The purpose of this study was to evaluate the in vitro accuracy of Root ZX(Morita Co., Japan) which is the ratio type electronic apex locator. The 86 extracted human palatal roots of maxillary molar with fully formed apices were used. File lengths with the file tip just visible at the foramen were compared to those measured with Root ZX. For length measuring with Root ZX, saline test model with which the apical 1/3 of each root was submerged into normal saline were designed. The root canal lengths were determined with Root ZX and the radiographs were taken with a file in the canal. The distances from file tips of Root ZX lengths to apecies in radiographs also were measured with Profile projector PJ311(Mitutoyo Co., Japan). The results were as follows : 1. The root canal length determined with electronic apex locator was $0.78{\pm}0.53mm$ shorter than the length with visual measurement. 2. The file tip of Root ZX lengths was located at $0.85{\pm}0.49mm$ away from the apex in radiograph. 3. The accuracy of the Root ZX was 79.1% within 0.5mm of visual working length and 96.5% within 1.0mm.
Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of Root ZX and Sybron Mini in determining the working length using 2.5% Sodium Hypochlorite, 2% Chlorhexidine gel and saline. Donnelly's gelatin technique was used for measuring twenty extracted human teeth. Electronic working length was measured at the display 0.5 and 0.0 level of each electronic apex locator using a digital caliper to the nearest 0.01 mm. Each measurement was repeated for each different irrigants. Accuracy of Sybron Mini was not significantly different from the Root ZX in the three different irrigants, and there was no significant difference in the accuracy of electronic apex locators among the irrigants when used as recommended by manufacturer (measuring electronic working length at 0.0 level of Sybron Mini and at 0.5 level of Root ZX).
Currently frequency-dependent type electronic apex locators have been widely used to determine the working length in endodontic treatment. But, accuracy of electronic apex locators is controversial. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of Root-ZX(Morita Co., Japan) at different kinds of conditions of root canals compared with the radiographic working length. The 40 extracted human anterior teeth with fully formed apices and without any caries were used. The radiographs were taken for working length with the 0.5mm short of #15 K-file tip just visible at the foramen under the surgical microscope(Carl Zeiss Co. Germany) at 25X. Then the electronic working lengths were determined with Root-ZX at the different kinds of conditions of root canals according to the presence of electrolyte and Crown-down pressureless technique. The results were as follows ; 1. There was no significant statistical difference in working length between radiograph and Root-ZX. 2. There was no significant statistical difference in electronic working length between the canal with electrolyte and without electrolyte. 3. There was no significant statistical difference in electronic working length between the canal without any instrumentation and after Crown-dow pressureless technique. 4. Of the total 40 root canals, 85% in Group I, 92.5% in Group II, 95% in Group III and 95% in Group IV using Root-ZX showed coincidence within 0.5mm accuracy compaing with the radiographic working length. The results showed that the Root-ZX can be use effectively for measuring the working length of root canal after instrumentation with Crown-down pressureless technique regardless of the presence of electrolyte in root canal.
The present study was to evaluate the accuracy of the frequency dependent type apex locator, Root-ZX. The subjects included 505 root canals of 238 teeth treated by the Department of Conservative Dentistry, and 22 human premolars which were schduled to be extracted for the orthodontic reasons. The results were as follows ; 1. The working lengths determined by Root-ZX were compared with radiographic readings. Of the total 505 root canals, 66 % showed coincidence within ${\pm}0.5mm$ and the average readings of Root-ZX were $0.13mm{\pm}1.05$ longer than those of radiographic readings. 2. The length difference between the file tip determined by Root-ZX and the apical constriction in extracted teeth were measured. Of the total 24 root canals, 70.8 % showed coincidence within ${\pm}0.5mm$ and the average readings of Root-ZX were $0.12mm{\pm}0.50$beyond the apical constriction. 3. The vitality of the teeth did not show any statistical difference(p>0.05) in the accuracy of the Root-ZX readings. The presence of the periapical lesions, however, significantly lowered the percentage of ${\pm}0.5mm$ accuracy in Root-ZX measurements.(p<0.05). In the presence of periapical lesions, the percentage within ${\pm}0.5mm$ was significantly lower.
