• Title/Summary/Keyword: Regional Industry

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An analysis on Regional Economic Impact of Chungnam Following R&D Investment -Focused on Metal Industry- (R&D 투자에 따른 충남지역 경제효과 분석 -금속산업을 중심으로-)

  • Chung, Young-Keun;Lim, Eungsoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.72-76
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    • 2020
  • The central government operates a Balanced National Development Special Account, and wants more regional development. Many local governments try various ways to establish a foothold for independent governments. Establishing a regional base center is one of the major plans for economic development, and Chungnam is proceeding with "establishing a platform for Chungnam high-tech metal materials." This paper analyzes the effects on the regional economy based on the expense that goes into a regional base center in Chungnam. For the analysis, an input/output table is used, and we present the effects of the annual input cost in detail. This study specifically analyzes the production-inducing effects, the value-added inducing effects, and employment-inducing effects using a demand-drive model. Furthermore, we suggest the effectiveness of this same business. The analyzed results give 32,230,000,000 in production-inducing effects, 13,820,000,000 in value-added inducing effects, and 101 in employment-inducing effects. These results can be used as reasonable evidence to promote the project, since the production-inducing effects and value-added inducing effects show high results, compared to input. The employment-inducing effects can also be used to create new jobs and figure out the number of people employed through this project.

A Comparative Study on the Revised Bills of the Regulatory Freedom Special Districts Act (focused on the Revised Bills by Proposed Kim Kyung-soo, Jung Sung-ho, Choo Kyung-ho, Hong Il-pyo) (규제자유특구법 개정안의 비교 고찰 (김경수, 정성호, 추경호, 홍일표, 개정안을 중심으로))

  • Kang, Min-Su;Choi, Ho-Sung;Cho, Han-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.203-209
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    • 2019
  • Special Act on Regulatory Freedom Zone and Regional Special Development Zonet" introduced a new type of 'Freedom Special Zone of Regulation' that is legally distinguished from the existing Special Districts for Regional and Regional Development to support the innovative and strategic growth of the areas, and even passed a number of legal grounds for providing innovative regulations for regional development projects or regional strategic industries within the Special Districts. Starting with the bill legislation proposed by The Parliament Members, Kim Kyung-soo on behalf of 33 suggestors, Choo Kyung-ho, Jung Sung-ho and Hong Il-pyo submitted the bill legislation on behalf of 10 to 12 proposers, respectively. As a major matter of issue, the purpose, designation, scope of application, promotion system, application of A Bill of Three kind on Regulatory Innovation, and Balanced National Development, many kind of regulation as like types of menu, special cases, punitive regulations, and so on have been argued until the end of the bill proposed from the beginning. In this study, the differences between the bill suggested by the Parliament members and bill approved already are to be compared and analyzed to confirm how the items on issue were reflected for the bill finally and to draw up measures for the correct operation of the special regulations.

A Study on the Characteristics of Firm Agglomeration of Green Energy Industry in Daegyeong Region (대경권 친환경에너지산업 집적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Chil-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.689-705
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the geographical distribution and the clustering characteristics as an industrial cluster in order to provide alternative fundamental data for the preparation of the policies to facilitate the development of the Green Energy Industry. The main source of the data in this study is the outcome of a survey conducted to the firms and environment specialist from June 21st, 2010 to July 23rd, 2010. The Green Energy related companies in Daegyeong region are clustered around Pohang and Gumi, Gyeongbuk, and Dalseo District of Daegu Metropolitan City. The core element of the sustainability of the Green Energy Industry in the region is the inducement of the large-scale corporate presence in the region as well as the technical and geographical proximity. That is, the fact that there are sister companies established by the large scale corporate Daegyeong region as they have chosen this field for their new drive for growth. The major location factors are proximity, higher quality expectations from the local demands, technical availability, and competition with other companies of the same industry in the region, rather than the availability of the raw material. And the choke points for these companies are the financial support of R&D and the policy support of specialist training. The policy to facilitate the development of the industry in question in Daegyeong region, therefore, should shift from its previous focuses on infrastructure building and taxation benefits to financial supports for the technical research, human resource development in response to the needs of the companies. Also, programs to support the proficiency training for the already-hired work forces and development of new policies for the Green Energy Industry are needed to be introduced for the development of the Green Energy Industry in Daegyeong region.

