• Title/Summary/Keyword: Repeated learning

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Learning a Single Joint Perception-Action Coupling: A Pilot Study

  • Ryu, Young-Uk
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study examined the influence of visuomotor congruency on learning a relative phase relationship between a single joint movement and an external signal. Methods: Participants (N=5) were required to rhythmically coordinate elbow flexion-extension movements with a continuous sinusoidal wave (0.375 Hz) at a 90 relative phase relationship. The congruent group was provided online feedback in which the elbow angle decreased (corresponding to elbow flexion) as the angle trajectory was movingup, and vice versa. The incongruent group was provided online feedback in which the elbow angle decreased as the angle trajectory was moving down, and vice versa. There were two practice sessions (day 1 and 2) and each session consisted of 6 trials per block (5 blocks per session). Retention tests were performed 24 hours after session 2, and only the external sinusoidal wave was provided. Repeated ANOVAs were used for statistical analysis. Results: During practice, the congruent group was significantly less variable than the incongruent group. Phase variability in the incongruent group did not significantly change across blocks, while variability decreased significantly in the congruent group. In retention, the congruent group produced the required 90 relative phase pattern with significantly less phase variability than the incongruent group. Conclusions: Congruent visual feedback facilitates learning. Moreover, the deprivation of online feedback does not affect the congruent group but does affect the incongruent group in retention.

Fuzzy Classifier System for Edge Detection

  • Sim, Kwee-Bo
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we propose a Fuzzy Classifier System(FCS) to find a set of fuzzy rules which can carry out the edge detection. The classifier system of Holland can evaluate the usefulness of rules represented by classifiers with repeated learning. FCS makes the classifier system be able to carry out the mapping from continuous inputs to outputs. It is the FCS that applies the method of machine learning to the concept of fuzzy logic. It is that the antecedent and consequent of classifier is same as a fuzzy rule. In this paper, the FCS is the Michigan style. A single fuzzy if-then rule is coded as an individual. The average gray levels which each group of neighbor pixels has are represented into fuzzy set. Then a pixel is decided whether it is edge pixel or not using fuzzy if-then rules. Depending on the average of gray levels, a number of fuzzy rules can be activated, and each rules makes the output. These outputs are aggregated and defuzzified to take new gray value of the pixel. To evaluate this edge detection, we will compare the new gray level of a pixel with gray level obtained by the other edge detection method such as Sobel edge detection. This comparison provides a reinforcement signal for FCS which is reinforcement learning. Also the FCS employs the Genetic Algorithms to make new rules and modify rules when performance of the system needs to be improved.

Teaching and Learning Programming: A Constructivist Approach (프로그래밍 교수-학습에 대한 구성주의 접근)

  • Lee, Miwha
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.363-371
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    • 2012
  • This study examined the cognitive consequences of constructivist teaching practices on the acquisition and transfer of programming with respect to the design of an instructional context that would encourage students to engage in reflective thought; the cognitive consequences of learning in the constructivist context; and the relation between the social and the individual in the teaching and learning process of programming. Students worked on a variety of programming and design problems in constructivist instructional contexts. The results indicated that between-group differences over repeated measures consistently favored students in reflective instruction. Rather than simple differences on measures, the pattern of mean differences over time conformed to a chain of cognitive consequences regulating the acquisition of programming. The implications of the study and suggestions for future research were discussed.

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Autonomous pothole detection using deep region-based convolutional neural network with cloud computing

  • Luo, Longxi;Feng, Maria Q.;Wu, Jianping;Leung, Ryan Y.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.745-757
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    • 2019
  • Road surface deteriorations such as potholes have caused motorists heavy monetary damages every year. However, effective road condition monitoring has been a continuing challenge to road owners. Depth cameras have a small field of view and can be easily affected by vehicle bouncing. Traditional image processing methods based on algorithms such as segmentation cannot adapt to varying environmental and camera scenarios. In recent years, novel object detection methods based on deep learning algorithms have produced good results in detecting typical objects, such as faces, vehicles, structures and more, even in scenarios with changing object distances, camera angles, lighting conditions, etc. Therefore, in this study, a Deep Learning Pothole Detector (DLPD) based on the deep region-based convolutional neural network is proposed for autonomous detection of potholes from images. About 900 images with potholes and road surface conditions are collected and divided into training and testing data. Parameters of the network in the DLPD are calibrated based on sensitivity tests. Then, the calibrated DLPD is trained by the training data and applied to the 215 testing images to evaluate its performance. It is demonstrated that potholes can be automatically detected with high average precision over 93%. Potholes can be differentiated from manholes by training and applying a manhole-pothole classifier which is constructed using the convolutional neural network layers in DLPD. Repeated detection of the same potholes can be prevented through feature matching of the newly detected pothole with previously detected potholes within a small region.

