• 제목/요약/키워드: Risk-informed design

검색결과 26건 처리시간 0.021초

원자력발전소 위험도 평가를 위한 인간신뢰도분석 (Human Reliability Analysis for Risk Assessment of Nuclear Power Plants)

  • 정원대;김재환
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2011
  • Objective: The aim of this paper is to introduce the activities and research trends of human reliability analysis including brief summary about contents and methods of the analysis. Background: Various approaches and methods have been suggested and used to assess human reliability in field of risk assessment of nuclear power plants. However, it has noticed that there is high uncertainty in human reliability analysis which results in a major bottleneck for risk-informed activities of nuclear power plants. Method: First and second generation methods of human reliability analysis are reviewed and a few representative methods are discussed from the risk assessment perspective. The strength and weakness of each method is also examined from the viewpoint of reliability analyst as a user. In addition, new research trends in this field are briefly summarized. Results: Human reliability analysis has become an important tool to support not only risk assessment but also system design of a centralized complex system. Conclusion: Human reliability analysis should be improved by active cooperation with researchers in field of human factors. Application: The trends of human reliability analysis explained in this paper will help researchers to find interest topics to which they could contribute.

Preliminary Hazard Analysis: Assessment of New Component Interface Module Design for APR1400

  • Olaide, Adebena Oluwasegun;Jung, Jae Cheon;Choi, Moon Jae;Ngbede, Utah Michael
    • 시스템엔지니어링학술지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2021
  • The use of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) in the development of safety-related Human-Machine Interface (HMI) systems has gained much momentum in nuclear applications. Recently, one of the application areas for the Advanced Power Reactor 1400 (APR1400) is in the development of the advanced Component Interface Module (CIM) of the Engineered Safety Features Actuation System (ESFAS). Using systems engineering approach, we have developed a new FPGA-based advanced CIM software. The first step of our software development process involves the Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) based on the previous CIM design. In this paper, we describe the qualitative approach used in performing the preliminary hazard analysis. The paper presents the methodology for applying a modified Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) procedure for the conduct of PHA which resulted in a qualitative risk-ranking scheme that informed the decisions for the safety criteria in the requirements specification phase. The qualitative approach provided the justification for design changes during the advanced CIM software development process.

리스크정보 최적화를 통한 국내 연구용원자로의 안전성 향상 (Risk-Informed Optimization of Operation and Procedures for Korea Research Reactor)

  • 이윤환;장승철
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2022
  • This paper describes an attempt to improve and optimize the operational safety level of a domestic research reactor by conducting a probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) under full-power operating conditions. The PSA was undertaken to assess the level of safety at an operating research reactor in Korea, to evaluate whether it is probabilistically safe and reliable to operate, and to obtain insights regarding the requisite procedural and design improvements for achieving safer operation. The technical objectives were to use the PSA to identify the accident sequences leading to core damage, and to conduct sensitivity analyses based thereon to derive insights regarding potential design and procedural improvements. Based on the dominant accident sequences identified by the PSA, eight types of sensitivity analysis were performed, and relevant insights for achieving safer operation were derived. When these insights were applied to the reactor design and operating procedure, the risk was found to be reduced by approximately ten times, and the safety was significantly improved. The results demonstrate that the PSA methodology is very effective for improving reactor safety in the full-power operating phase. In particular, it is a highly suitable approach for identifying the deficiencies of a reactor operating at full power, and for improving the reactor safety by overcoming those deficiencies.

부식을 고려한 해저 파이프라인의 확률론적 중량물 낙하 충돌 위험도 해석 (Probabilistic Risk Analysis of Dropped Objects for Corroded Subsea Pipelines)

  • 안쿠시 쿠마;서정관
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제55권2호
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2018
  • Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) has been used in shipping and offshore industries for many years, supporting the decision-making process to guarantee safe running at different stages of design, fabrication and throughout service life. The assessments of a risk perspective are informed by the frequency of events (probability) and the associated consequences. As the number of offshore platforms increases, so does the length of subsea pipelines, thus there is a need to extend this approach and enable the subsea industry to place more emphasis on uncertainties. On-board operations can lead to objects being dropped on subsea pipelines, which can cause leaks and other pipeline damage. This study explains how to conduct hit frequency analyses of subsea pipelines, using historical data, and how to obtain a finite number of scenarios for the consequences analysis. An example study using probabilistic methods is used.

