This study aims to provide the basic data of the rehabilitation program for the schoolchild with intellectual disability by designing new framework of the features of postural control for the schoolchild with intellectual disability. For this, the study investigated what sensations the schoolchild are using to maintain posture by selectively or synthetically applying vision, vestibular sensation and somato-sensation, and how the coordinative sensory system of the schoolchild is responding to any sway referenced sensory stimulus. The study intended to prove the limitation of motor system in estimating the postural stability by providing the cognitive motor task, and provided the features of postural control of the schoolchild with intellectual disability by measuring the onset times and orders of muscle contraction of neuron-muscle when there is a postural control taking place due to the exterior disturbance. Furthermore, by comparatively analyzing the difference between the normal schoolchild and the intellectually disabled schoolchild, this study provided an optimal direction for treatment planning when the rehabilitation program is applied in the postural control ability training program for the schoolchild with intellectual disability. Taking gender and age into consideration, 52 schoolchild including 26 normal schoolchild and 26 intellectually disabled schoolchild were selected. To measure the features of postural control, CTSIB test, and postural control strategy test were conducted. The result of experiment is as followed. First, the schoolchild with intellectual disability showed different feature in using sensory system to control posture. The normal schoolchild tended to depend on somato-sensory or vision, and showed a stable postural control toward a sway referenced stimulus on somato-sensory system. The schoolchild with intellectual disability tended to use somato-sensory or vision, and showed a very instable postural control toward a sway referenced vision or a sway referenced stimulus on somato-sensory system. In sensory analysis, the schoolchild with intellectual disability showed lower level of proficiency in somato-sensation percentile, vision percentile and vestibular sensation percentile compare to the normal schoolchild. Second, as for the onset times and orders of muscle contraction for strategies of postural control when there is an exterior physical stimulus, the schoolchild with intellectual disability showed a relatively delayed onset time of muscle control, and it was specially greater when the perturbation is from backward. As for the onset orders of muscle contraction, it started from muscles near coax then moved to the muscles near ankle joint, and the numbers and kinds of muscles involved were greater than the normal schoolchild. The normal schoolchild showed a fast muscle contracting reaction from every direction after the perturbation stimulus, and the contraction started from the muscles near the ankle joint and expanded to the muscles near coax. From the results of the experiments, the special feature of the postural control of the schoolchild with intellectual disability is that they have a higher dependence on vision in sensory system, and there was no appropriate integration of swayed sensation observed in upper level of central nerve system. In the motor system, the onset time of muscle contraction for postural control was delayed, and it proceeded in reversed order of the normal schoolchild. Therefore, when use the clinical physical therapy to improve the postural control ability, various sensations should be provided and should train the schoolchild to efficiently use the provided sensations and use the sensory experience recorded in upper level of central nerve system to improve postural control ability. At the same time, a treatment program that can improve the processing ability of central nerve system through meaningful activities with organizing and planning adapting reaction should be provided. Also, a proprioceptive motor control training program that can induce faster muscle contraction reaction and more efficient onset orders from muscularskeletal system is need to be provided as well.
The purpose of this study was to develop a curriculum for the oriental clinical nurse specialist program based on the understanding of Korean human beings so as to develop nursing as a profession and promote the client's health. The design of this study was based on literature review and nominal group study. The research was managed by East-West Nursing Research Institute of nursing science college at Kyung Hee University. The research team was composed of 17 professors of nursing departments of oriental medical colleges. We obtained opinions from Oriental Nurses Association, Oriental Nursing Research Association, and professors in oriental medical college. We reviewed articles, curriculums of other clinical nurse specialist programs, medical laws and the curriculum development plan for the oriental clinical nurse specialist program from Korean Nurses Association. We discussed a curriculum thoroughly in numerous meetings. We developed a following curriculum: 1. Educational philosophy was founded on the oriental human view which was based on Chun-In union theory. It was founded on the oriental health view which recognized health being in harmony with nature and the balance of body function with the harmony of Yin-Yang in the five elements. In addition, it was founded on oriental nursing view to promote these health states. 2. Educational goals were to train oriental clinical nurse specialists, oriental nursing educators and oriental nursing researchers who developed knowledge of oriental nursing theory, nursing practice and created a leadership. 3. Curriculum consisted of 48 credits, of which 36 credits are based on lectures and laboratory classes and 12 credits are based on clinical practice. 36 credits consisted of 5 general subject credits and 31 core subject credits. General subjects consisted of nursing theory, nursing research, law and ethics. Students who had earned master's degrees are not required to take the general subjects. Core subjects consisted of 11 subjects such as advanced physical examination and laboratory, oriental nursing theory, original text of oriental nursing, oriental medical nursing, oriental pediatric nursing, oriental gynecologic nursing, oriental gerontologic nursing, oriental pharmacology, oriental constitutional nursing, advanced nursing of channels and acupuncture points and laboratory and oriental rehabilitation nursing and laboratory. In addition, clinical practice in a hospital ward, out patient department, herb prepation room, department of physical therapy and health promotion center in oriental medical hospitals for 12 weeks. To admit this program, students should complete prerequisites of introduction to oriental nursing and nursing of channels and acupuncture points. 4. Course contents of each subjects were developed to include the course's goal and objectives and specific items. 5. Evaluation involved lecture, laboratory and in field practice. We applied various evaluation systems and methods that were based on both knowledge and skills of the students to ensure full credibility and validity.
