• Title/Summary/Keyword: Risk map

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Development of an Strategic Model for the Selection of a National IT R&D Strategic Project (국가 IT R&D 전략과제 선정 모형개발)

  • Ryu, Dong-Hyun;Park, Jeong-Yong;Lee, Woo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.501-509
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we offer a new strategic Portfolio Model for national IT R&D project selection in Korea. A risk and return (R-R) Portfolio Model was developed using an objectively quantified index on the two axes of risk and return, in order to select a strategic project and allocate resources in compliance with a national IT R&D strategy. We strategize using the R-R Portfolio Model to solve the non-strategy and subjectivity problems of the existing national R&D project selection Model. We also use the quantified evaluation index of the IT technology road map (TRM) and the technology level Survey (TLS) for the subjectivity of project selection, and try to discover the weights using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). In addition, we intend to maximize the chance for a successful national IT R&D project, by selecting a strategic Portfolio project and balancing the allocation of resources effectively and objectively.

A Study on G2 Risk and Export Diversification: Focusing on Export Support System for SMEs (수출다변화를 통한 G2 리스크 극복 방안에 관한 연구: 중소기업 수출지원 정책을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Don-Seung;Khoe, Kyung-Il
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 2019
  • This study argued problems and improvement of export support system for SMEs in the uncertain world global trade environment with G2(US-China) risk. In SMEs export support system, The authorities needs stronger control tower to promote consistent export support policies. There is also another problem of repetitious work that export support system has been operated by individual project. In order to overcome these problems, first, the authorities set clearly organization to control various export support policies. Second, export support system needs the efficient operation based on long term road map. Third, the authorities defines clear roles and responsibilities of supporting units, and enhances cooperation between the different organizations. Finally, the system should arrange performance evaluation index and feedback system to build the desirable export support system.

Guideline on Acceptance Test and Commissioning of High-Precision External Radiation Therapy Equipment

  • Kim, Juhye;Shin, Dong Oh;Choi, Sang Hyoun;Min, Soonki;Kwon, Nahye;Jung, Unjung;Kim, Dong Wook
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.123-136
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    • 2018
  • The complex dose distribution and dose transfer characteristics of intensity-modulated radiotherapy increase the importance of precise beam data measurement and review in the acceptance inspection and preparation stages. In this study, we propose a process map for the introduction and installation of high-precision radiotherapy devices and present items and guidelines for risk management at the acceptance test procedure (ATP) and commissioning stages. Based on the ATP of the Varian and Elekta linear accelerators, the ATP items were checked step by step and compared with the quality assurance (QA) test items of the AAPM TG-142 described for the medical accelerator QA. Based on the commissioning procedure, dose quality control protocol, and mechanical quality control protocol presented at international conferences, step-by-step check items and commissioning guidelines were derived. The risk management items at each stage were (1) 21 ionization chamber performance test items and 9 electrometer, cable, and connector inspection items related to the dosimetry system; (2) 34 mechanical and dose-checking items during ATP, 22 multileaf collimator (MLC) items, and 36 imaging system items; and (3) 28 items in the measurement preparation stage and 32 items in the measurement stage after commissioning. Because the items presented in these guidelines are limited in terms of special treatment, items and practitioners can be modified to reflect the clinical needs of the institution. During the system installation, it is recommended that at least two clinically qualified medical physicists (CQMP) perform a double check in compliance with the two-person rule. We expect that this result will be useful as a radiation safety management tool that can prevent radiation accidents at each stage during the introduction of radiotherapy and the system installation process.

Effects of Nutritional Education and Exercise Intervention on Improvement of Diet Intakes and Metabolic Risk Factors in Obese Middle Aged Women (영양교육과 운동중재가 비만 중년여성의 대사적 위험요인 및 식이섭취 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Dong-Je;Kwon, Chang-Ki;Choi, Dong-Jae;Ka, Kyung-Hwan;Kim, Tae-Min;Kim, Byung-Tae;Lee, Bong-Kun;Hwang, Ju-Hyun;Ann, Eue-Soo;Kim, Dae-Young
    • Korean Journal of Exercise Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.179-184
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate a exercise combined with nutritional education for improving metabolic risk factor and dietary intakes in obese middle aged women. 35 obese (body mass index of at least ≥ 25 kg/m2 or %body fat ≥ 30%) middle aged women were recruited from public health center. For intervention participants, their height, weight, percentage of body fat, waist circumference, blood pressure, lipid profiles, insulin resistance index, and nutrition intakes were measured at before and after post the intervention. And change of the total energy intakes per week was measured during intervention. The subjects underwent a 12 weeks educational program including nutritional education one day per week and, aerobic exercise 3 days per week (walking). After 12 weeks exercise program combined with nutritional education, body weight (p=0.002), percentage of body fat (p<0.001), BMI (p<0.001), waist circumference (p<0.001), WHR (p=0.004), TC (p=0.004), AI (p=0.006), DBP (p=0.010), MAP (p=0.013), glucose (p=0.018), insulin (p=0.003), HOMA-IR (p<0.001) were significantly decreased and cardiorespiratory fitness was significantly (p<0.001) increased. And energy intake was significantly (p<0.001) decreased and nutritional intake and intake-style were improved through 12 weeks exercise program combined with nutritional education.

