• Title/Summary/Keyword: Relation conflict

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A Study on the Role Conflict of Head Nurse (수간호원의 역할 갈등에 관한 연구)

  • 박성애;이병숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.44-51
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    • 1985
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the role conflict of head nurse; to identify the degree of the role conflict, the sources of the conflict, and the relation between the degree of the conflict and the general characteristics of head nurse. During the period from July 23, 1984 to August 4, 1984, data were collected from 109 head nurses working in 7 general hospitals in seoul. The results of this study were: 1. The degree of the role conflict of head nurse was moderate. But among the three areas in performing head nurse's role, the degree of role conflict as a operational manager was slightly serious. 2. In the various sources of the role conflict of head nurse, the main sources were the shoratage of personnel (20.7%), lack of equipment (19.3%), and lack of time. (17.6%). 3. In comparison of the degree of role conflict of head nurse, there is no significant difference in the general characteristics of head nurse. But the role conflict of head nurse as a operational manager, there is a significant difference in hospital types in which the head nurse were working. (p <0.01). And as a operational manager, there is a significant difference of role conflict in educational levels. (p <0.01).

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A Study on the Relation of the Later Personality Adjustment Types and the Aged Perception of the Conflict with their Married Children -Focus on the Relationships with their Eldest Sons and Wives- (노후 성격적응성향과 노인이 지각하는 기혼자녀와의 갈등관계연구 -장남부부와의 관계를 중심으로-)

  • 유영주
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.155-172
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between the later personality adjustment types and the elderly percepted conflict with their married children. The subjects for this study are the aged over 60 years in Seoul both having the eldest sons' couples and perceiving their own economics level as the middle-upper. The results based on this are as followed: 1) The Active Integrated Coper is appeared in the higher educational level group in the better health condition in the 11-30 thousand won of personal expense in the professional and management occupation and in the more vigorous for social activity. The Failing Overcoper the Dependent Passive Coper and the Self-negating Undercoper is appeared in th female elder group in the later group of the older age in the lower educational level in the worse health condition in the group without spouse in one without income in the below 10 thousand won in the less preparation for the later life. 2) The problems of emotion and iew of values bring about the conflicts between them and theirs rather than the financial problem. when they are in the worse health condition in the group without religion in the group not cohabiting their eldest sons' couples and in the group not well-prepared for their later life as the socio-demographic variables the old recognized the seriousness of the conflict with their eldest sons' couples. 3) The lower the Active Integrated Coper is and the higher the Failing Overcoper is the more intense the conflict between them and their eldest sons' couples is. 4) The t-test to examine the difference in the old's conflict with their eldest sons' couples among the later groups shows that it is in the less the Active Integrated Coper and in the more the Failing Overcoper that the conflict is more surfaced. 5) The educational level the level of the later life preparation the contact frequency with their daughter the level of their social activity as the socio-demographic variables and the Failing Overcoper as the later personality adjustment type answer for 22 percentage of the conflict.

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유통경로상의 갈등과 거래성과에 관한 연구

  • 한상린
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association for Survey Research Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.95-108
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    • 2001
  • One of the most important things in channel of distribution is the management of intrachannel conflict. In this study, I tried to find out the major sources of conflict among distribution channel members of petroleum industry and home electronic industry which have two types of distribution channels - sales branch and agency, and also investigate how the level of conflict influence the business performance. The results of the study showed that the imbalance of power, nonfulfillment of roles by manufacturers, nonfulfillment of roles by dealer, divergence in perceptions, intrachannel communication noise have positive relation but role clarity has negative relation with conflict. The results indicate that the more power manufacturer exerts upon dealer, the less manufacturer and dealer practice their roles, and the more communications noise there is, there will be more conflict between channel members. I also analyzed the relationship between conflict and business performance and the result came out as expected, the more conflict there is the less business performance. Little difference was found in sales branch and agency on that aspect.

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Influence of Marital Conflict on Children's Aggression: The Mediation Effect of Co-Parenting (부부갈등이 아동의 공격성에 미치는 영향: 부부공동양육의 매개효과)

  • Jang, Mi-yeon;Choi, Mi-Kyung
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.567-580
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    • 2015
  • This study examines the relation of marital conflict, co-parenting, and children's aggression and the mediating role of co-parenting between marital conflict and children's aggression. Participants consisted of 380 elementary school fifth, sixth graders (152 male and 228 female students) and their mothers from Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Gyeongsangnam-do. Children completed questionnaires on marital conflict and the mothers completed questionnaires on co-parenting and children's aggression. The collected data were analyzed using basic descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients, and a multiple regression analysis. The Baron and Kenny's method was used to determine the mediating model's significance. It was adapted to SPSS ver. 20.0 for Windows. The major findings were as follows: first, the marital conflict (intensity/resolution) positively influenced children's aggression. Second, supportive co-parenting negatively influenced children's aggression. In addition, the marital conflict (frequency/resolution) negatively influenced co-parenting. Co-parenting (supportive/reprehensive) also played a perfectly mediating role between marital conflict and children's aggression. Marital conflict had an indirect influence through co-parenting on the children's aggression. The results indicate that co-parenting plays a crucial role in the relationship between marital conflict and children's aggression.

