• Title/Summary/Keyword: Regional Agricultural Products

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Isolation and Characterization of Oligotrophic Strains with High Enzyme Activity from Buckwheat Sokseongjang (메밀 속성장 유래 효소활성 우수 저영양성 균주 분리 및 특성)

  • Lee, Sung-Young;Kim, Ji-Yeun;Baek, Sung-Yeol;Yeo, Soo-Hwan;Koo, Bon-Sung;Park, Hye-Young;Choi, Hye-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.735-741
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    • 2011
  • Bealmijang is a short-term fermented regional product that is prepared with soybean and extra ingredients. In this study, starter strain candidates were screened from Bealmijang for fermented soybean paste products. Twenty one bacterial strains producing extracellular enzymes (amylase, cellulase, protease, xylanase and lipase) were isolated from Bealmijang, buckwheat sokseongjang. The isolates were assessed for fibrinolytic and antibacterial activities, and salt tolerance. Strain HJ18-4, identified as Bacillus subtilis (AB601598) by biochemical properties (89.6%) and 16S rDNA sequencing (100%), showed the highest enzymatic, fibrinolytic, and antibacterial activities among the isolates. Although the growth of HJ18-4 was inhibited by the increase of NaCl concentration, the growth still exceeded that of B. subtilis KACC 10114 at 5% and 10% NaCl. These results suggest that B. subtilis HJ18-4 is suitable as a starter for soybean paste manufacture.

EU organic policies reflected on EU, Wales and England organic action plans for the development of Korean organic action plan

  • Cho, Youn-Sup;Nicholas, Phillipa;Lampkin, Nicolas;Padel, Susanne
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Organic Agriculture Conference
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    • 2009.12a
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    • pp.281-281
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    • 2009
  • Although national and regional environmentally friend agriculture (EFA) and food development programmes such as the Life-Food Development Plan (LFDP) have been established in Korea, some policy measures in these programmes seem to be unsuitable for Korean organic farming development. Policy measures tend to support external input purchases of organic fertilizers rather than market development actions such as providing consumer information, research, education, training and statistical data collection. The development of an organic action plan (OAP) for Korea is therefore considered essential for the sustainable future of organic farming in Korea. The purposes of OAP are 1) to define and set the clear goals/targets for the organic sector development, 2) to integrate various organic stakeholders and public institutions in partnership, 3)to focus on specific issues with tailored measures and 4) to integrate and develop different policy measures (Stolze, 2005). Most EU member state countries have developed their own OAPs and each reflects its own priorities with regard to organic sector development. This study compares and contrasts the Welsh, England and EU OAP with the Korean Jeonnam Life-Food Development Plan (LFDP) in order to facilitate the development of the organic food and farming sector in Korea. Early action plan, for example, the first Welsh OAP(1999) focused support on developing the supply of organic products whereas later action plans (e.g. England OAPs in 2002 and 2004 and the second Welsh OAP in 2005) focussed more on developing consumer demands for organic products. The EU OAP (2004) also aims at market support related to consumer demand and then organic farming production for its environmental and other social benefits. OAPs not only provide specific issue-solving tools but also perform a role as providing a focus for organic sector development as a whole. The Korean LFDP provides issue-solving tools but plays no regulatory role such as policy development, harmonizing various policy measures and conflicting factors and providing evaluation tools for further development. A national-level OAP could also facilitate international trade of organic products. To achieve better harmonized and sustainable approaches for the Korean organic industry, National- as well as regional- regulatory policy systems are urgently required in the form of an Organic Action Plan.

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Research Trends and Problems Regarding Contract Farming (계약 생산에 관한 연구 동향과 과제)

  • Jang, YoungJin
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.535-549
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    • 2016
  • The contract farming scheme of today is a new system that allows the forward and backward linkage of the agribusiness through vertical coordination while also leading the changes within the agri-food system. As contract farming of agricultural products becomes routine in both advanced and developing countries alike, it is gaining the attention of researchers in various fields, including geography. This research discusses the research trends and problems regarding contract farming through literary research on the research progress of foreign researchers on contract farming. The content of the research specifically includes explanations regarding the relationships between the rise of contract farming and changes in the agri-food system and discusses the basic theoretical foundations of contract farming. The research also defines the economic and environmental effects of contract farming and its purpose in regional development policies and concludes with discussions of the possible future research subjects on contract farming.