Objectives: To evaluate the accuracy of the Root ZX in teeth with simulated root perforation in the presence of gel or liquid type endodontic irrigants, such as saline, 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), 2% chlorhexidine liquid, 2% chlorhexidine gel, and RC-Prep, and also to determine the electrical conductivities of these endodontic irrigants. Materials and Methods: A root perforation was simulated on twenty freshly extracted teeth by means of a small perforation made on the proximal surface of the root at 4 mm from the anatomic apex. Root ZX was used to locate root perforation and measure the electronic working lengths. The results obtained were compared with the actual working length (AWL) and the actual location of perforations (AP), allowing tolerances of 0.5 or 1.0 mm. Measurements within these limits were considered as acceptable. Chi-square test or the Fisher's exact test was used to evaluate significance. Electrical conductivities of each irrigant were also measured with an electrical conductivity tester. Results: The accuracies of the Root ZX in perforated teeth were significantly different between liquid types (saline, NaOCl) and gel types (chlorhexidine gel, RC-Prep). The accuracies of electronic working lengths in perforated teeth were higher in gel types than in liquid types. The accuracy in locating root perforation was higher in liquid types than gel types. 5.25% NaOCl had the highest electrical conductivity, whereas 2% chlorhexidine gel and RC-Prep gel had the lowest electrical conductivities among the five irrigants. Conclusions: Different canal irrigants with different electrical conductivities may affect the accuracy of the Root ZX in perforated teeth.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the accuracy of Root ZX (J. Morita Corp.) according to the location of major foramen and open apex. Materials and Methods: 81 mandibular premolars with mature apices were selected. After access preparation, 27 teeth were instrumented to simulate open apices. 54 teeth were classified according to location of major foramen under surgical microscope (${\times}16$). The file was fixed at the location of apical constriction by Root ZX using glass ionomer cement .The apical 4 mm of the apex was exposed and photo was taken and the distance from file tip to the major foramen was measured by calibrating metal ruler on graph paper. The results were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Scheffe test at p < 0.05 level. Results: Mean distance from file tip to major foramen was 0.308 mm in Tip foramen group (I), 0.519 mm in Lateral foramen group (II) and 0.932 mm in open apex group (III). Root ZX located apical constriction accurately within ${\pm}0.5mm$ in group I of 85.71%, in group II of 59.09%, and in group III of 33.33%. There was a statistically significant difference between group I and III (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Root ZX located apical constriction accurately regardless of location of major foramen. However, Root ZX couldn't find it in open apex. Clinicians have to use a combination of methods to determine an appropriate working length at open apex. It may be more successful than relying on just electronic apex locator.
Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
In order to achieve a successful endodontic treatment, root canals must be obturated three-dimensionally without causing any damage to apical tissues. Accurate length determination of the root canal is critical in this case. For this reason, I've used the conventional periapical radiography, Digora/sup (R)/(digital imaging system) and Root ZX/sup (R)/(the frequency dependent type apex locator) to measure the length of the canal and compare it with the true length obtained by cutting the tooth in half and measuring the length between the occlusal surface and the apical foramen. From the information obtained by these measurements, I was able to evaluate the accuracy and clinical usefulness of each systems. whether the thickness of files used in endodontic therapy has any effect on the measuring systems was also evaluated in an effort to simplify the treatment planning phase of endodontic treatment. 29 canals of 29 sound premolars were measured with #15, #20, #25 files by 3 different dentists each using the periapical radiography. Digora/sup (R)/ and Root ZX/sup (R)/. The measurements were then compared with the true length. The results were as follows: 1. In comparing mean discrepancies between measurements obtained by using periapical radiography(mean error: -0.449±0.444 mm), Digora/sup (R)/(mean error: -0.417±0.415 mm) and Root ZX/sup (R)/(mean error: 0.123±0.458 mm) with true length. periapical radiography and Digora/sup (R)/ system had statistically significant differences(p<0.05) in most cases while Root ZX/sup (R)/ showed none(p>0.05). 2. By subtracting values obtained by using periapical radiography, Digora/sup (R)/ and Root ZX/sup (R)/ from the true length and making a distribution table of their absolute values. the following analysis was possible. In the case of periapical film. 140 out of 261<53.6%) were clinically acceptable satisfying the margin of error of less than 0.5 mm. 151 out of 261 (53,6%) were acceptable in the Digora/sup (R)/ system while Root ZX/sup (R)/ had 197 out of 261(75.5%) within the limits of 0.5mm margin of error. 3. In determining whether the thickness of files has any effect on measuring methoths, no statistically significant differences were found(p>0.05). 4. In comparing data obtained from these methods in order to evaluate the difference among measuring methods, there was no statistically significant difference between periapical radiography and Digora/sup (R)/ system(p>0.05), but there was statistically significant difference between Root ZX/sup (R)/ and periapical radiography(p<0.05). Also there was statistically significant difference between Root ZX/sup (R)/ and Digora/sup (R)/ system(p<0.05). In conclusion, Root ZX/sup (R)/ was more accurate when compared with the Digora/sup (R)/ system and periapical radiography and seems to be more effective clinically in determining root canal length. But Root ZX/sup (R)/ has its limits in determining root morphology and number of roots and its accuracy becomes questionable when apical foramen is open due to unknown reasons. Therefore the combined use of Root ZX/sup (R)/ and the periapical radiography are mandatory. Digora/sup (R)/ system seems to be more effective when periapical radiographs are needed in a short period of time because of its short processing time and less exposure.
