• 제목/요약/키워드: Research experience

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소비자의 부정적 브랜드 루머의 수용과 확산 (Consumer's Negative Brand Rumor Acceptance and Rumor Diffusion)

  • 이원준;이한석
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.65-96
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    • 2012
  • 루머는 신뢰할 만한 타당한 근거나 이유가 없음에도 불구하고 광범위하게 이야기되는 일상적인 대화나 의견으로서 오랜기간 소비자 개개인의 사적 영역의 문제였다. 그러나 대중의 사랑과 주목을 받는 기업이나 브랜드는 선천적으로 소비자의 관심으로부터 멀어질 수 없으며, 항상 루머의 주요한 소재가 되어 왔다. 그 결과 현대의 소비자 커뮤니케이션 환경에서 루머는 기업 경영활동에 중요한 위기 요인이 되고 있다. 기업과 브랜드들이 당면하는 소비자 루머들은 크게 기업과 관련된 음모성 루머와 상품과 직접적 관련이 있는 오염성 루머로 나누어지며 국내외에서 많은 위기 사례들이 발견되고 있다. 심지어 P&G, SK, 현대, 삼성처럼 잘 정비된 홍보 조직을 갖춘 굴지의 대기업들조차 이런 루머로부터 자유롭지 못하며, 기존의 대응방식 역시 적절하지 못했던 것이 사실이다. 부정적 루머가 주목받아야 하는 이유는 해당 기업의 매출 및 점유율 하락은 물론 주식 가격에도 부정적인 영향을 미치며 오랜기간 구축해온 소비자와의 관계마저 황폐화시킬 가능성이 있기 때문이다. 최근 인터넷, 소셜 네트워크 서비스의 확산과 더불어 브랜드와 관련된 루머의 중요성은 더욱 증대하고 있으나 루머 연구는 지금까지 기업이나 마케팅 연구자의 정당한 주목을 받지 못하였다. 이에 본 연구는 루머의 다각적인 측면을 고려하는 상황주의자적 연구 패러다임을 기반으로 지각된 유용성, 원천 신뢰성, 메시지 신뢰성, 걱정, 생동감과 같은 루머와 관련된 속성들이 루머 수용강도와 루머 구전의도에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 이를 위하여 가상 브랜드와 루머가 제시되었으며, 실증조사를 통한 데이터 수집과 분석이 이루어졌다. 연구 결과에 따르면 원천 신뢰성, 메시지 신뢰성, 걱정, 생동감 같은 루머 특성 변수들은 루머 수용 강도에 유의한 영향을 미치고, 루머 수용강도는 루머 구전의도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 반면에 지각된 중요성은 루머 수용강도에 유의한 영향을 미치지 못하며, 상품 관여도의 조절효과 역시 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 주요한 실무적, 학문적 시사점을 제공하고 있다. 첫째, 루머를 자연발생적인 사회 현상이 아니라 소비자의 주요 활동의 일부이며, 마케터의 관심과 대응 커뮤니케이션 전략이 필요한 브랜드 관련 현상임을 주장하였다. 둘째, 브랜드 루머의 심리적, 사회적인 다차원적 구성 요인과 확산되는 경로를 제시함으로서 루머에 대한 능동적인 관리 가능성을 제시하였다. 셋째, 온라인상의 루머 활동이 기업 성과에 미치는 영향을 제시함으로서 기업들의 적극적인 온라인 커뮤니케이션 활동과 평판 관리의 필요성을 주장하였다. 넷째, 소비자의 걱정과 같은 부정적 정서가 루머의 온상이 되고 있음을 규명함으로서 소비자의 의혹을 불식시키기 위하여 정확하고 진실된 정보를 제공해야 함을 주장하였다. 다섯째, 루머의 유용성이 확산에 미치는 영향 가설이 기각되었으며, 상품 관여도의 조절 효과 역시 기각되었다. 이는 루머를 접하는 소비자의 입장에서 볼 때, 루머 자체가 무의미하더라도 단순한 재미나 호기심만으로도 얼마든지 확산될 가능성을 암시하고 있다. 일부 기업들은 사실이 아니라는 이유만으로 루머를 무시하거나 간과하는 경우들이 있으나, 기업의 예상과 다르게 루머가 얼마든지 확산될 수 있는 가능성을 보여주며, 기업의 보다 세심한 대응 전략의 필요성을 요구하고 있다.

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시장 환경이 인터넷 경로를 포함한 다중 경로 관리에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 게임 이론적 접근방법 (The Impact of Market Environments on Optimal Channel Strategy Involving an Internet Channel: A Game Theoretic Approach)

