• Title/Summary/Keyword: Release Film

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Performance Analysis of The KALIMER Breakeven Core Driver Fuel Pin Based on Conceptual Design Parameters

  • Lee Dong Uk;Lee Byoung Oon;Kim Young Gyun;Lee Ki Bog;Jang Jin Wook
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.356-368
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    • 2003
  • Material properties such as coolant specific heat, film heat transfer coefficient, cladding thermal conductivity, surface diffusion coefficient of the multi-bubble are improved in MACSIS-Mod1. The axial power and flux profile module was also incorporated with irradiation history. The performance and feasibility of the updated driver fuel pin have been analyzed for nominal parameters based on the conceptual design for the KALIMER breakeven core by MACSIS-MOD1 code. The fuel slug centerline temperature takes the maximum at 700mm from the bottom of the slug in spite of the nearly symmetric axial power distribution. The cladding mid-wall and coolant temperatures take the maximum at the top of the pin. Temperature of the fuel slug surface over the entire irradiation life is much lower than the fuel-clad eutectic reaction temperature. The fission gas release of the driver fuel pin at the end of life is predicted to be $68.61\%$ and plenum pressure is too low to cause cladding yielding. The probability that the fuel pin would fail is estimated to be much less than that allowed in the design criteria. The maximum radial deformation of the fuel pin is $1.93\%$, satisfying the preliminary design criterion ($3\%$) for fuel pin deformation. Therefore the conceptual design parameters of the driver fuel pin for the KALIMER breakeven core are expected to satisfy the preliminary criteria on temperature, fluence limit, deformation limit etc.

Effect of an Excipient on the Formation of PLGA Particles Using Supercritical Fluid (초임계 유체를 이용한 PLGA 입자 제조에 첨가제가 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, In-Il;Haam, Seung-Joo;Lim, Gio-Bin;Ryu, Jong-Hoon
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2012
  • In this study, we employed hydroxypropyl-${\beta}$-cyclodextrin (HP-${\beta}$-CD) as an excipient to produce poly(lactic-$co$-glycolic acid) (PLGA) fine particles by a supercritical fluid process, called aerosol solvent extraction system (ASES), and investigated the effect of HP-${\beta}$-CD content on the morphology of the particles. The influence of HP-${\beta}$-CD on the drug release characteristics of paclitaxel-loaded PLGA particles was also evaluated. Fine particles were obtained when the HP-${\beta}$-CD content in PLGA/HP-${\beta}$-CD mixtures was greater than 40% and 30%, respectively, for PLGA(75:25) and PLGA(50:50), whereas a film-like precipitate was obtained for lower HP-${\beta}$-CD content. The release rate for paclitaxel loaded PLGA(75:25)/HP-${\beta}$-CD particles was found to increase with HP-${\beta}$-CD content.

Thermal Atomic Layer Etching of the Thin Films: A Review (열 원자층 식각법을 이용한 박막 재료 식각 연구)

  • Hyeonhui Jo;Seo Hyun Lee;Eun Seo Youn;Ji Eun Seo;Jin Woo Lee;Dong Hoon Han;Seo Ah Nam;Jeong Hwan Han
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2023
  • Atomic layer etching (ALE) is a promising technique with atomic-level thickness controllability and high selectivity based on self-limiting surface reactions. ALE is performed by sequential exposure of the film surface to reactants, which results in surface modification and release of volatile species. Among the various ALE methods, thermal ALE involves a thermally activated reaction by employing gas species to release the modified surface without using energetic species, such as accelerated ions and neutral beams. In this study, the basic principle and surface reaction mechanisms of thermal ALE?processes, including "fluorination-ligand exchange reaction", "conversion-etch reaction", "conversion-fluorination reaction", "oxidation-fluorination reaction", "oxidation-ligand exchange reaction", and "oxidation-conversion-fluorination reaction" are described. In addition, the reported thermal ALE processes for the removal of various oxides, metals, and nitrides are presented.

