• Title/Summary/Keyword: Road Planning

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A Study on Street Types and Application Patterns in High-Rise Apartment Housing - The Case Study of Prizewinners in the Design Competitions since the 1990s - (고층 아파트 단지의 동선 유형 및 적용 패턴에 관한 연구 - '90년대 이후 공영 아파트 설계 경기 당선안을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyung-Jin;Kim, Young-Suk;Park, Chan-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2008
  • The street system in multi-family housing is an important design element to control the circulation of vehicles and pedestrians, and to form the spatial organization of the projects. In particular, in the case of high-rise apartments, the street patterns have an influence on the safety, amenity, and convenience of facilities. Until now, however, the design of street patterns in most high-rise multi-family housing projects has diminished the quality of residential environments because priority of design consideration has primarily been given to planning road ways and parking areas. Nevertheless, the design competitions introduced for the first time in the 1980s have played a significant role in developing fresh ideas and concepts in housing design. Because street patterns have been respectably modified as a result of the generalizing of design competitions, it is important to review the ideas that have been proposed in competitions over the recent past. In this context, this study classified the types of street patterns and analyzed their design characteristics for the proposals of housing design competitions since the 1990s. As a result of this analysis, the road patterns are classified into 4 types: 1) serial type, 2) isolated type, 3) mixed type, and 4) not a road pattern due to the system of connection. In addition, these were further divided into 8 types: 1) loop, 2) ring, 3) penetration, 4) tree, 5) direct entry, 6) ring and penetration, 7) loop and penetration, 8) not a road pattern due to appearance and the collector.

Methods of computing Toll Road Weights when Calibrating Road Networks in a Transportation Planning Model (교통계획 모형내 유료도로의 요금적용 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eung-Cheol;Kim, Do-Hoon
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2009
  • Calibrating toll roads of highway networks needs additional weights within volume delay functions not like other general highway lints. However, current methods assigning additional weights in the volume delay function of toll roads are not sufficiently enough to predict real toll road volumes measured, since it does not consider discounting rates and an extra charges. This study develops methods to improve relevant and reliable volume delay functions. Suggested ideas include a method of weighting volume delay functions considering a value of time of vehicle types, a method of weighting volume delay functions considering lane distributions of vehicles, and a method of weighting volume delay functions considering percentages of link lengths per a number of lanes of toll roads. It is found that the method of weighting volume delay functions considering lane distributions of vehicles show most reliable and appropriate results, while the first method shows overestimation and the third method does underestimation of highway link volumes. In terms of assignment methods, total OD equilibrium assignment shows better results than PCU based assignment.

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Traffic Vulnerability Analysis of Rural Area using Road Accessibility and Functionality in Cheongju City (도로 접근성과 기능성을 이용한 통합청주시 농촌지역의 교통 취약성 분석)

  • Jeon, Jeongbae;Oh, Hyunkyo;Park, Jinseon;Yoon, Seongsoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2015
  • This study carried out evaluation of vulnerability in accessability and functionality using road network that was extracted from Intelligent Transportation System(ITS) and digital map. It was built in order to figure out accessability that locational data which include community center, public facilities, medical facilities and highway IC. The method for grasping functionality are Digital Elevation Model(DEM) and land slide hazard map provided by Korea Forest Service. The evaluation criteria for figure out accessability was set to related comparison of average time in urban area. Functionality value was calculated by the possibility of backing the vehicle possibility of snowfall and landslides. At last, this research computed weighting value through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), calculated a vulnerable score. As the result, the accessability of rural village came out that would spend more time by 1.4 to 3.2 times in comparison with urban area. Even though, vulnerability of the road by a snowfall was estimated that more than 50% satisfies the first class, however, it show up that the road were still vulnerable due snowing because over the 14% of the road being evaluated the fifth class. The functionality has been satisfied most of the road, however, It was vulnerable around Lake Daechung and Piban-ryung, Yumti-jae, Suriti-jae where on the way Boeun. Also, the fifth class road are about 35 km away from the city hall on distance, take an hour to an hour and a half. The fourth class road are about 25 km away from the city hall on distance, take 25 min to an hour. The other class of the road take in 30 min from the city hall or aren't affected of weather and have been analyzed that a density of road is high. In A result that compare between distribution and a housing density came out different the southern and the eastern area, so this result could be suggested quantitative data for possibility of development.

On Finding a Convenient Path in the Hierarchical Road Network

  • Sung, Ki-Seok;Park, Chan-Kyoo;Lee, Sang-Wook;Doh, Seung-Yong;Park, Soon-Dal
    • Management Science and Financial Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.87-110
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    • 2006
  • In a hierarchical road network, all roads can be classified according to their attributes such as speed limit, number of lanes, etc. By splitting the whole road network into the subnetworks of the highlevel and low-level roads, we can reduce the size of the network to be calculated at once, and find a path in the way that drivers usually adopt when searching out a travel route. To exploit the hierarchical property of road networks, we define a convenient path and propose an algorithm for finding convenient paths. We introduce a parameter indicating the driver's tolerance to the difference between the length of a convenient path and that of a shortest convenient path. From this parameter, we can determine how far we have to search for the entering and exiting gateway. We also propose some techniques for reducing the number of pairs of entries and exits to be searched in a road network. A result of the computational experiment on a real road network is given to show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.

