• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rice Drying

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Effects of Soil Crusting and Hardening during Drying after Artificial Rainfall on Seedling Emergence of Rice and Barnyardgrass (강우처리후 토양건조에 따른 피막형성 및 경도변화가 벼와 피의 출아에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Byun-Woo;Kwon, Yong-Woong;Myung, Eul-Jae
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 1996
  • Soil crusting and hardening as a result of drying after rainfall were examined in relation to seedling emergence by employing five rice varieties (Italiconaverneco, Dadazo, and Galsaekggarakshare, Dongjinbyeo and Sumjinbyeo) and two barnyardgrass species (E. crus-gallj var. oryzjcola and E. crus-galli var. praticola). Sandy loam, loam, and silty loam soils were used. The artificial rainfall of 0, 20 and 40mm were applied after sowing and covering with 4cm soil. Air temperature and solar radiation averaged over 9 days after seeding was 31.3$^{\circ}C$ and 16.9MJ /m$^2$, respectively. Soil strength increased rapidly by drying after artificial rainfall, being greater in soils with greater amount of clay and artificial rainfall. Soil crust was formed on the surface with artificial rainfall in all soils tested. However, soil crust was exfoliated in silty loam and loam soil, and lifted as seedlings emerge. Seedling emergence of rice varieties was decreased by rainfall treatments. Sumjinbyeo and Dongjinbyeo showed much poorer seedling emergence especially in sandy loam soil than the other varieties. Poor seedling emergence of these varieties might have been caused by delayed seedling emergence which had made them expose to greater soil strength. Seedling emergence of barnyardgrasses showed no differences among soil textures and rainfall treatments, because they emerged rapidly before soil crusting and hardening were proceeded enough to hamper seedling emergence. Seedling emergence of Sumjinbyeo and Dongjinbyeo decreased with increasing soil strength averaged over 3 days to 5 days after seeding, being lowered to 80% at soil strength of 1.0kg/cm$^2$ and to 50% at 1.7kg/cm$^2$. Emergence speed of barnyardgrasses was faster than rice varieties, and E. crus-galli var. oryzjcola than E. crus-galli var. praticola. Italiconaverneco and Dadazo showed faster emergence in rice varieties. Galsaekggarakshare showed slower emergence speed than these two varieties with similar seedling emergence percentage. The greater and faster elongations of mesocotyl and incomplete leaf in rice, and of mesocotyl in barnyardgrass were the characteristics responsible for higher seedling emergence rate in the environment examined.

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Automatic Management System for Rough Rice Stored and Dried in Bin -Operation Program for Drying and Storage Facilities of Rough Rice- (원형철제빈용 벼 자동관리 장치 개발(II) -벼의 건조저장시설 운영 프로그램 개발-)

  • Keum, D.H.;Han, J.W.;Kim, H.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2003.02a
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    • pp.360-365
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    • 2003
  • 미곡종합처리장은 개소 당 평균 30억이 투자되는 방대한 시설로 수확된 산물상태의 벼를 수집ㆍ건조ㆍ저장ㆍ가공 및 포장공정이 일괄적으로 처리되는 농업의 첨단기술이 결집된 시설이라 할 수 있다. 미곡처리장은 약 80개의 단위기계와 100여종의 부대시설로 구성되어 있다. 미곡종합처리장은 거의 모든 과정이 중앙제어기에 의해 제어 가능하다. 그러나 미곡종합 처리장의 상온통풍건조시설은 기상조건, 투입벼의 함수율 및 반입량에 따라서 송풍기와 히터의 운전방법을 달리해야 하며, 또한 투입벼의 함수율에 따라서 벼의 퇴적고를 달리해야 하는 등 시설의 운전에 세심한 주의가 필요하다. (중략)

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The problems and present production state of functional foods utilizing the medicinal herbs -rice, peanut, plums- (약용식물을 이용한 기능성 식품의 생산현황 및 과제 - 쌀, 땅콩, 매실 -)

  • Baek Hum Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.73-76
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    • 2002
  • The foods such as rice, peanuts and plums etc. are recognized as a direct way to keep health and to cure diseases based on the theory of that the medicine and foods are from the same source, not just to maintain life, therefore due to this reason, the dietary treatment is currently gathering strength with patients who are suffering from chronic diseases. Especially, 1 trust that the practical application of functional foods and taking medicine must be highly effective in curing diseases or relieving symptoms. In order to produce the superior functional foods by medicinal herbs, we should to make a greater effort to research the harvest time of material, drying and keeping method, and additionally try to develop the standard of food material and various drugs manufacturing continually.

