• Title/Summary/Keyword: Reflective

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Black-white Reflective Liquid Crystal Display Prepared with Two Color Reflective Layers

  • Choi, Woon-Seop;Kim, Min-Kyu
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.20-23
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    • 2009
  • Black-white reflective cholesteric liquid crystal display was prepared with two color liquid crystal layers, the combination of yellow color liquid crystal and blue color liquid crystal. The rubbing of cholesteric liquid crystal panel affects the brightness and color spectrum due to increase the planar domain texture. The CIE chromaticity coordinate of white is (0.31, 0.31).

Preparation and Physical Properties of Diamond Grade Reflective Sheets Using Microprism (마이크로프리즘을 사용한 초고휘도 재귀반사시트의 제조 및 특성)

  • Lee, Min-Ho;Lim, Du-Hyun;Heo, Min-Yeong;Ahn, Jou-Hyeon;Park, Jin-Woo;Yu, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Jong-Seon;Ryu, Ho-Suk;Ahn, Hyo-Jun;Kim, Ik-Hwan
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.284-289
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    • 2011
  • Prismatic reflective sheets were prepared using microprisms, and their retroreflection and structural properties were investigated and compared with encapsulated lens type reflective sheets based on glass beads. As prepared, the prismatic reflective sheets show well arranged array of microprisms. The arrangement of glass beads in encapsulated lens type reflective sheets is also found to be uniform without any cracks. However, during the coating process of the PET layer, the beads are coming out and the gaps are formed due to the application of high pressure. Even though the preparation method for reflective sheets based on microprisms is similar to that of reflective sheets based on glass beads, the method is relatively simple and cost effective, and also needs less time. Prismatic reflective sheets show higher coefficient of retroreflection from all entrance angles compared to reflective sheets based on glass beads. The results prove that the prismatic reflective sheets can be used for preparing the traffic sign boards to secure a clear view.

An Analysis of Pre-service Science Teachers' Reflective Thinking aboutvScientific Experiment in Experimental Journal Writings (실험 저널쓰기에서 나타난 예비과학교사들의 과학실험에 대한 반성적 사고 분석)

  • Lee, Yun-Jung;Im, Sung-Min
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.198-209
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    • 2011
  • In this study, pre-service science teachers' reflective thinking in their journal writing was investigated. To do this, the authors used pre-service science teachers' journal writing abilities, wherein they not only reported data and result formally, but also wrote their feelings and reflections about an inquiry-based physics experiment they performed. Pre-service science teachers' writings were decomposed into sentences and each sentence was analyzed into a framework with 4 dimensions: knowledge, procedure, orientation and attitude. Reflective thinking in knowledge dimension included reflection on what they know before the experiment, what they still do not know and what they learned from the experiment. Reflective thinking in procedure dimension included recalls of experiences about general experimental procedures and specific experimental skill. Reflective thinking in orientation dimension included their views about the nature of science and science teaching and learning, and reflective thinking in attitude dimension consisted of interests, motives and values about the experiment they performed. While there were some variations in frequency distribution of reflective thinking by the topic of experiments, pre-service science teachers' reflective thinking in journal writings revealed their metacognition on their knowledge and learning, epistemological belief about science and science learning, and affective domain related to experiment. This study can infer that such kind of writing with 'their own language' in an informal way followed by formal 'scientific' reports in a scientific experiment has a significance not only as a mediator representing reflective thinking but also as an instructional activity to facilitate reflective thinking in science learning and teaching.

The Relationship between Mentor Teachers' Mentoring Characteristics and Mentee Teachers' Reflective Practice in Collaborative Mentoring for Beginning Science Teachers (초임 중등 과학교사를 위한 협력적 멘토링에서 나타나는 멘토의 멘토링 특징과 멘티의 반성적 실천 사이의 관계)