  • 유원상
    • 한국유통학회지:유통연구
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.119-138
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    • 2011
  • 지난 십년동안 인터넷을 통한 전자상거래는 빠른 속도로 성장해 왔다. 이러한 인터넷의 발달은 기업들의 사업방식에 많은 변화를 유도했으며, 그 중에서도 마케팅경로의 구조와 경로 구성원들 사이의 관계에 중요한 변화를 초래하고 있다. 각 기업이 처한 시장환경은 다양하며 이 다양한 시장 환경은 인터넷 경로가 각 시장에 미치는 효과를 조절하는 역할을 한다. 이러한 시장의 다양성에도 불구하고 지금까지의 선행연구들은 각기 특정한 하나의 시장상황(unique setting)을 상정하여 인터넷경로 도입이 그 시장에 미치는 영향을 분석하는데 그쳐왔다. 이러한 기존 연구의 공백을 채우기 위해 본 연구는 시장의 다양성을 소비자의 지리적 분포, 시장의 인터넷 수용도의 측면에서 살펴보고 이러한 시장 환경이 인터넷 경로 도입 효과에 미치는 영향에 관하여 조사해 보고자 한다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 다양한 소비자들의 지리적 분포, 경쟁강도, 소비자의 인터넷 상거래에 대한 수용도 등을 포함한 다양한 시장 환경을 수요모형에 반영시켜 그 영향력 분석을 가능하도록 하였다. 그러나, 다양한 시장 요소를 모형에 반영하는 과정에서 수요모형이 복잡한 구조를 가지게 되었다. 이 문제를 극복하고 게임이론의 균형해를 도출하기 위해 Newton-Raphson algorithm을 사용한 numerical search 방법을 사용하였다. 분석결과 두 종류의 경로에 대한 소비자선호의 분포에 따라 생산자의 가격차별정도, 생산자와 독립소매상 간의 경로이윤 배분율, 그리고 인터넷경로 도입이 각 경로주체의 이윤 향상에 도움이 되는지의 여부, 소비자잉여 등이 달라질 수 있음을 발견하였다. 끝으로 연구의 학술적, 실무적 시사점과 한계점 및 향후 연구방향도 논의되었다.

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주택의 조명과 거주자의 면경착용 실태조사연구 (A Study on the Illumination of Household and Research on the Actual Conditions of Wearing Spectacles in Dwellers)

  • 석호작;남철현
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.54-66
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    • 1991
  • As a result of measuring illumination and making up a question at home visit directly by investigator who trained over twenty days period from October 4 to 24, 1990, in order to render help which illumination problem against house, society against eyes or framing of health instruction potgram by seizing natural lighting actual conditions of house and actual conditions of wearing spectacles and by investigating interrelationship, I can summarize as follows. 1) In property of investigation subject, woman 66.9%, In an age, the twenties was largest of 27.4%, the forties was 20.2%, the fifties was 18.6%, the thirties was 17.4%. In academic career, those of upper secondary school grauates was largest of 28.6%, those who possess university career was 25.9%, those who middle school career was 20.9%, decoding of Korean alphabet was 2%. 2) By a residence area, a big city was 43.3%, farming and fishing villages were 20.3%, the rest was a small town and the administrative office of town, township. In positon of house, the middle area was 43.6%, resident of suburb area was 38.0%. In form of house, a Korean-style house was 40.8%, a western-style house was 34.8%, an apartment house was 11.0%. In the a standard of living, the middle classes 77.2%, the lower classes were 15.3%. In residential house unit of area, from 21 to 30 unit of area was largest of 31.5%, from 10 to 20 unit of area was 19.9%, from 31 to 40 was 18.7%. 3) The wearing spectacles rate of study user was 44.1%. By the area, those who wearing spectacles was more than a half of 50.8% in the resident of big city area. As passing from the farm area to the city, that is being resident of big city was high wearing spectacles rate. In position of house, as being residence in central street showed high wearing spectacles rate. (central street was 51.5%, the middle area was 44.5% and the suburb area was 40.1%.) It seemed similarity difference a variable by position of house from wearing spectacles in standard of 1%. By form of house, wearing spectacles rate those who resident in apartment house was 49.5%, that rate those who resident in a western-style house was high of 49.0%, that rate those who resident in a Korean-style house was the lowest 39.0%. By social position of resident in room, in students case who study showed very high, as university students were very high of 62.3% idn wearing spectacles rate, middle and high school students 'were 50.0%, members of society were 47.6%, workers 20.3%. It seemed similarity difference from academic career in standard of 1%. By an age, the thirties was high of 54.1% in wearing spectacles rate, the twenties was 43.2%, the teenage was the lowest of 11.8%. 4) In illumination of study, over 200Lux was high of 40.1%. but below 99Lux which inappropriate illumination to see the books was 32.4%. Average by area, below 99Lux was 22.7% and over 400Lux was 50.0% in case of wooden floor. As examine by area, below 99Lux was high of 27.0% a case of wooden floor in the big city area, it was not good in illumination passing from the farm area(15.0%) to the city(19.0%). Average illlumination by area of the main living room below 99Lux was high of 37.5%, less than 200Lux was 58.5% of whole. In general, illumination of the main livingroom was inappropriate. By area, the big city was 32.5% below 99Lux, the middle and small city area were 33.8%, town and township area were 45.0%, farming and fishing area were 42.8%. By area, in the big city, illumination of study was 52.5% over 200Lux and 28.9% below 99Lux. In case of the middle and small city, study user of below 99Lux was 38.8% and over 200Lux was 46.9%. In case of the seat of town township, below 99Lux was 34.1% and over 200Lux was 39.7%. In case of farming and fishing area, illumination of study was 33.4% below 99Lux and 48.4% over 200Lux. It tends to high rate of inappropriate illumination. 5) By position of house, in case of wooden floor, less than 100Lux was 24.5% in central street. It was bad illumination than others position of house. In case of the main livingroom, less than 100Lux was 40.4% in the suburb area. It was bad iliumnation than others position of house. In case of study, less than 100Lux was 35.4% in the middle area, it was worse in illumination. In case of the main living room, is seemed similarity difference in standard of 1%. 6) By form of house, in case of wooden floor, illumination of less than 100Lux was 23.8% in a western-style house, it was bad illumination than others form of house. In case of the main livingroom, illumination of less than 100Lux was 47.4% in a Korean-style house, it was remarkably bad illumination than others form of house. In case of study, a Korean-style house was 38.8%, it was very bad illumination than others form of house. In case of the main livingroom and study, it seemed similatrity difference each as P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 in standard of 1%. 7) The wearing spectacles rate of those who use room of illumination over 400Lux was 40.7%, and that of those who use room of illumination less than 100Lux was 28.1%. It seemed similarity differecce in standard of 1%. 8) In period of wearing spectacles, 21.3% of total investigator-highest-was from before five years, 8.6% was from before three years. Among those who use of illumintion less than 99Lux, 34.0% began to wear spectacles from before two years 31.7% was from before five years, 30.3% was from before four years. It seemed similarity difference from period of wearing spectacles by illumination in standard of 1 %. 9) Among cause which sight grow worse, the first was that it was each 33.2% and 27.4% in response rate because watch TV nearly to wearing spectacles person and non-wearing person. The second was that a lot of seeing books was 25.3% in wearing spectacles person and response rate for dark illumination was 7.4% in nonwearing spectacles person. It seemed similarity difference in standard of 1%. (P < 0.01). 10) In experience which take medicine good for eyes, it was 50.1% in wearing spectacles person and 8.5% in non-wearing spectacles person. It seemed similarity difference in standard of 1%(P < 0.01). As we have seen above, inappropriate illumination can be a cause of wearing spectacles. Nevertheless, actually, is realities to indifferent against illumination of house. So it must learn knowledge about health obstacle of illumination through society instruction and school eduction against students as well as general residents. In case that natural lighting is inappropriate structural of house, we must be able to maintain appropriate illumination through artificial illumination. And so eyes which is core of human life have to be protected, related the authorities, related group, and all health medical personnel will organically cooperate with and make efforts.

