• Title/Summary/Keyword: Remove edge

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Object Segmentation for Image Transmission Services and Facial Characteristic Detection based on Knowledge (화상전송 서비스를 위한 객체 분할 및 지식 기반 얼굴 특징 검출)

  • Lim, Chun-Hwan;Yang, Hong-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics T
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    • v.36T no.3
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    • pp.26-31
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, we propose a facial characteristic detection algorithm based on knowledge and object segmentation method for image communication. In this algorithm, under the condition of the same lumination and distance from the fixed video camera to human face, we capture input images of 256 $\times$ 256 of gray scale 256 level and then remove the noise using the Gaussian filter. Two images are captured with a video camera, One contains the human face; the other contains only background region without including a face. And then we get a differential image between two images. After removing noise of the differential image by eroding End dilating, divide background image into a facial image. We separate eyes, ears, a nose and a mouth after searching the edge component in the facial image. From simulation results, we have verified the efficiency of the Proposed algorithm.

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A Study on Improvement of Vision Inspector for T Type Welding nut auto Sorting System using a Masked Histogram Equalization (마스크 히스토그램 평준화를 이용한 T형 용접너트 자동 선별시스템의 비전검사기 성능개선에 관한 연구)

  • Hur, Tae-Won;Song, Han-Lim
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.49 no.9
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    • pp.353-361
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose a improvement method of vision inspector for T type welding nut using an auto sorting system. We used edge and thread detection with histogram of image which is captured by machine vision camera. We also used a binary morphology operation for a detection of spot. A major problem in this vision inspector is abnormal operation caused by degradation of image acquired. These degradations caused by oil pollution on conveyer belt. For overcome this problem, we introduce a pre-processing using a masked histogram equalization on the image acquired. Histogram equalization is applied on masked region (nut part) for increase contrast. As a result, we can remove features caused by oil pollution on background and reduce a ratio of abnormal operation from 10.0 % to 0.2 %.

Design of Parallel Processing of Lane Detection System Based on Multi-core Processor (멀티코어를 이용한 차선 검출 병렬화 시스템 설계)

  • Lee, Hyo-Chan;Moon, Dai-Tchul;Park, In-hag;Heo, Kang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.1778-1784
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    • 2016
  • we improved the performance by parallelizing lane detection algorithms. Lane detection, as a intellectual assisting system, helps drivers make an alarm sound or revise the handle in response of lane departure. Four kinds of algorithms are implemented in order as following, Gaussian filtering algorithm so as to remove the interferences, gray conversion algorithm to simplify images, sobel edge detection algorithm to find out the regions of lanes, and hough transform algorithm to detect straight lines. Among parallelized methods, the data level parallelism algorithm is easy to design, yet still problem with the bottleneck. The high-speed data level parallelism is suggested to reduce this bottleneck, which resulted in noticeable performance improvement. In the result of applying actual road video of black-box on our parallel algorithm, the measurement, in the case of single-core, is approximately 30 Frames/sec. Furthermore, in the case of octa-core parallelism, the data level performance is approximately 100 Frames/sec and the highest performance comes close to 150 Frames/sec.

Unsupervised Change Detection of KOMPSAT-3 Satellite Imagery Based on Cross-sharpened Images by Guided Filter (Guided Filter를 이용한 교차융합영상 기반 KOMPSAT-3 위성영상의 무감독변화탐지)

  • Choi, Jaewan;Park, Honglyun;Kim, Donghak;Choi, Seokkeun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.777-786
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    • 2018
  • GF (Guided Filtering) is a representative image processing technique to effectively remove noise while preserving edge information in the digital image. In this paper, we proposed a unsupervised change detection method for the KOMPSAT-3 satellite image using the GF and evaluated its performance. In order to utilize GF for the unsupervised change detection, cross-sharpened images were generated based on GF, and CVA (Change Vector Analysis) was applied to the generated cross-sharpened images to extract the changed area in the multitemporal satellite imagery. Experimental results using KOMPSAT-3 satellite images showed that the proposed method can be effectively used to detect changed regions compared with CVA results based on existing cross-sharpened images.

The Palm Line Extraction and Analysis using Fuzzy Method (퍼지 기법을 이용한 손금 추출 및 분석)

  • Kim, Kwang-Baek;Song, Doo-Heon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.2429-2434
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose a method to extract and analyze palm line with fuzzy method. In order to extract the palm part, we transform the original RGB color space to YCbCr color space and extract sin colors ranging Y:65-255, Cb:25-255, Cr:130-255 and use it as a threshold. Possible noise is removed by 8-directional contour tracking algorithm and morphological characteristic of the palm. Then the edge is extracted from that noise-free image by stretching method and sobel mask Then the fuzzy binarization algorithm is applied to remove any minute noise so that we have only the palm lines and the boundary of the hand. Since the palm line reading is done with major lines, we use the morphological characteristics of the analyzable palm lines and fuzzy inference rules. Experiment verifies that the proposed method is better in visibility and thus more analyzable in palm reading than the old method.

