• Title/Summary/Keyword: ROK Navy

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A Study on the Introduction and Application Plan of the Mobile Saturation Diving System for ROK Navy Salvage Operations (한국 해군의 해난구조작전을 위한 이동식 포화잠수체계 도입 및 활용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Yu, Ho-Hwi;Kang, Sin-Young;Lim, An
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.389-396
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    • 2015
  • This study examined how to improve the Korean Navy diving system, particularly focused on using the mobile saturation diving system. This study determined the range of navy operations, and suggested requirements of mobile saturation diving system from the analysis of previous study and current Navy Diving system. Also, this study examined the use of military strategy in terms of its technical and applicable possibility for the enhancement of current system. In addition, the study analyzed both advantages/disadvantages of importing mobile saturation diving system products and domestic development. To review measures in installing and operating such system, this study included analysis on the effectiveness of individual platform. As the result, the study suggested requirements of mobile saturation diving system to be able to be operated by more than 6 divers for more than 17 days at more than 200m depth. And the study confirmed that there are beneficial to use mobile saturation diving system and current Navy saturation diving system together. However, it is low economical efficiency to change current Navy gas diving system to Saturation diving system. To review measures in installing and operating such system, this study suggested that second ATS-II should be built to be able to install mobile saturation diving system. Also, this study generated an utilization method of the system to use it for training when peacetime, and than it should be installed on other platform to use as additional salvage strength during wartime.

A study on Improving the Performance of Anti - Drone Systems using AI (인공지능(AI)을 활용한 드론방어체계 성능향상 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Hae Chul Ma;Jong Chan Moon;Jae Yong Park;Su Han Lee;Hyuk Jin Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.126-134
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    • 2023
  • Drones are emerging as a new security threat, and the world is working to reduce them. Detection and identification are the most difficult and important parts of the anti-drone systems. Existing detection and identification methods each have their strengths and weaknesses, so complementary operations are required. Detection and identification performance in anti-drone systems can be improved through the use of artificial intelligence. This is because artificial intelligence can quickly analyze differences smaller than humans. There are three ways to utilize artificial intelligence. Through reinforcement learning-based physical control, noise and blur generated when the optical camera tracks the drone may be reduced, and tracking stability may be improved. The latest NeRF algorithm can be used to solve the problem of lack of enemy drone data. It is necessary to build a data network to utilize artificial intelligence. Through this, data can be efficiently collected and managed. In addition, model performance can be improved by regularly generating artificial intelligence learning data.

OBTS(On-board Training System) Construction Plan for ROK Navy CVX (해군 항공모함(CVX)을 위한 함정 탑재형 훈련체계(OBTS) 구축 방안)

  • Kim, Seejeong;Jung, Kyung-Nam
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2022
  • The ROK Navy is seeking to secure an aircraft carrier(CVX) to take responsibility for the maritime security of the Republic of Korea. In order for the CVX to complete the mission given to it, the crew must be able to operate the CVX perfectly, and for this purpose, the operating skills of the CVX crew result from constant training. Therefore, this paper proposes an On-board Training System(OBTS) so that the best training can always be performed even on ship. CVX OBTS should be built in the form of a thorough simulator based on a Synthetic Training Environment(STE) so that it can be optimally applied to ship and provide the best training environment to the crew. In order to satisfy the various training requirements and implementation conditions of the CVX, this paper proposes a plan to consist of Embedded Training System(ETS), VR training system, AR maintenance system, MR training system, MR metaverse training system, and realistic simulator training system.

