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Creative Talent for Fusion-Positive Collective Intelligence-based Collaborative Learning Content Research ; Focusing on the tvN Connective Lecture Show 'Creation Club 199'  

Iem, Yun-Seo (동국대학교 미래인재개발원 역량개발센터)
Publication Information
Collaborative learning of collective intelligence-based model is also ideal in higher education did not yet consensus still in the theoretical level. To become collective intelligence-based collaborative learning is to mobilize the competence of the various members should be promoted as much as possible with their own services designed to actively participate in and contribute to the goals of the joint. Is still based collaborative learning model of collective intelligence, which does the actual model is not developed in education is a key program in creative fusion judge called talent. The evolution of the main features of the house just in shaping the content of a modern lecture geureohagi need to check from time to time to see and pay attention. As part of this study, attempts were associated with the tvN planning and attention to trying connector Executive Lecture show "Creative Club 199" content. Well oriented intention to converge the needs of the times, but it is even more compelling naeeotda implement the collective intelligence based on 'how' the reality is that together with the participants.
Convergence; Collective Intelligence; Speech Content; Creation; Collaboration;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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