Shape Similarity Analysis for Verification of Hazard Map for Storm Surge : Shape Criterion (폭풍해일 침수예상도 검증을 위한 형상유사도 분석 : 형상기준)

  • Kim, Young In;Kim, Dong Hyun;Lee, Seung Oh
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2019
  • The concept of shape similarity has been applied to verify the accuracy of the SIND model, the real-time prediction model for disaster risk. However, the CRITIC method, one of the most widely used in geometric methodology, is definitely limited to apply to complex shape such as hazard map for coastal disaster. Therefore, we suggested the modified CRITIC method of which we added the shape factors such as RCCI and TF to consider complicated shapes. The matching pairs were manually divided into exact-matching pairs and mis-matching pairs to evaluate the applicability of the new method for shape similarity into hazard maps for storm surges. And the shape similarity of each matching pair was calculated by changing the weights of each shape factor and criteria. Newly proposed methodology and the calculated weights were applied to the objects of the existent hazard map and the results from SIND model. About 90% of exact-matching pairs had the shape similarity of 0.5 or higher, and about 70% of mis-matching pairs were it below 0.5. As future works, if we would calibrate narrowly and adjust carefully multi-objects corresponding to one object, it would be expected that the shape similarity of the exact-matching pairs will increase overall while it of the mis-matching pairs will decrease.

Risk of Bradycardia and Temperature Changes during Thoracic Sympathicotomy for Hyperhidrosis under Total Intravenous Anesthesia with Propofol (Propofol 전정맥 마취하에 흉부 교감신경 절단술 시 서맥의 위험성과 온도 변화)

  • Chung, Chong-Kweon;Han, Jeong-Uk;Kim, Tae-Jung;Lee, Choon-Soo;Cha, Young-Deog;Lim, Hyun-Kyoung;Hu, I-Hoi;Yoon, Yong-Han;Kwak, Young-Lan
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.181-185
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    • 2001
  • Background: Bradycardia frequently occurs in intravenous anesthesia with propofol. Additionally, the thoracic sympathetic nerves influence the heart so that the heart rate (HR) and blood pressure are expected to decrease due to this procedure. Therefore, we measured changes in HR, mean arterial pressure (MAP) and both thumb temperatures before and after thoracic sympathicotomy under total intravenous anesthesia with propofol. Methods: The subjects included 21 outpatients of ASA class I who received thoracoscopic thoracic sympathicotomy under total intravenous anesthesia. Anesthesia was induced with propofol (2 mg/kg) and vecuronium (0.1 mg/kg) and maintained with propofol-fentanyl-oxygen (100%). The surgical procedure was performed at the T3 level in the order of left sympathicotomy (LST) and right sympathicotomy (RST). Measurements of HR, MAP and both thumb temperatures were taken before induction of anesthesia, before and after LST and RST, and 1 hour after the completion of anesthesia. Additionally, the time to the beginning of a rise in temperature in both thumbs after sympathicotomy was recorded. Results: HR did not show any significant difference before or after sympathicotomy, however it decreased at 1 hour after the completion of anesthesia. MAP decreased after LST and decreased further after RST. Left thumb temperature began to increase at $45.8{\pm}10.7$ seconds after LST. Right thumb temperature initially decreased after LST and increased from $45.2{\pm}11.8$ seconds after RST. Subsequently, both increased temperatures were maintained at 1 hour after the completion of anesthesia. Conclusions: Although HR and MAP decreased, there were no severe hemodynamic changes. An increase in the thumb temperature was confirmed within 1 minute after sympathicotomy on the same side.