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Value Chain System and Management of Cultural Contents Industry in Daegu (대구 문화콘텐츠산업의 가치사슬 체계와 경영 특성)

  • Park, Kyung-Sook;Lee, Chul-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.171-186
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    • 2007
  • This paper was to examine the existing foundation of cultural contents industry through analyzing the development process, the location pattern, and the value chain system and the management of cultural contents industry in Daegu. Most cultural contents industry in Daegu had less than ten employees: so, it was classified into the early stage of commercialization. The firms that dealt with on-line distribution were recently founded. The high portion of the finns was located in the center of city such as Jung-Gu and Nam-Gu in which the Center for Digital Industry Promotion of Daegu (DIP) is located. The value main system consisted of four nodes such as creation node, production node, marketing node and distribution node. The production node was played the most important role. Based on value chain system, the cultural contents industry firms in Daegu could be divided into four types: Type I is a contents production firm with a single value chain in the cultural contents industry. Type II is a contents production firm with two or three value chains. Type III is a contents production firm with comprehensive value chain. Type IV is a non contents production firm with multiple value chains.

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Spatial Concentration and Locational Characteristics of the Shipbuilding Industry in the South-East Region of Korea (우리나라 조선산업의 공간 집중과 입지 특성 : 동남권을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jong-Ho;Ryu, Tae-Youn
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.521-535
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    • 2008
  • This paper aims to explore the spatial distribution and locational characteristics of the shipbuilding industry in the south-east region of Korea. The geography of the Korea's shipbuilding industry illustrates an absolute spatial concentration into the south-east region, including Gyeongnam, Busan and Ulsan. In view of the type of agglomeration, it is argued that the south-east region's shipbuilding industry has been evolved as an Advanced Hub & Spoke cluster, which is characterized by interconnected relationships between a couple of gigantic customer firms and the majority of small and medium-sized supplier firms. A survey on the locational factors of the firms presents that traditional locational factors, such as physical infrastructure, land, labour and industrial linkages, are more important than new economic geographical locational factors, such as knowledge, learning, innovation and networks. According to firm's evaluation of the Gyeongnam region's locational environments for the shipbuilding industry is, however, rather different to the result of firm's location decision factors. The shipbuilding firms in Gyeongnam see that the Gyeongnam region retains regional advantages in terms of agglomeration economies, geographical proximity to customers, the infrastructure of transportation and communication and the quality of life. On the contrary, firms recognize that the Gyeongnam region suffers from the lack of R&D and production workforce and a weak basis of industry-university -government networks.

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Development Stages and Characteristics of Place-Based Industry-Academic Cooperation Projects: The Case of Universities Participating in the LINC+ Project (대학-지역 연계형 산학협력 사업의 발전단계와 특성: LINC+사업 참여대학을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jong-Ho;Jang, Hoo-Eun
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.96-109
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    • 2019
  • As the role of universities as a civic university contributing to regional development has been emphasized, industry-academic cooperation projects are increasingly focused on quadruple helix interactions of university, government, business and civic society. Drawing upon focus group interviews, we divided place-based industry-academic cooperation projects into four different types and stages of development, according to two indicators of network participation and network strength. Although the proportion of projects that were in the early stages of development was overwhelmingly high, some universities developed a close cooperative system with the local community to enhance the effectiveness of the industry-academic cooperation projects and to implement them in an advanced stage. These findings suggest that the LINC+ project, which has been criticized for its policy effectiveness, will not only contribute to enhancing policy effectiveness through place-based projects but also enhance the role of universities as the main body of regional innovation.

