• 제목/요약/키워드: Regional Resources

검색결과 1,968건 처리시간 0.026초

Design Flood Estimation for Pyeongchang River Basin Using Fuzzy Regression Method (Fuzzy 회귀분석기법을 이용한 평창강 유역의 설계홍수량 산정)

  • Yi, Jaeeung;Kim, Seungjoo;Lee, Taegeun;Ji, Jungwon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • 제45권10호
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    • pp.1023-1034
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    • 2012
  • Linear regression technique has been used widely in water resources field as well as various fields such as economics and statistics, and so on. Using fuzzy regression technique, it is possible to quantify uncertainty and reflect them to the regression model. In this study, fuzzy regression model is developed to compute design floods in any place in Pyeongchang River basin. In ungaged basins, it is usually difficult to obtain data required for flood discharge analysis. In this study, basin characteristics elements are analyzed spatially using GIS and the technique of estimating design flood in ungaged mountainous basin is studied based on the result. Fuzzy regression technique is applied to Pyeongchang River basin which has mountainous basin characteristics and well collected rainfall and runoff data through IHP test basin project. Fuzzy design flood estimation equations are developed using the basin characteristics elements for Pyeongchang River basin. The suitability of developed fuzzy equations are examined by comparing the results with design floods computed in 9 locations along the river. Using regional regression method and fuzzy regression analysis, the uncertainties of the design floods occurred from the data monitoring can be quantified.

Genetic Variation of Abies holophylla Populations in South Korea Based on ISSR Markers (ISSR 분석에 의한 전나무 집단의 유전변이)

  • Kim, Young-Mi;Hong, Kyung Nak;Lee, Jei Wan;Yang, Byeong-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • 제103권2호
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    • pp.182-188
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    • 2014
  • Genetic diversity and genetic differentiation in six natural populations of Abies holophylla Max were investigated using ISSR marker system. From 6 ISSR primers, the average percentage of polymorphic loci was 85.6%, and the average expected heterozygosity ($H_e$) was 0.288. From the result of AMOVA, 94.4% of total genetic variation came from the differences among individuals within populations, and 5.6% was caused by those of among-populations. On the basis of Bayesian inference, genetic differentiation (${\theta}^{II}$ and $G_{ST}$) and inbreeding coefficient for all populations were 0.045, 0.038, and 0.509, respectively. The correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance was highly significant at the Mental's test (r = 0.74, P < 0.05). Six populations divided into two groups according to the results of UPGMA and PCA. One group included Namwon, Cheongdo and Mungyeong population. The other was Inje, Hongcheon and Pyeongchang population. Also, in Bayesian clustering analysis, 6 populations were divided into two clusters. But Cheongdo population was assigned into the other cluster unlike those of UPGMA or PCA. Taking the regions based on the results of the cluster analysis into consideration of AMOVA, 3.9% of genetic variation came from the regional difference. The dendrogram from UPGMA could provide the most genetically reasonable explanation for the distribution of Abies holophylla populations in South Korea.

A Study on Scenic Resources in Mt. Jiri Documented in the Joseon Era Travelling Records (조선시대 지리산 유람록(遊覽錄)에 나타난 경관자원 연구)

  • Lee, Chang-Hun;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2014
  • Human has noticed a beautiful natural scenery and appreciated it as a scenic site by giving meaning to it and evaluating it. How the beautiful natural scenery was appreciated as a scenic site depends on natural features, social and cultural environments, and the current of the times. Mt. Jiri is the highest mountain in inland South Korea and keeps ancestors' history and culture intact. Joseon Dynasty literary men frequently mentioned Mt. Jiri as a tourist attraction where they could pursue and share their studies against its beautiful natural scenery. The countless literary men visited Mt. Jiri and some of them left their journeys as travelling records. This research aimed at apprehending travel routes of Chunwang Peak of Mt. Jiri based on the contents of travelling records and investigating the scenic site value of scenic resources as the literary men in Joseon Dynasty recognized. The scenic resources of Mt. Jiri were related to the change of the reason or motivation of person who climbed and it should be noted that there was a change of reason or motivation in climbing Mt. Jiri from a following of master's paths to discovery of a new trails. Thus, even if there was a difference in reason or purpose of natural scenic beauty, the concept of scenic sites of the past and the present day should be included into the extended meaning of scenic sites. This research aimed the routes of well-known literary men need to be developed as programs utilizing "the concept of ancient sages' footprints" and the development of these contents shall be used for vitalization and self-support of a regional economy.