Analysis and Prediction of Behavioral Changes in Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare Under Stress Conditions (스트레스 조건에 노출된 Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare의 행동 변화 분석 및 예측)

  • Kim, Yoon-Jae;NO, Hea-Min;Kim, Do-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.965-973
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    • 2021
  • The behavior of angelfish Pterophyllum scalare exposed to low and high temperatures was monitored by video tracking, and information such as the initial speed, changes in speed, and locations of the fish in the tank were analyzed. The water temperature was raised from 26℃ to 36℃ or lowered from 26℃ to 16℃ for 4 h. The control group was maintained at 26℃ for 8 h. The experiment was repeated five times for each group. Machine learning analysis comprising a long short-term memory model was used to train and test the behavioral data (80 s) after pre-processing. Results showed that when the water temperature changed to 36℃ or 16℃, the average speed, changes in speed and fractal dimension value were significantly lower than those in the control group. Machine learning analysis revealed that the accuracy of 80-s video footage data was 87.4%. The machine learning used in this study could distinguish between the optimal temperature group and changing temperature groups with specificity and sensitivity percentages of 86.9% and 87.4%, respectively. Therefore, video tracking technology can be used to effectively analyze fish behavior. In addition, it can be used as an early warning system for fish health in aquariums and fish farms.

Comparison of Motor Skill Acquisition according to Types of Sensory-Stimuli Cue in Serial Reaction Time Task

  • Kwon, Yong Hyun;Lee, Myoung Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.191-195
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether types of sensory-stimuli cues in terms of visual, auditory, and visuoauditory cues can be affected to motor sequential learning in healthy adults, using serial reaction time task. Methods: Twenty four healthy subjects participated in this study, who were randomly allocated into three groups, in terms of visual-stimuli (VS) group, auditory-stimuli (AS) group, and visuoauditory-stimuli (VAS) group. In SRT task, eight Arabic numbers were adopted as presentational stimulus, which were composed of three different types of presentational modules, in terms of visual, auditory, and visuoauditory stimuli. On an experiment, all subjects performed total 3 sessions relevant to each stimulus module with a pause of 10 minutes for training and pre-/post-tests. At the pre- and post-tests, reaction time and accuracy were calculated. Results: In reaction time, significant differences were founded in terms of between-subjects, within-subjects, and interaction effect for group ${\times}$ repeated factor. In accuracy, no significant differences were observed in between-group and interaction effect for groups × repeated factor. However, a significant main effect of within-subjects was observed. In addition, a significant difference was showed in comparison of differences of changes between the pre- and post-test only in the reaction time among three groups. Conclusion: This study suggest that short-term sequential motor training on one day induced behavioral modification, such as speed and accuracy of motor response. In addition, we found that motor training using visual-stimuli cue showed better effect of motor skill acquisition, compared to auditory and visuoauditory-stimuli cues.

Repeated K-means Clustering Algorithm For Radar Sorting (레이더 군집화를 위한 반복 K-means 클러스터링 알고리즘)

  • Dong Hyun ParK;Dong-ho Seo;Jee-hyeon Baek;Won-jin Lee;Dong Eui Chang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.384-391
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    • 2023
  • In modern electronic warfare, a number of radar emitters are in operation, causing radar receivers to receive high-density signal pulses that occur simultaneously. To analyze the radar signals more accurately and identify enemies, the sorting process of high-density radar signals is very important before analysis. Recently, machine learning algorithms, specifically K-means clustering, are the subject of research aimed at improving the accuracy of radar signal sorting. One of the challenges faced by these studies is that the clustering results can vary depending on how the initial points are selected and how many clusters number are set. This paper introduces a repeated K-means clustering algorithm that aims to accurately cluster all data by identifying and addressing false clusters in the radar sorting problem. To verify the performance of the proposed algorithm, experiments are conducted by applying it to simulated signals that are generated by a signal generator.

Measurement of competency through self study in basic nursing lab. practice focused on cleansing enema (기본간호학 실습에 있어 자가학습을 통한 능숙도 측정 - 배변관장을 중심으로 -)