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Spatial Characteristics of Travelling Merchants and Consumers in Chongsan Periodic Markets of Okchon County, Korea (충북(忠北) 옥천군(沃川郡) 청산(靑山) 정기시(定期市) 출시자(出市者)의 공간적(空間的) 특성(特性))

  • Han, Ju-Seong;Kim, Bong-Kyeum
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.133-150
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    • 1996
  • This study is to clarify the market cycle of travelling merchants and the spatial behavior of consumer's commodity purchasing. its reasons and purchasing region of each commodity in Chongsan of Chongsan Myun(village) periodic markets, that is one of the lowest central places in Okchon county. The data used are the results of interviews with 58 travelling merchants on June 22 and July 17, 1994, and questionaire survey taken to parents of students of Chongsan middle school of Chongsan Myun in Okchon county. Study area is typical agricultural regions taking the role of central places to provide rural service and is comparatively important periodic markets. Some of findings are summarized as follows: (1) Until 1980's. appearance of closed periodic markets is caused by the population decrease in rural region, income increase, and rising of living level according to the Five Years Planning of Economic Development, appearance of chain stores of agricultural co-coperative and of supermarkets,. changes in distribution mechanisim by increasing consignment volume of agricultural products through agricultural co-coperative, and the development of transportation in Okchon county. These, too, became the reasons for the decline of the Chongsan periodic markets in Okchon county. (2) Most of the travelling merchants visiting the Chongsan periodic markets are in their 50's of age, and they sell the miscellaneous commodities and agricultural products. And about one-fourths of travelling merchants reside in regions with periodic markets and in Okchon of higher order central places. (3) Travelling routes visting periodic markets can be simplified to five types. Major types of travelling routes are Chongsan periodic market$\rightarrow$Wonnam$\rightarrow$Boun, and Chongsan periodic market$\rightarrow$Yungdong$\rightarrow$Yongsan. The patterns of travelling merchants visiting periodic markets are classified into the type of everyday visiting of periodic markets over three days of five days from merchant's residence to market, and the type of merchants or consumers visiting one day's of five days. On days that travelling merchants don't visit periodic markets they purchase the commodities in Seoul, Taejon and Chongju. (4) Consumers who use periodic markets are from thirties to fifties years of age and most of them are employed in agriculture. Consumers visit periodic markets on foot or by bus, and visit two or three times in a month, and mainly purchase the commodities for one or two hours from about ten o'clock in the morning. (5) Consumers purchase the necessaries of life in periodic markets, and other commodities are purchased in Taejon city, Youngdong, and Boun Eup(town). But consumers purchase the goods(convenience goods, shopping goods, and specialied goods) largerly in Chongsan, because additional expense and disadvantage after service with poor transportation service for purchased goods in others regions. Therefore, the hierarchies of central places by the consumer's purchasing behaviour can not be seem in dewellers in Chongsan and Chongseong Myun.

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Appraisal of the Special Production Area Development Project in Rural Area and Countermeasures for Off-farm Income Increase (The Case of Chungnam Province) (농어촌(農漁村) 특산단지개발사업(特産團地開發事業)의 평가(評價)와 농외소득증대방안(農外所得增大方案) (충청남도(忠淸南道)를 중심(中心)으로))