Development of a System Dynamics Model to Support the Decision Making Processes in the Operation and Management of Water Supply Systems (상수도 시스템의 운영 및 유지관리 의사결정 지원을 위한 시스템다이내믹스 모형의 개발)

  • Park, Su-Wan;Kim, Kyu-Lee;Kim, Bong-Jae;Lim, Ki-Young
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • 제43권7호
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    • pp.609-623
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    • 2010
  • In this paper the feedback loop mechanisms that are inherent in the management of water supply systems were identified based on the system dynamics modeling methodology. As a result, a system dynamics (SD) computer simulation model that can be used to aid efficient management of water supply systems was developed. The developed SD model can be used to predict operating conditions of water supply systems including the effects of pipe maintenance on the entire system. The developed model is consisted of water supply, pipe maintenance and water supply business finance model. The operation and maintenance data from a study water supply system were used to verify the model and to predict the past and future operating conditions of the system. The policy leverage that greatly affects the operating condition was evaluated by the sensitivity analyses for the operational indices due to changes in the exogenous variables. It was found that while the pipe maintenance related exogenous variables had great effects on the leakage and conditions of pipes, they did not have great effects on the major operational indices such as revenue water ratio. It is considered that the social costs due to leaks and pipe breaks and the corresponding mechanism of propagation of the costs must be modeled to better evaluate the effects of pipe maintenance on the operational conditions of water supply systems.

Approaches for Developing a Korean Model Through Analysis of Overseas Forest Soil Carbon Models (해외 산림토양탄소모델 분석을 통한 한국형 모델 개발방안 연구)

  • Lee, Ah-Reum;Yi, Koong;Son, Yo-Whan;Kim, Rae-Hyun;Kim, Choon-Sig;Park, Gwan-Soo;Lee, Kyeong-Hak;Yi, Myong-Jong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • 제99권6호
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    • pp.791-801
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    • 2010
  • Forest soil carbon model is a useful tool for understanding complex soil carbon cycle in forests and estimating dynamics of soil carbon to climate change. However, studies on development and application of the model are insufficient in Korea. The need for development of Korean model is now growing, because there are notable problems and limitations for adapting overseas models in Korea to meet the requirements of the international organizations such as IPCC, which demands highly reliable data for national reports. Therefore, we have studied 7 overseas forest soil carbon models (CBM-CFS3, CENTURY, Forest-DNDC, ROMUL, RothC, Sim-CYCLE, YASSO), analyzed and compared their structure, decomposition mechanism, initializing process and, input and output data. Then we evaluated applicability of these models in Korea with three criteria; availability of input data, performance of model, and possibility of regional modification. Finally, a systematic process for applying a new model was suggested based on these analyses.

The Application of Species Richness Estimators and Species Accumulation Curves to Traditional Ethnobotanical Knowledges in South Korea (남한지역 전통민속식물지식 자료를 활용한 종누적곡선 분석 및 종풍부도 추정 연구)

  • Park, Yuchul;Chang, Kae Sun;Kim, Hui
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • 제30권5호
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    • pp.481-488
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    • 2017
  • Under circumstances of rapid disappearing of traditional ethnobotanical knowledge, traditional ethnobotanical knowledge surveys are the major step in documenting useful species with a conservation priority. In the ethnobotanical research, the relevance to the survey intensity, ethnobotanical information and plant species richness is the most important research theme. We made up TEK database in south Korea using metadata which had been published by the Korea National Arboretum. We calculated species richness using species richness estimator like ACE, Chao1, Chao2, ICE, Jack 1, Jack 2, and Bootstrap. Species accumulation curves showed each province sampling efforts appeared to be wide range of variance so that Gangwon province need more sampling efforts, and Chungnam province approached a horizontal asymptote earlier. We found heterogeneous patterns in the rarefaction curves of TEK species between gender for each categories of use (medicinal, food and handicrafts). Comparing with regional floral diversities, it was predicted that more diverse species would be found in some provinces by carrying out additional survey.

