• Title/Summary/Keyword: Region Data

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Region Growing Segmentation with Directional Features

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.731-740
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    • 2010
  • A region merging technique is suggested in this paper for the segmentation of high-spatial resolution imagery. It employs a region growing scheme based on the region adjacency graph (RAG). The proposed algorithm uses directional neighbor-line average feature vectors to improve the quality of segmentation. The feature vector consists of 9 components which includes an observation and 8 directional averages. Each directional average is the average of the pixel values along the neighbor line for a given neighbor line length at each direction. The merging coefficients of the segmentation process use a part of the feature components according to a given merging coefficient order. This study performed the extensive experiments using simulation data and a real high-spatial resolution data of IKONOS. The experimental results show that the new approach proposed in this study is quite effective to provide segments of high quality for the object-based analysis of high-spatial resolution images.

The Impact of Data Assimilation on WRF Simulation using Surface Data and Radar Data: Case Study (지상관측자료와 레이더 자료를 이용한 자료동화가 수치모의에 미치는 영향: 사례 연구)

  • Choi, Won;Lee, Jae Gyoo;Kim, Yu-Jin
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.143-160
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    • 2013
  • The effect of 3DVAR (Three Dimension Variational data Assimilation) was examined by comparing observation and the simulations of CNTL (to which data assimilation was not applied) and ALL (to which data assimilation was applied using ground observation data and radar data) for the case of a heavy snowfall event (case A) of 11-12 February 2011 in the Yeongdong region. In case A, heavy snow intensively came in the Yeongdong coastal region rather than Daegwallyeong, in particular, around the Gangneung and Donghae regions with total precipitation in Bukgangneung at approximately 91 mm according to the AWS observation. It can be seen that compared to CNTL, ALL simulated larger precipitation along the Yeongdong coastline extending from Sokcho to Donghae while simulating smaller precipitation for inland areas including Daegwallyeong. On comparison of the total accumulated precipitations from simulations of CNTL and ALL, and the observed total accumulated precipitation, the positive effect of the assimilation of ground observation data and radar data could be identified in Bukgangneung and Donghae, on the other hand, the negative effect of the assimilation could be identified in the Daegwallyeong and Sokcho regions. In order to examine the average accuracy of precipitation prediction by CNTL and ALL for the entire Gangwon region including the major points mentioned earlier, the three hour accumulated precipitation from simulations of CNTL and ALL were divided into 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 mm/3hr and threat Scores were calculated by forecasting time. ALL showed relatively higher TSs than CNTL for all threshold values although there were some differences. That is, when considered generally based on the Gangwon region, the accuracy of precipitation prediction from ALL was improved somewhat compared to that from CNTL.

Characteristic Variations of Upper Jet Stream over North-East Asian Region during the Recent 35 Years (1979~2013) Based on Four Reanalysis Datasets (재분석자료들을 이용한 최근 35년(1979~2013) 동북아시아 상층제트의 변동특성)

  • So, Eun-Mi;Suh, Myoung-Seok
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.235-248
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we analyzed the three dimensional variations (latitude, longitude, and height of Jet core) and wind speed of upper Jet stream in the East Asian region using recent 35 years (1979~2013) of four reanalysis data (NCEP-R2, MERRA, ERA-Interim. and JRA-55). Most of Jet core is located in $30.0{\sim}37.5^{\circ}N$ and $13.0{\sim}157.5^{\circ}E$ although there are slight differences among the four reanalysis data. The wind speed differences among reanalysis are about $3m\;s^{-1}$ regardless of seasons, the weakest in NCEP-R2 and the strongest in JRA-55. Although significance level is not high, most of reanalysis showed that the Jet core has a tendency of southward moving during spring and winter, but moving northward during summer and fall. This amplified seasonal variation of Jet core suggests that seasonal variations of weather/climate can be increased in the East Asian region. The longitude of Jet core has a tendency of systematically westward moving and decreasing of zonal variations regardless of averaging methods and reanalysis data. In general, the Jet core shows a tendency of moving south-west-ward and upward, getting intensified during spring and winter regardless of the reanalysis data. However, the Jet core shows a tendency of moving westward and downward, and getting weakened during summer. In fall, there were no distinctive trends not only in wind speed but also three dimensional locations compared to other seasons. Although the significance levels are not high and variation patterns are slightly different according to the reanalysis data, our findings are more or less different from the previous results. So, more works are needed to clarify the three dimensional variation patterns of Jet core over the East Asian region as a result of global warming.