  • Lim, Jae Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.164-179
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    • 1991
  • Korean agriculture has encountered two problems. One is internal income disparity between rural and urbarn area and the other is external Uruguay Round trade problems as an abolition of direct and indirect import barriers, reduction in export subsidies and to reduce internal price supports. These problems will be brought severe farm problems such as decreasing farm household income and repressing agricultural growth in the near future. Considering the above inevitable facts Korean government has implemented several development projects such as rural industrial area development project, rural special production area development project, leisuresight seeing farm development project, traditional food development project, unskilled labor training project for off-farm employment and so on, to increase farm household income through off-farm income increase. This study was mainly concentrated on the identification of operational problems and post evaluation of the rural special production area development projects which aimed at increasing non-farm incomes and giving employment opportunity for rural farmers in small factories processing regional special farm products and mine products. The main findings and problems to be solved for the successful project implementation are as followed ; 1. Total number of the special production area development projects as of the end of 1991 was amount to 138, and total number of farm household participated were estimated at 2,079, and total amount of off-farm income per farm household was reached to 3,011 thousand won. 2. The total number of processed special products have increased from 21 items in 1981 to 56 items in 1991. On the other hand the total number of farm household participated in the projects have decreased from 2,518 to 2,079 during same period. 3. Total amount of investment for the projects has increased from 1,429 million won in 1981 to 24,760 million won in 1991 but the rate of G'T loan of the total investment has reduced from 24.5% to 5.2% during same period. 4. 138 special production area development project are classified into 6 kinds of commodity groups such as 19 of general industrial good production areas, 52 of folks-industrial art objects production areas, 39 of food processing areas, 9 of fiber and texstile processing areas, 18 of agricultural and fishery inputs processing areas and 1 of stone processing area. 5. The total production value in 1990 was estimated 20,169 million won of which export was amount to 2,627 million won. 6. The finacial rate of return of the UNGOK KUGIJA Tea processing Project operated by UNGOK coops and BAKSAN ginseng tea processing project were estimated at 45.4% (B/C Ratio=1.17, NPV=152.5 million won) and 17.7% (B/C Ratio=1.12, NPV=120.2 million won) respectively. 7. More favorite terms and condition of the loan including collateral problems have to be given to farmers participated. Heavy investment and G'T subsidy policies should be started for the successful project implementation anf farm household income increase. 8. To expand market demand of the rural special goods G'T have to provide special program of TV or other mass media for commodity propaganda and the total cost concerned must be supported by G'T subsidy. 9. The special farm products as GUGUJA,MOSI'Ramie', Ginseng. SOGOKJU,HEMP,Mushroom.DUGYUNJU and Chesnut processing projects have to be propelled and expanded for off-farm income increase in Chung Nam Province. 10. Direct operational pattern of the special production area by coops is more favorable to farmers and recommendable considering with off-farm income increase and market demand creation throughout Korea. 11. In rural area, special organizations for project appraisal are not exist. Accordingly special training program, project appraisal, formulation and preparation for civil servants concerned have to be prepared for project selection and sound implementation under limited budget and financial support.

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Application of Environmental Management System Model for the Local Food Industry and the Analysis (로컬푸드산업의 환경경영시스템 모델 적용 분석)

  • Cho, Chang-Duk;Park, Dea-Woo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.233-247
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    • 2016
  • Local food industry has been spreading all over the world. Korea is also actively applying and developing local food industry. However, relatively high distribution cost in Korean agricultural market is hindering its further growth. Distribution cost has close relation with shipping distance. Raised distribution cost brings major impacts not only on quality and price of products but also on greenhouse gas(carbon dioxide) emissions. Therefore, it is necessary to find a solution for inefficient distribution system of the local food industry to reduce overall cost and greenhouse gas. In this study, we present a location selection model for local food regional center using Analytic Hierarchy Process. The location of local food regional hub center is decided based on expert opinions on five factors: accessibility, quality, population, size of area, and shipping distance. The relative importance of the five factors has been concluded as follows: quality (0.430) ${\gg}$ population (0.262) ${\gg}$ travel distance (0.201) ${\gg}$ accessibility (0.075) ${\gg}$ and area (0.033). We apply and analyze the environmental management system model for Local food industry to develop the regional hub center site selection criteria and to analyze the effects of greenhouse gas emissions in the local food industry. This study, by applying and analyzing the environmental management system of the local food industry, is believed to be a valuable asset for managing greenhouse gas emission in the local food industry. Also, the data will be used for the autonomous local food industry's direct sales stall management. Eventually, this study will contribute so greatly to the local food industry's competitiveness that even large distribution companies will give way for the local food industry.

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A Challenge to Development and Environmental Protection in China (중국의 개발과 환경보전에의 도전)

  • 조윤숭
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.123-148
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    • 1993
  • Over the past-decade of reform and opening up to the outside world, China#s GNP doubled which now ranks eighth in the world, making an average 9.6% increase annually. Some industrial products such as steel, crude oil and power generation rank fourth in the world, while output of coal and cement rank first. In the agricultural sector, China ranks first in the output of grain, cotton, meat and basically solved the problem of providing food and daily necessities for 22% of the world#s population, The Chinese government has set the objectives in environmental protection plan to be achieved by the year 2000 together with ecological protection. During the Seventh Pive-Year Plan(1985-90), Chains#s annual investment in controlling environment pollution was about 10 billion Yuan, or 0.7% of her GNP, while during the Eighth Five-Year Plan, effort will be made to increase such investments, in terms of the GNP, possibly to 0.85"1% . However, the expanding development including industrial production will increase large amounts of pollutants into the environment and efforts are underway to deal with these pollution. *대한위생학회장 Regional community are faced with serious environmental problems. For instance, so called# Yellow Sand Storm# from China is one of the case. Recently, to make matter worse, acid rain and dry depositation from transboundary air pollution is tend to increase mainly because of emissions from mainland China. Therefore, the countries concerned in the region, should seek to promote international cooperation on environmental issues. An overall aspects of development and environmental programs in China are presented.