  • Park, Jihun;Nam, Jeonghee;Kang, Eugene;Park, Jongseok;Son, Jeongwoo
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.115-128
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between mentor teachers' mentoring characteristics and mentee teachers' reflective practices and to investigate mentor teachers' mentoring methods to enhance mentee teachers' reflective practices based on the analysis. The participants were four beginning science teachers and four mentors who have more than seven years of teaching experience. This study compiled mentor and mentee teachers' journals, records and transcripts from mentee teachers' five periods of classes, lesson plans, evaluation forms of lessons, one-on-one mentoring records and transcripts, questionnaires conducted before, during, and after the mentoring program, and a questionnaire about the effects of one-on-one mentoring. The mentoring characteristics of mentor teachers were analyzed based on mentor's interaction methods and the contents and frequency of the support based on teaching feedback. Mentee teachers' reflective thinking was analyzed by being categorized as voluntary self-reflections of their classes and reflections on the support provided by mentor teachers. Mentee teachers' reflective practices were analyzed by utilizing RTOP. The conclusions of this study are as follows: Mentor teachers could promote mentee teachers' reflective practices by eliciting conversation that helped mentees perceive problems in their teaching practices. Mentors' questions evoking mentees' reflective thinking could elicit mentees' spontaneous self-reflection, and it led to the enhancement of self-reflection on mentors' support and reflective practices. When mentors offered the support based on teaching practices while playing a role as a facilitator to help mentees identify and solve problems by themselves, mentees' reflective practices could be promoted.

Students' Characteristics of the Reflective Inquiry Dispositions According to the Modes of Interaction of Small Group in High School Earth Science Inquiry Class (고등학교 지구과학 탐구활동에서 소그룹의 상호작용 양식에 따른 학생들의 반성적 탐구의 특성)

  • Park, Mi-Ra;Jeong, Jin-Woo;Cheong, Cheol
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.843-855
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to understand the substance of the reflective inquiry of students and obtain educational suggestion to the inquiry class for the promotion of the reflective inquiry, by checking out which characteristics the reflective inquiry showed according to the modes of interaction of small group in highschool earth science inquiry class. The result of study is shown as follows. At the stage of developmentand conclusion, the reflective inquiry relating the task context to data context was often appeared on the group of the modes of comfort interaction, but it was very rare on the group of modes of confrontation interaction. And the reflective inquiry scale value of the latter was two times lower than the former, The comfort group showed much more reflective inquiry statements quantitatively and performed much more meaningful reflective inquiry relating the task context to the data context. The heterogeneous group in the inquiry ability and the cognitive style showed confrontation interaction modes in the affective domain, having the most negative influence on the reflective inquiry. The homogeneous group both in the cognitive style and the inquiry ability showed the comfort interaction mode, having positive int1uence on the reflective inquiry.

An Action Research for Reflective Practice of Home Economics Teacher through Professional Learning Community Activity (교사학습공동체 활동을 통한 가정과 교사의 성찰적 실천에 대한 실행연구)

  • Lee, Gyeongsuk;Yoo, Taemyung
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.365-384
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this research is to apprehend what the power of professional learning community (PLC) to make home economics teachers participate is and how PLC activity contributes to reflective practice and change of participating home economics teachers by experiencing reflective practices. For this, self-reflective action research of Kemmis and McTaggart was conducted. Six home economics teachers participated voluntarily and totally 18 PLC sessions from May 31, 2013 to May 19, 2014 were held. Two themes of 'looking in classes' as a main practice theme and 'designing classes together' as a supporting theme were carried. Findings and conclusions of this study are as following. First, participants of PLC to get data and information on teaching and to solve problems with fellow teachers for better classes at first. However, they have become to comfort and sympathize each other about difficulties in school as home economics teachers. Second, through the PLC activity, they found they had uncomfortable belief about teaching and tried to practice solutions by critical and reflective thinking. Third, they put efforts in finding alternative framework of looking inside their classes for the fundamental improvement in teaching. For this, they formulated questionnaire to describe their own reflective practice through the alternative framework from a critical perspective in teaching, a view of student's learning, and a teacher's inner view for improvement of practice. Fourth, PLC activity for a year allowed them to combine theory and reality though reflective process by designing classes together and reflectively practicing them in classes.

Serial Dual Mediating Effects of Preschoolers' Executive Functions and Counterfactual Thinking on Relationship between Maternal Reflective Functioning and Preschoolers' Higher-order Thinking (어머니의 반영기능과 유아의 상위수준 사고 간의 관계에서 유아의 실행기능과 반사실적 사고의 순차적 이중매개효과)

