• Title/Summary/Keyword: Road Name

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The Characteristics of Gwanghwamun reconstruction in the 1960's (1960년대 광화문 중건과정의 특성)

  • Kang, Nan-hyoung;Song, In-Ho
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 2015
  • After the Korean war, two major attempts were made to reconstruct Gwanghwamun Gate as an important part of Korea's lost cultural heritage. In December 2006, the Korean government replaced the concrete gate with a wooden one, yet traces of the attempts made in the 1960s to transform Gwanghwamun Gate and the main road remain to this day. At the time, the Third Republic of Korea, sought to legitimize itself in the name of modernity, and went on to modernize the architecture and urban landscape of Seoul. The location and design selected for the rebuilt Gwanghwamun illustrated the symbolic relationship between historic heritage and urban development. The reconstruction of the gate began as part of the Third Republic's project to restore the Central Administration Building and culminated in the transformation of the main road in front of the gate. By reconstructing the traditional gate using concrete, the military government intended to convey the message that we could inherit our proud tradition using modern materials, and that we should actively adopt the new technologies of the modern era. This study begins with the premise that the Gwanghwamun reconstruction project of 1968 represents the application of new technological thinking to Korea's architectural style, and has two objectives. The first is to summarize the reconstruction process and method using the records and drawings from the 1968 project, which was then under the leadership of architect Kang Bong-jin. The second is to analyze the characteristics of the architectural style and structure of the reconstructed Gwanghwamun so as to reinterpret the relationship between Korean tradition and modern technology.

Archaeological Interpretation for Wolseong Fortress in Gyeongju using GPR (GPR을 이용한 경주 월성 지하유구의 고고학적 해석)

  • Oh, Hyun-Dok;Shin, Jong-Woo
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.180-189
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    • 2004
  • The name of (Ban)wolseong thanks to its having a shape like a half-moon. Wolseong fortress is one of 'Gyeongju Historic Area', world heritage. The Silla kingdom's royal palace previously maintained its capital fortress at the locale of Wolseong. However its real face has been kept in mystery. This study grafts Geophysics on modern Archaeology and approaches with scientific and systematic methods to an excavation plan or archaeological study by means of GPR exploration which can complement archaeological curiosity without destroying Wolseong fortress. The exploration area is $12,000m^2$ in front of Seokbinggo(stone storage for ice). It is only $10\%$ area of Wolseong fortress. As a conclusion, GPR detected 7 of squared buildings($8{\times}8m^2$ size), stone wall, an entrance for the fortress, lots of foundation stones, road(presumptive), and a presumptive pond which size is 35${\~}$40m in diameter.

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Effects of Interpretive Signs on Users' Perceived Environmental Restorativeness and Overall Healing Effectiveness: An Application of Placebo (치유의 숲길 해설판이 이용객의 회복환경 및 전반적 치유효과 지각에 미치는 효과: 플라시보 효과의 적용)

  • Kim, Sang-Mi;Choi, Sol-ah;Kim, Sang-Oh
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.1057-1066
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    • 2016
  • This study examined how 'forest name' or 'information of forest healing effectiveness' influence their perceived environmental restorativeness (PER) and perceived healing effectiveness (PHE). Study area was the 'Forest Healing Road (FHR)' in Mudeungsan National Park. Data were collected from 247 visitors selected by convenient sampling method using questionnaire survey during May-June, 2015. Respondents who read interpretive signs (forest name and information on forest healing effectiveness of FHR were written) installed along the FHR were regarded as placebo group and respondents who didn't read them as control group. The results showed that there were no overall differences on PER and PHE between control and placebo groups. Placebo group, however, rated more positive on 'being away' factor of PER than control group. All four factors (i.e., being away, coherence, fascination, comparability) of PER statistically influenced PHE (p<0.001), and these factors explained 51.1% of PHE. The 'coherence' was the most influential to PHE, followed by 'being away', 'comparability', and 'fascination' in order. Placebo effects on PER were shown in male, in lower age group(age${\leq}54$), or respondents with lower visiting experience to FHR(${\leq}20$ times/year). Placebo effects on PHE were found in male, in small group (${\leq}2$ persons), in respondents who visited 'alone' or 'with relatives/family', or in respondents with lower visiting experience to FHR(${\leq}20$ times/year). Some research and managerial implications were suggested.

