• Title/Summary/Keyword: Radio Frequency

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The Development of RFID Utility Statistical Analysis Tool (RUSAT) in Comparison to Barcode for Logistics Activities (물류활동에서 RFID와 바코드 시스템의 효용성 비교를 위한 통계분석 도구(RUSAT) 개발)

  • Ha, Heon-Cheol;Park, Heung-Sun;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Choi, Yong-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2012
  • In SCM(Supply Chain Management), a management paradigm where the customer satisfaction is to be achieved by minimizing the cost, reducing the uncertainty, and obtaining the overall optimization. As it performs the integrated operation of the paths of information, assets, and knowledge from the raw material providers to the retailers, the adoption of RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) in SCM could be expected to magnify the effectiveness of the system. However, there is a huge risk by deciding whether or not RFID system is adopted without the objective analysis under the uncertain circumstances. This research paper presents the statistical analysis methodologies for the comparison of RFID with Barcode on the aspect of utility and the statistical analysis tool, RUSAT, which was programmed for nonstatisticians' convenience. Assuming a pharmaceutical industry, this paper illustrates how the data were entered and analyzed in RUSAT. The results of this research are expected to be used not only for the pharmaceutical related company but also for the manufacturer, the whole-saler, and the retailer in the other logistic industries.

Magnetoresistance of Bi Nanowires Grown by On-Film Formation of Nanowires for In-situ Self-assembled Interconnection

  • Ham, Jin-Hee;Kang, Joo-Hoon;Noh, Jin-Seo;Lee, Woo-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Magnestics Society Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.79-79
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    • 2010
  • Semimetallic bismuth (Bi) has been extensively investigated over the last decade since it exhibits very intriguing transport properties due to their highly anisotropic Fermi surface, low carrier concentration, long carrier mean free path l, and small effective carrier mass $m^*$. In particular, the great interest in Bi nanowires lies in the development of nanowire fabrication methods and the opportunity for exploring novel low-dimensional phenomena as well as practical application such as thermoelectricity[1]. In this work, we introduce a self-assembled interconnection of nanostructures produced by an on-film formation of nanowires (OFF-ON) method in order to form a highly ohmic Bi nanobridge. A Bi thin film was first deposited on a thermally oxidized Si (100) substrate at a rate of $40\;{\AA}/s$ by radio frequency (RF) sputtering at 300 K. The sputter system was kept in an ultra high vacuum (UHV) of $10^{-6}$ Torr before deposition, and sputtering was performed under an Ar gas pressure of 2m Torr for 180s. For the lateral growth of Bi nanowires, we sputtered a thin Cr (or $SiO_2$) layer on top of the Bi film. The Bi thin films were subsequently put into a custom-made vacuum furnace for thermal annealing to grow Bi nanowires by the OFF-ON method. After thermal annealing, the Bi nanowires cannot be pushed out from the topside of the Bi films due to the Cr (or $SiO_2$) layer. Instead, Bi nanowires grow laterally as a mean s of releasing the compressive stress. We fabricated a self-assembled Bi nanobridge (d=192 nm) device in-situ using OFF-ON through annealing at $250^{\circ}C$ for 10hours. From I-V measurements taken on the Bi nanobridge device, contacts to the nanobridge were found highly ohmic. The quality of the Bi nanobridge was also proved by the high MR of 123% obtained from transverse MR measurements. These results manifest the possibility of self-assembled nanowire interconnection between various nanostructures for a variety of applications and provide a simple device fabrication method to investigate transport properties on nanowires without complex patterning and etching processes.

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The properties of Al-doped ZnO films deposited with RF magnetron sputtering system in various H2/(Ar + H2) gas ratios (RF 마그네트론 스퍼터링 방법을 사용해 증착된 Al이 도핑 된 ZnO 박막의 H2/(Ar + H2) 가스 비율에 따른 특성)

  • Kim, Jwa-Yeon;Han, Jung-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.122-126
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    • 2012
  • The properties of Al-doped ZnO (AZO) films were investigated as a function of $H_2/(Ar+H_2)$ gas ratio using an AZO (2 wt% $Al_2O_3$) ceramic target in a radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering system. The deposition process was done at $200^{\circ}C$ and in $2{\times}10^{-2}$ Torr working pressure and with various ratios of $H_2/(Ar+H_2)$ gas. During the AZO film deposition process, partial $H_2$ gas affected the AZO film characteristics. The electron resistivity (${\sim}9.21{\times}10^{-4}\;{\Omega}cm$) was lowest and mobility (${\sim}17.8\;cm^2/Vs$) was highest in AZO films when the $H_2/(Ar+H_2)$ gas ratio was 2.5 %. When the $H_2/(Ar+H_2)$ gas ratio was increased above 2.5 %, the electron resistivity increased and mobility decreased with increasing $H_2/(Ar+H_2)$ gas ratio in AZO films. The carrier concentration increased with increasing $H_2/(Ar+H_2)$ gas ratio from 0 % to 7.5 %. This phenomenon was explained by reaction of hydrogen and oxygen and additional formation of oxygen vacancy. The average optical transmission in the visible light wavelength region over 90 % and an orientation of the deposition was [002] orientation for AZO films grown with all $H_2/(Ar+H_2)$ gas ratios.

