• Title/Summary/Keyword: Reward Value

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Region-based Q-learning for intelligent robot systems (지능형 로보트 시스템을 위한 영역기반 Q-learning)

  • Kim, Jae-Hyeon;Seo, Il-Hong
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.350-356
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    • 1997
  • It is desirable for autonomous robot systems to possess the ability to behave in a smooth and continuous fashion when interacting with an unknown environment. Although Q-learning requires a lot of memory and time to optimize a series of actions in a continuous state space, it may not be easy to apply the method to such a real environment. In this paper, for continuous state space applications, to solve problem and a triangular type Q-value model\ulcorner This sounds very ackward. What is it you want to solve about the Q-value model. Our learning method can estimate a current Q-value by its relationship with the neighboring states and has the ability to learn its actions similar to that of Q-learning. Thus, our method can enable robots to move smoothly in a real environment. To show the validity of our method, navigation comparison with Q-learning are given and visual tracking simulation results involving an 2-DOF SCARA robot are also presented.

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Token's function and role for securing ecosystem

  • Yoo, Soonduck
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.128-134
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the role and function of tokens to form a healthy blockchain-based ecosystem. Tokens must be constructed in a way that enhances their desired behavior to grow into a healthy token economy. The actions required of ecosystem participants in designing tokens should enable each individual to receive appropriate incentives (rewards) and encourage voluntary participation in taking this action. Also, all ecosystem participants must design to make the token ecosystem self-sustainable by generating profits. For example, in Bitcoin's proof-of-work method, mining is designed as a desirable behavior. Token-based services should be designed to induce multiple engagements, to design penalties for undesirable behavior, and to take into account evolutionary development potentials. Besides, the economic value of the entire token ecosystem will increase if the value that is designed and designed to take into account the revolutionary Innovation Possibility is greater than the reward amount paid to tokens. This study will contribute to presenting relevant service model by presenting how to design tokens and criteria when establishing blockchain-based service model. Future research is needed to discover new facts through a detailed comparative analysis between Tokennomics models.

The Impact of Loyalty Program on Customer Retention: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh

  • AHSAN, Syed Md. Hasib;ALAUDDIN, Md.;ALAM, Mohammad Manjur;NAZIA, Adiba;ISLAM, Tasnim
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine how loyalty programs designed by retail stores affect customer retention. The present study is one of the few empirical studies finding the role of different loyalty programs that help to build customer retention. The study also seeks to explore the moderation role of customer perceived value between intrinsic motivation - customer retention and extrinsic motivation - customer retention. The researchers employed a quantitative research design to collect data from the 350 respondents who purchased goods from the retail chain/departmental stores in Bangladesh. The collected data are then analyzed using structural equation modeling. The result of their findings indicated that the size of the organizational reward has a positive effect on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation; further extrinsic motivation has a significant relation to customer retention. Surprisingly, no support was found for the positive impact of intrinsic motivation on customer retention. Customer perceived value (CPV) is critical as a moderator in building client retention, which improves the positive association between extrinsic motivation and customer retention. CPV, on the other hand, was found to mitigate the negative link between intrinsic motivation and client retention.

The Effect of Value Perception of the University Mileage System on Loyalty (대학 마일리지 제도에 대한 가치지각이 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Ahn, Su-Hyun;Lee, Sang-Jun
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.305-311
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    • 2019
  • Many universities offer mileage system as part of their student reward program. The mileage system provides mileage to students who participated in on-campus extracurricular programs, and awards scholarships regardless of grades based on the mileage earned. The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of students' perception of college mileage system on loyalty and to compare the difference in loyalty between those who received mileage and those who did not. To this end, the effect of loyalty was studied empirically by classifying the perception of college mileage into five categories: the cash value, aspirational value, diversity of benefits, convenience, and relevance. The results showed that aspirational value, diversity of benefits and relevance had a positive effect on loyalty, while cash value and convenience did not. In addition, the effect of cash value on loyalty was higher in those who received mileage than those who did not. In terms of relevance, higher loyalty was found in group that did not receive mileage than those who did.