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Study on the Characteristics of Far Infrared Ray Drying for Rough Rice(II) - Rice Quality evaluation - (벼의 원적외선 건조특성에 관한 연구(II) - 원적외선건조와 열풍건조 쌀의 품질평가 비교 -)

  • Kim, Y.H.;Kim, H.;Keum, D.H.;Cho, Y.K.;Cho, K.H.;Han, C.S.;Han, K.J.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.157-162
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    • 2002
  • 지금까지 우리나라 벼농사는 고품질 쌀의 생산보다는 다수확재배기술로 생산량을 늘리는 것이 농가소득에 유리하였다. 그러나 소비수준이 높아지고 쌀의 제고가 충분한 현시점에서는 풀질의 경쟁력 향상이 더욱 중요하다 이를 위해서는 고품질 쌀 생산을 위한 건조, 저장, 가공 등 기반시설의 현대화하여 브랜드화에 의한 차별화를 통하여 소비자의 신뢰를 얻기 위한 연구가 수행되어야 할 것이다. 쌀의 밥맛을 결정하는 요인은 품종, 재배, 관리, 수확에 이르기까지 관계가 있겠지만, 수확후처리 공정과정에서도 품질의 우열이 좌우된다 특히 건조 중 열풍온도 관리 소홀로 인하여 과건이 되는 경우에는 밥맛에 치명적이라고 할 수 있다. (중략)

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Variation of Grain Shattering under Different Environmental Conditions in Rice (환경차이에 따른 수도 탈립성 변이)

  • 김호영;손재근;이수관;정근식
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.311-317
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    • 1986
  • To obtain the basic informations on the variation of rice grain shattering under different environmental conditions, several experiments were carried out from 1982 to 1985. The degree of grain shattering was significantly differed depending upon the harvesting time after heading in some rice varieties. It appeared that the ratio of grain shattering was greatly affected by the drying period after harvesting; the ratio of grain shattering of sun-dried seeds for 6 days after harvesting was higher than those of the just harvested seeds. Grain shattering was increased at high level of nitrogen and decreased with delay in transplanting date. Yearly differences in grain shattering was more clearly recognized in easy-shattering varieties in comparison with those of non-shattering varieties. Rice grain shattering also increased by the low temperature treatment (l7/15$^{\circ}C$, day/night) at booting stage, 5 to 11 days before heading. A rice variety, Milyang 23, belong to easy shattering group was more pronounced at the low temperature condition with shading. In general, it was always possible to classify the cultivar differences between easy-shattering and non-shattering groups regardless of any environmental condition. Thus results suggested that rice grain shattering will be largely governed by genetic factors.

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Physico-Chemical Properties of Modified Rice Flour by Physical Modification (드럼건조에 의한 쌀가루의 특성)

  • Kum, Jun-Seok;Lee, Hyun-Yu;Shin, Myoung-Gon;Lee, Sang-Hyo;Kim, Kil-Hwan
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.154-160
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    • 1994
  • Pregelitinized rice (PR), pregelitinized waxy rice (PWR), and pregelitinized rice flour (PRF) were evaluated for physico-chemical properties comparing with rice starch and acetylated potato starch. L value was decreased during drum drying. PFR had the highest value (P<0.05) for water absorption index and PWR had the highest value for water solubility index. Transmittance of gelitinized samples had drastically increased at $80{\sim}90^{\circ}C$. PWR had the highest value for apparent viscosity and rice samples had a steady apparent viscosity during heating at $90^{\circ}C$. Viscosity was decreased as pH decreased at room temperature and drastically decreased below pH 2. Rice starch and PR had no significant effect for change of pH. Change of viscosity had more effect for hot temp. than room temp.. Pregelitinized samples showed only second peak for DSC. PWR had the lowest value for degree of retrogradation and acetylated potato starch had the highest value for freeze-thaw-stability.