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소비자인지도화령수상사회책임(消费者认知度和零售商社会责任): 종미국시각출발적도덕구매행위적탐색성연구(从美国视角出发的道德购买行为的探索性研究) (Consumer Awareness and Evaluation of Retailers' Social Responsibility: An Exploratory Approach into Ethical Purchase Behavior from a U.S Perspective)

  • Lee, Min-Young;Jackson, Vanessa P.
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2010
  • 企业社会责任已经成为学者们进行研究的一个重要课题. 多数认为企业社会责任对企业去定义他们在社会中的责任是必要的, 并且为他们的商业活动提供社会和道德标准. 其结果是, 相当数量的零售商已经采用企业社会责任为一个战略工具来宣传他们的商业活动. 为此, 本研究企图探索美国消费者在他们对零售商主观的感知和评估的基础上在道德购买和消费中的态度和行为. 本文的目的包括: 1)测定参与者对零售商企业社会责任的认知度. 2)评定参与者如何评估零售商企业社会责任. 3)测定参与者对零售商企业社会责任的评估过程是否影响他们对零售商的态度. 4)评定参与者对零售商企业社会责任的态度是否影响他们的购买行为. 本文并没有关注实际的零售商企业社会责任表现. 因为消费者的决定过程是基于个体的评定而不是实际的事实. 本研究调查了美国大学生对零售商企业社会责任的认知和评估. 本研究的参与者是56名来自美国东南大学的大学生. 他们的年龄在18岁到26岁之间. 使用开放性译码和选择性译码进行内容分析. 我们收集和分析了超过100张单倍行距的答复. 使用两步骤的译码(即开放性译码和选择性译码. 译码结果和分析笔记用来理解参与者对企业社会责任的认知和从书写的回复中提炼出来包括直接引用的答案所支持的伦理购买行为. 为保护参与者隐私, 这里使用的都是化名. 参与者被要求写下有关零售商, 他们对企业社会责任问题的认识和评估一个零售商的企业社会责任表现. 大部分应答者(n=28)表明他们对企业社会责任有一定的认识但是不觉得需要按这个要求去做. 少数应答者(n=8)表明他们对企业社会责任有一定的认识但是基本不关心. 结果表明当大学生评估零售商的几页社会责任表现时, 他们使用企业社会责任的三个纬度: 员工支持, 社区支持和环境支持. 我们发现如何对待和支持员工是一个评估零售商的企业社会责任的重要准则. 应答者表明作为一个员工和零售商有好的经历会使他们对此零售商有积极的感知和态度. 和员工支持相关的有四个主题: 根据员工表现的奖励和惩罚, 工作环境, 员工教育和训练课程, 以及员工和员工家人折扣. 良好的赏罚机制被认为是一个重要的属性. 和工作环境相关的因素包括: 零售商如何良好的遵守与工作时间相关的规则, 午餐时间和休息同样被认为是重要的属性之一. 有关社区支持, 有三个方面: 对当地社区销售比率的贡献, 对慈善组织的财政贡献和对社区大型活动的支持. 在环境方面, 有两个主题: 循环利用和销售有机或绿色产品. 在回复中有提到, 零售商正在尝试去做对环境友好所能做的. 一位应答者提到这个公司正在创造有环保设计的店铺. 并且能在这家公司的网站上轻松的找到为帮助环境所做的事情的信息. 应答者还注意到这些店铺可提供有机和亲环境产品. 应答者在此类中还提到关于这个公司如何使用环保的杯子和他们如何帮助新奥尔良的居民重建家园. 应答者注意到零售商为购买产品的消费者提供可再使用的袋子. 一位应答者说一家零售商通过提供有机棉来使他们的产品帮助环境. 在分析应答者之后, 我们发现参与者对零售商的企业社会责任的评估影响他们对零售商的态度. 然而, 在态度和购买行为之间有显著的差异. 尽管参与者对零售商的企业社会责任有积极的态度, 但资金和时间的缺乏也影响他们的购买行为. 总体来看, 一半的应答者(n=28)提到在购物时企业社会责任表现影响他们的购买决定. 本研究的结果为零售商针对消费者提高他们的形象而考虑企业社会责任提供了支持. 本研究暗示出消费者根据员工, 社区和环境三方面的支持来评估零售商. 评估, 态度和购买行为似乎是密切相关的. 也就是说, 评估是基于消费者对零售商企业社会责任的认识. 这些认识可以影响他们对零售商的态度从而进一步影响他们的购买行为. 参与者同时表明企业社会责任会使他们对零售商印象良好但是并不会影响他们的购买行为. 在参与者中, 价格和便利似乎超越了企业社会责任的重要性. 本文还讨论了此研究的启示, 对未来研究的建议和研究的局限.