  • Lee, Yoonjeong;Lim, Jiyoung
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.131-148
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the dual mediating effects of preschoolers' executive function and counterfactual thinking in the relationship between maternal reflective functioning and preschoolers' higher-order thinking. Participants included 293 preschoolers and their mothers in Daegu city and Gyeongsang province. The mothers completed questionnaires regarding their reflective functioning, preschoolers' executive function, and creative thinking. Teachers completed questionnaires regarding preschoolers' critical thinking and caring thinking. Preschoolers' counterfactual thinking was measured by interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation analysis with SPSS 25.0. Path analysis and bootstrapping were used with AMOS 25.0 program. Also, specific indirect effect were analyzed using AMOS user-defined estimand function. The primary results of this study are as follows. Maternal reflective functioning had an indirect effect on preschoolers' critical thinking and caring thinking through preschoolers' executive function and counterfactual thinking; however, maternal reflective functioning had no indirect effect on preschoolers' creative thinking through preschoolers' executive function and counterfactual thinking. This study revealed that maternal reflective functioning and preschoolers' executive function and counterfactual thinking need to be considered simultaneously to explain the level of preschoolers' higher-order thinking. The results highlight the dual mediating effects of preschoolers' executive function and counterfactual thinking in the relationship between maternal reflective functioning and preschoolers' higher-order thinking.

A Case Study of Two Elementary School Mathematics Teachers' Beliefs during Their Reflective Teaching (초등학교 수학과 반성적 교수 과정 중 교사의 사고에 대한 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Keum-Sun
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.385-404
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    • 2011
  • Currently, reflective teaching has been actively studied in terms of teachers' professional development relating to classroom instruction. The present study looked at, using the method of a case study, the differences between a novice and an experienced elementary school mathematics teachers' beliefs demonstrated during their reflective teaching. The findings of the study show that at the intial stage of reflective teaching, the novice teacher identified few errors during class and was not enthusiastic about applying the results of her reflective teaching due to lack of confidence. By contrast, the experienced teacher identified more errors during class than the novice teacher and had fewer reflections due to a sense of confidence. As the teachers' engagement in reflective teaching increased with time, they both felt the need for advice from experts on mathematics teaching and directed their attention to interactions with their students away from teacher-centered instruction. Further, the novice teacher engaged in more teacher-student interactions than the experienced teacher, and the experienced teacher increased the frequency of teaching reflection. Based on the findings, the article suggests a number of implications for the cooperative reflective teaching between novice and experienced teachers and the improvement of classroom instruction.

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A Study of Social Worker's Reflective Thinking and the Usage of Practice Skills (사회복지사의 반성적 사고수준과 사회복지실천기술의 활용정도)

  • You, Young-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.337-362
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    • 2009
  • This study investigated the relation between social worker's reflective thinking levels and the usage of social work practice skills. Dewey definded reflective thinking as active, persistent and careful consideration of any belief. And social work practice skills refer to those purposeful intervention activities, that are intended to alleviate client's distress, enhancing a client's coping abilities. Reflctive thinking levels consists of intensive reflection, reflection, understanding and habit action. The key of social work practice skills can be categorized into three major categories: supportive skills, therapeutic coping skills and case management skills. These categories were designed to apply to a diverse range of client populations. This paper proves that social work's reflective thinking ability and interactions with other workers have an effect on the intervention activities. In conclusion, this research indicates that if social works have a higher reflective thinking levels, they will creat practice siklls and social work practice knowledge.

Evaluation of Suitability of Retroreflective Material Locations by Motion Analysis of the Wearer of Safety Clothing (안전의복 착용자의 동작분석에 의한 재귀반사 소재 위치의 적합성 평가)

  • Soon Ja Park;Satoko Tanabe;Mariko Sato
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.61 no.3
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    • pp.493-503
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    • 2023
  • Since ISO 20471 regulations(2013) were enacted, high-visibility clothing made of fluorescent fabric and retroreflective materials has been standardized to distinguish the wearers from the surrounding background in a dark place and to protect them. Accordingly, we made high-visibility safety clothing based on the international standards, and examined the positions of the retro-reflective materials on the attached sites to evaluate the suitability of the positions, by 3 types of safety clothing and the body regions when the wearers work or move. Two retro-reflective films of 5cm-horizontal lines were attached to the front/back of the upper-wear, and the lower-wear. Vertical lines were attached from the shoulder to the horizontal waistline. To analyze the motion in 3-dimension, we took pictured infrared-reflective markers on the retro-reflective film covered with yellow-tape on the front-side when 6 subjects wearing experimental garments performed 6 types of motions. According to the metronome tempo, the motions were performed for 30 seconds and repeated 6 motions ①~⑥ by 3 experimental clothing. Among the 6 motions, significant differences in the appearance rate of the markers by body region during the motions were found in 5 types except for motion ③. Significant differences by the post-hoc test were shown in motions ④ and ⑥ as well. Therefore, for high-visibility safety clothing, it is necessary to anticipate the worker's motion and consider the attaching position of the retro-reflective material. It is considered desirable to attach the retro-reflective materials to several places where the clothing is hard to wrinkle.