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A study of optimization of non-fried rice snack using Baekjinju rice flour (백진주 쌀가루를 이용한 비유탕 쌀과자 제조조건의 최적화 연구)

  • Choi, Ok Ja;Jung, Hee Nam;Kim, Young Doo;Shim, Jae-Han;Shim, Ki Hoon
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.810-817
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the properties of rice snack puffed in a microwave oven after drying its dough according to Baekjinju soaking time and additional soybean milk. The optimum conditions for the non-fried rice snack using Baekjinju wetted flour were determined through the design of an experiment using response surface methodology. The independent variables were the Baekjinju soaking time and the additional soybean milk, and the dependent variables were the weight, volume, density, expansibility, Hunter's color value, hardness, and sensory properties. The quadratic model was chosen for the weight, density, expansibility, b value, and hardness. The two-factor interaction model was chosen for the volume, flavor, appearance, and overall preference. The linear model was chosen for the L value, taste, and texture. The weight was increased to longer than 11.26 days with the increase in the rice soaking. The volume, expansibility, L value, and b value increased with the increase in the rice soaking time and in the additional soybean milk ratio. However, the density was decreased was in reverse. The hardness increased most, with the rice soaking time rising from 5.28 to 8.53 days and the soybean milk additional ratio increasing from 5.34 to 20.26%. The sensory properties improved as rice soaking time decreased, and the soybean milk additional ratio was revered. As for the desirability, the optimal formulation of the dough of non-fried rice snack was achieved by mixing 200 g of Baekjinju flour with a 0.69 days rice soaking time and a 26.67% soybean milk of rice ratio according to weight.

Optimal Drainage Time of Barley Seeding Synchronized with Rice Harvesting in Paddy Field (벼 수확과 동시 보리 파종시 적정 낙수시기)

  • Kim, Yang-Kil;Choi, Jae-Seong;Lee, Mi-Ja;Park, Jong-Chul;Kim, Tae-Su;Kim, Kee-Jong
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.215-218
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    • 2012
  • We have carried out the experiment to investigate optimal drainage time of barley seeding synchronized with rice harvesting in paddy field. Number of emerged barley seedling on moist paddy field was less than that of common paddy field. It is very hard to plow using combine owing to long time to work on wet condition compared to drying condition of paddy field. According to the drainage time, growth and yield of barley were not significantly different. However, late drainage time decreased the spikes per $m^2$. Rice yield and 1,000 husked rice grain weight were not significant depending on drainage times at 15 days, 20 days and 25 days before barley seeding. The range of 1,000 husked rice grain weight was 21.7~22.2 g on different drainage conditions. In results, on considering of soil hardness and time of labor, the optimal contents of soil moisture was about 33%. This study reveals that drainage time at 20 days before barley seeding is proper to increase seedlings and yield.

Effects of Control Methods on Yields of Oriental Melon in Fields Infested with Meloidogyne arenaria (방제방법이 땅콩뿌리혹선충 밀도와 참외 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • 김동근;최동로;이상범
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.42-48
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    • 2001
  • The effect of cultural, physical and chemical control methods on the population density of Meloidogyne arenaria second-stage juveniles (J2) and on fruit yields of oriental melon was investigated at Seongju Fruit Vegetable Experiments Station, Kyungpook province, Korea, for two years from 1999 to 2000. Crops used in a rotation prior to Oriental melon were rice, corn, sesame, and green onion. The physical methods used were either solarization, soil addition or soil drying, and a nematicide, fosthiazate of granular formula, was used as the chemical method, applying at a rate of 300g a. i./10 a. Growing rice in the rotation, solarization, and soil addition controlled the nematode disease most effectively, reducing the number of J2 by 90% and increasing fruit yields two times. However, the effects of these control methods on the J2 population were limited to the early growing season; the J2 population increased later, suggesting that additional control practices may be needed in the following season. The next effective control methods were use of corn in the rotation, the nematicide application, and soil drying. The nematicide application was effective only for the early fruit yield, but neither for the late nor for the total yields. Use of sesame or green onion in the rotation was not effective in controlling the nematode.

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