Objective : The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of task-oriented approach based on upper limb coordinated movement on the ability of the Korean handwriting in children with developmental coordination disorder(DCD). Methods/Design : This randomized controlled trial designed as a pre-/post- test will compare the effectiveness of task-oriented approach and process-oriented approach on handwriting performance for children with DCD aged 5 to 10. These interventions consist of 10 training sessions and 4 assessment sessions over 7weeks. Children will be measured regard to handwriting legibility, speed and pre-handwriting skills including upper limb movement skills, visual perception and visual motor coordination. Conclusion : This is the first attempt to investigate effects of a task-oriented approach in children with DCD. The significance of this study is to provide the clinical evidences to apply the task-oriented approach improves the children's handwriting performance. Furthermore it will also present a more effective intervention for handwriting by figuring out each approach's impact on the improvement of pre-handwriting skills.
This study was designed to investigate the effects of an aquatic exercise program on the shoulder joint function. physical symptom. quality of life and stress among the patients who received modified radical mastectomy between 6 to 12 months prior to their visits. The subjects were 31 women aged between 40 and 60 who visited the out-patient department at Kang Nam St. Mary's Hospital for follow-up care. and were not under the treatment of intravenous cancer chemotherapy or radiation therapy. and had no complications. Twelve of them were assigned to the control group. while nineteen subjects to the experimental group. The aquatic exercise program was developed by the author with the assistance of exercise specialists. The program includes warming uP. aerobic and cooling down exercises in water. The aquatic exercise program for the experimental group was carried out 3 times a week with 60 minutes in each time for 8 weeks from September 20th to November 15th. 1995 in a regular swimming pool in Seoul. Changes in the range of motion of the shoulder joint. muscle strength. physical symptom. quality of life. and stress were examined after the completion of treatment. The data were collected through isokinetic muscle strength evaluation and questionnaire survey before and after the treatment. Paired and unpaired t-test were adopted to analyze the data. The results were as follows ; 1. The increment in the range of motion of the shoulder joint in the experimental group after the exercise was significantly greater than those in the control group. 2. The peak torque of shoulder girdle muscles increased significantly after the exercise in the experimental group only. 3. The physical symptom score decreased significantly after the exercise in the experimental group only. 4. The experimental group revealed significantly higher level of quality of life and lower level of stress after the exercise compared with those before the exercise. whereas the control group showed no significant changes in those levels. These findings may indicate that the aquatic exercise program is effective in increasing the range of motion of the shoulder joint and muscle strength and quality of life. and also effective in decreasing physical symptoms. and the level of stress in postmastectomy patients. Accordingly. the acquatic exercise program' can be adopted as an effective nursing intervention for postmastectomy rehabilitation.
Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
Purpose: The aim of the present study was to compare clinical antiplaque and antigingivitis effect between Light Emitting Diode (LED) electronic toothbrush and electronic toothbrush without LED for gingivitis and mild periodontitis patients. Materials and Methods: 30 patients included in this study. 15 patients in experimental group used LED electronic tooth brush which has red and white LED within its head, and other 15 patients in control group used same product which specially modified that function without LED. Clinical parameters ($L{\ddot{o}}e-Silness$ gingival index (GI), Quigley-Hein plaque index (PI)) were measured at the baseline, 2 weeks and 4 weeks later. Wilcoxon signed rank test and Mann-Whitney test were used for statistical analysis. Results: Compare of GI change between experimental and control group with time, both groups showed that reduced GI, but lower GI values detected at 2 weeks and 4 weeks later in experimental group than control group. And lower PI values detected at 4 weeks later in experimental group than control group, but not statistically significant. Conclusion: Based on these results and within the limits of this study, the electronic toothbrush with LED could reducing gingivitis in a short period and infer that decreasing plaque accumulation in a long period.
Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors affecting the survival rate and the marginal bone level of dental implants that have functioned over 7-years. Materials and Methods: In 92 patients, 178 dental implants were included. Implant-related factors (diameter, length, prosthetic splint), patient-related factors (gender, smoking, plaque index, compliance to supportive periodontal therapy) and surgery-related factors (proficiency of surgeon, bone graft) were evaluated via clinical and radiographic examination. The marginal bone level was determined by intraoral standard radiography at the mesial and distal aspects of each implant using an image analysis software program. Results: The survival rate of all the implants was 94.94% and the marginal bone level was $0.89{\pm}1.05mm$, these results are consistent with other studies that present long-term good clinical results. Implant length and plaque index among several factors were statistically significant for implant survival rate (P < 0.05). Smoking and the presence of regeneration surgery were statistically significant for the marginal bone level (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Dental implant that have functioned over 7-years showed favorable long-term survival rates and marginal bone level. Implant length and plaque control should be considered for improving the long-term clinical results. It is needed that careful application of bone regeneration technique and smoking control for maintaining of marginal bone level.
