• Title/Summary/Keyword: Reality Convergence

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Paradigm Shift of Film Industry in the Media Convergence and Integration within Digital Environment:An Alternative Model for Development of Film Industry (디지털 환경-미디어 융·복합-내에서 영화산업의 패러다임 변화:영화산업 발전을 위한 대안적 모형 제시)

  • Kim, Jin-Wook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2010
  • It is said that the highlight in the media covergence and integration within digital environment era is 'Contents'. Due to the advent of new media and various covergence and integration services, the competition between the platforms has become aggressive. As a result, it is predicted that the negotiation power of a 'Content's industry will be strengthened. In reality, the actual environmental changes in the media environment have accompanied elements of industrial crisis rather than opportunity to expand the market. The changes are especially causing sales structure distortion and proceeds deterioration in the Korean film industry. Moreover, telecommunication and broadcasting businesses are making their entrance into the film industry, through the appearance of the media covergence and integration as a backdrop. Thus, the situation that the Korean film industry is facing is closely associated with the development of the digital technology and new media environment. Eventually, weathering the crisis and pioneering the future will be possible through changes in the media environment. The purpose of this study is to show how the media covergence and integration phenomenon is occurring in the film industry. This study will also focus on what new problems are occurring as a result, and seek out the solutions that are available.

A Study of Home-furnishing Products Strategy through the Consumption Tendency Analysis of Single Household (1인 가구의 소비성향 분석을 통한 홈퍼니싱 제품전략 연구)

  • Kim, Taesun
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.237-245
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    • 2016
  • Single households currently account for 26.5% of all households and their number is expected to continue to rise, reaching 34.5% by 2035. An analysis of the consumption trends and needs of single households shows that they are rising as a new consumer group with a focus on investment on the individual and favouring: small but high-tech products: efficient use of limited resources: safety and peace of mind: self-improvement and leisure. Products which meet such demands are having an impact on the growth of home-furnishing market. An analysis of companies in Korea's home-furnishing market, with examples like the lifestyle company IKEA, shows a variety of brands such as SPA brand, furniture specialist, distributor and character products. And yet most are OEM products which lack differentiated product lines and compete with similar display and distribution structure. We needs the Single household consumption tendency of home-furnishing market and differentiation strategy through product analysis. In order to increase the value of companies in the home-furnishing market, in addition to differentiated design, product competitiveness must aspire to higher customer satisfaction with easy assembly, innovation in logistics, innovative sales methods such as virtual-reality simulation for products and space, individually-tailored furniture for the needs of single household and products which combine smart technology. For home-grown home-furnishing brands to have competitiveness, they must leverage on the strengths of the industry, offering differentiated and competitive products in a wider range of areas with convergence functions as well as differentiation in consumer interface and application of advancing technology; in-depth product research is called for.

A study on the Effect of Consumer Lifestyle on Brand Attitude, Brand Attachment influence upon Brand Loyalty (레스토랑 고객의 라이프스타일이 브랜드태도, 브랜드애착이 브랜드충성도간의 관계)

  • Seo, Gyeong-Do;Lee, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.185-192
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships among consumer lifestyle, brand attitude, brand attachment, and behavior pattern. Sampling with consumers who experienced eating out in regional catering companies as a population was done and the survey was conducted targeting consumers of catering companies in Gwangju. Therefore, it analyzed the sample by setting hypotheses and research model according to the research objective. First, as for the relationship between lifestyle and brand attitude, the lifestyle as a personal inclination formed a significant relationship with brand attitude the characteristics of which are recognition, convenience, and familiar features regardless of the type of lifestyle. Second, consumer lifestyle in types of reality seeking, value-oriented, and fashion-pursuing formed a significant relationships with brand attachment in order of mention, whereas social oriented type did not form a significant relationship. Third, the relationship between consumer brand attitude and brand loyalty formed a significant relation with the relationship between consumer brand attachment and brand loyalty.

The Growth of Mobile Advertising and the Future of the Advertising Industry (모바일광고의 성장과 광고산업의 미래)

  • Lee, Chi-Hyung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.203-209
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    • 2016
  • The advertising media is undergoing a dramatic change mainly due to the increased use of smartphone. This study predicts the future of the advertising industry driven by the mobile advertising using scenario planning. Targeting technologies, restriction on the use of personal information, and overcoming ad avoidance were selected as key uncertain variables expected to impact on the growth of the mobile advertising 5 years later. With the support by expert interviews, the $2{\times}2$ matric combines two cases to generate four scenarios; the one whether mobile ads surpass PC-based online ads, the other whether the combined force of mobile and PC-based ads surpass the traditional media in advertising spendings. Each scenario is articulated according to the future of key variables. The most likely scenario is that mobile will dominate the advertising media market. However, it is important not to ignore different scenarios because key variables evolves in unexpected manner and then they can become reality. The future research will combine its key variables with social and economic ones and segment technical variables in more details.

A Study on the Improvement Plan : Based on the Survey on the Teachers in Church Schools in Korea (한국 교회학교 교사의 실태조사에 따른 개선 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Man-Oh
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to suggest the improvement plan for the future church schools and the teachers after examining the reality and the situation of the teachers in church schools in Korea. In order to do this, the study examined the factors of the changes in Christian population in Korea, the factors of reduced number of Christian population and the factors of the reduced number of students in church schools. It also conducted the survey on the teachers in church schools to find the actual problems and situation of them. Based on the result and analysis of the survey, the study will suggest the alternative plans for improvement. The study asked 12 questions of 534 teachers to examine the real situations of the teachers in church schools in Korea and based on the analysis and result of it, the study will suggest a couple of alternatives to the teachers.