Study on 3D Object (Building) Update and Construction Method for Digital Twin Implementation (디지털 트윈 구현을 위한 3차원 객체(건물) 갱신 및 구축 방안 연구)

  • Kwak, Byung-Yong;Kang, Byoung-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.186-192
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the demand for more precise and demand-oriented customized spatial information is increasing due to the 4th industrial revolution. In particular, the use of 3D spatial information and digital twins which based on spatial information, and research for solving social problems in cities by using such information are continuously conducted. Globally, non-face-to-face services are increasing due to COVID-19, and the national policy direction is also rapidly progressing digital transformation, digitization and virtualization of the Korean version of the New Deal, which means that 3D spatial information has become an important factor to support it. In this study, physical objects for cities defined by world organizations such as ISO, OGC, and ITU were selected and the target of the 3D object model was limited to buildings. Based on CityGML2.0, the data collected using a drone suitable for building a 3D model of a small area is selected to be updated through road name address and building ledger, which are administrative information related to this, and LoD2.5 data is constructed and urban space. It was intended to suggest an object update method for a 3D building among data.

The trend of international address standardization and implications - with a focus on ISO 19160-2 - (주소의 국제표준화 동향분석 및 시사점 - ISO 19160-2를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sung-Hoon;Kim, Bo-Eun;Won, Seok-Hwan
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the status of international address standardization and reviewed responses of nations contained in the ISO/CD 19160-2-N5652 standard document. It identified problems in Korea's responses to the standard document, and presented ways of improvement. International standard procedures for ISO 19160-2 are underway with the goal to its completion by July 2023. To create an international standard, continuous monitoring and responses are required, and efforts to reflect the strength of the Korean addressing system on the new standard is needed.

The Study on the Contexts and Place Names in Old County Maps of Goryeong-hyeon(高靈縣) in Late-Joseon Dynasty (조선 후기 고령현 군현지도의 계열별 특성과 고지명 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.16-35
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    • 2009
  • This paper is to compare the contexts and old place names in old county maps of Goryeong-hyeon(高靈縣) according to the four types of maps. 23 maps covering Goryeong-hyeon were collected from the old county-map atlas(郡縣地圖帖) and Eupji(邑誌). The first type(named 'picture county map') included 8 county-maps in which information of military, and administrative contents are mainly mapped. The second type(named '1-ri grid system map') included 4 county maps in which information about beacon routes and road systems were regarded as very important. The third type(named '20-ri grid-system map(方眼地圖)' included 4 county-maps which were drawn as same scale with 20-ri(里) grids. The fourth type(named 'local county-map(地方郡縣地圖)' included 5 county maps which were drawn by local mappers. Types of toponyms which were included in maps are different by the propose of map-drawing. In the picture county maps, place names from military, and administrative contents are written. In the 1-ri grid system county maps, place names especially from military and transportation are fluent. In the 20-ri grid system county maps, generic name from natural environment, such as mountains are very fluent. In the local county maps, city-walls and castles are drawn exaggeratively and detailed generic name from warehouses and villages are written in those maps. This study shows that Daedongyeo-jido was drawn on the basis of 20-ri grid system county maps with the supplementation of geographical information.

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    • Acta Via Serica
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2016
  • The Silk Route in ancient times served as a link between the World's greatest civilizations and as a source of knowledge, art, religion and philosophy. This network of ancient caravan paths formed the first bridge between East and West, where two different civilizations came in contact with their respective cultural traditions and religious beliefs, as well as their scientific and technological achievements. One of the main routes of the Great Silk Route passed through the Karakoram, linking Kashgar with Kashmir and the Gandhara regions. The Karakoram Highway connects the Chinese province with Pakistan and follows the ancient Silk Route, which connected the Heartlands of Asia with the Western fringes and further beyond the entire continent of Europe. Evidences of the history of humankind, ranging from Pre-historic times to the spread of Buddhism from South Asia to China and the Far East, is depicted in the rocky cliffs on the waysides and on rough boulders scattered in the upper valley of the Indus River and its tributaries. The ancient trade routes also carried scholars, teachers, missionaries and monks of different beliefs and practices, who met and exchanged ideas. The Buddhists as well as Zoroastrians and other missionaries all followed the Silk Route, leaving permanent footprints of their passage. The ancient greater Gandhara is situated in the North-West of the Indian Sub-continent, with the steep mountain ranges of the Karakoram, the Pamir and the Hindu-Kush bordering it and the dry areas of Central Asia to its rear. A number of races from Central Asia migrated to Gandhara because of its mild climate and plentiful farm products and fruits. This area was an entry point of Western Culture into India and at the same times the exit point of Indian Culture, including Buddhism, to the West. In Gandhara, the diffusion of different cultures developed an art form, during the 1-7th centuries CE commonly known after its geographic name as "Gandhara Art". The Buddhism's route of introduction into China originated in Gandhara, then reached in Korea and Japan and other countries. The fame of Gandhara however, rested on its capital, "Taxila" which was a great centre of learning. From the time of the Achaemenians, down through Muslim period, Gandhara continued to establish and maintain a link between East & West, as shown by material evidences recovered from Taxila and other Buddhist centres of Gandhara during the course of archaeological excavations.