A Study on Water Contact Angle and Peel Strength by Anti- Adhesion Coating on Die Blade Materials for Adhesive Film Cutting (점착필름 절단용 다이 칼날 소재에 적용된 점착 방지 코팅의 물 접촉각 및 박리강도에 관한 연구)

  • Yujin Ha;Min-Wook Kim;Wook-Bae Kim
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.190-196
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    • 2023
  • Anti-adhesion coatings are very important in the processing of adhesive materials such as optical clear adhesive (OCA) films. Choosing the appropriate release coating material for dies and tools can be quite challenging. Hydrophobic surface treatment is usually performed, and its performance is often estimated by the static water contact angle (CA). However, the relationship between the release performance and the CA is not well understood. In this study, the water CAs of surfaces coated with anti-adhesion materials and the peel strengths of the acrylic-based adhesive films are evaluated. STC5 and SUS304 are selected as the base materials. Base materials with different surface roughnesses are produced by hairline finishing, mirror-polishing, and end milling. Four fluoropolymer compounds, including a self-assembled monolayer, are selected to make the base surface hydrophobic. Static, advancing, and receding CAs are mostly increased due to the coating, but the CA hysteresis is found to increase or decrease depending on the coating material. The peel strengths all decreased after coating and are largely dependent on the coating material, with significantly lower values observed for fluorosilane and perfluoropolyether silane coatings. The peel strength is observed to correlate better with the static CA and advancing CA than with the receding CA or hysteresis. However, it is not possible to accurately predict the anti-adhesion performance based on water CA alone, as the peel strengths are not fully proportional to the CAs.

The Effects of pH and Alkalinity Adjustment on Internal Corrosion Control and Water Quality in Drinking Water Pipelines (정수의 pH 및 알칼리도 동시 조절이 상수도관의 내부부식 제어 및 수질에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hyun-Dong;Jung, Hae-Ryong;Kwak, Phill-Jae;Chung, Won-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.661-669
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    • 2000
  • This research was carried out to evaluate effect of metallic release and change of water corrosive indices by the pH and alkalinity adjustment using the SDLS (Simulated Distribution Loop System) which consist of six types of pipe loop with DCIP, PVC, PE, STS304, CP, GSP, respectively, and its effects on water quality changes which were microbes quality(SPC), residual chlorine. THMs and other parameters. And it was to propose optimal criteria of water quality control for the field application. According to the results, water control system by pH and alkalinity adjustment showed the changing of corrosive water and reducing of metallic release rate and it was not affects of THMs formation, microbes regrowth and variation of other parameters. Water quality stability and corrosion control were due to calcium carbonate precipitation film formation of pipe inner by water quality control. Therefore, corrosive water control system by pH and alkalinity adjustment can be attributed to effective water quality management in water distribution system according to water quality stability of pH and TIC(Total Inorganic Carbonate concentration) that affect the precipitation and dissolution of solids.

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Capping Treatment for the Reduction of Phosphorus Release from Contaminated Sediments of Lakes (호소퇴적물로부터 인 용출 저감을 위한 Capping 처리)

  • Kim, Seog-Ku;Lee, Mi-Kyung;Ahn, Jae-Hwan;Yun, Sang-Leen;Kim, So-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.438-446
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    • 2006
  • A lab-scale batch test was conducted to develop capping materials to reduce the sediment phosphorus in the stagnant water zone of Gyeongancheon in Paldang Lake. The mean grain size(Mz) of sediment in the investigated area was 7.7 ${\phi}$, which is very fine, and the contents of organic carbon($C_{org}$) was 2.4%, which is very high. For the phosphorous release experiment to select the optimal capping material, sand layer, powder-gypsum($CaSO_4{\cdot}2H_2O$), granule-gypsum, complex layer(gypsum+sand) and the control were compared and evaluated in the 150 L reactor for 45 days. In case of the capping with the sand, it was found that the phosphorous from the sediment could be reduced by around 50%. However, it was found that this caused the reduction of the dissolved oxygen in the water column(by less than 3 mg/L) due to the resuspension of sediment and the organic matter decomposition that comes from the generation of $CH_4$ gas in the 1 cm of the sand layer. Therefore, it is likely that the sand layer has to be thickener in case of the sand capping. Powder-gypsum and granule-Gypsum reduced phosphorous release by more than 80%. However, the concentration of ${SO_4}^{2-}$ in the water column increased, making it difficult to apply it to the drinking water protection zone. We developed Fe-Gypsum and $SiO_2$-gypsum materials to reduce the solubility of ${SO_4}^{2-}$. Powder-Gypsum creates the interception film that does not have any aperture on the sediment layer when it is combined with the water. However phosphorous release caused by the generation of $CH_4$ gas may happen at a time when the gypsum layer has the crack. Capping through the complex layer(granule-Gypsum+sand(1 cm)) found to be suitable for the drinking water protection zone because it was effective to prevent phosphorus release. Moreover, this leads to the lower solubility from the concentration of ${SO_4}^{2-}$ into the water column than the powder-Gypsum and granule-Gypsum. The addition of gypsum($CaSO_4{\cdot}2H_2O$) into the sediment can reduce the progress of methanogensis because fast early diagenesis and sufficient supply of ${SO_4}^{2-}$ to the sediment, stimulate the SRB(sulfate reducing bacteria) highly.