Development of RF Stimulating Protocol for Effective Heat-Stimulus in Subcutaneous Tissue (피하에 효과적인 열 자극을 위한 고주파 자극 프로토콜 개발)

  • Myoung, Hyoun Seok;Lee, Dae Won;Kim, Han Sung;Lee, Kyoung Joung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.49 no.10
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    • pp.194-201
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    • 2012
  • Moxibustion is utilized not only to cure disease but also to increase immunity. However, it may lead to undesired effects including severe pains(blisters and burns) because of the difficulty of controlling heat intensity. To overcome these problems we developed the RF heat stimulation system which can control stimulus. Also, we developed the RF stimulation protocol for effective heat transfer in subcutaneous tissue of rabbit. RF stimulator consists of a medical RF capacitive heating device, isolation probe, isolation plate, negative pressure control part and temperature measurement part. For the designed stimulus protocol, we measured the temperature distribution on epidermis and in subcutaneous(5mm, 10mm) area of rabbit during moxibustion. A stimulation protocol was designed by controlling the ON/OFF duty ratio, repeating number, and energy of applied pulse to get the temperature distribution similar with that by moxibustion. In results, the correlation coefficients between temperature distribution by moxibustion and that of stimulator were 95% and 91% from 5mm and 10mm thick respectively. However, temperature distribution on epidermis by stimulator was remarkably lower than that of the moxibustion. Finally, the RF stimulation system showed that it can not only transfer effectively heat similar with moxibustion to the subcutaneous area, but also the influence by unwanted side effects can be minimized.

Design of a Broadband Receiving Active Dipole Antenna Using an Equivalent Model (등가 모델을 이용한 광대역 수신용 능동 다이폴 안테나 설계)

  • Lee, Cheol-Soo;Pack, Jeong-Ki
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2008
  • In the VHF range, active antennas are widely used for wideband applications due to their small size. Active antenna consists of antenna elements and amplifiers, which are directly connected to each other. Gain and noise-figure characteristics are very important for good sensitivity performance, because it is located at the front end of a receiving system. In this study, we developed an active dipole antenna with 5:1 bandwidth(100${\sim}$500 MHz), which consists of a dipole antenna and a P-HEMT amplifier. To obtain required performances, the antenna and the amplifier should be designed simultaneously. In order for that, we introduced an equivalent port concept to model the 1-port dipole antenna as an equivalent 2-port system. Using the proposed equivalent port, the performance of the active dipole antenna was simulated by the ADS. In order to measure the gain and noise-figure characteristics of the antenna, we utilized the same concept of the two-port equivalent impedance model. The measurement results for typical gain, NF and VSWR in the required frequency band were 8dBi, 9dB and 1.7:1, respectively. The radiation patterns at the principal planes were same as the typical radiation pattern of a dipole antenna. By comparing the simulation results with measured ones, it is confirmed that the proposed methods works well.

Voltage-Controlled Artificial Transmission Line Employing Periodically Loaded Diodes for Application to On-Chip Matching Components on MMIC (MMIC용 온칩 정합 소자에의 응용을 위한 주기적 배열 다이오드 구조를 이용한 전압 제어형 전송 선로)

  • Yun, Young
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we propose VATL(Voltage-controlled Artificial Transmission Line) employing periodically loaded diodes for application to on-chip matching components on MMIC. Compared with conventional microstrip line, the VATL showed a much shorter wave length due to periodic capacitance of diodes, and the characteristic impedance of the VATL was easily controlled bγ changing supplied voltage. Concretely, the characteristic impedance of the VATL was changed from $80{\sim}20{\Omega}$ in a range of $0{\sim}1.05V$ and the VATL showed a wavelength of 1.5mm at 20GHz, while conventional microstrip line showed a wavelength of 5.3mm at the same frequency. Using the VATL, a ${\lambda}/4$ impedance transformer was fabricated on GaAs MMIC for application to on-chip matching components on MMIC. Using the ${\lambda}/4$ impedance transformer made it possible to perform impedance matching between RF components with various characteristic impedance of $30{\sim}100{\Omega}$ by adjusting applied Voltage.

B1+ Homogenizaion over Whole Field of View in High Field MRI (고자장 MRI에서의 영상 영역에 대한 B1+ 균질성)

  • Kim, Hong-Joon;Son, Hyeok-Woo;Cho, Young-Ki;Yoo, Hyoung-Suk
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.96-100
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    • 2012
  • In high static field magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) systems, $B_0$ fields of 7 T and 9.4 T, the impressed RF field shows larger inhomogeneity than in clinical MRI systems with B0 fields of 1.5 T and 3.0 T. In multi-channel RF coils, the magnitude and phase of the input to each coil element can be controlled independently to reduce the non-uniformity of the impressed RF $B_1^+$ field. The convex optimization technique has been used to obtain the optimum excitation parameters with iterative solutions for homogeneity in a selected ROI(Region of Interest). To demonstrate the technique, the multichannel transmission line coil was modeled together with a human head phantom at 400 MHz for the 9.4 T MRI system and $B_1^+$ fields are obtained. In this paper, all the optimized $B_1^+$ in each isolated ROIs are combined to achieve significantly improved homogeneity over the entire field of view. The simulation results for 9.4 T MRI systems are discussed in detail.