Planning and Evaluation of Synthetic Forest Road Network using GIS (GIS를 이용한 복합임도망의 계획 및 평가)

  • Kweon, Hyeongkeun;Seo, Jung Il;Lee, Joon-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the synthetic forest road network by calculating the optimal road density and layout of the forest road network in order to construct the systematic road network in the forested area. For this, five comparative routes were additionally planed and compared through evaluation indicators. As a result, the optimum road density of the study site was estimated to be 18.4 m/ha, and the synthetic forest road network was the best in the four indicators such as average skidding distance, standard deviation of skidding distance, development index, and circuity factor. In addition, the synthetic forest road network was comparable to the main road network by about 4 %p in the timber volume available and potential area size for logging, but the construction cost of the road was about 20 %p lower. It showed a synthetic forest road network was better in terms of economy.

Analysis of Road-to-Stream Linkage Characteristics in a Mountain Catchment using the Discriminant Analysis (판별분석을 이용한 산악지역 도로-하천 연결 특성 분석)

  • Park, Sang-Hyoung;Park, Changyeol;Yoo, Chulsang
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.147-158
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzed the linkage characteristics between road runoff and the nearest streams in mountain regions using a discriminant analysis. The road-to-stream linkage is an important characteristic to evaluate whether the contaminant on road surface is transported directly into the nearby channel system. This study evaluated a total of 51 drainage outlets of mountain roads near the Soyanggang Dam. The linkage between road and stream, slope and width of road, and other information necessary for the discriminant analysis have been collected by in situ investigation and by analyzing the Digital Elevation Model. Finally, as independent variables in the discriminant analysis, the contributing road representing the road characteristics (similar to the runoff from the road drainage outlet) and the distance and slope of the connecting channel between road and nearest stream were selected. Among these three, the distance was found to have the highest discriminant power, the contributing road the lowest. Using the discriminant function derived, 40 out of 51 cases (78.4%) were correctly discriminated and the remaining 11 cases (21.6%) were wrongly discriminated. Reasons of wrongly discriminated cases were mainly due to change in drainage outlet direction, excessive runoff, change in road-to-stream path, etc. This result also indicates that the road-to-stream linkage can be introduced or prohibited by exactly the same way.

A Study on the Characteristic of Block Plan related to the site type of Elementary Schools (초등학교(初等學校) 입지유형(立地類型)에 따른 배치특성(配置特性)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 1998년(年) 이후(以後) 광주광역시(光州廣域市)에서 발주된 당선작(當選作)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Oh, Sang-Mok;Oh, Sai-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.31-41
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the Characteristic of Block Plans related to site types of Elementary Schools in Kangju city. With analysis of 17 elementary school plans, we reached same conclusions. First, there is a possibility of seeing 4 examples that contiguity road condition and proportion of site, neighborhood park location, district units planning, which as classification the condition to feature of location. But the condition which is considered actually from Block Plan appeared with only contiguity road condition and district units planning two onlines. Second, despite there are elements having the possibility effecting to Block Plan, some arrangement forms are repeatedly used. There is a possibility of searching for that cause that it falls in mannerism of space form, type and place when it follows the arrangement form of existing defined as school.

A Study on Modal Shift effect - Focused on O/D between Busan-Gyeonggi Area -

  • Kang, Dal-Won;An, Young-Mo;Nam, Ki-Chan;Kwak, Kyu-Seok
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.35 no.9
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    • pp.777-783
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    • 2011
  • Interest about Modal Shift is not being decreased, and it is drawing limelight as green logistics which meets low carbon green growth of National development vision. As an effect of Modal Shift, not only reduction in CO2 emission but also reduction in social cost, logistics cost etc. are being discussed. However, until now research about its practical transformation effect has been scanty. In this study, the actual expenses via CO2 emission, social cost, and logistics cost etc. by road transportation and rail transportation of container cargo with Origin/Destination between Busan-Kyeonggi Area were calculated and we propose beneficial effects when transportation mode is transformed from road to rail with Scenario Planning.

Development of a Spatial Location-Allocation Model of Center Villages(II) - Evaluating Applicability of Model for a Case Study Area - (농촌 중심마을의 공간적 입지-배분 모형의 개발(II) - 모형의 적용 및 응용성 평가 -)

  • 김대식;정하우
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.46-55
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    • 2001
  • Following the previous paper on development of the spatial location-allocation model of center villages (SLAMCV), this paper, the 2nd stage of the this study, aims to check up its applicability for several planning scenarios by the case study. Among 72 natural villages of Ucheon-myeon, Gangwon-do, Korea the highest single center was simulated as Uhang village and the higher double centers as Uhang and Jeonggeum villages, which coincided exactly with the existing centers. The SLAMCV was well operated for three planning scenarios such as selection of the 3rd center village and its hinter villages for Ucheon-myeon, Gargwon-do, Korea by dividing three living spheres, impact assessment evaluation of road improvement projects on the spatial accessibility, and analysis of centerality changes of settlement units by new road construction.

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RL-based Path Planning for SLAM Uncertainty Minimization in Urban Mapping (도시환경 매핑 시 SLAM 불확실성 최소화를 위한 강화 학습 기반 경로 계획법)

  • Cho, Younghun;Kim, Ayoung
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.122-129
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    • 2021
  • For the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem, a different path results in different SLAM results. Usually, SLAM follows a trail of input data. Active SLAM, which determines where to sense for the next step, can suggest a better path for a better SLAM result during the data acquisition step. In this paper, we will use reinforcement learning to find where to perceive. By assigning entire target area coverage to a goal and uncertainty as a negative reward, the reinforcement learning network finds an optimal path to minimize trajectory uncertainty and maximize map coverage. However, most active SLAM researches are performed in indoor or aerial environments where robots can move in every direction. In the urban environment, vehicles only can move following road structure and traffic rules. Graph structure can efficiently express road environment, considering crossroads and streets as nodes and edges, respectively. In this paper, we propose a novel method to find optimal SLAM path using graph structure and reinforcement learning technique.