Historian Samuel Eliot Morison and Writing History of United States Naval Operations in World War II (해양사가 새뮤얼 엘리엇 모리슨(Samuel Eliot Morison)의 해전사 서술과 그 현대적 의미 - 『제2차 세계대전기 미국 해군 작전사』를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyun-Seung
    • Strategy21
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    • s.42
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    • pp.53-82
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    • 2017
  • Samuel Eliot Morison (1887-1976) was one of the pre-eminent historians of his generation. He was not only a famous historian at that time, but also was promoted to the rank of Admiral in U.S. Navy Reserve. Fifteen volume History of United States Naval Operations in World War II was published between 1947 and 1962, was not only a comprehensive report on the Navy's projection of power over two oceans, but a classic of historical literature that stands as the definitive treatment of it subject. Although he was fifty-five when war come to America in December 1941. Samuel Eliot Morison was determined to play a role. A professor at Harvard at the time, he joined volunteering for duty in the Navy. An experienced sailor, Professor Morison had earlier sailed that same routes taken by Christopher Columbus while researching his biography, Admiral of the Ocean Sea, which appeared in January 1942 th much acclaim and later got a Pulitzer Prize. Thus Morison plunged into the war, crossing the Atlantic aboard a destroyer. He assumed himself as "Parkman on the sea", tried to follow Parkman's historiographic method, not only participatory history but also literary style. And during writing History of United States Naval Operations in World War II, He emphasized two principles, publicity and objectivity. In terms of publicity, he always worried about who read history and why. In his pamphlet, "History as a Literary Art", he asserted it is useless if readers do not read a history which historians wrote. So he thought historians have forgotten that there is an art of writing of history. Therefore, he built his narratives around brightly rendered visuals and used the present tense to describe actions he witnessed firsthand, he wrote of the U.S. combat in very vividly. But strongly driven by publicity, he sometimes lost his balance in writing the naval history. For instance, the naval history became the focus of criticism for its prejudiced comments about the commanders. Also some reviewers asserted he did not secure the objectivity on writing the naval history. Although he sometimes deliberately torpedoed the objectivity of his work for strengthening publicity, by writing an extensive U.S. naval history, he introduced maritime history and naval history to the public widely. Until in early twentieth century, U.S. historians usually had been focusing their effort to the traditional areas, for example politic, economy, and etc. His intensive effort on the operations of U.S. Navy in World War II aroused a public interest in maritime and naval history. In conclusion, through using literary style and realistic narratives, historian Morison wrote a naval history for all the people which could appealed to the public.

U.S Navy's Distributed Lethality Concept and Its Implications for East Asian Security (미 해군의 전력분산의 치명성이 동아시아 안보에 주는 함의)

  • Moon, Changhwan
    • Strategy21
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    • s.44
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    • pp.79-102
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    • 2018
  • 2015년 미 해군에서 발간한 미 수상함대전략(Surface Force Strategy)에 따르면, 미 해군은 반접근-지역거부(Anti-Acess and Anti-Denial, A2/AD) 전략에 대한 대응책으로 '분산된 치명성(Distributed Lethality, DL)'이라는 신 작전개념을 개발 중에 있다. 이 개념은 각 유닛(unit)의 공격력(offensive power)을 향상시키고 지리적으로 분산 시킴으로써(geographical dispersion) 생존성을 향상시키는데 목적을 두고 있다. 하지만 동맹국(한국/일본 등)이 '분산된 치명성(DL)' 개념에 기여할 수 있는 영역이 다양함에도 불구하고, 지금까지 미 해군 내에서는 동맹국과 어떻게 공조해야 할 것인가에 대한 논의가 부족한 것이 사실이다. 따라서, 미 해군은 향후 '분산된 치명성(DL)' 이라는 작전개념에 동맹국이 줄 수 있는 이점을 추가적으로 적용하는 '동맹국을 활용한 분산된 치명성(Distributed Lethality with Allies, DL+A)' 개념을 발전시켜야 할 것이다. '동맹국을 활용한 분산된 치명성(DL+A)' 개념이란 동맹국이 가지고 있는 전력, 시설, 플랫폼 등 가용자산을 최대한 활용하여 기존의 '분산된 치명성(DL)' 개념을 강화시키는 신 작전개념이다. 미 해군은 본 논문에서 제시하는 신 작전개념(DL+A)을 적용함으로써 다양한 영역(정찰, 군수, 지리적 요충지, 플랫폼)에서 동맹국으로부터 지원을 받을 수 있을 것이다. 또한, 동맹국은 미 해군의 신 작전개념을 적용함으로써 A2/AD 전략에 대비한 안보능력을 향상시킬 수 있을 것이다.

