• Title/Summary/Keyword: Representations

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A Study on the Cloud Service Model of CaaS Based on the Object Identification, ePosition, with a Structured Form of Texts (문자열로 구조화된 사물식별아이디 이포지션(ePosition) 기반의 클라우드 CaaS(Contents as a Service) 서비스 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Zee;Kang, Myung-Su;Cho, Won-Hee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.129-139
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    • 2013
  • The Internet of Things (or IoT for short) which refers to uniquely identifiable objects and their virtual representations in an Internet-like structure is to be reality today. The amount of data on IoT is expected to increase abruptly and there are several key issues like usefulness interoperability between multiple distributes systems, services and databases. In this paper a methodology is proposed to realize a recently developed cloud service model, Contents as a Service (CaaS), which is contents delivery model referred to as 'on-demand contents'. In the proposed method, the global object identification, ePosition, comprising the structured form of two sorts of text strings with a separation symbol like # is applied to identify a specific content and registered with the content at the same server. It is easy-to-realize and effective to solve the interoperability problem systematically and logically. Some APIs for the proposed CaaS service are to be converged to provide some upgraded cloud service model such as 'CaaS supported SaaS' and 'CaaS supported PaaS'.

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Baleen Whale Sound Synthesis using a Modified Spectral Modeling (수정된 스펙트럴 모델링을 이용한 수염고래 소리 합성)

  • Jun, Hee-Sung;Dhar, Pranab K.;Kim, Cheol-Hong;Kim, Jong-Myon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.17B no.1
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2010
  • Spectral modeling synthesis (SMS) has been used as a powerful tool for musical sound modeling. This technique considers a sound as a combination of a deterministic plus a stochastic component. The deterministic component is represented by the series of sinusoids that are described by amplitude, frequency, and phase functions and the stochastic component is represented by a series of magnitude spectrum envelopes that functions as a time varying filter excited by white noise. These representations make it possible for a synthesized sound to attain all the perceptual characteristics of the original sound. However, sometimes considerable phase variations occur in the deterministic component by using the conventional SMS for the complex sound such as whale sounds when the partial frequencies in successive frames differ. This is because it utilizes the calculated phase to synthesize deterministic component of the sound. As a result, it does not provide a good spectrum matching between original and synthesized spectrum in higher frequency region. To overcome this problem, we propose a modified SMS that provides good spectrum matching of original and synthesized sound by calculating complex residual spectrum in frequency domain and utilizing original phase information to synthesize the deterministic component of the sound. Analysis and simulation results for synthesizing whale sounds suggest that the proposed method is comparable to the conventional SMS in both time and frequency domain. However, the proposed method outperforms the SMS in better spectrum matching.

Neural correlations of familiar and Unfamiliar face recognition by using Event Related fMRI

  • Kim, Jeong-Seok;Jeun, Sin-Soo;Kim, Bum-Soo;Choe, Bo-Young;Lee, Hyoung-Koo;Suh, Tae-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.78-78
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: This event related fMRI study was to further our understanding about how different brain regions could contribute to effective access of specific information stored in long term memory. This experiment has allowed us to determine the brain regions involved in recognition of familiar faces among non familiar faces. Materials and Methods: Twelve right handed normal, healthy volunteer adults participated in face recognition experiment. The paradigm consists of two 40 familiar faces, 40 unfamiliar faces and control base with scrambled faces in a randomized order, with null events. Volunteers were instructed to press on one of two possible buttons of a response box to indicate whether a face was familiar or not. Incorrect answers were ignored. A 1.5T MRI system(GMENS) was employed to evaluate brain activity by using blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) contrast. Gradient Echo EPI sequence with TR/TE= 2250/40 msec was used for 17 contiguous axial slices of 7mm thickness, covering the whole brain volume (240mm Field of view, 64 ${\times}$ 64 in plane resolution). The acquired data were applied to SPM99 for the processing such as realignment, normalization, smoothing, statistical ANOVA and statistical preference. Results/Disscusion: The comparison of familiar faces vs unfamiliar faces yielded significant activations in the medial temporal regions, the occipito temporal regions and in frontal regions. These results suggest that when volunteers are asked to recognize familiar faces among unfamiliar faces they tend to activate several regions frequently involved in face perception. The medial temporal regions are also activated for familiar and unfamiliar faces. This interesting result suggests a contribution of this structure in the attempt to match perceived faces with pre existing semantic representations stored in long term memory.