A Study on the Types of Work Values of the Dental Hygiene Students (일부 치위생과 학생들의 직업가치관)

  • Lee, Hyang-Nim;Shim, Hyung-Soon
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the job value type of dental hygiene students. The questionaire given to 823 dental hygiene students from three college in Gwangju and Chunnam Colleges. The results of this study were as follows: 1. dental hygiene students, job value type were divided 6 categories: Competency, Contribution, Achievement, Reward, status, stability. 2. The higher status was at c college and at good relationship group and more perceived bad health and at work experience group. 3. The higher was reward at c college and lower grade and at good relationship group and more perceived good health and at work experience group. 4. The higher was status at c college and lower grade and lower age and at work experience group. 5. The higher was competency at c college and at good relationship group and more perceived bad health and .at work experience group. 6. The higher was contribution lower grade and more perceived bad health and at work experience group. 7. The higher was achievement at c college and at good relationship group and more perceived good health group.

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Knowledge-driven Dynamic Capability and Organizational Alignment: A Revelatory Historical Case

  • Kim, Gyeung-Min
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.33-56
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    • 2010
  • The current business environment has been characterized as less munificent, highly uncertain and constantly evolving. In this environment, the company with dynamic capability is reported to be more successful than others in building competitive advantage. Dynamic capability focuses on the link between a dynamically changing environment, strategic agility, architectural reconfiguration, and value creation. Being characterized to be flexible and adaptive to market circumstance changes, an organization with dynamic capability is described to have high resource fluidity, which represents business process, resource allocation, human resource management and incentives that make business transformation faster and easier. Successful redeployment of the resources for dynamic adaptation requires organizational forms and reward systems to be well aligned with firm's technological infrastructures and business process. The alignment is considered to be an executive level commitment. Building dynamic capability is knowledge driven; relying on new knowledge to reconfigure firm's resources. Past studies established the link between the effective execution of a knowledge-focused strategy and relevant setting of architectural elements such as human resources, structure, process and information systems. They do not, however, describe in detail the underlying processes by which architectural elements are adjusted in coordinated manners to build knowledge-driven dynamic capability. In fact, understandings of these processes are one of the top issues in IT management. This study analyzed how a Korean corporation with a knowledge-focused strategy aligned its architectural elements to develop the dynamic capability and thus create value in the dynamically changing markets. When the Korean economy was in crisis, the company implemented a knowledge-focused strategy, restructured the organization's architecture by which human and knowledge resources are identified, structured, integrated and coordinated to identify and seize market opportunity. Specifically, the following architectural elements were reconfigured: human resource, decision rights, reward and evaluation systems, process, and IT infrastructure. As indicated by sales growth, the reconfiguration helped the company create value under an extremely turbulent environment. According to Ancona et al. (2001), depending on the types of lenses the organization uses, different types of architecture will emerge. For example, if an organization uses political lenses focusing on power, influence, and conflict. the architecture that leverage power and negotiate across multiple interest groups would emerge. Similarly, if an organization uses economic lenses focusing on the rational behavior of organizational actors making choices based on the costs and benefits of action, organizational architecture should be designed to motivate and provide incentives for the actors (Smith, 2001). Compared to this view, information processing perspectives consider architecture to be designed to maximize the capacity of information processing by the actors. Using knowledge lenses, the company studied in this research established architectural elements in a manner that allows the firm to effectively structure knowledge resources to form dynamic capability. This study is revelatory single case with a historic perspective. As a result of this study, a set of propositions and a framework are derived, which can be used for architectural alignment.

Investigation of Subcategories according to the Level of Job Stress in Medical Technologist (임상병리사의 직무스트레스의 수준에 따른 하위영역의 실태조사)

  • So, Jung-Kyu;Kim, Jung-Suk;Lee, Young-Hee;Kim, Dae-Jung;Park, Chang-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.48-54
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to provide fundamental data for the plans to reduce occupational stress by analyzing occupational stress of medical technologist. The experimental group comprised of 193 medical technologists working in Gyeonggi province. Occupational stress was 49.74 out of 100. In detail, job insecurity showed a high value of 64.42, followed by organizational system, lack of reward, physical environment, job demand, insufficient job control, interpersonal conflict, and occupational climate with respective values of 52.46, 52.30, 51.18, 49.57, 48.43, 39.78 and 39.77. It is recommended that those in high-stress job group increase physical activity and reduce job insecurity to improve health. The development of programs to reduce occupational stress are necessary, and this study can provide objective information using biological indicators.