Autonomous Battle Tank Detection and Aiming Point Search Using Imagery (영상정보에 기초한 전차 자율탐지 및 조준점탐색 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Hwan;Jung, Chi-Jung;Heo, Mira
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents an autonomous detection and aiming point computation of a battle tank by using RGB images. Maximally stable extremal regions algorithm was implemented to find features of the tank, which are matched with images extracted from streaming video to figure out the region of interest where the tank is present. The median filter was applied to remove noises in the region of interest and decrease camouflage effects of the tank. For the tank segmentation, k-mean clustering was used to autonomously distinguish the tank from its background. Also, both erosion and dilation algorithms of morphology techniques were applied to extract the tank shape without noises and generate the binary image with 1 for the tank and 0 for the background. After that, Sobel's edge detection was used to measure the outline of the tank by which the aiming point at the center of the tank was calculated. For performance measurement, accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measure were analyzed by confusion matrix, resulting in 91.6%, 90.4%, 85.8%, and 88.1%, respectively.

Facial Contour Extraction in PC Camera Images using Active Contour Models (동적 윤곽선 모델을 이용한 PC 카메라 영상에서의 얼굴 윤곽선 추출)

  • Kim Young-Won;Jun Byung-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.633-638
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    • 2005
  • The extraction of a face is a very important part for human interface, biometrics and security. In this paper, we applies DCM(Dilation of Color and Motion) filter and Active Contour Models to extract facial outline. First, DCM filter is made by applying morphology dilation to the combination of facial color image and differential image applied by dilation previously. This filter is used to remove complex background and to detect facial outline. Because Active Contour Models receive a large effect according to initial curves, we calculate rotational degree using geometric ratio of face, eyes and mouth. We use edgeness and intensity as an image energy, in order to extract outline in the area of weak edge. We acquire various head-pose images with both eyes from five persons in inner space with complex background. As an experimental result with total 125 images gathered by 25 per person, it shows that average extraction rate of facial outline is 98.1% and average processing time is 0.2sec.

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Development of Structure Dynamic Characteristics Analysis System Prototype using Image Processing Technique (영상처리기법을 이용한 구조물 동특성 분석 시스템 프로토타입 개발)

  • Jo, Byung-Wan;Lee, Yun-Sung;Kim, Jung-Hoon;Kim, Do-Keun;Yoon, Kwang-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2016
  • Recently, structure safety management techniques using cutting-edge technology(Displacement senor, sensor of acceleration) has emerged as an important issue owing to the aging of infrastructure such as bridge and building. In general, the structural monitoring system for structure safety management is based on IT technology and it is expensive to install. In this paper developed an image-based structure dynamic characteristic analysis system prototype to assess the damage of structure in a more cost-effective way than traditional structure health monitoring system. The inspector can take a video of buildings or other structures with digital camera or any other devices that is passible to take video, and then using NCC calculation for image processing technique to get natural frequency. This system is analysis of damage of the structure using a compare between the frequency response ratio and functions when problems are occurs send alarm to administrator. This system is easier to install and remove than previous monitoring sensor in economical way.

Stereo Matching Algorithm by using Color Information (색상 정보를 이용한 스테레오 정합 기법)

  • An, Jae-Woo;Yoo, Ji-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.407-415
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose a new stereo matching algorithm by using color information especially for stereo images containing human beings in the applications such as tele-presence system. In the proposed algorithm, we first remove the background regions by using a threshold value for stereo images obtained by stereo camera and then find an initial disparity map and segment a given image into R, G, B and white color components. We also obtain edges in the segmented image and estimate the disparity from the extract boundary regions. Finally, we generate the final disparity map by properly combining the disparity map of each color component. Experiment results show better performance compared with the window based method and the dynamic programing method especially for stereo images with human being.

A Study on Polishing of Grooved Surface by the Second-Generation Magnetic Abrasive Polishing (2 세대 자기연마를 이용한 미세 그루브형상 표면가공에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Oh;Lee, Sung-Ho;Kawk, Jae-Seob
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.35 no.12
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    • pp.1641-1646
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    • 2011
  • The second-generation magnetic abrasive polishing is one of the nontraditional machining technologies newly developed. Because of the flexibility effect in magnetic abrasive polishing, the precise and mirror like surface can be obtained during this process. In this study, magnetic abrasive polishing process was applied in small grooved surface. As a result, it was seen that the flexible magnetic abrasive tool was effective to remove burrs on the edge of the groove. However, the efficiency of magnetic abrasive polishing at the slot was very low according to increasing depth and width of slot. So, correlation between geometric parameters, such as the depth and width, and surface roughness was evaluated and the minimum width for suitable polishing was found by experimental results.