Real-Time Individual Tracking of Multiple Moving Objects for Projection based Augmented Visualization (다중 동적객체의 실시간 독립추적을 통한 프로젝션 증강가시화)

  • Lee, June-Hyung;Kim, Ki-Hong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.357-364
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    • 2014
  • AR contents, if markers to be tracked move fast, show flickering while updating images captured from cameras. Conventional methods employing image based markers and SLAM algorithms for tracking objects have the problem that they do not allow more than 2 objects to be tracked simultaneously and interacted with each other in the same camera scene. In this paper, an improved SLAM type algorithm for tracking dynamic objects is proposed and investigated to solve the problem described above. To this end, method using 2 virtual cameras for one physical camera is adopted, which makes the tracked 2 objects interacted with each other. This becomes possible because 2 objects are perceived separately by single physical camera. Mobile robots used as dynamic objects are synchronized with virtual robots in the well-designed contents, proving usefulness of applying the result of individual tracking for multiple moving objects to augmented visualization of objects.

A Study on Patent Valuation for the Activation of IP Finance (IP 금융 활성화를 위한 특허가치평가에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Seong-Taek;Kim, Young-Ki
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.315-321
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    • 2012
  • Since technological innovation is such an important factor that it can determine a company's economic growth and competitive enhancement, all the companies make lots of investments and efforts for technological innovation. As outcomes of technological innovation, there are patents, trademark and copyrights, etc. and they are mostly approved as a legal right called 'Intellectual Property Right'. To activate such an intellectual property right, financing techniques are needed for enterprises to raise funds through collaterals, such as technological and intellectual patents. In reality, however, any IP-related financial system is not really activated due to the lack of surety-related regulations in Korea. Thus, on the premise that it is important to carry out an objective and reliable valuation on IP as a collateral for the activation of IP finance, this study intends to investigate various different methods of patent valuation needed for IP finance.

Development of a Software Education Curriculum for Secondary Schools

  • Kim, Seong-Won;Lee, Youngjun
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.127-141
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    • 2016
  • With more emphasis on importance of software, many countries try to provide software education. Of course Korea includes informatics courses in 2015 revised curriculum, so that software education will be administered briskly in soon. However there are practical challenges including a lack of teaching hour in classes and the monotony of educational contents which occurs with that. To solve these problems, this research develop software education curriculum model that could be practically used for both middle and high school. First this study compare the curriculum of Korea to that of United States and United Kingdom. After analyzing the result, the curriculum model for middle and high school is developed. The curriculum model can be classified into three types, middle, high and advanced-high levels and include key concepts like collaboration and convergence, computational thinking, computing practice and programming, computers and communications devices, community, global, and ethical impacts. To assess the feasibility of our software education curriculum model, examination was made by expert group and a hearing was held by related researchers. Then the model was modified in a way that adjustable to Korea education system. This study provides some important guidances on designing a curriculum for software education at middle and high school. However, there still are difficulty adjusting to the elementary school and university course. To be able to further research, same kind of studies on elementary school and university course need to be done. Also, continuous modifications are required to reflect reality including technological advance, curriculum, and changes of education system.

Realistic Expression Factor to Visual Presence of Virtual Avatar in Eye Reflection (가상 아바타의 각막면에 비친 반사영상의 시각적 실재감에 대한 실감표현 요소)

  • Won, Myoung Ju;Lee, Eui Chul;Whang, Min-Cheol
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2013
  • In the VnR (Virtual and Real Worlds) of recent virtual reality convergence, the modelling of realistic human face is focused on the facial appearance such as the shape of facial parts and muscle movement. However, the facial changing parameters caused by environmental factors beyond the facial appearance factors can be regarded as important ones in terms of effectively representing virtual avatar. Therefore, this study evaluates user's visual feeling response according to the opacity variation of eye reflection of virtual avatar which is considered as a new parameter for reprenting realistic avatar. Experimental result showed that more clear eye reflection induced more realistic visual feeling of subjects. This result can be regarded as a basis for designing realistic virtual avatar by supporting a new visual realistic representing factor (eye reflection) and its degree of representation (reflectance ratio).

Creative Talent for Fusion-Positive Collective Intelligence-based Collaborative Learning Content Research ; Focusing on the tvN Connective Lecture Show 'Creation Club 199' (창의 융합인재 양성을 위한 집단지성기반 협력학습 콘텐츠 연구: tvN의 커넥티브(connective) 강연쇼 '창조클럽 199'를 중심으로)

  • Iem, Yun-Seo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.529-541
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    • 2015
  • Collaborative learning of collective intelligence-based model is also ideal in higher education did not yet consensus still in the theoretical level. To become collective intelligence-based collaborative learning is to mobilize the competence of the various members should be promoted as much as possible with their own services designed to actively participate in and contribute to the goals of the joint. Is still based collaborative learning model of collective intelligence, which does the actual model is not developed in education is a key program in creative fusion judge called talent. The evolution of the main features of the house just in shaping the content of a modern lecture geureohagi need to check from time to time to see and pay attention. As part of this study, attempts were associated with the tvN planning and attention to trying connector Executive Lecture show "Creative Club 199" content. Well oriented intention to converge the needs of the times, but it is even more compelling naeeotda implement the collective intelligence based on 'how' the reality is that together with the participants.