The Study on Conflict Management Methods and Job Satisfaction of Conflict Level in Team Teaching Nursery Teachers (영아반 복수담임의 갈등수준에 따른 갈등관리방법과 직무만족도)

  • Lee, Jin-Hee;Kim, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.532-539
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study was to understand the degree of conflict in team teaching nursery teachers and also differences in conflict management methods and job satisfaction in accordance with conflict level. For this, a survey was conducted targeting 241 team teaching nursery teachers. In the results of the study, conflict management methods in accordance with conflict level of team teaching nursery teachers showed significant differences in the type of 'integration' and 'avoidance' between groups. Second, job satisfaction in accordance with the conflict level of team teaching nursery teachers showed significant differences in the whole like 'director's operation method & attitude', 'social perception & treatment', 'childcare environment and welfare', 'childcare work', 'relation with colleagues', and 'relation with parents' between groups. In other words, the group with low conflict showed higher job satisfaction than groups with middle or high conflict levels. Based on the results of the study, the efficient operation of team teaching nursery teachers was also discussed.

Maternal Parenting, Mother-Adolescent Conflict, and Adolescent Self-Esteem (어머니의 양육행동 및 모-자녀간 갈등과 남녀 청소년의 자아존중감간의 관계)

  • 윤지은;최미경
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.237-251
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    • 2004
  • The main purpose of this study was to examine the relations between maternal parenting, mother-adolescent conflict, and middle adolescents' self-esteem with a sample of 271 high school students enrolled in 2nd year at high school in Seoul, and their mothers. Data was analysed using correlations and regression analyses. Maternal affection, monitoring and reasoning were positively related with and maternal physical abuse and neglect were negatively related with adolescent self-esteem. Maternal over-expectation and intrusiveness were not related with adolescent self-esteem in boys, but were negatively related with adolescent self-esteem in girls. In both adolescents' and mothers' report, mother-adolescent conflict was related negatively with adolescent self-esteem. In mothers' report, mother-adolescent conflict was not related with adolescent self-esteem in boys, but was negatively related with adolescent self-esteem in girls. In adolescents' report, maternal affection, monitoring and reasoning were negatively related with mother-adolescent conflict, which maternal over-expectation, intrusiveness, neglect, and physical abuse were positively related with mother-adolescent conflict. In mothers' report, maternal affection, monitoring and reasoning were negatively related with mother-adolescent conflict. Mediating roles of mother-adolescent conflict in relation of maternal parenting and adolescent self-esteem were examined. In adolescents' report, mother-adolescent conflict perceived by male adolescents played a mediating role between maternal monitoring, reasoning and physical abuse, representatively, and adolescent self-esteem. And mother-adolescent conflict perceived by female adolescents played a mediating role between maternal parenting with the expectation of maternal affection and adolescent self-esteem. In mothers' report, mother-adolescent conflict perceived by mothers only played mediating role between maternal monitoring and adolescent self-esteem. So, mediating roles of mother-adolescent conflict were more emphasized in the adolescents' report than in the mothers' report. Therefore, the fact that maternal parenting except affection affects the adolescent self-esteem indirectly through mother-adolescent conflict can be found. Implying that maternal affection is crucial in implying positive self-esteem of adolescents.