Progressive Design-Build: Its Functions as a Contracting Method and the Four Pillars of Project Success

  • Jeong, Euiseok;Anderson, Connor;Lin, Ken-Yu;Migliaccio, Giovanni C
    • 국제학술발표논문집
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    • The 9th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2022
  • As a project delivery method, Design-Build (DB) has provided owner, architect, and contractor groups with a process of early design and rapid construction for the past three decades. Although there are many benefits to using standard DB, dissatisfaction has arisen due to limitations to innovate, limited owner involvement during design, and often lengthy procurement. Progressive Design-Build (PDB) has become an appealing alternative providing benefits not seen with standard DB. This paper investigates how PDB impacts a project and how it compares against standard DB; it also presents a proposed framework for evaluating the owner's responsibility and assessment of a project, which we named the "Four Pillars of Project Success". The four pillars are defined with respect to an owner's responsibility and assessment of a project, including project predictability, project risk, project schedule, and project cost. We conducted a literature review, examined several public project case studies, analyzed PDB project information collected by the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA), and held stakeholder interviews with owners, contractors, and architects who have used both PDB and standard DB. This paper offers insight into PDB's structure and outcomes so an owner group can make an informed decision when considering PDB as their next construction contracting method.

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A new base shear equation for reliability-based design of steel frames

  • Hakki Deniz Gul;Kivanc Taskin
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2024
  • The reliability-based seismic design of steel frames is a complex process that incorporates seismic demand with a structural capacity to attain safe buildings aligned with specified constraints. This paper introduces an efficient base shear force formulation to support the reliability-based design process of steel frames. The introduced base shear force equation combines the seismic demand statistics with the reliability objective to calculate a fictitious base shear force for linear static analysis. By concentrating on the seismic demand and promising to meet a certain level of reliability, the equation converts the reliability-based seismic design problem to a deterministic one. Two code-compliant real-size steel moment frames are developed according to different reliability objectives to demonstrate the competency of the proposed formula. The nonlinear dynamic analysis method is used to assess the seismic reliability of the constructed frames, and the numerical results validate the credibility of the suggested formulation. The base shear force calculation method regarding seismic reliability is the main finding of this study. The ease of use makes this approach a potent tool for design professionals and stakeholders to make rapid risk-informed decisions regarding steel moment frame design.

Socio-Demographic and Behavioural Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer and Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in Rural and Urban Areas of North Bengal, India

  • Raychaudhuri, Sreejata;Mandal, Sukanta
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.1093-1096
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    • 2012
  • Background: Cervical cancer is common among women worldwide. A multitude of risk factors aggravate the disease. This study was conducted to: (1) determine the prevalence and (2) make a comparative analysis of the socio-demographic and behavioural risk factors of cervical cancer and knowledge, attitude and practice between rural and urban women of North Bengal, India. Study Design: Community-based cross-sectional study. Methods: A survey (first in North Bengal) was conducted among 133 women in a rural area (Kawakhali) and 88 women in an urban slum (Shaktigarh) using predesigned semi-structured questionnaires. The respondents were informed of the causes (including HPV), signs and symptoms, prevention of cervical cancer and treatment, and the procedure of the PAP test and HPV vaccination. Results: The prevalence of risk factors like multiparity, early age of marriage, use of cloth during menstruation, use of condom and OCP, early age of first intercourse was 37.2%, 82%, 83.3%, 5.4%, 15.8% and 65.6% respectively. Awareness about the cause, signs and symptoms, prevention of cervical cancer, PAP test and HPV vaccination was 3.6%, 6.3%, 3.6%, 9.5% and 14.5% respectively. Chi-square testing revealed that in the study population, significant differential at 5% exists between rural and urban residents with respect to number of children, use of cloth/sanitary napkins, family history of cancer and awareness regarding causes of cervical cancer. Regarding KAP, again using chi-square tests, surprisingly, level of education is found to be significant for each element of KAP in urban areas in contrast to complete absence of association between education and elements of KAP in rural areas. Conclusions: A large number of risk factors were present in both areas, the prevalence being higher in the rural areas. The level of awareness and role of education appears to be insignificant determinants in rural compared to urban areas. This pilot study needs to be followed up by large scale programmes to re-orient awareness campaigns, especially in rural areas.