Physiology, genomics and molecular approaches for lmproving abiotic stress tolerance in rice and impacts on poor farmers

  • Ismail, Abdelbagi M.;Kumar, Arivnd;Singh, R.K.;Dixit, Shalabh;Henry, Amelia;Singh, Uma S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 한국작물학회 2017년도 9th Asian Crop Science Association conference
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    • pp.7-7
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    • 2017
  • Unfavorable weather and soil conditions reduce rice yield and land and water productivity, aggravating existing encounters of poverty and food insecurity. These conditions are foreseen to worsen with climate change and with the unceasing irrational human practices that progressively debilitate productivity despite global appeals for more food. Our understanding of plant responses to abiotic stresses is advancing and is complex, involving numerous critical processes - each controlled by several genetic factors. Knowledge of the physiological and molecular mechanisms involved in signaling, response and adaptation, and in some cases the genes involved, is advancing. Moreover, the genetic diversity being unveiled within cultivated rice and its wild relatives is providing ample resources for trait and gene discovery, and this is being scouted for rice improvement using modern genomics and molecular tools. Development of stress tolerant varieties is now being fast-tracked through the use of DNA markers and advanced breeding strategies. Large numbers of drought, submergence and salt tolerant varieties were commercialized over recent years in South and Southeast Asia and more recently in Africa. These varieties are making significant changes in less favorable areas, transforming lives of smallholder farmers - progress considered incredulous in the past. The stress tolerant varieties are providing assurance to farmers to invest in better management of their crops and the ability to adjust their cropping systems for even higher productivity and more income, sparking changes analogous to that of the first green revolution, which previously benefited only favorable irrigated and rainfed areas. New breeding tools using markers for multiple stresses made it possible to develop more resilient, higher yielding varieties to replace the aging and obsolete varieties still dominating these areas. Varieties with multiple stress tolerances are now becoming available, providing even better security for farmers and lessening their production risks even in areas affected by complex and overlapping stresses. The progress made in these less favorable areas triggered numerous favorable changes at the national and regional levels in several countries in Asia, including adjusting breeding and dissemination strategies to accelerate outreach and enabling changes at higher policy levels, creating a positive environment for faster progress. Exploiting the potential of these less productive areas for food production is inevitable, to meet the escalating global needs for more food and sustained production systems, at times when national resources are shrinking while demand for food is mounting. However, the success in these areas requires concerted efforts to make use of existing genetic resources for crop improvement and establishing effective evaluation networks, seed production systems, and seed delivery systems to ensure faster outreach and transformation.

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The Analysis for Trans Fatty Acids in Dairy Products Imported to Republic of Korea (수입 유가공품 중 트랜스 지방산 함량 분석)

  • Park, Jae-Woo;Park, Ji-Sung;Jung, Doo-Kyung;Song, Sung-Ok;Woon, Jae-Ho;Kim, Jin-Man;Wee, Sung-Hwan
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.477-483
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the most preferred trans fatty acid analysis methods, AOAC 996.06 and the Korea Food and Drug Administration official method, were reviewed and modified to apply to dairy products and dairy products imported into the Republic of Korea for evaluating trans fatty acid (TFA) content. The Rose-Gottlieb method for total fat analysis was validated with accuracy and precision parameters by analyzing infant formula standard reference material provided by the National Institute for Standards and Technology. The accuracy and precision data satisfied the CODEX guidelines. TFAs were analyzed with a resolution of 1.5 for 45 min using the modified oven temperature program. This modified method was applied to 45 dairy products from 11 countries. Average TFA contents in these imported dairy products ranged from 0.1 to 5.4 g per 100 g product. The majority of dairy products imported into the Republic of Korea were cheeses. TFA contents in the cheeses were 0.1 to 2.4 g per 100 g cheese. TFA contents in other dairy products were 1.7 to 5.4 g per 100 g product. These TFAs content variations can be explained by the trans fatty acids naturally present in ruminant milk formed by bacterial bio-hydrogenation in the rumen of cows and the different vegetable fat used as ingredients in the final products.