Air Pollution Reduction Strategies of World Major Ports

  • Han, Chul-Hwan
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    • v.48
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    • pp.27-56
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    • 2010
  • Pollution emissions from international shipping and port activities have a significant impact on public health and global climate changes. The purpose of this paper is to review the status of pollution mitigation measures implemented to date in port industry and find out some implications for Korean ports. For this aim, the clean air strategies of the world major ports including six USA ports (Los Angeles/Long Beach, Now York/New Jersey, and Seattle and Tacoma), two European ports (Rotterdam and Gothenburg) and Busan Port were considered. Various measures to reduce emission from ports are evaluated by sectors-ocean going vessels, cargo handling equipments, truck and rail-, on the basis of categories such as reduction control technologies, operational changes and market-based measures. The policy implications of this paper are as follows. First, Clean Air Act Plans of Korean ports are required as soon as possible. Second, integrated approach is required to reduce emission effectively. Finally, the effect of port-related emission reduction can be maximized when various measures are conducted on a regional basis including neighboring ports. Furthermore, regional or global-based approach is useful to guarantee the level playing field among ports.

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Strategy Development plan of Maritime Logistics IT (항만물류 정보화 발전방향)

  • Park, Jeong-Cheon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Port Economic Association Conference
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    • 2007.07a
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 2007
  • Taking advantage of geographical position of Korea located on the main route of world-wide service, Port Logistics Industry can be strategic industry which secures international competitiveness necessary for Korea to be hub of Northeast Asian's logistics. Along with the advent of super large container vessel, world ports environment changed from "milkway" type, which means vessel calls every port for service to "Hub & Spoke" type, which means vessel calls regional central port and feeder service for the rest ports. As environment changes, regional ports in Northeast Asia are competing each other tougher and tougher and introducing or developing port logistics information system based on state-of-the-art technology in order to adapt themselves to new environment, thus to be Hub port. Taking this situation into consideration, we want to define clearly the meaning and scope of port logistics IT and review the global trend of port logistics IT. Finally we want to find future development of port logistics IT which we have to achieve.

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Analysis on the Trade-off between an Hydro-power Project and Other Alternatives in Myanmar

  • Aye, Nyein Nyein;Fujiwara, Takao
    • Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.31-57
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    • 2019
  • Myanmar's current power situation remains severely constrained despite being richly endowed in primary energy sources. With low levels of electrification, the demand for power is not adequately met. Cooperation in energy has been a major focus of future initiative for all developed and developing nations. If we want to solve climate change, and change our energy infrastructure, we need to be innovative and entrepreneurial in energy generation. This paper will help us in examining Bayesian MCMC Analysis for the parameters estimation among the arrival rates of disaster occurrences, firm's expected income-based electricity tariffs, and estimated R&D investment expenses in new energy industry. Focusing on Japan's electric power business, we would like to search the potential for innovative initiatives in new technological energy industry for the regional development and ecological sustainability in Myanmar.

A Study on Aquaculture Policy among Japan's Fisheries Policy Reform (일본의 수산정책개혁 중 양식업 정책에 관한 연구)

  • Jung-Hun Song
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2024
  • Among Japan's agriculture, forestry, fisheries and regional revitalization plans established in June 2018, the key matters related to aquaculture include ① a new perspective on the sponge use system for the development of aquaculture and coastal fisheries, ② a comprehensive strategy for growth and industrialization of aquaculture, and ③ expansion of suitable aquaculture areas. There are four countermeasures including ④ research and development trends. In accordance with these key points, the Japanese government established a comprehensive strategy for aquaculture growth and industrialization by strategically setting aquaculture items in consideration of domestic and international demand, establishing a comprehensive strategy from production to sales and export, and then working in earnest to promote the aquaculture industry. This study analyzes environmental changes surrounding aquaculture in Japan and trends in fish farming and marine products, and summarizes the key points of the June 2018 Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Regional Revitalization Plan to suggest measures that can be utilized in Korea's aquaculture policy.