• 제목/요약/키워드: Recognition Planning

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자동차 전장 분야 공학기술교육에서 프로젝트 수업에 관한 학습자 인식 연구 (A Study on the Learner's Recognition of Project Instruction in Automobile Electricity Fields of Engineering Technology Education)

  • 박성종;한명석
    • 공학교육연구
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구에서는 공학기술교육에서 자동차전장 분야의 프로젝트 수업에 준비 단계, 계획 단계, 실행 단계, 정리 단계로 프로젝트 학습을 진행하였다. 본 연구의 목적은 학습자 관점에서 프로젝트 과목을 이수한 학습자의 인식에 대해 알아보고 이를 통해 보다 나은 프로젝트 수업 방법을 모색하는데 있다. 자동차 전장의 하드웨어와 소프트웨어 분야 28명의 재학생을 대상으로 사전검사와 사후검사를 실시하고 이를 유의도 .05 수준에서 통계처리한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 프로젝트 수업을 통해 팀활동과 협동심이 고취되고 발표와 관련된 의사소통이 증가하였다. 프로젝트 준비를 제대로 하여 현장을 충실히 반영하였고 프로젝트의 개념을 잘 알게 하여 학습자 관점의 프로젝트를 수행한 결과 많은 효과와 경험을 얻을 수 있었다. 그러나 성취감과 자신감은 기대한 만큼 증가하지 않아 프로젝트 수행의 어려움을 알 수 있었다.

가정생활관에 영향을 미치는 변인에 관한 연구 - 서울.경기 지역을 중심으로 - (Factors Affecting the Family Life's Values in Seoul and Gyeonggi Area)

  • 김양희;김효민
    • 가족자원경영과 정책
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to provide further direction to the culture program at the healthy family center by analyzinge its different concepts of family living culture, which is based on changes in the family values of an individual. This research was conducted on residents in the area of Seoul and Kung-gi from March 1, 2007 to March 30, 2007. The survey was distributed to 300 people, and 186 surveys were collected. Among those 186 surveyed, 179 were finally analyzed. Findings from the survey are as follows: First, age, gender, and marital status show differences in familism, consciousness of men's and women's equality, and recognition of family cultural ritual. As to planning the healthy family culture program, the program participants' age, gender, and marital status should be considered to successfully plan and operate the program. Second, regarding the view of family life from three aspects including the degree of recognition of family cultural ritual, familism, and the consciousness of men's and women's equality, all three variables show differences in the view of family life. Therefore, it will be highly effective to organize two separate groups: one presents lower recognition of family cultural ritual and family-based values, and another possesses a higher sense of equality. Third, the result of reviewing relative effectiveness to the proper family life value, wedding, consciousness of parents respect(=filial piety), and sacrificial rituals, funeral rites were founded to highly effective to family living view. Therefore, it will be highly effective to include these topics, when the family cultural living program is planned.

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리미티드 에디션 패션제품 구매자의 구매의사결정과정에 관한 연구 (A Qualitative Research on Purchase Decision-Making Process by Limited Edition Fashion Consumers)

  • 황경의;고애란
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • 제54권6호
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    • pp.599-610
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    • 2016
  • The purposes of this study are to identify the characteristics of limited edition fashion consumers, to analyze their purchase decision-making processes, and to examine negative factors of consumers' recognition toward limited edition fashion products. A qualitative investigation was conducted by doing in-depth interviews with 11 selected consumers in their twenties and thirties who have actively purchased and consumed limited edition fashion products. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, there are four sub-categories of appearance management activity, acceptance of fashion trend, information-seeking behavior, and hedonic shopping orientation for the limited edition fashion consumers' characteristics. Second, the purchase decision-making process of limited edition fashion consumers are identified as seven steps: need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, planning and courtship, purchase, post-purchase evaluation, and post-purchase behavior. Courtship/attachment formation and post-purchase behavior are unique steps when compared to general purchase decision-making process. Third, this study identified negative factors of consumers' recognition toward limited edition this study in order to suggest several improvement plans for enterprises using limited marketing. Four sub-categories are examined: outrageous price, tricks of company, fatigue due to purchasing competition, and re-sellers. In conclusion, this study indicates that the purchase decision-making process of limited edition consumers, which involves two distinctive steps including courtship/attachment formation and post-purchase behavior, can be differentiated from general consumers. The results of this study provides preliminary data for further research for in-depth analysis of limited edition consumers.