Absorbable versus Nonabsorbable Sutures for Facial Skin Closure: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Clinical and Aesthetic Outcomes

  • Kashish Malhotra;Sophie Bondje;Alexandros Sklavounos;Hatan Mortada;Ankur Khajuria
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제51권4호
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    • pp.386-396
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    • 2024
  • When repairing facial wounds, it is crucial to possess a thorough understanding of suitable suture materials and their evidence base. The absence of high-quality and comprehensive systematic reviews poses challenges in making informed decisions. In this study, we conducted a review of the existing literature and assessed the quality of the current evidence pertaining to the clinical, aesthetic, and patient-reported outcomes associated with absorbable and nonabsorbable sutures for facial skin closure. The study was registered on Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews. We conducted searches on Embase, Ovid, and PubMed/MEDLINE databases. Only randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were eligible for inclusion in this study. Additionally, the risk of bias in the randomized studies was assessed using Cochrane's Risk of Bias Tool. The study included a total of nine RCTs involving 804 participants with facial injuries. Among these injuries, absorbable sutures were utilized in 50.2% (403 injuries), while nonabsorbable sutures were employed in 49.8% (401 injuries). The analysis of cosmesis scales revealed no statistically significant difference between absorbable and nonabsorbable sutures regarding infections (p = 0.72), visual analog scale (p = 0.69), wound dehiscence (p = 0.08), and scarring (p = 0.46). The quality of the included studies was determined to have a low risk of bias. Absorbable sutures can be considered a suitable alternative to nonabsorbable sutures, as they demonstrate comparable aesthetic and clinical outcomes. Future high-quality studies with a level I evidence design and cost-effectiveness analysis are necessary to enhance clinician–patient shared decision-making and optimize the selection of suture materials. Level of evidence is I, risk/prognostic study.

설계의 안전성 검토를 위한 건설공사의단위작업 분석: OO공사의 발주공사를 중심으로 (Analysis of Unit-works for Design for Safety in Construction Work : Focus on Construction Projects of OO Corporation)

  • 김진원;조건희;송상훈;방종대;손정락
    • 토지주택연구
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.315-322
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    • 2016
  • 최근 국토교통부는 실시설계 단계에서 설계의 안전성 검토를 실시할 수 있도록 건설기술진흥법을 일부 개정하였다. 설계의 안전성 검토에서 위험성을 판단하기 위해서는 단위작업별 재해의 발생빈도수와 심각성을 파악해야 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$ 공사의 건설재해자료(471건)를 24개 단위작업으로 분류하고, 각 단위작업별 재해발생 빈도수 및 심각성을 분석하였다. 그 결과를 토대로 단위작업별 안전관리 수준을 3개 그룹(특별관리, 중점관리, 상시 관리)으로 제안하였다. 본 연구결과는 건설공사에서 설계의 안전성 검토를 하는데 있어 기초정보로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. 또한 이 정보를 활용하여 재해발생률을 저감시킬 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

Breast Screening in North India: A Cost-Effective Cancer Prevention Strategy

  • Pandey, Saumya;Chandravati, Chandravati
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.853-857
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: Breast cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in women worldwide. Breast screening in normal and/or asymptomatic women is essential to reduce the burden of breast malignancies. Our study aimed to identify possible risk- and/or co-factors associated with breast screening in North Indian women. Methods: A public health research survey was conducted among 100 women of North Indian ethnicity during clinic visits in a 6-month timeline (April-October 2012). Demographic and clinical data, including mammography screening, were recorded in the questionnaire-based proforma after conducting a 10 minute interview. Written informed consent was taken from all the participants. Results: The mean age of the participants was $32.2{\pm}9.9$ years. Out of 100 women, 6% had family history of breast disease. Breast-related complaints/malignancy, including galactorrhoea, mastitis, axillary lump, fibrocystic disease, fibroadenosis and adenocarcinoma were observed in 41% participants; age stratification revealed that 82.9% of this group (n=41) were <30 years, while 9.7% and 7.3% were >30 years and 30 years of age, respectively. 32% participants underwent mammography screening and 8% had breast ultrasound imaging. Age stratification in the mammography screening group demonstrated that 24 women were <40 years, while 7 women were >40 years. Conclusions: Our pilot study identified possible co-factors affecting breast screening in North Indian women. These findings may be beneficial in early detection of breast abnormalities, including malignancies in women susceptible to breast cancer, and thus aid in future design of cost-effective screening strategies to reduce the increasing burden of breast carcinoma in women worldwide.