Food Components and Sensual Characterization of Commercial Plain-dried Silver-stripe Round Herring (시판 소건 샛줄멸의 식품성분 및 관능 특성)

  • Kim, Hyung-Jun;Yoon, Min-Seok;Park, Yong-Seok;Ha, Jin-Hwan;Jung, In-Kwon;Heu, Min-Soo;Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • 제37권11호
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    • pp.1457-1464
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    • 2008
  • For the effective use of under-utilized resources, silver-stripe round herring (SSRH), the plain-dried SSRH was investigated and compared with boiled-dried SSRH and boiled-dried anchovy on the food component and sensual characterization. Moisture content and salinity of the plain-dried SSRH were 31.9% and 7.6%, respectively. Moisture content of the plain-dried SSRH was higher, while the salinity was lower than those of boiled-dried SSRH and anchovy. According to the results of peroxide value, fatty acid composition, Hunter b value, and browning index, the rancidity was higher in plain-dried SSRH than in boiled-dried SSRH and anchovy. When compared to the boiled-dried SSRH and anchovy, the plain-dried SSRH was higher in calcium and phosphorus contents, while lower in total content of amino acid. According to the results of hot-water soluble-N, trichloroacetic acid-N, free amino acid, and taste value, the taste of plain-dried SSRH was superior to those of the boiled-dried SSRH and anchovy. The results of chemical components and sensory evaluation indicated that the plained-dried SSRH could be substituted for boiled-dried anchovy classified into special grade, if fish odor of SSRH can be improved.

Strategies for Development of Cultural Products Design for Promotion of Cultural Tourism Festivals - Focusing on utilization of local cultural resources - (문화관광축제 활성화를 위한 문화상품 디자인 개발 전략 연구(제 1보) - 지역문화자원 활용을 중심으로 -)

  • Chung, Kyung-Hee;Lee, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • 제59권7호
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    • pp.17-33
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to get some pieces of prior information to eventually develop high value-added fashion cultural products design using local cultural resources, to promote the cultural tourism festival. For this purpose, this study is carried out the investigation of cultural product stores and visitors' questionnaire survey. The subjects of this study were festivals which were selected as cultural tourism festival by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism from 2000 to 2008. Of them, six festivals were finally selected but food festival was excluded. The results of this study were as follows; First, the store survey was conduced to analyze the situation of the products of cultural tourism festival. The most frequent product was accessories. And a T-shirt was found to be sold every festival probably because it was the most popular item and basic item which people could buy without burden. While the most diverse kinds of products were found in the Andong, the Jinju and Gangjin were found not to develop various products. In the design motif used for cultural products, most products did not use festival or local image. The highest use of the festival and local image was found in Gangjin and Muju. The Andong and Chungju were found to sell very common products buying anywhere rather than products using local cultural resources or image. In the material of cultural products, most products use metal. And In the price of cultural products, 10,000-30,000 won was found highest. Second, the purchase conditions of cultural tourism festival visitors were examined. The visiting goal and companion of visitors was found to vary with the type of cultural tourism festival. The types of visitors were also found to have an effect on the choice of items in the purchase of cultural products sold in the festival. Only one third of respondents responded buying one and more cultural products. The purchase rate was found high in the festival where cultural product items were various and there were many products symbolizing festival or region. The most purchased item was a mobile phone hanger and the amount of purchasing cultural products was 10,000-30,000 won. The reason not to purchase cultural products was dissatisfaction with utility, originality, possibility of a present, symbolism, and price. The most important attribute in the purchase of cultural products was design, followed by symbolism, price, originality, and innovation. The highly preferred product group included clothing, miscellaneous goods, and accessories. Specifically, T-shirt was found highest. Based on these research results, it was found that the design strategy for the cultural products development should consider both regional and festival images. The items and designs of the cultural products should reflect visitors' characteristics and the price zone should be varied.