A Study on the Ultra Small Size 25 Watt High Power Amplifier for Satellite Mobile Communications System at L-Band (L-band 위성통신 시스템을 위한 극소형 25 Watt 고출력증폭기에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Joong-Sung;Ye, Byeong-Duck;Kim, Dong-Il
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.22-27
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    • 2002
  • The 25 Watt hybrid MIC SSPA has been developed in the frequency rang from 1.6265 GHz to 1.6465 GHz for uplink of INMARST's earth station. To simplify the fabrication process, the whole system is designed of two parts composed of a friving amplifier and a power amplifier. The Motorolas MRF-6401 is used for driving part, the Motorolas MRF-16006 and MRF-16030 is used the power amplifier. We reduced weight and volume of high power amplifier through arranging the bias circuits in the same housing. The realized SSPA has more than 30 dB for gain within 20 MHz bandwidth, and the voltage standing wave ratios(VSWR) of input and output port are less than 1.7, respectively. The output power of 44 dBm is achieved at the 1 dB gain compression point of 106365 GHz These results reveal a high power amplifier of 25 Watt which is the design target. The Proposed SSPA manufacture techniques in this paper can be applied to the implementation of high power amplifiers for some radars and SCPC.

Design and Fabrication of Miniaturized Dual-bandpass filter Using Rectangular ring resonator and Interdigital capacitive feeding-structure (Rectangular Ring 공진기와 Interdigital Capacitive 급전구조를 이용한 소형화된 이중대역통과필터의 설계 및 제작)

  • Yoon, Hyun-Soo;Kang, Sang-Rok;Choi, Byoung-Ha
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.31 no.5 s.121
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    • pp.415-420
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we have designed and fabricated a new type of bandpass-filter that used rectangular ring and interdigital capacitive feeding-structure. The filter is applied the modified rectangular ring and interdigital capacitive feeding-structure in patch, which reduce rho size of filter and IEEE 802. 11 correspond to wireless LAN domain(2.45GHz and 5.2GHz) for operating. As a result, the design and fabrication process of the filter become simple and the size of it is reduced more than 60% compared with RF filter are available conventional PEMBF(Parallel Edge-coupled Microstrip Bandpass Filter) of accounted circuit by minimum stage, measurement result of fabricated filter, center frequence is down 2.408GHz and 5.075GHz. input return loss is -39.169dB at 2.408GHz, -40.922dB at 5.075GHz. insertion loss is -0.437dB at 2.408GHz, -1.669dB at 5.075GHz.

Development of Visible-light Responsive $TiO_2$ Thin Film Photocatalysts by Magnetron Sputtering Method and Their Applications as Green Chemistry Materials

  • Matsuoka, Masaya
    • Proceedings of the Materials Research Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.3.1-3.1
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    • 2010
  • Water splitting reaction using photocatalysts is of great interest in the utilization of solar energy [1]. In the present work, visible light-responsive $TiO_2$ thin films (Vis-$TiO_2$) were prepared by a radio frequency magnetron sputtering (RF-MS) deposition method and applied for the separate evolution of $H_2$ and $O_2$ from water as well as the photofuel cell. Special attentions will be focused on the effect of HF treatment of Vis-$TiO_2$ thin films on their photocatalytic activities. Vis-$TiO_2$ thin films were prepared by an RF-MS method using a calcined $TiO_2$ plate and Ar as the sputtering gas. The Vis-$TiO_2$ thin films were then deposited on the Ti foil substrate with the substrate temperature at 873 K (Vis-$TiO_2$/Ti). Vis-$TiO_2$/Ti thin films were immersed in a 0.045 vol% HF solution at room temperature. The effect of HF treatments on the activity of Vis-$TiO_2$/Ti thin films for the photocatalytic water splitting reaction have been investigated. Vis-$TiO_2$/Ti thin films treated with HF solution (HF-Vis-$TiO_2$/Ti) exhibited remarkable enhancement in the photocatalytic activity for $H_2$ evolution from a methanol aqueous solution as well as in the photoelectrochemical performance under visible light irradiation as compared with the untreated Vis-$TiO_2$/Ti thin films. Moreover, Pt-loaded HF-Vis-$TiO_2$/Ti thin films act as efficient and stable photocatalysts for the separate evolution of $H_2$ and $O_2$ from water under visible light irradiation in the presence of chemical bias. Thus, HF treatment was found to be an effective way to improve the photocatalytic activity of Vis-$TiO_2$/Ti thin films. Furthermore, unique separate type photofuel cell was fabricated using a Vis-$TiO_2$ thin film as an electrode, which can generate electrical power under solar light irradiation by using various kinds of biomass derivatives as fuel. It was found that the introduction of an iodine ($I^-/{I_3}^-$) redox solution at the cathode side enables the development of a highly efficient photofuel cell which can utilize a cost-efficient carbon electrode as an alternative to the Pt cathode.

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