'아유르베다'($\bar{A}yurveda$)의 의경(醫經)에 관한 연구 (A Study of The Medical Classics in the '$\bar{A}yurveda$')

  • 김기욱;박현국;서지영
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.91-117
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    • 2007
  • Through a simple study of the medical classics in the '$\bar{A}yurveda$', we have summarized them as follows. 1) Traditional Indian medicine started in the Ganges river area at about 1500 B. C. E. and traces of medical science can be found in the "Rigveda" and "Atharvaveda". 2) The "Charaka" and "$Su\acute{s}hruta$(妙聞集)", ancient texts from India, are not the work of one person, but the result of the work and errors of different doctors and philosophers. Due to the lack of historical records, the time of Charaka or $Su\acute{s}hruta$(妙聞)s' lives are not exactly known. So the completion of the "Charaka" is estimated at 1st${\sim}$2nd century C. E. in northwestern India, and the "$Su\acute{s}hruta$" is estimated to have been completed in 3rd${\sim}$4th century C. E. in central India. Also, the "Charaka" contains details on internal medicine, while the "$Su\acute{s}hruta$" contains more details on surgery by comparison. 3) '$V\bar{a}gbhata$', one of the revered Vriddha Trayi(triad of the ancients, 三醫聖) of the '$\bar{A}yurveda$', lived and worked in about the 7th century and wrote the "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ $A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ $h\d{r}daya$ $sa\d{m}hit\bar{a}$ $samhit\bar{a}$(八支集)" and "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ Sangraha $samhit\bar{a}$(八心集)", where he tried to compromise and unify the "Charaka" and "$Su\acute{s}hruta$". The "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ Sangraha $samhit\bar{a}$" was translated into Tibetan and Arabic at about the 8th${\sim}$9th century, and if we generalize the medicinal plants recorded in each the "Charaka", "$Su\acute{s}hruta$" and the "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ Sangraha $samhit\bar{a}$", there are 240, 370, 240 types each. 4) The 'Madhava' focused on one of the subjects of Indian medicine, '$Nid\bar{a}na$' ie meaning "the cause of diseases(病因論)", and in one of the copies found by Bower in 4th century C. E. we can see that it uses prescriptions from the "BuHaLaJi(布哈拉集)", "Charaka", "$Su\acute{s}hruta$". 5) According to the "Charaka", there were 8 branches of ancient medicine in India : treatment of the body(kayacikitsa), special surgery(salakya), removal of alien substances(salyapahartka), treatment of poison or mis-combined medicines(visagaravairodhikaprasamana), the study of ghosts(bhutavidya), pediatrics(kaumarabhrtya), perennial youth and long life(rasayana), and the strengthening of the essence of the body(vajikarana). 6) The '$\bar{A}yurveda$', which originated from ancient experience, was recorded in Sanskrit, which was a theorization of knowledge, and also was written in verses to make memorizing easy, and made medicine the exclusive possession of the Brahmin. The first annotations were 1060 for the "Charaka", 1200 for the "$Su\acute{s}hruta$", 1150 for the "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ Sangraha $samhit\bar{a}$", and 1100 for the "$Nid\bar{a}na$", The use of various mineral medicines in the "Charaka" or the use of mercury as internal medicine in the "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ Sangraha $samhit\bar{a}$", and the palpation of the pulse for diagnosing in the '$\bar{A}yurveda$' and 'XiZhang(西藏)' medicine are similar to TCM's pulse diagnostics. The coexistence with Arabian 'Unani' medicine, compromise with western medicine and the reactionism trend restored the '$\bar{A}yurveda$' today. 7) The "Charaka" is a book inclined to internal medicine that investigates the origin of human disease which used the dualism of the 'Samkhya', the natural philosophy of the 'Vaisesika' and the logic of the 'Nyaya' in medical theories, and its structure has 16 syllables per line, 2 lines per poem and is recorded in poetry and prose. Also, the "Charaka" can be summarized into the introduction, cause, judgement, body, sensory organs, treatment, pharmaceuticals, and end, and can be seen as a work that strongly reflects the moral code of Brahmin and Aryans. 8) In extracting bloody pus, the "Charaka" introduces a 'sharp tool' bloodletting treatment, while the "$Su\scute{s}hruta$" introduces many surgical methods such as the use of gourd dippers, horns, sucking the blood with leeches. Also the "$Su\acute{s}hruta$" has 19 chapters specializing in ophthalmology, and shows 76 types of eye diseases and their treatments. 9) Since anatomy did not develop in Indian medicine, the inner structure of the human body was not well known. The only exception is 'GuXiangXue(骨相學)' which developed from 'Atharvaveda' times and the "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ Sangraha $samhit\bar{a}$". In the "$A\d{s}\d{t}\bar{a}nga$ Sangraha $samhit\bar{a}$"'s 'ShenTiLun(身體論)' there is a thorough listing of the development of a child from pregnancy to birth. The '$\bar{A}yurveda$' is not just an ancient traditional medical system but is being called alternative medicine in the west because of its ability to supplement western medicine and, as its effects are being proved scientifically it is gaining attention worldwide. We would like to say that what we have researched is just a small fragment and a limited view, and would like to correct and supplement any insufficient parts through more research of new records.

