• Title/Summary/Keyword: Road Tracking

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An Algorithm for Traffic Information by Vehicle Tracking from CCTV Camera Images on the Highway (고속도로 CCTV카메라 영상에서 차량 추적에 의한 교통정보 수집 알고리즘)

  • Min Joon-Young
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2002
  • This paper is proposed to algorithm for measuring traffic information automatically, for example, volume count, speed and occupancy rate, from CCTV camera images installed on highway, add to function of image detectors which can be collected the traffic information. Recently the method of traffic informations are counted in lane one by one, but this manner is occurred critical errors by occlusion frequently in case of passing larger vehicles(bus, truck etc.) and is impossible to measure in the 8 lanes of highway. In this paper, installed the detection area include with all lanes, traffic informations are collected using tracking algorithm with passing vehicles individually in this detection area, thus possible to detect all of 8 lanes. The experiment have been conducted two different real road scenes for 20 minutes. For the experiments, the images are provided with CCTV camera which was installed at Kiheung Interchange upstream of Kyongbu highway, and video recording images at Chungkye Tunnel. For image processing, images captured by frame-grabber board 30 frames per second, $640{\times}480$ pixels resolution and 256 gray-levels to reduce the total amount of data to be interpreted.

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Vehicle Detection and Tracking Using Difference Frame Image for Traffic Measurement System (교통량 측정 시스템에서의 프레임간 차영상을 이용한 차량 검출 및 추적)

  • Kim, Hyung-Soo;Hwang, Gi-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.32-39
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    • 2016
  • Intelligent Transport Systems (Intelligent Transportation System: ITS) is a system for inducing a flow of ideal car for using the most advanced technology, it is determined the status of the road, and take appropriate action. In order to be measured at various time points, and is managed, the information about the traffic situation is used image using a computer mainly. The image processing using a computer, it is an easy way to collect parameters of the various traffic in real time, technology has developed more and more. Vehicle detection of transport parameters of intelligent transportation system is a very important technology basically. Therefore, technology detection method using car background images and the contour line extraction method using an edge is used, however, problems have been raised on the accuracy of the detection rate.

Optimized design of Jansen mechanism based on target trajectory tracking method using multi-objective genetic algorithm (Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm 을 이용한 얀센 메커니즘의 목표 궤적 트래킹 기반 최적 설계)

  • Heo, Joon;Hur, Youngkun
    • Proceeding of EDISON Challenge
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    • 2016.03a
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    • pp.455-462
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    • 2016
  • Recently, followed by rapid growth of robotics field, multi-linkage mechanism which can even pass by rough road is getting lots of attention. In this paper, I focused on Jansen mechanism. It's a kinematics object which is named after Dutch artist Theo jansen. Jansen mechanism embraces structure and mechanism which creates locomotion with the combination of the power and simple structure. Theo jansen suggests a 'Holy number'. It's an ideal ratio of leg components length. However, if there's desired gait locomotion, you have to adjust the ratio and the length. But even slight change of the length could cause a big change at the end-point. To solve this problem, I suggest a reverse engineering method to get a ratio of each links by nonlinear optimization with pre-set desired trajectory. First, we converted a movement of the joint of Jansen mechanism to vectors by kinematics analysis of multi-linkage structure. And we showed the trajectory at the end-point. After that, we set desired trajectory which we found most ideal. Then we got the length of the leg components which draws a trajectory as same as trajectory we set, using Multi-objective genetic algorithm toolbox in MATLAB. Result is verified by Edison designer and mSketch. And we analyzed if it could pass through the obstruction which is set dynamically.

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Characteristics of Rutting and Moisture Susceptibility of R-EPDM Modified Asphalt Mixtures (R-EPDM 개질아스팔트 혼합물의 소성변형 및 수분민감성 특성)

  • Jo, Young-Jin;Han, Joung-Min;Noh, Young-Jin;Choi, Se-Hyu
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 2010
  • This study evaluates the laboratory properties of asphalt binder and mixture modified with R-EPDM(Recycling Ethylene Propylene Dien Monometer), which consists of R-EPDM as a main ingredient that is an industrial by-product made by manufacturing waste EPDM below 50 mesh as an additive. Superpave system was used to determine the PG(Performane Grade) and evaluate the property of R-EPDM modified binder. OACs(Optimum Asphalt Contents) of R-EPDM modified asphalt mixtures were determined by Superpave mix design using gyratory compactor and wheel tracking test and moisture susceptibility test were carried out with R-EPDM modified asphalt mixtures at OACs. The results from these tests, rutting-resistance and freezing and thawing resistance by moisture susceptibility of R-EPDM modified asphalt mixtures were superior to one of general asphalt mixtures(AP-5).

Evaluation of Fundamental Properties of Warm-mix Recycled Asphalt Concretes (준고온 재생 아스팔트 콘크리트의 기본특성 평가)

  • Kim, Nam-Ho;Kim, Jin-C.;Hong, Jun-P.;Kim, Kwang-W
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2010
  • This study evaluated strength properties of recycled asphalt concretes using warm-mix technology. Granite with maximum size of 13mm and penetration grade of 80-100 virgin binder were used for mixing in recycled mixtures. Mix design was performed using 20% and 30% RAP(coarse : fine= 6 : 4) contents. GPC, penetration, absolute viscosity and kinematic viscosity were measured for determining ratio of two warm-mix additives (Evotherm and Sasobit). Low-density polyethylene(LD) used as asphalt modifier for improving stiffness of recycled WMA mixtures in this study. Therefore, a total of 11 mixtures were prepared in this study; 8 warm-mix recycled mixtures(2 RAP contents${\times}$2 warm-mix additives${\times}$2 modifiers), 2 hot-mix recycled mixtures and 1 HMA virgin mixture(control). Deformation strength, indirect tensile strength, moisture sensitivity, permanent deformation by wheel tracking tests were measured out for evaluating fundamental properties of recycled asphalt concretes using warm-mix technology.