Data Acquisition System Using the Second Binary Code (2차원 부호를 이용한 정보 획득 시스템)

  • Kim, In-Kyeom
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, it is presented the efficient system for data recognition using the proposed binary code images. The proposed algorithm finds the position of binary image. Through the process of the block region classification, it is classified each block with the edge region using the value of gray level only. Each block region is divided horizontal and vertical edge region. If horizontal edge region blocks are classified over six blocks in any region, the proposed algorithm should search the vertical edge region in the start point of the horizontal edge region. If vertical edge region blocks were found over ten blocks in vertical region, the code image would found. Practical code region is acquired from the rate of the total edge region that is computed from the binary image that is processed with the average value. In case of the wrong rate, it is restarted the code search in the point after start point and the total process is followed. It has a short time than the before process time because it had classified block information. The block processing is faster thant the total process. The proposed system acquires the image from the digital camera and makes binary image from the acquired image. Finally, the proposed system extracts various characters from the binary image.

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Video Data Scene Segmentation Method Using Region Segmentation (영역분할을 사용한 동영상 데이터 장면 분할 기법)

  • Yeom, Seong-Ju;Kim, U-Saeng
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.8B no.5
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    • pp.493-500
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    • 2001
  • Video scene segmentation is fundamental role for content based video analysis. In this paper, we propose a new region based video scene segmentation method using continuity test for each object region which is segmented by the watershed algorithm for all frames in video data. For this purpose, we first classify video data segments into classes that are the dynamic and static sections according to the object movement rate by comparing the spatial and shape similarity of each region. And then, try to segment each sections by grouping each sections by comparing the neighbor section sections by comparing the neighbor section similarity. Because, this method uses the region which represented on object as a similarity measure, it can segment video scenes efficiently without undesirable fault alarms by illumination and partial changes.

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  • Kim, Hoi-Sub
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.387-396
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    • 1997
  • For given discrete derivative data in a rectangular re-gion we propose a method to generate an approximated surface which fits the given derivative data in the region and extends smoothly to a sufficiently large rectangular region. Such an extension in nec-essary in the generation of the surface in NC(numerical control) ma-chine.


  • Yokoyama, Ryuzo;Lei, Liping;Purevdorj, Ts.;Tanba, Sumio
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.285-289
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    • 1999
  • A processing system to produce cloud-free composite image data set was developed. In the process, a fine geometric correction based on orbit parameters and ground control points and radiometric correction based on 6S code are applied. Presently, by using AVHRR image data received at Tokyo, Okinawa, Ulaanbaatar and Bangkok, data set of 10 days composite images covering almost whole Asian region.

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Neural Network Modeling for the Superheated, Saturated and Compressed Region of Steam Table (증기표의 과열, 포화 및 압축영역의 신경회로망 모델링)

  • Lee, Tae-Hwan;Park, Jin-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Mechanical Technology
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.872-878
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    • 2018
  • Steam tables including superheated, saturated and compressed region were simultaneously modeled using the neural networks. Pressure and temperature were used as two inputs for superheated and compressed region. On the other hand Pressure and dryness fraction were two inputs for saturated region. The outputs were specific volume, specific enthalpy and specific entropy. The neural network model were compared with the linear interpolation model in terms of the percentage relative errors. The criterion of judgement was selected with the percentage relative error of 1%. In conclusion the neural networks showed better results than the interpolation method for all data of superheated and compressed region and specific volume of saturated region, but similar for specific enthalpy and entropy of saturated region.

Analysis of Knit Fabric Structure with its Voxel Data

  • Shinohara, T.;Takayama, J.;Ohyama, S.;Kobayashi, A.
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.53-56
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    • 2003
  • For identifying how a sample knit fabric is woven a method to obtain positional information of each yarn of the sample from voxel data made out of its x-ray CT images is newly proposed in this paper. The positional information is obtained by tracing the each yarn. The each yarn is traced by estimating a direction of the yarn in a certain small region in which the yarn can be regarded as straight and moving the region slightly along the estimated direction alternately. The yarn direction is estimated by correlating the voxel data in the region with a three-dimensional yarn model. The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by applying the method to voxel data made out of CT images of a knit fabric experimentally.

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Neutron Cross Section Evaluation on Mo-95, Tc-99, Ru-101 and Rh-1()3 in the Fast Energy Region

  • Lee, Y. D.;J. H. Chang
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.533-544
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    • 2002
  • The neutron induced nuclear data for Mo-95, Tc-99, Ru-101 and Rh-103 was calculated and evaluated in the fast energy region. The energy dependent optical model potential parameters were extracted based on the recent experimental data and applied up to 20 MeV. The s-wave strength function was calculated from the parameters. Spherical optical model, statistical model in equilibrium energy, multistep direct and multistep compound model in pre-equilibrium energy and direct capture model were used in the calculation. The theoretically calculated cross sections were compared with the experimental data and the evaluated files The model- calculated total and capture cross sections were in good agreement with the reference experimental data. The direct capture contribution improved the capture cross sections in pre- equilibrium region. The evaluated cross section results were compiled to ENDF-6 format and will improve the ENDF/B-Vl.