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일본(日本) 의학(醫學)의 '절충파(折衷派)'에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the ' Zhe Zhong Pai'(折衷派) of the Traditional Medicine of Japan)

  • 박현국;김기욱
    • 동국한의학연구소논문집
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    • 제10권
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    • pp.41-61
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    • 2008
  • The outline and characteristics of the important doctors of the 'Zhe Zhong Pai'(折衷派) are as follows. Part 1. In the late Edo(江戶) period The 'Zhe Zhong Pai', which tried to take the theory and clinical treatment of the 'Hou Shi Pai (後世派)' and the 'Gu Fang Pai(古方派)' and get their strong points to make treatments perfect, appeared. Their point was 'The main part is the art of the ancients, The latter prescriptions are to be used'(以古法爲主, 後世方爲用) and the "Shang Han Lun(傷寒論)" was revered for its treatments but in actual use it was not kept at that. As mentioned above The 'Zhe Zhong Pai' viewed treatments as the base, which was the view of most doctors in the Edo period. However, the reason the 'Zhe Zhong Pai' is not valued as much as the 'Gu Fang Pai' by medical history books in Japan is because the 'Zhe Zhong Pai' does not have the substantiation or uniqueness of the 'Gu Fang Pai', and also because the view of 'gather as well as store up'(兼收並蓄) was the same as the 'Kao Zheng Pai'. Moreover, the 'compromise'(折衷) point of view was from taking in both Chinese and western medical knowledge systems(漢蘭折衷). Generally the pioneer of the 'Zhe Zhong Pai' is seen as Mochizuki Rokumon(望月鹿門) and after that was Fukui Futei(福井楓亭), Wadato Kaku(和田東郭), Yamada Seichin(山田正珍) and Taki Motohiro(多紀元簡). Part 2. The lives of Wada Tokaku(和田東郭), Nakagame Kinkei(中神琴溪), Nei Teng Xi Zhe(內藤希哲), the important doctors of the 'Zhe Zhong Pai', are as follows. First Wada Tokaku(和田東郭, 1743-1803) was born when the 'Hou Shi Pai' was already declining and the 'Gu Fang Pai' was flourishing and learned medicine from a 'Hou Shi Pai' doctor, Hu Tian Xu Shan(戶田旭山) and a 'Gu Fang Pai' doctor, Yoshimasu Todo(吉益東洞). He was not hindered by 'the old ways(古方)' and did not lean towards 'the new ways(後世方)' and formed a way of compromise that 'looked at hardness and softness as the same'(剛柔相摩) by setting 'the cure of the disease' as the base, and said that to cure diseases 'the old way' must be used, but 'the new way' was necessary to supplement its shortcomings. His works include "Dao Shui Suo Yan(導水瑣言)", "Jiao Chiang Fang Yi Je(蕉窗方意解)" and "Yi Xue Sho(醫學說)". Second. Nakagame Kinkei(中神琴溪, 1744-1833) was famous for leaving Yoshimasu Todo(吉益東洞) and changing to the 'Zhe Zhong Pai', and in his early years used qing fen(輕粉) to cure geisha(妓女) of syphilis. His argument was "the "Shang Han Lun" must be revered but needs to be adapted", "Zhong Jing can be made into a follower but I cannot become his follower", "the later medical texts such as "Ru Men Shi Qin(儒門事親)" should only be used for its prescriptions and not its theories". His works include "Shang Han Lun Yue Yan(傷寒論約言)". Third, Nei Teng Xi Zhe(內藤希哲, 1701-1735) learned medicine from Qing Shui Xian Sheng(淸水先生) and went out to Edo. In his book "Yi Jing Jie Huo Lun(醫經解惑論)" he tells of how he went from 'learning'(學) to 'skepticism'(惑) and how skepticism made him learn in 'the six skepticisms'(六惑). In the latter years Xi Zhe(希哲) combines the "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing(神農本草經)", the main text for herbal medicine, "Ming Tang Jing(明堂經)" of accupuncture, basic theory texts "Huang Dui Nei Jing(皇帝內經)" and "Nan Jing(難經)" with the "Shang Han Za Bing Lun", a book that the 'Gu Fang Pai' saw as opposing to the rest, and became 'an expert of five scriptures'(五經一貫). Part 3. Asada Showhaku(淺田宗伯, 1815-1894) started medicine at Zhong Cun Zhong Zong(中村中倧) and learned 'the old way'(古方) from Yoshimasu Todo and got experience through Ouan Yue(川越) and Fu Jing(福井) and received teachings in texts, history and Wang Yangmin's principles(陽明學) fmm famous teachers. Showhaku(倧伯) meets a medical official of the makufu(幕府), Ben Kang Zong Yuan(本康宗圓), and receives help from the 3 great doctors of the Edo period, Taki Motokato(多紀元堅), Xiao Dao Xue Gu(小島學古) and Xi Duo Cun Kao(喜多村栲窻) and further develops his arts. At 47 he diagnoses the general Jia Mao(家茂) with 'heart failure from beriberi'(脚氣衡心) and becomes a Zheng Shi(徵土), at 51 he cures a minister from France and received a present from Napoleon, at 65 he becomes the court physician and saves Ming Gong(明宮) Jia Ren Qn Wang(嘉仁親王, later the 大正天皇) from bodily convulsions and becomes 'the vassal of merit who saved the national polity(國體)' At the 7th year of the Meiji(明治) he becomes the 2nd owner of Wen Zhi She(溫知社) and takes part in the 'kampo continuation movement'. In his latter years he saw 14000 patients a year, so we can estimate the qualjty and quantity of his clinical skills. Showhaku(宗伯) wrote over 80 books including the "Ju Chuang Shu Ying(橘窻書影)", "Wu Wu Yao Shi Fang Han(勿誤藥室方函)", "Shang Han Biang Shu(傷寒辨術)", "Jing Qi Shen Lun(精氣神論)", "Hunag Guo Ming Yi Chuan(皇國名醫傳)" and the "Xian Jhe Yi Hua(先哲醫話)". Especially in the "Ju Chuang Shu Ying(橘窻書影) he says "the old theories are the main, and the new prescriptions are to be used"(以古法爲主, 後世方爲用), stating the 'Zhe Zhong Pai' way of thinking, In the first volume of "Shang Han Biang Shu(傷寒辨術)" and "Za Bing Lun Shi(雜病論識)", 'Zong Ping'(總評), He discerns the parts that are not Zhang Zhong Jing's writings and emphasizes his theories and practical uses.

