• Title/Summary/Keyword: Resistance Moment

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Characteristics of Track and Train Behaviors on High-Speed Railway Bridge/Earthwork Transiton Zone (고속철도 교량/토공 접속부에서의 궤도 및 차량 거동 특성)

  • Lee, Il-Wha;Kang, Yun-Suk;Kim, Eun;Son, Ki-Jun;Park, Chan-Kyoung
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2003.10b
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2003
  • It is very important to pay careful attention to construction of bridge/earthwork transition zone for high-speed railway. The transition zone of the railway is the section which roadbed stiffness is suddenly varied. Differences in stiffness have dynamic effects and these increase the forces in the track and the extent of deformation. An abrupt change of stiffness across two adjacent track portions cause irregular settlement of roadbed, track irregularity, lack of girder bending moment and reduction of lateral resistance. Especially on high-speed railway, track irregularity of transition zone cause sincere effect to track stability and train safety. And so continuous maintenance is needed. To verify this effect and to improve transiton zone capacity, In situ test, track irregularity and train acceleration test were performed on high-speed railway bridge/earthwork Transiton Zone.

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Seismic Performance Evaluation of Existing Buildings Using Equivalent Double Diagonal Strut Model for Corrugated Steel Plate Walls (파형강판벽의 등가 양방향 대각 스트럿 모델을 이용한 기존 건물의 내진성능 평가)

  • Lee, Chang-Hwan;Son, Joo-Ki
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.87-94
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    • 2020
  • A corrugated steel plate wall (CSPW) system is advantageous to secure the strength and stiffness required for lateral force resistance because of its high out-of-plane stability. It can also stably dissipate large amounts of energy even after peak strength. In this paper, a preliminary study has been carried out to use the CSPW system in the seismic retrofit of existing reinforced concrete (RC) moment frame buildings. The seismic performance for an example building was evaluated, and then a step-by-step retrofit design procedure for the CSPW was proposed. An equivalent analytical model of the CSPW was also introduced for a practical analysis of the retrofitted building, and the strengthening effect was finally evaluated based on the results of nonlinear analysis.

Redistribution of Internal Shear Forces in a Reinforced Concrete Beams (철근콘크리트 보의 전단력 재분배)

  • Rhee, Chang-Shin;Shin, Geun-Ok;Kim, Dae-Joong;Kim, Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.362-365
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents a model for evaluating the contribution by arch action to shear resistance in shear-critical RC beams. Based on the relationship between shear and bending moment in beams subjected to combined shear and bending, The behavior of a beam is explicitly divided into two base components of the flexural action and the tied arch action. The compatibility condition of the shear deformation that deviates from Bernoulli bending plane is formulated utilizing the smeared truss idealization with an inclined compression chord. From this shear compatibility condition in a beam, the shear contribution by the arch action is numerically decoupled.

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Torsional Strength of RC Beams Designed according to ACI 318-02 Building Code (ACI 318-02 기준으로 설계된 철근콘크리트 보의 비틀림 강도 검토)

  • Lee, Jung-Yoon;Kim, Sang-Woo;Hyang, Hyun-Bok;Kim, Ji-Hyun;Park, Ji-Sun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.255-258
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    • 2005
  • The current ACI design code does not take into account the contribution of concrete for the torsional moment of reinforced concrete(RC) beams subjected to pure torsion. This code is not capable of evaluating the inter-effects between concrete and torsional reinforcement on the torsional resistance of the RC beams. In this study, 9 RC beams subjected to pure torsion were tested. The main parameter of the beams was the amount of torsional reinforcement and the angle of twist. Test results indicated that the current ACI code over-estimated the torsional strength of RC beams that had larger amount of torsional reinforcement.

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A Study on Reliability of Current Ultimate Strength Design for Reinforced Concrete (현행(現行) 철근(鐵筋)콘크리트 극한강(極限强) 설계법(設計法)의 신뢰성(信賴性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Bong Hak
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.2
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 1982
  • Reliability analysis methods have been employed in this study to determine the safety index ${\beta}$ for flexure associated with reinforced concrete designs that are in accordance with current USD code of Korea. In reliability analysis, the mean first-order second-moment methods are employed. The following specific conclusions can be drawn from this study; 1) Levels of safety for reinforced concrete design, measured by ${\beta}$, vary from 2.8 to 3.8 in flexure depending on the limit state, the ratio of live load to dead load and the uncertainties. 2) Target reliability ${\beta}$ associated with reinforced concrete beams in flexure is assumed to be 3.5~4.0 in Korea. 3) Load factors and resistance factors in flexure associated with the current provisions contained in USD code generally seem to be too high. The writer concluded the factors as following; ${\phi}=0.8,\;{\gamma}_D=1.1\;{\gamma}_L=1.75$.