병원 종합 물류시스템 운영에 대한 관련직원들의 인식 (A Study of the Employee's Attitude Toward Operation of the Hospital Material Requirements Planning System(HMRPS) in University Hospitals)

  • 이광용;유승흠;손태용
    • 한국병원경영학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.266-285
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to identify influencing factors for successful introduction, implementation and management of HMRPS through assessment of the employees attitude toward HMRPS in technical, administrative, and organization behavioral areas. Data were collected from 157 HMRPS employee members' self-reporting questionnaire in three university hospitals in the city of Seoul and Kyonggi Province from November 5 to November 10, 1997. Relevant literature on industry company MPR system theory was reviewed to develop the theoretical framework. The results were as follows: The employee's recognition of tangible benefit were more significantly influenced success than intangible benefit for successful operation relating the HMRPS. Concerning the employee's recognition of the successful HMRPS and the factor of influenced success was significantly positive correlation between tangible and intangible benefits and success factor in technical, administrative, and organizational behavior area. This study showed that major factor affecting the employee's recognition of tangible and intangible benefit for successful HMRPS. For tangible benefits; Success factors in the technical areas were quality of the data and information, efficiency of inventory management and rescheduling of operation plan. Success factors in the administrative areas were: role of top management. Success factors in the organization behavioral areas were; simplicity of the HMRPS, human resistance to change. For intangible benefits; Success factors in the organization behavioral areas were; user involvement, simplicity of HMRPS, human resistance to change. Futhermore as the exact evaluation of successful factors of HMRPS implement is needed, research for the development of systemic variables of physical distribution system control, methods, capacity of system, duration and other environment in many of 30 hospitals or more, and for the empirical study for HMRPS.

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CT 영상에서 뇌출혈의 자동인식 (Intracerebral Hemorrhage Auto Recognition in Computed Tomography Images)

  • 최석윤;강세식;김창수;김정훈;김동현;예수영;고성진
    • 대한방사선기술학회지:방사선기술과학
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    • 제36권2호
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2013
  • CT 검사 시 뇌출혈의 부위는 심각한 정도에 따라 인지하기 어려운 경우도 있으며, 응급상황에서 숙련이 되지 않은 의료진에게는 부담을 준다. 응급상황에서 검사와 동시에 뇌출혈부위를 자동으로 빨리 파악하고 정량적인 정보를 제공하는 보조적인 역할은 필요하며, 컴퓨터를 이용한 자동 검출 및 인식 시스템은 출혈부위 진단에 매우 큰 도움을 줄 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 출혈부위를 문턱치값 처리, 모폴로지 연산, 원형률 계산을 접목하여 뇌 출혈부위의 자동검출에 성공하였고 검출 후보군에서 잘 못 선정된 영역을 판정하기위한 주성분분석을 이용한 분류기 개발에 성공하였다. 개발된 시스템을 응급상황의 뇌출혈 환자에게 적용한다면 의료진에게 수술계획을 위한 유용한 정보가 될 것으로 사료된다.

상업시설의 루프탑 공간 개선방안 연구 (An Approach to Improve the Rooftop Space of Commercial Facilities)

  • 김혜리;김영화;이상홍
    • 대한건축학회논문집:계획계
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    • 제34권6호
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    • pp.93-103
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    • 2018
  • In the past, the rooftop was a place where a water tank was to be installed, and a space of secretion and concealment such as a warehouse exposed in the air. It was because it was judged to hinder the beauty of a city as a whole without having any functional value per se. However, the roof portion is increasingly being utilized for a space such as a cafe, a pub, and a lounge as the rooftop is highly recognized as a place for leisure activities other than an idle space in modern times. Nonetheless, there are no detailed ordinances and criteria corresponding to such circumstances. For example, in case of the rooftop space, the building code applied to the rooftop space is a legal system when the rooftop was an idle space in the past though people have now accessed more increasingly to the rooftop than in the past. This study investigated the definition on the rooftop space evolved in accordance with the change of the rooftop space and the related legal system in Korea, and conducted a survey for the purpose of performing the field investigation for the analysis of physical status in 117 spaces that form the rooftop space in the rooftop of small-scale commercial facilities with 2 stories through 4 stories in Korea and analyze the recognition of users and analyzing the recognition of users. We analyzed the problems in the rooftop space through analysis of derived data, and suggested improvement plans.

Travel mode classification method based on travel track information

  • Kim, Hye-jin
    • 한국컴퓨터정보학회논문지
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    • 제26권12호
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2021
  • 이동 패턴 인식은 사용자 궤적 질의, 사용자 행동 예측, 사용자 위치에 기초한 흥미요소 추천, 사용자 개인 정보 보호 및 지자체 교통 계획과 같은 여러 측면에서 널리 사용된다. 현재 인식 정확도는 응용 요건을 충족할 수 없기 때문에 이동 패턴 인식 연구는 궤적 데이터 연구의 초점이라 할 수 있다. GPS 내비게이션 기술과 지능형 모바일 기기의 대중화로 많은 사용자 모바일 데이터 정보를 얻을 수 있고, 이를 바탕으로 많은 의미 있는 연구가 이루어질 수 있다. 현재의 이동 패턴 연구 방법에서 궤적의 특징 추출은 궤도의 기본 속성(속도, 각도, 가속도 등)으로 제한된다. 본 논문에서 순열 엔트로피는 궤적 분류 연구에 참여하기 위한 궤적의 고유값으로 사용되었으며 시계열의 복잡성을 측정하기 위한 속성으로도 사용되었다. 속도 순열 엔트로피와 각도 순열 엔트로피가 이동 패턴 분류에 참여하기 위한 궤적의 특성으로 사용되었으며, 본 논문에서 사용된 순열 엔트로피를 기반으로 한 속성 분류의 정확도는 81.47%에 달했다.