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간호학 교과과정 개선을 위한 조사 연구 (A Study on improvement of curriculum in Nursing)

  • 김애실
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1974
  • This Study involved the development of a survey form and the collection of data in an effort-to provide information which can be used in the improvement of nursing curricula. The data examined were the kinds courses currently being taught in the curricula of nursing education institutions throughout Korea, credits required for course completion, and year in-which courses are taken. For the purposes of this study, curricula were classified into college, nursing school and vocational school categories. Courses were directed into the 3 major categories of general education courses, supporting science courses and professional education course, and further subdirector as. follows: 1) General education (following the classification of Philip H. phoenix): a) Symbolics, b) Empirics, c) Aesthetics. 4) Synthetics, e) Ethics, f) Synoptic. 2) Supporting science: a) physical science, b) biological science, c) social science, d) behavioral science, e) Health science, f) Educations 3) Professional Education; a) basic courses, b) courses in each of the respective fields of nursing. Ⅰ. General Education aimed at developing the individual as a person and as a member of society is relatively strong in college curricula compared with the other two. a) Courses included in the category of symbolics included Korean language, English, German. Chines. Mathematics. Statics: Economics and Computer most college curricula included 20 credits. of courses in this sub-category, while nursing schools required 12 credits and vocational school 10 units. English ordinarily receives particularly heavy emphasis. b) Research methodology, Domestic affair and women & courtney was included under the category of empirics in the college curricula, nursing and vocational school do not offer this at all. c) Courses classified under aesthetics were physical education, drill, music, recreation and fine arts. Most college curricula had 4 credits in these areas, nursing school provided for 2 credits, and most vocational schools offered 10 units. d) Synoptic included leadership, interpersonal relationship, and communications, Most schools did not offer courses of this nature. e) The category of ethics included citizenship. 2 credits are provided in college curricula, while vocational schools require 4 units. Nursing schools do not offer these courses. f) Courses included under synoptic were Korean history, cultural history, philosophy, Logics, and religion. Most college curricular 5 credits in these areas, nursing schools 4 credits. and vocational schools 2 units. g) Only physical education was given every Year in college curricula and only English was given in nursing schools and vocational schools in every of the curriculum. Most of the other courses were given during the first year of the curriculum. Ⅱ. Supporting science courses are fundamental to the practice and application of nursing theory. a) Physical science course include physics, chemistry and natural science. most colleges and nursing schools provided for 2 credits of physical science courses in their curricula, while most vocational schools did not offer t me. b) Courses included under biological science were anatomy, physiologic, biology and biochemistry. Most college curricula provided for 15 credits of biological science, nursing schools for the most part provided for 11 credits, and most vocational schools provided for 8 units. c) Courses included under social science were sociology and anthropology. Most colleges provided for 1 credit in courses of this category, which most nursing schools provided for 2 creates Most vocational school did not provide courses of this type. d) Courses included under behavioral science were general and clinical psychology, developmental psychology. mental hygiene and guidance. Most schools did not provide for these courses. e) Courses included under health science included pharmacy and pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, nutrition and dietetics, parasitology, and Chinese medicine. Most college curricula provided for 11 credits, while most nursing schools provide for 12 credits, most part provided 20 units of medical courses. f) Courses included under education included educational psychology, principles of education, philosophy of education, history of education, social education, educational evaluation, educational curricula, class management, guidance techniques and school & community. Host college softer 3 credits in courses in this category, while nursing schools provide 8 credits and vocational schools provide for 6 units, 50% of the colleges prepare these students to qualify as regular teachers of the second level, while 91% of the nursing schools and 60% of the vocational schools prepare their of the vocational schools prepare their students to qualify as school nurse. g) The majority of colleges start supporting science courses in the first year and complete them by the second year. Nursing schools and vocational schools usually complete them in the first year. Ⅲ. Professional Education courses are designed to develop professional nursing knowledge, attitudes and skills in the students. a) Basic courses include social nursing, nursing ethics, history of nursing professional control, nursing administration, social medicine, social welfare, introductory nursing, advanced nursing, medical regulations, efficient nursing, nursing english and basic nursing, College curricula devoted 13 credits to these subjects, nursing schools 14 credits, and vocational schools 26 units indicating a severe difference in the scope of education provided. b) There was noticeable tendency for the colleges to take a unified approach to the branches of nursing. 60% of the schools had courses in public health nursing, 80% in pediatric nursing, 60% in obstetric nursing, 90% in psychiatric nursing and 80% in medical-surgical nursing. The greatest number of schools provided 48 crudites in all of these fields combined. in most of the nursing schools, 52 credits were provided for courses divided according to disease. in the vocational schools, unified courses are provided in public health nursing, child nursing, maternal nursing, psychiatric nursing and adult nursing. In addition, one unit is provided for one hour a week of practice. The total number of units provided in the greatest number of vocational schools is thus Ⅲ units double the number provided in nursing schools and colleges. c) In th leges, the second year is devoted mainly to basic nursing courses, while the third and fourth years are used for advanced nursing courses. In nursing schools and vocational schools, the first year deals primarily with basic nursing and the second and third years are used to cover advanced nursing courses. The study yielded the following conclusions. 1. Instructional goals should be established for each courses in line with the idea of nursing, and curriculum improvements should be made accordingly. 2. Course that fall under the synthetics category should be strengthened and ways should be sought to develop the ability to cooperate with those who work for human welfare and health. 3. The ability to solve problems on the basis of scientific principles and knowledge and understanding of man society should be fostered through a strengthening of courses dealing with physical sciences, social sciences and behavioral sciences and redistribution of courses emphasizing biological and health sciences. 4. There should be more balanced curricula with less emphasis on courses in the major There is a need to establish courses necessary for the individual nurse by doing away with courses centered around specific diseases and combining them in unified courses. In addition it is possible to develop skill in dealing with people by using the social setting in comprehensive training. The most efficient ratio of the study experience should be studied to provide more effective, interesting education Elective course should be initiated to insure a man flexible, responsive educational program. 5. The curriculum stipulated in the education law should be examined.