A Study on V-C Interoperability Test and Methodology of V-C Interoperation Analysis for Next Generation Maritime Warfighting Experimentation Systems (차세대 해상전투실험체계 구현을 위한 V-C 연동실험 및 연동분석 방법론 연구)

  • Shin, Hyunsoo;Kim, Junghoon;Choi, Bongwan;Yim, Dongsoon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.84-94
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    • 2016
  • The warfighting experimentation is the most important for the weapon acquisition process because the warfighting experimentation shall support the operation effectiveness as well as acquisition logicality. Therefore, ROK Navy is starting to set up the next generation warfighting experimentation systems. According to literature studies, there have been many studies regarding the interoperability of Simulators(Virtual) and Exercising models(Constructive), but not for studies regarding interoperability between Simulators(Virtual) and Analysis models(Constructive) that is the core component of next generation maritime warfighting experimentation systems. This study is dealing with the V-C(Analysis model) interoperability test and methodology of interoperation analysis. The purpose of the study is to provide the new analysis methodology through V-C(Analysis model) interoperation, which can be applied for the concept of operations(CONOPS) of next generation maritime warfighting experimentation systems. In addition to that, the study validates the suggested analysis methodology by the case study of a naval operation.

Study on Measures to Improve Fresh Food Sales at Military Commissaries (PX)

  • Kim, Saehoon;Lee, Hwansoo
    • Agribusiness and Information Management
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.18-27
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to confirm the appropriateness of fruit and vegetable sales at military commissaries, with the purpose of enhancing the physical health and morale of military personnel. In order to achieve this objective, we examined the actual conditions of fruit and vegetable sales at military commissaries and analyzed the soldiers' awareness of fruit and vegetable sales through questionnaire surveys. The conclusions of this study are as follows: Firstly, fresh fruits and vegetables were not sold at military commissaries. Secondly, soldiers acknowledged the need for the consumption of fruits and vegetables and strongly expressed the desire for these fresh food products to be sold at military commissaries. Although the ROK Navy privatized military commissaries for the purposes of increasing management efficiency of national defense and strengthening combat power by transferring PX salesclerk soldiers to join combat personnel, this effort produced a negative effect of price increase. The following are proposals for improving this condition: fruit and vegetable products should be introduced to military commissaries through military welfare funds; fresh food markets should be established by closely cooperating with the local community's agricultural producers; processed fruit and vegetable product (dry, frozen, airtight packaged, etc.) sales should be increased; and the privatization of the navy commissaries should be abolished.

Feasibility of Communication Antennas Installation on Integrated Mast for ROK Navy (한국해군 함정 통신장비 안테나의 통합마스트 탑재 가능성)

  • Lee, Jong-Hak;Oh, Seong-Won;Ra, Young-Eun;Lee, Keon-Min;Lee, Jong-Sung;Park, Tae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.638-645
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    • 2020
  • The mast is the highest structure in a naval ship, and various communication and radar antennas are installed to achieve long-range communications and line of sight. The U.S. and European navy currently are adopting integrated mast to their new ships, as it can reduce the Radar Cross Section(RCS) of the new ships and thus improve survivability of the ship. In this paper, when other navies adopt integrated masts on new ships, types of antennas, according to the cases that the antennas are integrated on the integrated mast or not, are analyzed. Also the types of antennas and transmission techniques for the radio communication equipments of the Korean Navy are analyzed in various frequency bands. For adopting an integrated mast on Korean new ships, the effects of the ship RCS according to the types of antennas, the possibility of integration the antennas and the integrated mast and considerations were presented.

