\times}H$). Root respiration rate was measured with infrared gas analyzer (IRGA, GMP343, Vaisala, Finland) with a closed static chamber system. There was no significant difference between genotypes in control for shoot and root growth as well as root respiration rate. In contrast, all the genotypes increased their root respiration rates in response to mild drought stress. However, CSSL50 showed lower root respiration rate than Nipponbare, which was associated by higher root aerenchyma formation that was estimated based on internal gas space (porosity) under mild drought stress conditions. Furthermore, there were significant negative correlations between root length and root respiration rate. These results imply that reducing the metabolic cost (= root respiration rate) is a key mechanism for root plasticity expression, which CSSL50 showed under mild drought.

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  • Kim, Ji-Won;Bae, Hanna Eun-Kyong;Hwang, Sun-Hong
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.331-337
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    • 2005
  • For a missing teeth, orthodontic treatment may be a better choice of treatment in comparison to a conventional prosthetic replacement such as FPD, resin bonded prosthesis in view of aesthetics, periodontal health and function. Occasionally after an orthodontic treatment, an insufficient space may occur. The mini-implant could be an alternative in situations of narrow ridge dimension, where conventional root form implant could be compromised. The aim of this clinical report is to describe how a space that could not be restored with a traditional root form endosteal implant was managed and to present a technique to achieve optimal anterior esthetics in single implant restoration.

A Study on the effective Oscillation Characteristics of the Constructions of Blasting Operations in Seaside (수중 발파시 인근 구조물에 미치는 진동의 영향 연구)

  • Lee, Sin;Kang, Dae-Woo;Park, Hak-Bong
    • Explosives and Blasting
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2001
  • Korean peninsula has the most mountainous areas such as mountains and hilly country, and it is surrounded by the sea on all sides but one. In this respect, a large scaled construction works have frequently been conducted. However, it is not easy to porform a large scale blasting work without giving any harm to houses or facilities nationwide. Therefore, blasting work becomes more closely related to maintenance thing due to the development of the downtown or a large structure for key facilities. Many researches on blast in the open space and tunnel blasting have been conducted. On the contrary, research on underwater blasting operations is comparatively scanty even though much more necessity of marine development is required. In this respect, this study aims to investigate the characteristics of underwater blasting operations and to make a comparative study with blast in the open space. As a result of examining into the characteristics during underwater blasting operations, the around oscillation in case of underwater blasting operations shows significantly low compared to that in case of blast in the open space, and this means that much more cautious altitude must be taken in designing underwater blasting operations compared to the design of blast In the open space. As a result of analysis on the difference between a square root and a cube root In the equation of estimating oscillations in the actual site, it is shown that it is shown to apply a square root for the estimation of oscillation at 60 meters in case of underwater blasting operations and at 22 meters case of general blast in the open space.

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  • Chun, Youn-Sic
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.24 no.3 s.46
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    • pp.709-719
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    • 1994
  • The aim of this investigation was to identify which suing is more suitable for uprighting of the 30 degree inclined lower second molar in different situations. Between four different molar uprighting springs which were A, B, C type and T-loop spring, the author tested T-loop suing as a control material and the other springs were experimental group. Each spring was fabricated from .017' $\times$ .025' TMA wire and preactivated with 40 degree tip-back bend. Stabilizing unit included from the lower right central incisor to the lower right second premolar which were made by acrylic resin. The photoelastic overview of the lower right quadrant showed that stress concentrations were observed in its photoelastic model. The obtained results were as follows. 1. Higher concentration of compression can be seen clearly at the distal curvature than the mesial of the lower second molar when A type uprighting spring was applied, which can be used as a space regainer. 2. Higher level compression was presented at the mesial root apex area than the distal of the lower second molar in B type uprighting spring, which can be used as a space closer. 3. Areas of higher compression and tension were observed about the mesial and distal root of the lower second moalr than A and B type in C type uprighting spring, which can be used as a partial space regainer.

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Photometric Defocus Observations of Transiting Extrasolar Planets

  • Hinse, Tobias C.;Han, Wonyong;Yoon, Joh-Na;Lee, Chung-Uk;Kim, Yong-Gi;Kim, Chun-Hwey
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2015
  • We have carried out photometric follow-up observations of bright transiting extrasolar planets using the CbNUOJ 0.6 m telescope. We have tested the possibility of obtaining high photometric precision by applying the telescope defocus technique, allowing the use of several hundred seconds in exposure time for a single measurement. We demonstrate that this technique is capable of obtaining a root-mean-square scatter of sub-millimagnitude order over several hours for a V~10 host star, typical for transiting planets detected from ground-based survey facilities. We compared our results with transit observations from a telescope operated in in-focus mode. High photometric precision was obtained due to the collection of a larger amount of photons, resulting in a higher signal compared to other random and systematic noise sources. Accurate telescope tracking is likely to further contribute to lowering systematic noise by exposing the same pixels on the CCD. Furthermore, a longer exposure time helps reduce the effect of scintillation noise which otherwise has a significant effect for small-aperture telescopes operated in in-focus mode. Finally we present the results of modelling four light-curves in which a root-mean-square scatter of 0.70 to 2.3 milli-magnitudes was achieved.

The Effects of Soil Particle Composition on Soil Physical Properties and the Growth of Woody Plants (토양의 입도조성이 토양의 물리성 및 목본식물의 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • 이소정;김민수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 1997
  • This study has conducted to analyze the crelationship among soil properties and to investigate how they affect soil physical characteristics and plant growth. The experiment of woody plant growth was conducted as follows : Type I was the original soil. Type II, the soil particles smaller than 20${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ was removed from the original soil. Type III, the soil particles is smaller than 75${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ was removed from original soil. Wisteria floribunda A.P.DC and Celtis sinensisi Pers. were used for plant growth measurement. 1. Soil type II. the closest to Fuller's curved line, showed high dry bulk density and low in soil pores and saturated hydraulic conductivities. This created poor soil aeration and limited space for the root to growth. When the root did not have sufficient space to grow, there was a lot of physical stress, which hindered the root growth. 2. Soil typeIII was high saturated hydraulic conductivity and a lot of soil pores larger than 10 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$. As a result, there were more available spaces for root to spread. It was considered that there was less physical stress for root growth. Therefore, soil typeIII showed significantly greater root growth. 3. Because soil type III has less small particles and saturated hydraulic conductivity was high, and water infiltrates rapidly into the underground when there was rainfall or irrigation. The soil typeIII becomes much stronger soil mechanically due to the less small particles. Therefore, soil typeIII was a suitable material for applying on planting sites where soil compaction is expected.

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