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경찰화재조사의 개선방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Improvement Plans of Police Fire Investigation)

  • 서문수철
    • 한국화재조사학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.103-121
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    • 2006
  • 우리나라에서 발생한 화재 원인조사 대부분은 소방관서에서 초기조사, 경찰관서에서 수사가 진행되고 있으며, 보다 난해하거나 이해관계가 복잡한 경우인 일부만이 경찰에서 심도 있게 조사하고 경찰조사 시 감정이 필요한 경우 감정기관에 감정의뢰 후 경찰관서 자체조사만으로 끝나며, 점차 전문기관에 의뢰되고 있는 건수가 증가하고 있는 실정이나 많은 문제점을 안고 있어 이에 대안을 제시한다. 국내 화재사고 발생 건수는 소방방재청 통계 연간 약 30만 건으로 추산되나, 전국 경찰화재감식 전문 요원(국립과학수사연구소 전문화 교육 이수자)은 80여명에 지나지 않으며, 국립과학수사연구소 화재감정 관련 연구원은 전국에 15명인 것에 비추어 사건화 된 화재에 대한 감식 감정 인력은 턱없이 모자라 과중한 업무를 수행하고 있는 실정이다. 가연성 액체에 의한 방 실화 시 바닥재의 연소형태를 비교 연구함으로써 연소에 사용된 연소촉매제에 대하여 추론 할 수 있는 연구를 실시하여 모델을 제시하였다. 화재사건 관련 감식 감정 업무를 담당하고 있는 경찰 및 국립과학수사연구소의 과중한 업무의 부담인 의뢰 건수의 폭주로, 경찰 화재 감식의 대상 중 범죄혐의(방화, 실화 등)가 있는 사건은 전체 조사 건수의 20% 미만이고, 나머지 80%에 달하는 사건이 범죄혐의 없는 제조물 관련 또는 이재 관계의 민사 소송 사건에 지나지 않는 것이 현실이다. 본 연구는 경찰화재조사 및 소방화재조사에 대한 검토와 문제점 대안 등을 제시하여 화재사건과 관련하여 경찰 소방 양 기관에서 합동으로 사건을 처리하는 것이 과오를 범하지 않는 효율적이고 과학적인 수사가 될 수 있다는 제도개선이 필요함이 요구된다.

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마켓 인사이트를 위한 상품 리뷰의 다차원 분석 방안 (Multi-Dimensional Analysis Method of Product Reviews for Market Insight)