Evaluation of Rutting and Deformation Strength Properties of Polymer Modified SMA Mixtures (개질재 첨가에 따른 SMA 혼합물의 소성변형 및 변형강도 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-H.;Choi, Young-R.;Kim, Kwang-W.;Doh, Young-S.
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2009
  • In general, it is well known fact that the stone mastic asphalt (SMA) pavement has a high resistance against rutting. However, performance of SMA is not well measured by general method used in the laboratory. The objective of this study is to investigate an applicability of deformation strength ($S_D$) for performance estimation of SMA, and to find out the correlation between rut depth and dynamic stability, and $S_D$ of SMA. This study carried out wheel tracking test and Kim-test with optimum asphalt content (OAC) determined by mix design. The results indicated that the $S_D$ of SMA was very poorer than those of dense-graded asphalt mixtures. $S_D$ showed similar WT dynamic stability and rut-depth level. It was found that Kim-test was not reflected higher rutting resistance of SMA like as indirect tensile strength (ITS) test and Marshall stability test. Also, it was revealed that dynamic stability and rut-depth of WT had some problems to estimate rutting resistance of SMA mixtures.

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Evaluation of the Mechanical Characteristics of the Large Stone Asphalt Mixtures (대입경 혼합물의 역학적 특성 평가)

  • Park, Tae-Sun;Kim, Ju-Won;Kim, Yong-Ju
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2000
  • This study presents the mechanical characteristics, such as the permanent deformation and the crack, of the large stone asphalt mixtures. The large stone mixture was studied by Kandhal at NCAT(National Center for Asphalt Technology) in 1989. Japan and Arabian countries adopted the large stone mixture for the pavement construction. The experience and the study results showed that the interlocking of the aggregate system of the large stone mixtures is stable and less dependent on the binder characteristics in high temperature. These properties are known as the rutting resistant parameters. However, the mechanical test results should be supported to prove the benefits of the large stone mixtures. The creep test, resilient modulus tests on three different temperature, wheel tracking test and ravelling tests were conducted to evaluate the performance of the large stone mixtures in this study. The test results were compared with the conventional mixtures and modified asphalt concrete mixtures. The large stone mixtures showed better rutting resistance performance.

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A Study on the Development of CCTV Camera Autonomous Posture Calibration Algorithm for Simultaneous Operation of Traffic Information Collection and Monitoring (교통정보 수집 및 감시 동시운영을 위한 CCTV 카메라 자율자세 보정 알고리즘 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Jun Kyu Kim;Jun Ho Jung;Hag Yong Han;Chi Hyun SHIN
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2023
  • This paper relates to the development of CCTV camera posture calibration algorithm that can simultaneously collect traffic information such as traffic volume and speed in the state of view of the CCTV camera set for traffic monitoring. The developed autonomous posture calibration algorithm uses vehicle recognition and tracking techniques to identify the road, and automatically determines the angle of view for the operator's traffic surveillance and traffic information collection. To verify the performance of the proposed algorithm, a CCTV installed on site was used, and the results of the angle of view automatically calculated by the autonomous posture calibration algorithm for the angle of view set for traffic surveillance and traffic information collection were compared.

A Study on the Field Application of Superior Recycled Pavement of the Waste Asphalt (고품질 재활용 아스팔트 혼합물의 현장적용성에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Jiwon;Chun, Byungsik
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2012
  • Asphalt pavement waste can be recycled by crushing and heating methods with additional virgin materials and additives. In this study, a new additive using Sasol wax and Polyolefin elastomer was used for improving the quality of the Superior recycled asphalt pavement(SRP). Additive was added into the recycled mixture by 1.5% and 3% of binder content in order to have PG 70-22 and PG 76-22. Both mixtures were tested by Marshall apparatus, indirect strength testing methods, toughness testing methods, moisture susceptibility testing methods and wheel tracking testing methods. Test results met the standards of KS F 2349 and GR F 4005. Through research, it was found that these special recycled mixtures could be applied for the surface and base course of heavy traffic roads or equivalents. About 13,000 tons of the recycled mixture has been applied on Seoul Olympic road to provide new road to Hangang park for Seoul citizens.

Edge-Based Tracking of an LED Traffic Light for a Road-to-Vehicle Visible Light Communication System

  • Premachandra, H. Chinthaka N.;Yendo, Tomohiro;Tehrani, Mehrdad Panahpour;Yamazato, Takaya;Fujii, Toshiaki;Tanimoto, Masayuki;Kimura, Yoshikatsu
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.475-487
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    • 2009
  • We propose a visible light road-to-vehicle communication system at intersection as one of ITS technique. In this system, the communication between vehicle and a LED traffic light is approached using LED traffic light as a transmitter, and on-vehicle high-speed camera as a receiver. The LEDs in the transmitter are emitted in 500Hz and those emitting LEDs are captured by a high-speed camera for making communication. Here, the luminance value of each LED in the transmitter should be found for consecutive frames to achieve effective communication. For this purpose, first the transmitter should be identified, then it should be tracked for consecutive frames while the vehicle is moving, by processing the images from the high-speed camera. In our previous work, the transmitter was identified by getting the subtraction of two consecutive frames. In this paper, we mainly introduce an algorithm to track the identified transmitter in consecutive frames. Experimental results using appropriate images showed the effectiveness of the proposal.