  • Ko Il-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.532-543
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    • 1999
  • This study was conducted to provide the basic data necessary for the improvement of the teaching method for basic nursing practice as well as the effectiveness of the practice by examining the students' competency in cleansing enema after doing the self study instead of the traditional education. To examine the competency in cleansing enema after the self study, this study is an one group pretest-posttest design that subjects did the enema practice through the self study. The subjects were 89 sophomore students at Y University. College of Nursing. In basic nursing lab practice class, cleansing enema self study module was given to the students which was developed by the researcher based on the literature review and asked them to finish doing the pre study and checking the self study evaluation criteria after reading the goal, learning activities and theoretical guideline. After watching the video tape, students practiced the process in the module by themselves. For the competency in cleansing enema. repeated autonomous practices were done during the open lab other than the regular class. Whenever the practice was done, the frequency and time were measure and documented. When the student felt confident through repeated practices, the competency was evaluated by the researcher and two assistants based on the evaluation criteria. And the process was repeated till the student could perform all the items on evaluation criteria completely. The data were collected for 42 days from Oct. 15 to Nov. 26 in 1996. Collected data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, Pearson correlation coefficient and variance analysis. The results are summarized as follows : 1. 43.2% of the students were favorable to nursing and 63.6% like lecture, but 71.6% like practice. So they were more interested in practice than in lecture. 2. 62.3% of the students scored high in written test, 97.8% scored high in practice. So the practice score was better. 3. The frequency of repeated practice to pass the test ranged from 1 to 4 and the average is 2.2. 4. The average time needed in preparation and the performance was nearly the same regardless of the frequency. It took 5 to 38 minutes for those who passed the test after practicing once and the average was 16 minutes. 5 to 60 minutes were taken for those who practiced twice to pass the test and the average was 21 minutes. Those who passed the test after three practices needed 8 to 30 minutes and the average was 15 minutes, which was similar to the time that the students who passed the test for the first trial. Only one student passed the test after 4 practices and it took 10 minutes. 5. 64% of the students agreed that the context and the content of the module were appropriate for the self study and 68.2% were satisfied. And 71.9% said that the module helped them to practice the enema self study 6. Though only 42% of the students were satisfied with the video. 50.6% said that it was helpful for the self study. 7. 52.3% of the students were satisfied with the self study method, and 86.6% obtained self-confidence when performing the enema. 8. The lower the student's practice score was, the more practices were needed for them to pass the test(r=-.213, P<.05). As a result, for performing the enema practice competently, two or more practice opportunities were needed to be given. And it is possible to obtain the less complex nursing skills through the self study, when enough learning resources and assistance such as learning guidance or video tapes are provided. Based on this study. I want to suggest that. 1. There must be college policy that can support the new method instead of the traditional learning method for the students to attain the proficiency in basic nursing skills. 2. The assistant materials should be developed as soon as possible to promote the self study of basic nursing skills.

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The Development and Effects of WEB Instruction Programs for Drug Abuse Prevention in Korean Adolescents (청소년의 약물남용예방을 위한 웹 활용 학습 프로그램 개발 및 효과)

  • Min, Young-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1055-1065
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to develop, through the integration of instructional theory, a Courseware and to investigate the effectiveness of a web-based computer assisted instruction(WBI) program for preventing drug abuse, a serious problem for youth problem. During the first stage of this study done "Drug Abuse Prevention" Courseware was developed based on, Gagn & Brigg's instructional design theory, Keller's ARCS theory and the CAI model of Hannafin & Peck. For the second stage, the courseware was used to provide education for students adolescents in drug abuse prevention. This study used an quasi-experimental, one-group pretest-posttest design with a convenience sample of 36 male high school students who were at one high school located in Seoul. Data were collected using self-reported questionnaires which included a learning achievement tool, the Keller's IMMS (Instructional Material Motivation Survey), on attitudes to drug use, and on responses to the WBI instruction. Prior to the experiment, the "drug abuse prevention" learning method and the procedures of the study were explained to the students, and then the learning achievement of the subjects was measured as a pretest. The students were then given 2 weeks WBI utilizing the courseware. A post-test which included the pre-test learning achievement questionnaire and a survey of learning motivation and attitudes toward drug were given two weeks after the education was completed. The data analysis was done using SPSS/PC. Paired t-test was used to analyze the differences between the pre-test and post-test scores for learning achievement. The results of the analysis are as follows: There were significant differences in learning achievement between the pre-test and post-test(t=-18.62, p=0.000). The hypothesis, that learning achievement will be higher, after the class has used the courseware, than before was supported. The scores for learning motivation and attitudes toward drugs were also higher than the results of existing studies. In conclusion, this study suggests that WBI is an effective learning method in the prevention of drug abuse for adolescents as it can be used for self-learning and repeated learning as assisted instruction. Recommendation would be given that further research needs to be develped in the courseware by cognitive learning style and by multimedia courseware and virtual reality system.

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Effects of basketball training program for 12 weeks of after school on physical abilities and learning related factors in middle school students (중학생들의 12주간 방과 후 농구 훈련 프로그램 참여가 신체활동능력과 학습관련요인에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Donghee;Ban, Seonmi;Cho, Sungchae;Kuk, Doohong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.186-194
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study was to examine the effects of an after-school basketball training program of 12 weeks on physical abilities (grip strength, endurance, and flexibility) and learning-related factors (cognition strength, cognition speed, concentration, and mental workload) in middle school students. Middle school students (Males, N=20) were recruited for use in this study and were randomly divided into either a basketball training group (n = 10, BT) or a non-exercise control group (n = 10, CON). Two-way repeated measures ANOVA with post-hoc testing was used for data analysis. Results found endurance and flexibility in the BT group were significantly increased, but not in the CON group. In addition, cognition strength, speed, and concentration in the BT group increased and mental workload in the BT group slightly decreased. In contrast, the CON group showed a significant increase in mental workload. Our findings show that participation in after-school physical education activities (e.g., basketball training program) positively improves physical abilities and increases brain functions for learning.