  • 박정현;이서호;임규진;여운영;김종우
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.57-78
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    • 2020
  • 인터넷의 발달로, 소비자들은 이커머스에서 손쉽게 상품 정보를 확인한다. 이때 활용되는 상품 리뷰는 사용자 경험을 토대로 작성되어 구매의사결정의 효율성을 높일 뿐만 아니라 상품 개발에 도움을 주기도 한다. 하지만, 방대한 양의 상품 리뷰에서 관심있는 평가차원의 세부내용을 파악하는 데에는 많은 시간과 노력이 소비된다. 예를 들어, 노트북을 구매하려는 소비자들은 성능, 무게, 디자인과 같은 평가차원에 대해 각 차원별로 비교 상품의 평가를 확인하고자 한다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 상품 리뷰에서 다차원 상품평가 점수를 자동적으로 생성하는 방안을 제안하고자 한다. 본 연구에서 제시하는 방안은 크게 2단계로 구성된다. 사전준비 단계와 개별상품평가 단계로, 대분류 상품군 리뷰를 토대로 사전에 생성된 차원분류모델과 감성분석모델이 개별상품의 리뷰를 분석하게 된다. 차원분류모델은 워드임베딩과 연관분석을 결합함으로써 기존 연구에서 차원과 단어들의 관련성을 찾기 위한 워드임베딩 방식이 문장 내 단어의 위치만을 본다는 한계를 보완한다. 감성분석모델은 정확한 극성 판단을 위해 구(phrase) 단위로 긍부정이 태깅된 학습데이터를 구성하여 CNN 모델을 생성한다. 이를 통해, 개별상품평가 단계에서는 구 단위의 리뷰에 준비된 모델들을 적용하고 평가차원별로 종합함으로써 다차원 평가점수를 얻을 수 있다. 본 논문의 실험에서는 대분류 상품군 리뷰 약 260,000건으로 평가모델을 구성하고, S사와 L사의 노트북 리뷰 각 1,011건과 1,062건을 실험데이터로 활용한다. 차원분류모델은 구로 분해한 개별상품 리뷰를 6개 평가차원으로 분류했고, 기존 워드임베딩 방식보다 연관분석을 결합한 모델의 정확도가 13.7% 증가했음을 볼 수 있었다. 감성분석모델은 문장보다 구 단위로 학습한 모델이 평가차원을 면밀히 분석함으로써 29.4% 더 높은 정확도를 보임을 확인했다. 본 연구를 통해 판매자, 소비자 모두가 상품의 다차원적 비교가 가능하다는 점에서 구매 및 상품 개발에 효율적인 의사결정을 기대할 수 있다.

암성통증관리 만족도 (Patient Satisfaction with Cancer Pain Management)

  • 이소우;김시영;홍영선;김은경;김현숙
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.22-33
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    • 2003
  • 목적 : 본 연구는 국내 암성통증관리지침이 제시된 후 환자들의 통증관리에 대한 만족도, 만족 및 불만족 요인, 통증관리전략을 규명하여 앞으로의 통증관리에 있어 의료인이 지향해야할 세부적인 방향을 제시하기 위함이다. 방법 : 2002년 7월부터 11월까지 서울소재 2개 대학병원 혈액종양내과에 입원 또는 외래치료중인 암환자 59명을 대상으로 하였으며, 미국통증학회의 Patient Outcome Questionnaire(APS-POQ) 및 여러 선행연구를 참고로 연구자들이 구성한 설문지 및 의무기록 열람을 통해 자료를 수집하여 분석한 조사연구이다. 결과 : 1) 대상자의 특성 : 연구대상자의 24시간 동안 가장 심했을 때 통증 평균은 6.74점($0{\sim}10$점 범위), 24시간 평균 통증의 평균은 3.80점이었으며, 통증조절이 이루어진 후 느낀 통증의 정도는 평균 2.93점이었다. 일상 생활에 지장을 주는 정도 합계 평균은 $25.03{\pm}12.82$점($0{\sim}50$점 범위)으로 중등도의 지장을 느끼고 있었으며, 통증에 대한 환자의 염려 항목 중 3점 이상($0{\sim}5$점 범위)인 항목은 질병악화, 중독, 그리고 내성에 대한 항목이었다. 2) 암성통증관리현황 : 진통제를 적절히 복용하고 있는 대상자는 66.1%(39명)이었다. 대상자의 33.9%만 통증조절을 위해 약물이외의 간호중재방법을 사용한 적이 있었고, 의료진으로부터 통증관리에 대한 교육을 받아본 대상자도 35.6%로 나타났다. 3) 통증관리에 대한 환자의 만족도 및 그 이유 : 통증관리에 대한 평균 만족 정도는 $4.19{\pm}1.14$ ($1{\sim}6$점 범위)이었으며, 72.9%(43명)의 대상자가 만족한다고 응답했다. 불만족 하는 이유는 '통증조절 후에도 통증이 감소되지 않았다' '통증을 호소했을 때 빨리 혹은 시기적절하게 대처해주지 않았다', '환자가 통증을 호소할 때, 무관심하며 형식적으로 대했다', '약물 투여방법, 작용시간, 부작용 등 통증 관리에 대한 정보제공이 없었다' 이었으며, 만족하는 이유는 '통증조절 후 통증이 감소했다', '통증을 호소할 때 의료진이 관심을 가져주었다', '의사나 간호사가 신속하게 통증조절을 해주었다' '의사를 신뢰하기 때문' 이었다. 4) 암성통증관리의 만족 또는 불만족에 영향을 미치는 요인 : 만족 집단과 불만족 집단의 통증정도 및 일상생활에 지장을 미치는 정도에 있어서 두 그룹간 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 통증관리에 대한 환자의 염려 항목 중 '훌륭한 환자는 통증을 호소하지 않는 자이다'에 있어서 만족 집단의 평균점수가 불만족 집단의 평균점수보다 통계적으로 매우 유의하게 높았다. 결론 : 선행연구들에 비해 암환자의 통증관리에 대한 만족도는 증가하였으나 아직도 30%정도의 대상자는 만족하지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 암환자의 통증 관리에 대한 만족도 향상을 위해 통증관련 약물, 통증 완화를 위한 간호중재방법 및 환자들의 통증과 관련된 잘못된 지식을 개선하는 내용이 포함된 환자교육이 절실히 요구된다.

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