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A Study on Development Directions of the Touristic Resources in Korean Rural Regions - A Case Study of Cheonsong, Kongju and Kangjin Rural Regions - (농촌지역 관광자원 개발방향에 관한 연구: 청송, 공주, 강진지역을 사례로)

  • 박재철
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 1988
  • The relative difference between Korean rural region and urban region has increased by the rapid urbanization and industrialization since 1960. Therefore it will be important to raise the income of the people living in rural region. So the Korean government established the collective side job area and rural industrial area for the increasing of the non-agricultural income. For this, the touristic resources development is also the another important means of the rural region development. So the purpose of this thesis exists in the presentation of the direction of the touristic resources development in rural region. For this purpose, three representative regions among the Korean rural regions were selected and the case study was accomplished. In this way the rough direction of the touristic resources development in rural region has presented The direction of the development and the conclusion were as follows : 1)Planners must establish the planning with the vision and demand of future than percent condition. 2)Because the urbanization is continued incessantly, the rural region is developed to be the space of resort. 3)The touristic resources development in rural region is contributed to the regional development through the raising interaction of the touristic resources. 4)The rural region is developed to be the space of the Korean rural tradition 5)The grassland os constructed in the mountenous land and the landscape of the Korean national land is changed to be the picturesque landscape. 6)The construction of the traditional artistic products is accomplished to increase the income of the people in rural region.

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Prospect and Production Technology of Brand Rice (브랜드 쌀의 생산기술과 전망)

  • 손종록
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Postharvest Science and Technology of Agricultural Products Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.51-70
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    • 2003
  • In recent years, Korean rice must compete with the rice of advanced countries under Doha Development Agenda(DDA) and free Trade Agreement(FTA). Therefore we should find more active and positive solution in rice industry according to the inncreasing power of international pressure. Increasing rice production was the most important policy during the past food-deficient days, but recently, with overproduction of rice, various circulation system by the brand(price)-differentiation should be settled in a recent market of Korea. Nowadays, some advanced rice farmers and Rice Processing Complex(RPC) managers developed new brands of rice with high-quality, adding healthy materials and environment-friendly farming methods. Therefore, the future strategy of making a new brand rice should be planned including selection of rice variety, cultural and post-harvest techniques, circulation and processing methods to compete against foreign rice. And environment-friendly farming is also recommendable for food safety and differentiate from imported rice. For the purpose of successful brand-rice, the following points might be considered. Firstly, selection of good quality rice and continual development of good variety must be conducted for the differentiation of Korean rice from foreign rice. Secondly, a special contract between producer and consumer with functional-rice, organic filming-rice, specific-rice will be recommendable. Thirdly, improvement of post-harvest management and milling system are necessary for the production of differentiated-rice. Fortunately, standard of inspection, rules of description for brand-rice must be developed by a more scientific examination in order to settlement of trust for consumer. Finally, provincial or regional-representative brand rice must be settled and conducted for the development of agreement market system between producer and consumer.

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Comparison of evolutionary organic farming policies reflected on the first and second Wales and England organic action plans (OAPs) for Korean context - As a tool ensuring the sustainable development of Korean organic farming

  • Cho, Y.;Nicholas, P.
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.spc
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    • pp.78-81
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    • 2011
  • This study compares and contrasts the Wales and England Organic Action Plans (WOAP and EOAP) and a Korean regional Life-Food Development Plan (KLFDP) in order to facilitate the development of the organic sector in Korea. Early action plans, for example, the first WOAP (1999) focused support on developing the supply of organic products whereas later action plans focused on marketing and consumer. OAPs may not only provide specific issue-solving roles by proposing new policy measures but also perform a regulatory role as a controller for organic sector development as a whole. The current KLFDP seems to stick to the former role but hardly has the latter role such as setting priorities, harmonizing various conflicting policy measures and factors and performing evaluation process for further progress. To secure better harmonized and sustainable development of Korean organic farming sector, constructing comprehensive national-level organic action plan, which has policy developing, implementing, regulating, evaluating and evolving functions, might be the most efficient choice.