Roles and strategic functions of the Jeju Naval Base (제주 해군기지의 역할과 전망)

  • Lee, Choon Kun
    • Strategy21
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    • s.39
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    • pp.140-162
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    • 2016
  • The construction of Jeju Naval Base was finally completed and donated to the Republic of Korea Navy on February 26th this year. There is no doubt that the new base will contribute to the substantial augmentation of Korea's naval power and maritime security. However, we should note that the new naval base took a long and hard twenty-three years to be completed. In the 21st century, Korea should adopt a new strategy that can fulfill the security requirements of Korea for the new age of international relations. The 21st century is characterized by globalization, and in the world of globalization, a national boarder has become meaningless. In the late 20th century, after the Cold War, trade between countries have greatly increased and so did the importance of the seas. Having transformed from an agricultural country into a commercial country, Korea went from a continental state to a maritime state. Korea has become the 9th largest trading state, and obviously, the importance of the sea has become significant. Korea's national strategic focus needs to be on the sea for national survival. Thus, since the 1990s, the Korean Navy has planned to build the Jeju Naval Base. Jeju, due to its geopolitical characteristics, is extremely important to the 21st century Korea's economy and national security. Jeju is the starting point of the sea route that reaches out to the world, and at the same time, the ending point of the sea route that heads towards Korea. Jeju is located in the center of Northeast Asia and thus, Jeju Naval Base is extremely important for the area's security and order. Jeju Naval Base will be very useful not only for the maritime security of Korea, but also for keeping peace and order in Northeast Asia. Jeju Naval Base was the minimal effort against the six sea route security threats towards Korea. The six sea route threats are: 1) Threat from North Korea; 2) China's Threat towards Korea's sovereignty; 3) China's treat towards Korea's fishery; 4) Threat from Japan; 5) Threat towards Korea's sea routes; 6) Threat from recent phenomena of isolationism of the United States. Jeju Naval Base is built for both warships and civilian ships--such as cruise ships--to use. Just like the United States' Pearl Harbor, Jeju Naval Base will become not only the largest military base, but a beautiful tourist site.

Reflecting on the History and Future of Republic of Korea Navy (대한민국 해군창설 : 회고와 당부)

  • Hahm, Myung-Soo
    • Strategy21
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    • s.37
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    • pp.5-31
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    • 2015
  • The Republic of Korean Navy (ROKN) started from scratch. However, ROKN demonstrated its Blue Navy capabilities successfully to the entire world by conducting "Operation Early Dawn" at the Aden Bay, Yemen in Jan 2011. On the event of the 70th anniversary of the ROKN, I would like to retrospect past gleaning from voyages and challenges we had in the past. At the very inception of the ROKN, Korean government as well as senior military leaders recognized that it had no time to spare to clean up military those were insinuated deeply by communist agents. It was the top priority of the government. The Mongumpo Operation which was not well known, conducted by ROKN was one of the clean-up drive. The Korean War sometimes called as "a fire from land put-off at the sea". The world famous "Incheon Landing" which reversed war situation from the Nakdong Perimeter also done by Sea Power. ROKN conducted various maritime operations including not only Incheon Landing, but amphibious operation at Hungnam, mine sweeping, sea convoy, Wonsan Withdrawal. On the same day of the Korean War started, 25th June 1950, unless the victory of the ROKNS Baekdusan (PC 701) at the Korean Strait, the waning lamp light of Korea could not be rekindled by the participation of the U.N. The ROKN rescued the 17th regiment of Korean Army from the isolation at the Ongjin Peninsular and transported gold and silver bars stored at the Bank of Korea to the Navy supply deposit in Jinhae safely. ROKN special intelligence unit conducted critical HUMINT which led Incheon Landing success. One of important mission ROKN conducted successfully was not only transporting war fighting materials but also U.S. provided grains to starving Koreans. ROKN participated Vietnam campaign from 1960s and conducted numerous maritime transportation operations supplying materials to Vietnam military forces along the long coastal lines. Experienced Naval Officers and enlisted men who discharged and acquired as merchant marine certificate supported most of the U.S. sea lift operations throughout the Vietnam campaign. ROK-US Combined Forces which had been honed and improved its war fighting capabilities through the Korean War and out of Vietnam jungle playing key deterrent against threat from north Korea. However, those threat level will be completely different when north Korea finish its nuclear weapon ambition. In order to stand firm against north Korean nuclear threat, I would like to expect strong political leadership supporting nuclear submarine for ROKN.