The Effects of Job Characteristics on Job Burnout, Engagement and Turnover Intention of Middle and High School Foodservice Employees (부산지역 중·고등학교 조리종사자의 직무변인이 직무소진과 직무관여 및 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lyu, Eun-Soon;Lee, Kyung-A
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.70-79
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to obtain data on the contribution of job characteristics (work, autonomy, reward, community, fairness, value) towards job burnout (emotional exhaustion, cynicism), job engagement (vigor, dedication, absorption) and turnover intention in school foodservice employees. Typically, 594 school foodservice employees in the Busan area participated in our survey. Workload (${\beta}=-0.512$, p<0.001) had the highest negative influence on emotional exhaustion, whereas reward (${\beta}=-0.216$, p<0.001) and community (${\beta}=-0.214$, p<0.001) had the highest negative influence on cynicism. Community (${\beta}=0.305$, p<0.001) and workload p<0.001) had the highest positive influence on vigor. Community (${\beta}=0.261$, p<0.001) and (${\beta}=0.238$, p<0.001) had the highest positive influence on dedication. (${\beta}=0.287$, p<0.001) and community (${\beta}=0.224$, p<0.001) had the highest positive influence on absorption. Workload (${\beta}=-0.195$, p<0.001) and community (${\beta}=-0.182$, p<0.001) had the highest negative influence on turnover intention. Overall, the results show that job characteristics are very important factors affecting foodservice employee's burnout, engagement, and turnover intention. So should try to reduce the employees' workload and increase the rewards for them along with activating communication among each other.

Q-Learning Policy Design to Speed Up Agent Training (에이전트 학습 속도 향상을 위한 Q-Learning 정책 설계)

  • Yong, Sung-jung;Park, Hyo-gyeong;You, Yeon-hwi;Moon, Il-young
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.219-224
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    • 2022
  • Q-Learning is a technique widely used as a basic algorithm for reinforcement learning. Q-Learning trains the agent in the direction of maximizing the reward through the greedy action that selects the largest value among the rewards of the actions that can be taken in the current state. In this paper, we studied a policy that can speed up agent training using Q-Learning in Frozen Lake 8×8 grid environment. In addition, the training results of the existing algorithm of Q-learning and the algorithm that gave the attribute 'direction' to agent movement were compared. As a result, it was analyzed that the Q-Learning policy proposed in this paper can significantly increase both the accuracy and training speed compared to the general algorithm.

Comparison on the Vocational Values and the Science Career Orientation between Middle School Scientifically Gifted Students and Non-Gifted Students (중학교 과학영재 학생과 일반학생의 직업가치관과 과학 진로지향도 비교)

  • Kim, Soo-Kyum;Yoo, Mi-Hyun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.1222-1240
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the differences of the vocational values and the career orientation of science between middle school scientifically gifted students and non-gifted students. The subjects were 85 middle school scientifically gifted students and 139 middle school non-gifted students. For this purpose, the questionnaires about vocational values and science career orientation were administered. The results of this study were as follows: First, the vocational values between two groups were significantly different in 'diversity', 'reward', 'social recognition' and 'autonomy' among all 11 domains. 'Diversity' and 'autonomy' showed the highest scores for scientifically gifted students. On the other hand, for the non-gifted students, 'reward' and 'social recognition' showed the highest scores. Second, the grand mean of the science career orientation between two groups showed significant differences. The average of scientifically gifted students was significantly higher than that of the non-gifted students in all four sub-domains. Third, the main effect of the vocational values according to gender did not exist, but there were main effects, including diversity, reward, stability, social recognition and autonomy, between two groups. There was no interaction effect between group and gender in the vocational values. Fourth, there were interaction effects between group and gender in the science career orientation. The main effects existed in four sub-domains of science career orientation. However, according to gender, the main effect existed in the sub-domain 'job preference for science' between the male students and the female students.