A Study on Ergonomic Traffic Sign focused on Spatial Compatibility (공간양립성 중심 도로표지 시인성 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Sin, Heung Gweon;Nam, Doohee
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2017
  • The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices advises that, "Signs should be placed on the right side of the roadway where they are easily recognized and understood by road users." Guidance is provided on the spacing and prioritization of signs, and in some conditions, additional steps may be needed to ensure that signs are conspicuous. This study proposes a design methodology using ergonomics concepts applied to traffic sign and street name signs. Initially, a literature revision on cognitive ergonomics is performed. Several design methodologies are analyzed and the aspects to be considered in traffic signs are selected.. In this study, problems of traffic signs in Korea were identified through the comparative analysis of domestic and foreign traffic signs and a prototype of ergonomic traffic sign was developed based on the analysis results. And the driver's views on the developed traffic sign were investigated. In addition, based on the results of this study, this study is to provide the necessary foundation for improving traffic signs in order to help the various age groups of drivers to reach their destinations without difficulties when they drive.

Anal breathing training and oriental medical study of the anal breathing (항문호흡 수련 및 항문호흡의 한의학적 고찰)

  • Song, Jeong-min;Kang, Han-joo;Kim, Jeong-hwan
    • Journal of Korean Medical Ki-Gong Academy
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.262-283
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    • 2009
  • 1. Anus is one of the nine holes, a soul store and on the lungs and the lungs, so the soulgate is said to meet. In addition, weight 450g, length 14.31inch, horizontal, and the 2.74inch, hit the road, the lungs and the reaction of the colon was found to represent the five viscera were dirty. 2. Spirit directly to the anus of the five viscera and the traffic outside and pass the information where I can get, and a close relation to the breathing, and each groups' je-hang-suk-sin-gong, je-hang-gong, anal breathing, jwa-sik training, jung-gi-dan-beop, martial arts method, Kegel exercises, breathing training, such as the anus is the name. 3.Anal way of breathing while breathing naturally slow down when you inhale air, tighten the anus and rectum to release when you breathe out, give way (or vice versa), the number of 5-20, he'll make you build up gradually. 4.Associated with respiratory training in Oriental medicine perspective, it is a Mac gi-gyeong eight vessel. In addition, out of gi-gyeong eight vessel in breathing training and more closely related to the Conception Vessel, Governor Vessel. 5.Governor Vessel, Conception Vessel and connect the energy up, down, left and right to communicate is the so-ju-cheon. To complete the Governor Vessel instantly without the energy leak from the Mir-yeo(尾閭) to reach the anus should be breathing. 6.Start the Conception Vessel Through fare Vessel hoeǔm, hoeǔm important acupuncture point can be activated by itself does not have the muscle to the hoeǔm around the anus energy and blood breathing helps circulation.

Aggregate Resources Management and Transport Route Analysis Using GIS (골재자원의 관리 및 수송경로 분석을 위한 GIS 활용 연구)

  • 이윤종;이동영;신은선
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.169-186
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    • 1994
  • A GIS technique was developed for aggregate resources management and transport route analysis. In the study, the management of aggregate resources deals with resources evaluation and control of aggregate supply. The computer system was specially designed for this analysis on the basis of relational database model, and it was named ARIS(Aggregate Resources Information System). A Vector database for this study area of Chungcheong - Do was established for analysis of ARIS. In network analysis, there are many essential elements such as road name, speed limit and width, turns and stops etc. Impedance was also measured for the resistance against transportation of aggregate resources. Actually, the impedances are attributes of arcs, turns and stops. Finally, the feasibility of ARIS was tested to use as a decision making tool of aggregate resources management.

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