Currently electronic apex locators have been widely used to determine working length in endodontic treatment. According to Manufacture's recommendation, it is beneficial to find the working length before instrumenting the canal. However, in crown-down pressureless technique, working length of tooth is established following coronal instrumentation 3mm short of radiographic apex. In narrow canals, mechanically formed constriction might be established by coronal instrumentation in some distance from anatomical constriction. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of Root-ZX in the canal with mechanical constriction following considerable coronal enlargement with ProFile .06 series. The 40 root canals in 30 extracted mandibular molars were accessed, and their actual length (AL) established by passing a size 10 file just through the minor apical foramen. The teeth were then embedded in an acrylic container with normal saline. The initial canal length(IL) was measured with Root-ZX by negotiating a size 10 file to the apical constriction. The canal was sequentially enlarged to size 40 with ProFile .06 file 3mm short of actual length. The enlarged final canal lengths (FL) were obtained with a size 15 file. The average values of IL, FL were calculated and compared using Repeated measures Analysis of Variance followed Turkey's Studentized Range test. The results were obtained as follows: 1. The initial canal length was 0.12mm shorter than actual canal length(P>0.05). 2. The differences between initial canal length and final canal length were not significant(P>0.05). 3. As a result of this study, regardless of mechanically formed constriction. Root-ZX differentiated between mechanical and anatomic constriction.
Objectives: To evaluate the accuracy and consistency of two different apex locators at both the Apex and 0.5 marks. Materials and Methods: Twenty-six root canals was scheduled for extraction for periodontal or prosthodontic reasons. Thirteen canals were measured using Root ZX and the rest by i-ROOT. The root canal length was measured both the at 0.5 mark and the Apex mark. The file was then fixed to the toot, and the distance from the file tip to the major foramen of each canal was measured after removing the root dentin under the microscope so that the major foramen and the file tip were seen. Results: 1. When the Apex mark was used, 100% of both the Root ZX and i-ROOT groups were within 0.5 mm of the major foramen. 2. When 0.5 mark was used, 100% of the Root ZX group and 77% of the i-ROOT group were within 0.5 mm of the major foramen. 3. In terms of standard deviation and quartile value, the Apex mark was more consistent than 0.5 mark in the Root ZX group, and 0.5 mark was more consistent in the i-ROOT group, but there was no statistically significant difference when compared with t-test. 4. The root canal length difference between the Apex mark and 0.5 mark was 0.22 mm and 0.46 mm in the Root ZX and i-ROOT groups, respectively. Conclusions: In this study, the Apex mark was the more consistent mark. Therefore, it is recommended to subtract 0.5 mm, which is the average length between the apex and apical constriction, from the root canal length at the Apex mark to obtain the working length clinically.
Recently electronic apex locators have been used widely in root canal treatment, but, accuracy of electronic apex locators is controversial. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of Apex Finder A.F.A(EIE Analytic Technology, U.S.A.) in vivo compared with Root-Zx and radiograph. The root canal lengths were determined with Root-Zx(32 tooth) in before pulp extirpation and after pulp extirpation. Then the radiographs were taken with a file in the canal. The root canal lengths were determined with Apex Finder A.F.A.(21 tooth) in before pulp extirpation and after pulp extirpation and under NaOCl. Then the radiographs were taken with a file in the canal. The results were as follows: 1. There was no significant statistical difference in Root-Zx between before pulp extirpation and after pulp extirpation(p > 0.05). 2. There was no significant statistical difference in Apex Finder A.F.A. between before pulp extirpation and after pulp extirpation(p > 0.05). But, there was significant statistical difference under NaOCl(p < 0.05). 3. There was no significant statistical difference in accuracy between Root-Zx and Apex Finder A.F.A.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.