A Study on the Electron Beam Crosslinking of Acrylic Pressure Sensitive Adhesives for Polarizer Film (전자선 조사를 통한 편광필름용 아크릴계 고분자의 가교화 반응에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Jung-Jin;Choi, Hong-June;Ko, Hwan-Soon;Jeong, Eun-Hwan;Youk, Ji-Ho
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.344-350
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    • 2012
  • New pressure sensitive adhesives (PSAs) for polarizer film were prepared by electron beam (e-beam) radiation to acrylic copolymers, and their adhesive properties were investigated. The acrylic copolymers were synthesized by free radical polymerization of $n$-butylacrylate (BA), 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), and acrylic acid (AA). The acrylic copolymers were coated on PET release films to a thickness of 25 ${\mu}m$, laminated to polarizer films, and then radiated with e-beam at room temperature. Gel fractions of all the acrylic copolymers after e-beam radiation at 50 kGy were higher than 93%, and their crosslinking densities were increased with increasing the content of HEMA units. PSA prepared by e-beam radiation of acrylic copolymer synthesized with a feed ratio of BA/HEMA/AA = 89.5/10/0.5 (w/w/w) at a dose of 50 kGy exhibited the best adhesion performances in terms of peel strength, creep resistance, durability and reliability, and light leakage. It is expected that the preparation method of PSAs via e-beam irradiation will improve the producibility and workability of polarizer film for liquid crystal display.

Evaluation of Bioavailability of Phosphorus Accumulated in Arable Soils (농경지 토양에 집적된 인산의 생물이용가능성 평가)

  • Lee, Seul-Bi;Lee, Chang-Hoon;Kim, Gun-Yeob;Lee, Jong-Sik;So, Kyu-Ho;Kim, Sang-Yoon;Kim, Pil-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.293-299
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    • 2012
  • BACKGROUND: Soil utilization pattern can be the main factor affecting soil physico-chemical properties, especially in soil phosphorus (P). Understanding the distribution and bioavailability of P is important for developing management to minimize P release from arable soils to environment. This study was conducted to evaluate the potential bioavailability of soil organic P by using phosphatase hydrolysis method. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twenty-four soils from onion-rice double cropping and 30 soils from plastic film house were selected from Changyeong and Daegok in Gyeongnam province, respectively. The P accumulation pattern (total P, inorganic P, organic P, residual P) and water soluble P were characterized. Commercial phosphatase enzymes were used to classify water-extractable molybdate unreactive P from arable soils into compounds that could be hydrolysed by (i) alkaline phosphomonoesterase (comprising labile orthophosphate monoesters), (ii) a combination of alkaline phosphomonoesterase and phosphodiesterase (comprising labile orthophosphate monoesters and diesters), and (iii) phytase (including inositol hexakisphosphate). Available P was highly accumulated with 616 and 1,208 mg/kg in double cropping system and plastic film house, respectively. Dissolved reactive P (DRP) and dissolved unreactive P (DUP) had similar trends with available P, showing 24 and 109 mg/kg in double cropping and 37 and 159 mg/kg in plastic film house, respectively, indicating that important role of dissolved organic P in the environments had been underestimated. From the result of phosphatase hydrolysis, about 39% and 66% of DUP was evaluated as bioavailable in double cropping and plastic film house, respectively. CONCLUSION(S): Orthophosphate monoester and orthophosphate diester accounted for high portion of dissolved organic P in arable soils, indicating that these organic P forms give important impacts on bioavailability of P released from P accumulated soils.