반도체 리드 프레임 제조를 위한 프로그레시브 금형의 CAD/CAM 시스템 개발 (Development of Progressive Die CAD/CAM System for Manufacturing Lead Frame, Semiconductor)

  • 최재찬;김병민;김철;김재훈;김창봉
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제16권12호
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    • pp.230-238
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    • 1999
  • This paper describes a research work of developing computer-aided design of lead frame, semiconductor, with blanking operation which is very precise for progressive working. Approach to the system is based on the knowledge-based rules. Knowledge for the system is formulated from plasticity theories, experimental results and the empirical knowledge of field experts. This system has been written in AutoLISP on the AutoCAD using a personal computer and in I-DEAS Drafting Programming Language on the I-DEAS Master Series Drafting with Workstation, HP9000/715(64) and tool kit on the ESPRIT. Transference of data among AutoCAD, I-DEAS Master Series Drafting, and ESPRIT is accomplished by DXF(drawing exchange format) and IGES(initial graphics exchange specification) methods. This system is composed of six modules, which are input and shape treatment, production feasibility check, strip-layout, die-layout, modelling, and post-processor modules. The system can design process planning and Die design considering several factors and generate NC data automatically according to drawings of die-layout module. As forming process of high precision product and die design system using 2-D geometry recognition are integrated with technology of process planning, die design, and CAE analysis, standardization of die part in die design and process planning of high pression product for semiconductor lead frame is possible to set. Results carried out in each module will provide efficiencies to the designer and the manufacturer of lead frame, semiconductor.

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지속가능한 주거지 실현을 위한 계획적 고려사항 - 부산지역 '살고싶은 도시만들기' 실천사례 거주자 의견을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Planning Consideration for the Realization of Sustainable Housing - In the Aspect the Residents' Opinions at the Pilot Project 'Livable City Making' in Busan -)

  • 김묘정;정지석
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the incomplete aspects of the government pilot project 'Livable City Making' Also, the study was conducted to consider a plan that residents will satisfy for the realization of the project. The study used a case study and a survey method in research process. For the case study, two projects in Busan that have similar planning were chosen. The contents of the survey included the residents' interest in their housing area, their recognition and opinions of the pilot project, their satisfaction about the environmental alterations, and their thought about conditions of sustainable housing. The main results of this study were as follows. First, the residents were satisfied with the alteration of the street space and the provision of green and open spaces. Meanwhile they revealed that the preservation of the natural environment and the vitalization of community are insufficient. Second, they also believed that the construction of the pedestrian streets, the provision of parking lots, and the remodeling of the deteriorated buildings are incomplete. Third, the residents believed that the following provisions need to be made for successful sustainable housing waste discharge needs to be minimized, facilities need to be used for saving energy, opportunities for employment need to be provided within their housing areas, and safe street spaces and comfortable traffic systems need to be provided.

주거환경 만족도와 주거선택요소 중요도 변화에 관한 연구 - 서울지역 거주자를 중심으로 - (Study on the change in the Satisfaction Degree on the Residential Environment and the change in the Selection Tendency of the Residential Property - Targeting Seoul Residences -)

  • 김준환;최영문
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2008
  • Recently, Seoul residential real estate market showed a big change, especially in 2007. The residential property price in Seoul had been mainly affected by 5 provideces: Kangnam-gu, Seocho-gu, Songpa-gu, Gangdong-gu and Yangchun-gu, but these providences started to show the decrease in price while the other providences ironically showed the opposite direction. Therefore, this project was derived from this phenomenon recognition and the necessity as the new market trend requires. The pre-research was carried out with the point of social-population academic view, but this project provides the analysis on the new market trend by simplifying the complex valuation indexes, originated from the pre-research. In result, the aspects of the change could be categorized into time-manner classification and territorial-manner classification, in cope with the change in the satisfaction degree on the residential environment and the selection tendency of the residential property. Based on the the moving-preferred area criteria, the territorial classification was categorized into 3 areas: 5 providences, which showed the initial decrease in real estate price (area 1), the other Kangnam area (area 2), and Kangbuk area (area 3). The result illustrated the reasonable change in the satisfaction degree on the residential environment and the selection tendency of the residential property. This project was able to reach the following conclusion : Firstly, the housing development planning should be devised by the residential environment, including the view and the natural environment, not by the area. Secondly, the housing development planning in the other Kangnam area (area 2) and Kangbuk area (area 3) should embrace the business function, not the housing development only. Last, the housing development planning in Kangbuk area (area 3) should be able to enhance education and culture function and be connected by various transportation system. This project analyzes the change in the satisfaction degree on the residential environment and the selection tendency of the residential property. Thereafter, this project has the purpose of providing the aid in understanding of the basis of housing development information.