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State-of-the-art of advanced inelastic analysis of steel and composite structures

  • Liew, J.Y. Richard
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.341-354
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    • 2001
  • This paper provides a state-of-the-art review on advanced analysis models for investigating the load-displacement and ultimate load behaviour of steel and composite frames subjected to static gravity and lateral loads. Various inelastic analysis models for steel and composite members are reviewed. Composite beams under positive and negative moments are analysed using a moment-curvature relationship which captures the effects of concrete cracking and steel yielding along the members length. Beam-to-column connections are modeled using rotational spring. Building core walls are modeled using thin-walled element. Finally, the nonlinear behaviour of a complete multi-storey building frame consisting of a centre core-wall and the perimeter frames for lateral-load resistance is investigated. The performance of the total building system is evaluated in term of its serviceability and ultimate limit states.

Progressive collapse analysis of two existing steel buildings using a linear static procedure

  • JalaliLarijani, Reza;Celikag, Murude;Aghayan, Iman;Kazemi, Mahdi
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.207-220
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the vulnerability of two existing asymmetric steel building frames to Progressive Collapse (PC) is assessed. The buildings have different frame systems, steel sections and number of stories (nine and six). An alternate path method (APM) with a linear static analysis (LS) is carried out according to General Services Administration (GSA) 2003 guidelines. The Demand Capacity Ratio (DCR) of each primary element (beams and columns) is given with its specific details for all frames. The results show that the nine-story building with a dual frame system (moment frame with bracing system) has a lower susceptibility and greater resistance to PC than the six-story building with a simple building frame system (gravity system with bracing system). Implementing built-up box-shaped sections for columns is a better choice than using built-up I-shaped sections because there is no weak axis for the box section.

A Study on the Flexural Behavior of Proposed Spliced PSC-I Type Girder (제안된 Spliced PSC-I형 거더의 휨거동에 관한 연구)

  • 심종성;오홍섭
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2000
  • In this study, an flexural test on half-scale spliced PSC-I girder was conducted to verify the efficiency of the long span spliced girder as suggested by the Korean Highway Design Specification. The experimental results showed that the specimens developed a complex failure mode due to flexural-compression and torsional stress. The cracking moment of each girder was higher the experiment than was calulated by the ACI and the ultimate strength were the almost same. To estimate the safety and the structural efficiency of the spliced girder, the proposed Yielding Resistance Index(YRI) and ductility index by American Concrete Institutes were used based on the energy concept. The proposed YRI defined the ratio of crack resisting energy and the total energy calculated from load-displacement relationship. Based on the analysis of YRI and ductility index, the flexural behavior of the spliced girder was found to be efficient. Through the experimental results, the structural behavior of proposed spliced PSC I-type girder for long span bridge was found to be more efficient than the exsisting PSC I-type girders.

Off-line parameter Estimation of Induction Motors for Vector Control in Industrial Field (산업현장에서 벡터제어용 유도전동기의 오프라인 파라미터 추정)

  • 권병기;박가우;신원창;조응상;이진섭;최창호
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 1998.07a
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    • pp.234-238
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    • 1998
  • Parameter estimation of induction motor for vector control presented in this paper can be easily implemented and applied to inverters in the industrial field, because it needs no additional hardware such as voltage sensor and measuring equipment. At first, the stator resistance including switching loss of inverter is measured by simple voltage-current equation. Next, in pre-magnetization of machine by imposing the d-axis constant field-current, q-axis torque current is forced to the machine until its speed feedback reachs to pre-defined level of speed limit. At this time, we can measure the rotor time-constant by decreasing the distorted output-voltage of inverter. At last, stator inductance, transient inductance, and moment of inertia can be measured by the relationship of output voltage, output torque and speed feedback. The validity and usufulness of this method is verified by experimental results.

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Dielectric characteristics of insulating oil for oil filled cables (Oil Filled 케이블용 절연유의 유전특성)

  • 서정필;김왕곤;신성권;조경순;홍징웅
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 1994.11a
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    • pp.147-151
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    • 1994
  • In order to investigate the dielectric characteristic insulating oil is chosen insulating oil for electric cable, and experiment is performed in the temperature range of 30∼120[$^{\circ}C$] and frequency range of 30∼1${\times}$10$\^$6/[㎐]. As a result, the observed linear decrease in tan $\delta$ value at the low frequency range is due to the influence of frequency, whereas the increase in tan $\delta$ value at high frequency range is contributed by the electrode's resistance and dielectric loss. The dipole moment and activation energy of specimen are obtained 1.22(debye) and 12.75∼18.66[㎉/㏖e] of high temperature region, 15.68 ∼ 20.6[㎉/㏖e] of low temperature region respectively.