Last Ten Years of Korean Movie Industry through the Analysis on the Concentrations of Film Admission and Screening (영화 흥행 집중도와 상영 스크린 집중도로 살펴본 한국 영화산업 10년)

  • Kim, Jung-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.151-167
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    • 2015
  • Korean movie maintain their market share from the highest 59.7% to the lowest 42.1% during the last ten years in Korea. However, with the multiplex and wide release strategy, the monopolies of four major distribution companies and three multiplex chain, the polarization of Korean movie's Box Office performance is deepening. With Gini-Index, concentration of film admission has been deepened in intensity from 0.53 in 2004 to 0.85 in 2014. Using Thomas Piketty's method, Movie attendance proportion of Highest 10% of the box office ranking for 2014 sharply increased to 71.2% from 30.28% in 2004 and the lowest 50% of box office ranking dropped from 11.03% in 2004 to 0.08% in 2014. Concentrations of the number of Screen, Screening, the seating Capacity have the same analogy with the polarization of film admission. However, concentration of seating share has maintained a modest increase from 0.22 in 2004 to 0.38 in 2014. This analysis shows that polarization of Korean movie box office performance is not the sole result of Natural selection of market but the result of the monopolies of distribution companies and Multiplex chains.

Extreme Job, How Will We Survive Since "Candlelight Protest"? -A Revival of Comic Mode and a Comedy Film in the Age of Self-Management (<극한직업>, '촛불혁명' 이후 어떻게 버티며 살아남을 것인가? -코믹 모드의 부활과 자기경영 시대의 코미디영화)

  • Chung, Young-Kwon
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.221-254
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    • 2020
  • This paper finds a solution in the social context which cannot be explained thoroughly by well-timed release date, revival of comedy films, and the attraction of Lee Byeong-heon's comedy etc. while it throws question of how the film, Extreme Job captivated 16 million audience. The incredible hits of Extreme Job cannot be explained by analyzing the text alone. After this essay investigates a function and a role of comedy as a public sphere, it examines people's desires and wishes in the comedy and other genres since 2008 when the conservative government has seized power. Since 2008 a series of dark tone's action thriller, social problem film, and disaster film have emerged, these genres showed absence of public security, crisis of democracy and criticism against rulling class. On the other hand, hit comedy films have showed escapism such as weepie, nostalgia, and fantasy at the same time, generally. Although Veteran (2015) is not full-blown comedy, after this film's big success, "comic mode" has gradually revived. A light tone's films which are truer to genre rules has started representing the wishes of people toward social reforms and changes. Meanwhile, "Candlelight Protest" served as a momentum to recover the democracy which has been in crisis, but it could not lead changes in economic and daily lives. Exreme Job can be read as a question how we will survive since "Candlight Protest." The lives of detectives as self-employed workers who has taken over a fried chicken restaurant for going undercover are appearances of ordinary persons who must survive in the edless conpetition. Furthermore, this film shows a dream of a "great success myth" which becomes well-known as a famous restaurant and a self-management such as brand-naming and an exapansion of franchise business. We can read ganster's chicken franchises as a huge distribution industry which disturbs market system by delivering drugs secretly. While applauses that we give to the police having identities of self-employed workers which sweeps the ganster are giving support to oridinary neighborhood like us, they are also wishes of people who long for the restoration of publicness of police in the market which is becoming increasingly privatized today. A significance of this essay is to examine Extreme Job in terms of the geography of film genres and the revival of comic mode sicne 2008 at the macro level, and is to read the film in the perspective of the problems of economic and daily lives which has been still unsolved since "Candlelight Protest" at the micro level.