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A Study on Formation of the Process-Object Perspective of Function Using Excel to Specialized High School Math Underachievers (특성화 고등학교 수학부진 학생들의 엑셀을 활용한 함수의 과정-대상 관점 형성에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Jiyeon;Heo, Hye Ja
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.213-235
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze how the teaching activities which used EXCEL influence the specialized high school underachieved students. They have difficulties in making use of various representations for better understanding of function. EXCEL is helpful for learning function because it enables the students to use real life materials in math learning as well as formulates Tabular, Algebraic and Graphical which represent function. Furthermore, the students in specialized high school also have the experience of using EXCEL while studying other subjects. For that reason they have no burdens and fears on using EXCEL in learning activities. Utilizing EXCEL in the classroom gives an expectation that it helps to have interests on studying function and prepare for the next learning in the end. Research classes were conducted in a group of five students who have different hopes of career and a variety of mathematical interests. Though the students couldn't transfer Algebraic to Graphical in the diagnostic evaluation, they could resolve the problem of connections between Graphical, Tabular and Algebraic in the process perspectives, and could also express graphical representation by linking object perspectives with process perspectives. Therefore, they solved the connection problem of Tabular, Algebraic and Graphical in the object perspectives. As a result, the students could make transitions between Algebraic and Graphical in object perspectives through the classes applying EXCEL. Consequently, teaching the students with underachievement utilizing EXCEL enables them to recover their interests on math and it helps them to complete their following curriculum.

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A Didactical Analysis of the Decimal fraction Concept (소수 개념의 교수학적 분석)

  • Woo, Jeong-Ho;Byun, Hee-Hyun
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.287-313
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    • 2005
  • The decimal fraction concept plays an important role in understanding the real number which is one of the major concepts in school mathematics. In the school mathematics of Korea, the decimal fraction is treated merely as a sort of name of the common fraction, while many other important aspects of the decimal fraction concept are ignored. In consequence students fail to understand the decimal fraction concept properly, and merely consider it as a kind of number for formal computation. Preceding studies also identified students' narrow understanding of the decimal fraction concept. But none of them succeeded in clarifying the essences of the decimal fraction concept, which are crucial for discussing the didactical problems of it. In this study we attempted a didactical analysis of the decimal fraction concept and disclosed the roots of didactical problems and presented measures for its improvement. First, we attempted a phenomenological analysis of the decimal fraction concept and extracted 9 elements of the decimal fraction concept. Second, we has analyzed of the essence of the decimal fraction concept more clearly by relating it to the situations where it functions and its representations. For this we tried to construct the conceptual field of the decimal fraction. Third, we categorized he developmental levels of the decimal fraction concept from the aspect of external manifestation of the internal order. On the basis of these results, we attempted hierarchical structuring of the elements of the decimal fraction concept. And using the results of such a didactical analysis on the decimal number concept we analyzed the mathematics curriculum and textbooks of our country, investigated levels of students' understanding of the decimal fraction concept, and disclosed related problems. Finally we suggested directions and measures for the improvement of teaching decimal fraction concept.

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Dilution and redundancy effects on Stroop interference (스트룹 간섭의 희석 및 중복 효과)

  • Lee, Ji-Young;Min, Soo-Jung;Yi, Do-Joon
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.469-494
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    • 2011
  • It is well known that visual objects belonging to the same perceptual category compete for category-specific, limited-capacity attentional resource. However, it remains to be seen how perceptually identical objects interact with each other during visual analyses. Perceptually identical objects might suppress each other as much as categorically identical objects do. Alternatively, they might cooperate to generate a perceptual representation which is long lasting and robust to noise. Such possibilities were tested in the current research with three behavioral experiments using the Stroop task. As results, relative to a single distractor, Stroop interference was diluted by two different distractors of a category while it was enhanced by two perceptually identical distractors (Experiment 1). This redundancy effect disappeared when two different distractors associated with the same response were presented (Experiment 2), and it was not affected by the between- vs. within-hemisphere distractor presentations (Experiment 3). These findings indicate that the redundancy effect of distractors may be mediated by perceptual representations based on hemisphere-independent attentional resources. Overall, the current study supports the hypothesis that Stroop interference is constrained by category-specific attentional resources and further suggests that redundant presentations of a stimulus overcome such attentional constraints by facilitating perceptual processing.

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A Review of the Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Number Sense (수 감각의 인지신경학적 기반에 관한 연구 개관)

  • Cho, Soohyun
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.271-300
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    • 2013
  • Human and animals are born with an intuitive ability to determine approximate numerosity. This ability is termed approximate number sense (hereafter, number sense). Evolutionarily, number sense is thought to be an essential ability for hunting, gathering and survival. According to previous research, children with mathematical learning disability have impaired number sense. On the other hand, individuals with more accurate number sense have higher mathematical achievement. These results support the hypothesis that number sense provides a basis for the development of mathematical cognition. Recently, researchers have been examining whether number sense training can lead to enhancement in mathematical achievement and changes in brain activity in relation to mathematical problem solving. Numerosity which basically represents discontinuous quantity is expected to be closely related to continuous quantity such as representations of space and time. A theory of magnitude (ATOM) states that processing of number, space and time is based on a common magnitude system in the posterior parietal cortex, especially the intraparietal sulcus. The present paper introduces current literature and future directions for the study of the common magnitude system.