The Causal Relationships among Nurses' Perceived Autonomy, Job Satisfaction and Realated Variables (임상간호사의 자율성과 직무만족 관련요인의 인과관계 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.109-122
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    • 2000
  • The present study examined the causal relationships among nurses' perceived autonomy, job satisfaction, work environment (work overload, role conflict, situational support, head nurses' leadership), personal aspects(experiences, need for achievement, professional knowledge and skill) by constructing and testing a theoretical framework. Based on literature review nurses' perceived autonomy and job satisfaction were conceived of as outcomes of the interplay among work environment and personal characteristics. Work environment factors involved work overload, role conflict, situational support, and head nurses' leadership (task oriented leadership, relation oriented leadership). Personal charateristics included experiences, need for achievement, and professional knowledge and skill. Three large general hospital in Chonbuk were selected to participate. The total sample of 516 registered nurses represents a response rate of 92 percent. Data for this study was collected from July to September in 1998 by Questionnaire. Path analyses with LISREL 7.16 program were used to test the fit of the proposed conceptual model to the data and to examine the causal relationship among variables. The result showed that both the proposed model and the modified model fit the data excellently. It needs to be notified, however, that path analisis can not count measurement errors; measurement error can attenuate estimates of coefficient and explanatory power. Nevertheless the model revealed relatively high explanatory power. 42 percent of nurses' perceived autonomy was explained by predicted variables; 32 percent of nurses' job satisfaction was explained by by predicted variables. Tn predicting nurses' perceived autonomy the findings of this study clearly demonstrated the work overload might be the most important variable of all the antecedent variables. Head nurses' relation oriented leadership, situational supports, need for achievement, and role conflict were also found to be important determinants for nurses' perceived autonomy. As for the job satisfaction, role conflict, situational supports, need for the achievement, and head nurses' relation oriented leadership were in turn important predictors. Unexpectedly the result showed perceived autonomy have few influence on job satisfaction. The results were discussed, including directions for the future research and practical implication drawn from the research were suggested.

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An Exploratory Study on the Structural Relationship of Brand Equity, Internal Brand, Conflict and Relationship Dissolution on Franchise System (프랜차이즈 시스템에서 브랜드 자산, 내부브랜드 활동, 갈등 및 관계해지의 구조적 관계에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Min;Na, June-Hee;Lee, Young-Chan
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.65-84
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    • 2007
  • The relation between franchiser and franchisee participated the franchise system was studied focused on brand for the correlation of relationship dissolution. Basically the relation among brand equity, internal brand, conflict and relationship dissolution based on brand on franchise system were investigated. The study of external factor and internal one of brand recognized by franchisee was conducted. The questionnaire was carried out for franchisee participated of national franchise system. The results showed that the brand external factor of brand transaction cost, brand equity and brand communication had influence on brand dissolution by the affection of brand identification and conflict classified as brand internal factor. In addition, brand internal reinforcement factor affected brand dissolution also. The structural causal inference between internal factor and external one was examined. Finally, the theoretical and managerial insight were suggested on the brand role for the consecutive relation as well as the limit of the study and future suggestion were included.

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Relation among Emotional Labors's Job Stress, Role Conflict, Ego-Resilience and Job Turnover (감정노동자의 직무스트레스, 역할갈등, 자아탄력성 및 이직의도의 관계)

  • Lee, Ju-Yeon;Chi, Myong-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.191-200
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to look into the influence of job stress and role conflict of emotional labors on the intention of job turnover of them and to look into the effect of adjusting ego-resilience in their relation. To do this, 60 child care facilities in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do were selected and survey research was conducted for the object of total 248 child care teachers who are emotional labors. With collected materials, SPSS 17.0, AMOS program was used to verify research problems. The results of the research : First, the job stress of emotional labors appeared to be a main factor which has influence on the intention of job turnover of emotional labors. Second, the role stress and ambiguity appeared to be a main factor which has influence on the intention of job turnover. Lastly, in the relation which job stress and role conflict has influence on the intention of job turnover, ego-resilience appeared to have the effect of adjustment.

Development and Evaluation of the Family Relations Enhancement Program - Applied to Rural Women in Gyeonggi do - (가족관계 증진 프로그램 개발 및 효과검증 - 경기지역 농촌여성을 대상으로 -)

  • Choi Kyu-Reon
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.31-48
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate the program which aims at providing a better understanding of family role, establishing a desirable value of being good spouse and good parent, and good daughter/mother in-law and determine effects of the program on rural women in Gyeonggi do. Based on the strong & healthy family perspective, personality types theory, coping stress theory, anger control method, communication & conflict solution theory(eg; Minnesota Couple Communication Program), cognitive behavior theory, and relations enrichment theory, 6 session program was developed. The title of 6 sessions were 'Making happy family', 'Family communication', 'Coping parent-child relation stress', 'Coping conjugal personality difference', 'Becoming a good mother/daughter in-law', and 'Dissolving family conflict'. 188 women surveyed were asked to participate in the program held at 5 city located in Gyeonggi do from Jun. 22 to July, 15. 2005, with two days(3 session a day and 120 minutes per session based). The effectiveness of this program was evaluated by pre-test, post test through 188 rural women and it was analyzed by paired t-test and program evaluation questionnaire was also investigated. The major results were as follows: This program was effective in improving spouse relation satisfaction, child relation satisfaction, daughter/mother in-law relation satisfaction, their effort for making happy family, self-esteem, and depression tendency. Future research and practical implications were added.

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