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A Study on the Distribution Map Construction of Asbestos Buildings Owned by Seoul Using QGIS (QGIS를 활용한 서울시 소유 석면건축물 분포지도 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin Hyo;Bae, Il Sang;Ha, Kwang Tae;You, Seung Sung;Han, Kyu Mun;Eo, Soo Mi;Jung, Kweon;Lee, Jin Sook;Koo, Ja Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.38 no.9
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    • pp.528-533
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    • 2016
  • One of ways for effectively maintaining asbestos buildings is to select asbestos buildings to be removed firstly by manufacturing and analyzing asbestos map of various topics. Thus, in this study we manufactured asbestos map of various topics for the effective management of asbestos buildings owned by Seoul using QGIS (Quantum Geographic Information System). To select asbestos buildings likely to cause asbestos scattering problem and exposure into the air, we comprehensively took into consideration various topics such as asbestos buildings density, asbestos-area ratio, asbestos buildings distribution considering the population, first removal object, risk assessment, elapsed year. As described in this study, using the GIS may be utilized as a method for selecting asbestos buildings to be removed firstly as well as distribution of asbestos buildings. In the future, it is necessary to make assessment criteria considering diversification of property value in GIS such as the characteristics of the living environment around the asbestos buildings. This is expected to be utilized to manage the vulnerable region to asbestos exposure.

Development of integrated disaster mapping method (I) : expansion and verification of grid-based model (통합 재해지도 작성 기법 개발(I) : 그리드 기반 모형의 확장 및 검증)

  • Park, Jun Hyung;Han, Kun-Yeun;Kim, Byunghyun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2022
  • The objective of this study is to develop a two-dimensional (2D) flood model that can perform accurate flood analysis with simple input data. The 2D flood inundation models currently used to create flood forecast maps require complex input data and grid generation tools. This sometimes requires a lot of time and effort for flood modeling, and there may be difficulties in constructing input data depending on the situation. In order to compensate for these shortcomings, in this study, a grid-based model that can derive accurate and rapid flood analysis by reflecting correct topography as simple input data was developed. The calculation efficiency was improved by extending the existing 2×2 sub-grid model to a 5×5. In order to examine the accuracy and applicability of the model, it was applied to the Gamcheon Basin where both urban and river flooding occurred due to Typhoon Rusa. For efficient flood analysis according to user's selection, flood wave propagation patterns, accuracy and execution time according to grid size and number of sub-grids were investigated. The developed model is expected to be highly useful for flood disaster mapping as it can present the results of flooding analysis for various situations, from the flood inundation map showing accurate flooding to the flood risk map showing only approximate flooding.

Risk Assessment and Hazard Information Map Generation of Urban Areas (도시지역 위험도 평가 및 재해정보지도 제작)

  • Park, Ki-Youn;Choi, Woo-Suk;Kim, Weon-Seok;Yoo, Hwan-Hee
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.363-368
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    • 2005
  • 도시지역의 토지이용의 고도화로 도시재해가 증가하고 있으며 향후에도 증가될 가능성이 매우 높은 실정이다 따라서 본 연구에서는 건물들의 재해특성을 분석하고 위험도를 평가하여 재해가 일어나기 전에 발생 위험성을 사전에 분석하여 위험도를 평가하고 평가 결과를 이용해 재해정보지도를 제작하는 것을 목표로 하여 연구를 수행하였다. 그 결과 위험도항목을 자연조건, 토지이용 및 건축물, 인구, 교통, 위험물취급시설로 구분하여 자료를 구축하고, 항목별 위험도를 설정하여 등급화 하였으며, 침수위험도, 화재위험도, 대피위험도, 건물붕괴 위험도로 구분하여 재해지도를 제작함으로서 해당지역의 지구단위계획을 수립 시 재해요소를 적용할 수 있고, 재해발생시 사전대응 및 대피를 위한 정보를 효과적으로 제공할 수 있었다.

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Seismic Design Guidelines for Welded Steel Oil Storge Tank (KS B 6225) (강제석유저장탱크(KS B 6225)의 내진설계기준 개선 안)

  • Park, Jong-Ryul;O, Taek-Yeol
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.544-552
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    • 2002
  • Recommended seismic design guide for the flat bottom vortical-cylindrical oil storage tanks in KS B 6225 is presented. Under earthquake excitations, the hydrodynamic pressure exerted on the tank walls produces overturning moment which may cause either a failure of the anchors or a buckling of the tank shell near its base. The basis for establishing design loads due to hydrodynamic pressure is described including seismic zone risk map in Korea, zone coefficients and the essential facilities factor. This procedure for calculating applied compressive stress on the shell base subjecting to seismic load and for estimating the allowable buckling stress is described.