Choi, Eui Chul;Kim, Jun Hyuk;Nam, Doo Hyun;Lee, Young Man;Tak, Min Sung
Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
Purpose: The radial forearm fasciocutaneous free flap is currently considered as the ideal free flap for reconstruction of mucosal and soft tissue defects of the palate. But the availability of stably attached oral and nasal mucosal lining is needed. In addition to this, for better operation field, operating convenience and esthetics, we planned a prelaminated radial forearm free flap. Methods: A 64-year-old male patient was admitted due to a $4{\times}4.5cm$ full through defect in the middle of the hard palate caused by peripheral T cell lymphoma with actinomycosis. In the first stage, the radial forearm flap was elevated, tailored to fit the hard palate defect, and then it positioned up-side down with split thickness skin graft. Two weeks later, the prelaminated radial forearm free flap was re-elevated and transferred to the palatal defect. One side covered with grafted skin was used to line the nasal cavity, and the other side (the cutaneous portion of the radial forearm flap) was used to line the oral cavity. Results: The prelamination procedure was relatively easy and useful. The skin graft was well taken to the flap. After 2nd stage operation, the flap survived uneventfully. There was no prolapse of the inset flap into the oral cavity and the cutaneous portion of the flap was mucosalized. The procedure was very successful and the patient can enjoy normal rigid diet and speech. Conclusion: The use of prelaminated radial forearm free flap for hard palate reconstruction is an excellent method to restore oral function. Based upon the result of this case, microvascular free flap transfer with prelaminated procedure is a valid alternative to the prosthetic obturator for palatal defect that provides an improved quality of life. It should be considered as an integral component of head and neck cancer therapy and rehabilitation.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
This study investigated the symptoms of work-related musculoskeletal disorder(WMSDs) for physical therapists who have different work duties. We analyzed the symptoms in the musculoskeletal system and the degree of work-harmfulness by the survey of the symptom in the musculoskeletal system and rapid upper limb assessment(RULA) for pain control group(n=56), adult exercise group(n=53), and pediatric exercise group(n=22). As a result, 69.6% of the pain control group, 84.9% of the adult exercise group, 81.8% of the pediatric exercise group show the observable symptom. The adult exercise group has the biggest work load per hour in the final wrist & arm score of the ergonomic risk assessment using RULA. The action level of the pain control group is $3.0{\pm}0.9$; the Action Level of adult exercise group is $3.3{\pm}0.6$; the Action Level of the pediatric exercise group is $3.2{\pm}0.8$, and so it is shown that the adult exercise group has a problem of working posture. It is considered that devices and education system for preventing from WMSDs should come into wide use.
This study aimed to review Korean-written and English-written studies on music interventions for family caregivers of patients in medical settings. Electronic databases were searched for studies published through 2016, using the keywords of music intervention, family caregivers, and specified settings. A total of 43 studies, five Korean-written and 38 English-written studies, were selected. The results showed that caregivers were the sole participants in five studies (family-only), and caregivers and patients co-participated in 38 studies (family-patient). While diversified types of family participation were included in the English-written studies dating back to the late 1980s, the Korean-written studies were the only ones to include patients as co-participants with their caregivers. Studies with family-only participation tended to be conducted in palliative care units and usually included the spouses of the patients. Meanwhile, studies with family-patient participation tended to be conducted in NICU or cancer units and usually included the parents of the patients. Furthermore, studies with family-only participation tended to apply passive music activities, and those with family-patient participation tended to use active music activities. The results of this study present baseline data on how family-centered care can be included in music interventions in medical settings in Korea, suggesting future studies to systematically analyze music interventions for family caregivers in terms of diversified patient- and caregiver-related factors.
Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
This study examined the effects of a multifaceted intervention program on the psychological condition, empowerment, work readiness, and functional capacity for job performance of industrially injured workers. Twelve injured workers in C hospital were included in this study. The subjects participated in a social rehabilitation program 2 hours a day, twice a week, for 8 weeks in total, as well as a work hardening program 3 to 4 hours a day, 5 times a week, for 8 weeks in total. The study was conducted from March to September, 2017. A multi-dimensional psychological examination, empowerment scale, work readiness interview and functional capacity evaluation were conducted and the test scores compared before and after the program with the Wilcoxon signed rank test. In the multi-dimensional psychological examination, there were significant differences in the levels of anxiety, depression, lack of social support, and somatization symptoms (p<.05) except anger. The participants also showed significant differences in the empowerment scale, work readiness scale, and functional capacity evaluation. This study suggests that a multifaceted intervention program can be effective in improving the psychologic condition, empowerment, work readiness, and functional capacity of industrially injured workers and, in turn, may improve their rate of returning to work.
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[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.