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An Analysis on the Programs for the Mathematically Gifted Children in the Elementary Schools (초등 수학 영재 교수-학습 프로그램 분석)

  • Hong, Eun Ja;Bae, Jong Soo
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.65-84
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents and designs of the developed 22 teaching and programs for the gifted students in elementary mathematics. The focus of the analysis were the participants and the characteristics of the contents, and were to reflect them on the areas of the 7th elementary mathematics curriculum and Renzulli's Enrichment Triad Model. The results of the study as follows: First, the programs for the low grade gifted students are very few compared to those of the high grade students. For earlier development of the young gifted students, we need to develop more programs for the young gifted students. Second, there are many programs in the area of geometry, whereas few programs are developed in the area of measurement. We need to develop programs in the various areas such as measurement, probability and statistics, and patterns and representations. Third, most programs do not follow the steps of the Renzulli's Enrichment Triad Model, and the frequency of appearance of the steps are the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd enrichments, sequentially. We need to develop hierarchical programs in which the sequency and relations are well orchestrated. Fourth, the frequency of appearance is as follows as sequentially: types of exploration of topics, creative problem solving, using materials, project types, and types of games and puzzles. In the development of structure of the program, the following factors should be considered: name of the chapter, overview of the chapter, objectives, contents by steps, evaluation, reading materials, and extra materials.

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Representation of Migrant Families in TV Reality Shows from a Familialism Viewpoint - Focusing on Male Participants in KBS (가족주의 관점에서 본 KBS<이웃집 찰스>의 이주민 가족 재현 연구 - 이주 남성 가족을 중심으로)

  • Park, Mi-Kyoung;Lee, Hun-Yul
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.12-24
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    • 2017
  • This paper analyzed the representation of migrants in television with the example of KBS's My Neighbor, Charles. This primetime TV show with consistent popularity has showcased different types of migrants from other Korean television shows in terms of gender and race, and, partly the difference brought popularity to it. This study finds the major reason of the difference from changed migration patterns in Korea. Until recently, the main population of immigrants in Korea was composed of female brides and workers, but it became diversified to include male and the West migrants. This triggered the changes in media representation, but not thoroughly. Though the faces of migrant protagonists have been diversified, the remaining ideology of nation-centric that has been the main frame to regard migrants as someone to be integrated through traditional values persists. This study finds a few conflicts between the traditional and the change. For example, represented realities of migrants are extends to include their activities in public domain, disputes of multicultural society such as social differentiation and bias, and the criticism of Korean traditional culture. In a gender perspective, while all the marriages represented showed different kinds of vulnerability, discourses of traditional familialism were also clearly presented through different tools of representation. This study aims at contributing existing studies of media representations of migrants with a more complicated pictures in the context of social changes and migration population changes.

Comparing Elements of Inquiry in Field Geology by Learner Groups: Focusing on Cases of Geologic Fieldwork Education (교육 대상에 따른 야외 지질학 탐구 요소 특성 비교 : 지질 답사 교육 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jung, Chan-Mi;Shin, Dong-hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.235-253
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to compare by learner groups(K-12, geology-related majoring students, science teachers) how geologic fieldwork education cases in domestic and foreign papers for recent 20 years reflect the elements of inquiry in field geology. The total number of analyzed cases is 53(58 for double counting), and the analysis was conducted on the elements of inquiry in field geology and their sub-element. As a result, there was a clear difference between the cases of geologic fieldwork education for K-12 and college students majoring in geology-related disciplines, in the way of reflecting elements of inquiry in field geology. Because most of K-12 target fieldworks were designed based on the curriculum, it mainly included 2-3 elements of observations, representations, and/or abductive reasoning. On the other hand, because fieldworks for geology-related major students aim to train geologic experts, it diversely contained four or five of the elements of inquiry in field geology, including spatial thinking and diachronic thinking in a high proportion, and also frequently used activities that require specialized skills such as geological mapping. Fieldworks for science teachers were found to have mixed features of K-12 and geology-related major students. Considering the diversity of included inquiry elements, similarities with the activities performed by geologists, and the autonomy of learners, it was analyzed that geologic fieldwork for geology-related major students was more close to authentic geologic inquiry than fieldwork for others. Based on the results of this study, we suggested implications for improving geological fieldwork as authentic science inquiry.